Avatar of Ringrose
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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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1. No God-modding of any kind or auto-hitting of any kind.
2. Acceptable grammar and spelling required, obviously.
3. Here are the rules for character application: Like stated in the D-class introduction, there are 9 D-Class alive. Counting my character, that makes 8 D-Class characters available for application. There are also 9 members sent into the facility of MTF Nine tailed fox. Researchers/Doctors are unlimited, make as many as you want. As for SCP's, you may only register as feasibly playable SCP's, these will be shown on a list and you may ask to audition for the SCP.
4. Your character, can and will die in this RP, these are cosmic horrors after all.
5. If every player character dies somehow, we will start another "game". The universe will be reset all the way back to the beginning so we can try again. Obviously I mean this in a game-play sense and not a story sense.
6. On the other hand, if some D-Class manage to escape and the breach has managed to be contained, we'll continue the game onward to having the Foundation hunting down the D-Class, and the D-Class running into new SCP's along the way.
7. Have fun, and Good luck.

Remember, you can only register as playable scp's listed as such in the SCP List, not whatever you want. There are 6 of these currently, and the best Audition gets the scp in question.

Mtntopview said
Punishment?And BB & Gummi:Your avatars are creepy as heck.

Wut? no, BB's avatar is cute.
Ah, well..I responded to both posts in any case just now. Enalais, next time please let everyone have a chance to respond. Either way, they're going to get constantly barraged by missiles in the air and on the ground.
[Outer Heaven Island, Outside]

"Shit, SHIT!! evade, evade!!" a Hind Pilot closest to the attack exclaimed, but the attack hit the helicopter head on. Causing a tail spin, the helicopter crashed into another, which crashed into another. They crashed into the ocean, leaving no life but the wreckage behind, floating in the vast ocean. But at least one of the attack helicopters had managed to avoid the incoming attacks and (tragically) avoided it's fallen brethren. Three pilots dead.

Big Boss immediately sprang into action, he remembered the plan told to him, and Kaz was already on it from the ground part. He got on the messenger's ship, and decided he would fire them himself at the enemy directly. He radioed the last remaining Hind. "Soldier, on my mark we'll fire at them from the air together." he explained. The pilot gave his affirmative. "Now, ready...aim...FIRE!!!" The Hind D fired all four of it's missiles at the foes, and the from the ship at least another dozen was fired into the air. Hopefully it would be enough to pay back the freaks in casualties.

Meanwhile, the ground missiles on MSF were ready. The genestealers were getting awfully close now, so now was the time to fire. "Ready? fire a constant barrage of anti-ground missiles at the shore...NOW!!!" Kaz ordered, and missiles shot out from designated big defense guns on the island or soldiers with good aim and rocket launchers, a constant barrage they fired all over the shore and had no signs of stopping, at least until they ran out.
Edited my post from last night in response to Enalias', sorry about that, and @ Sakaki I responded to your PM.
[Outer Heaven Island, Outside]

"That will be far enough." Kazuhira said, walking towards the group. There were soldiers armed to the teeth, four each on both sides of him. They stopped as he did and pointed their weapons, but Kaz put up his hand. They lowered their weapons, but were still cautious, like any good soldier should be.

"One of our MSF Battleships could have fired their weapons at you, but we've been looking to make contact with another faction, so I'll give you all the benefit of the doubt for now. State your purpose on our land, if you would." Kazuhira questioned, pushing up his sunglasses.

'These the boats we spotted?" Big Boss asked, calmly walking up to Kazuhira. He rose an eyebrow, looking at the giant faces plastered on them of a girl. "Yeah, you're right on time anyhow. Take it from here Boss." Kaz took a step back. "..So, would you all like something to eat? if you follow me, I'll take you down to the mess hall. On the house." Big Boss offered. "You're all probably hungry." He guessed, and the soldiers all looked at each other. The Boss was being quite friendly with people he just met.

However, that was cut short by something. A transmission was sent back to base that some type of flying terrestrials of unknown origin were heading towards the messenger fleet, spotted by one of the MSF battleships. A siren was heard, and soldiers on the Island got ready for battle. 4 Hind D attack helicopters lifted off towards the Harpies and Gargoyles and Hive crone.

Big Boss switched from his calm persona to serious in a snap. "You all, go find a place to lie low! some of my men will escort you somewhere safe. Kaz, make sure our anti-ground missiles are ready and everyone is armed in case of invasion."

"YES SIR!!" they all answered, and four soldiers near them went up to the messengers to escort them to safety, while the other four went off with Kaz. Big Boss watched the air with caution.

The four Hind D's were in engagement range. "Weapons free, fire missiles!" each one of them fired off two missiles each towards their enemies.
Sakaki Chizuru said
[ Miki's Office, United Nations]Tama had the most power in her entire empire. Nobody would question her authority, even though they could. With all the power at her disposable, she could easily invade any country on the planet and win through sheer force.And she was horrified.Sitting at her desk in a char far too big for her, Tama finished writing a letter. The letter was incredibly girly, and was filled with pictures of flowers, hearts, and cute little cats. Tama had a tendency of drifting off and doodling when she couldn't focus on something.She had been writing for a few hours, but she was finally happy with how it turned out." Hello Mr. Big Boss sir~! I'm Miki Tamase, The Leader of The United Nations~! I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house some time~! We could drink some tea and maybe play a game or two~! I hope I hear from you soon~! - President Miki Tamase "Perfect! Miki put it into one of her pink envelopes, put a kitty cat stamp on it, and made her way to her personal mailbox. This was by far Miki's greatest opponent, as she could never reach it, no matter how hard she tried. Even when she stood on her toes she wasn't tall enough. However, she was going to get her letter into that mailbox today, even if it killed her.The Young President made sure that her shoes were on tight before running towards the mailbox and jumping up into the air. She had the mad hops for once, and managed to dunk the letter into the mailbox.Now, this wasn't exactly a normal mailbox. People were on the other side, waiting for letters, and when they got one, they would express deliver it to the target. The letter was sure to get to Big Boss in a few hours, the end of the day at the very most.Sadly, she hit her head on the mailbox so she landed right on her bottom." Owie! "This was of course the reaction of the leader of this glorious nation. She would sit there and rub where the pain was until it was completely gone.

I saw this. Just, the mail would have to be physically delivered in-post over the Ocean or whatever. Kaz couldn't just go "oh we got a letter no big deal" because they've made no connections with anyone yet, so they'd be cautious to the messenger and all of that.

EDIT: that awkward moment when you swear you were in the OOC section..
[Outer Heaven Island, Outside]

Some time later, Big Boss was outside with a group of soldiers and an instructor who were doing combat exercises. "Alright, you maggots!! today we've got something real special fer' ya! the Boss here is going to be training with one of you today. Just like usual, our CQC! Boss, if you would please pick someone to train with!" the instructor asked.

He went up to a soldier. He saluted him, and everyone started. "I'm ready Boss!" he went in for a grab, but Big Boss was quicker. He twisted the soldiers arm, throwing the soldier over him and onto the ground. He immediately starting getting up went in for a sweep kick despite being dazed and injured, managing to Big Boss off balance a bit, but then Big Boss wrestled on top of him, and drew his CQC knife, holding it to his throat.

"That's enough! soldier, relocate your arm now!" The soldier nodded, relocating his arm and standing up. "Your immediate problem was lack of superior speed. In a moment while on the ground, a nearby enemy could have already shot you while being held down like that! this is the Boss after all but your speed leaves a lot to be desired." the instructor explained.

"...Not a bad try, rookie." Big Boss commented, taking out another cigar like from earlier and lighting it. "T-thanks Boss! let's train again together some time." the soldier said, saluting the man as he walked off, taking a puff from his cigar.
BB said
Oh, basically Class Rep claimed that entire continent like, 5 pages ago, but Enalais joined and asked for the southern half of the continent(post claiming) but since everyone was busy at the time it sort of slipped through the cracks and they took half of the continent Class Rep claimed. We just switched it back, since we're redoing the southern map right now(I'm helping Class Rep do one of the continents)

Oh, alright. Thanks. I was Just wondering.
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