Avatar of Ringrose
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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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"Well, I--"

"..You're pretty good at leading people on." Lucius said with a grin. Light blinked, and turned to him. "What exactly do you mean by that?" suddenly, everything around them stopped. Time was frozen in place. Lucius was really creepy looking. "W-what the..!!" Light said, looking shocked.

Lucius grinned. "YaGaMi LiGhT..you'RE tHe TaLk oF tHe ToWn LaTelY. SeeMs LIkE yoU'rE OnE Of tHe FeW HuManS tHaT cAn MaKe EvEn GOds WorRied." Lucius spoke in an indescribable tone of voice, something that could only be heard by human ears as unnatural, and distorted. "Do YoU ThInK He'LL Be AbLe tO oUtwit "thAt" BeRnKasteL, Madeline? I'M SuRe HE'Ll mEEt ONe Of ThOsE WiTcHeS EvenTuAllY, DoN't YoU ThInK?"
"Yukki-san, Yuno-san, do me a favor. Why don't you two split up from us for today, and go check around the school ruins for her, and maybe go asking around the newspaper company she supposedly works for. If you have to, sneak in, and get some of her personal files and bring them back for us." Light requested. The elevator reached the ground floor, and they left the hotel.

"Even if that Erika photographer isn't Bernkastel, which I'm pretty confident she is, I still think she warrants some looking into. Sometimes, you have to make assumptions. If we're wrong, we can just say sorry." Light said, sounding like Near a little bit.

"Meanwhile, me, Lucius and Madeline will split up and do some other investigating, evidence gathering. Does that work for everyone?" Light asked.
"Yukki. It's like I said before. You have to suspect everyone." Light explained. "The real Bernkastel isn't so trusting with revealing her identity, and I'm willing to bet a big sum of my credibility that the KTF is under suspicion for having..Kira among us. Just like anyone else involved in this case would be." Light said.

"It all adds up when you stop and think about it. The Bernkastel we've seen today is probably her partner. She claims that, however, SHE has a double." Light explained. "However, this makes no sense. Bernkastel would then have no way to keep her identity a secret, It'd be physically impossible without any outside help. So, naturally the conclusion we draw from this is simple is quite simple." Light said.

The Bernkastel we met, who is probably in actuality the real Bernkastel's partner, is playing as the real Bernkastel. Her "double" is the real Bernkastel, who is most likely living as a normal citizen under an assumed name. Remember my cover story, that the "real" Light Yagami was doing some extra investigating on his own? this is most likely what the real Bernkastel is doing." Light explained.

"I drew initial conclusions while we were there, but here's what I think now:

1. the real Bernkastel is currently using a cover as a citizen of Sakurami City to investigate.

2. the real Bernkastel is someone we've met before, someone who I think is highly suspicious." Light explained. "So, everyone..that means there's just one person. One highly suspicious person we haven't accounted for yet. Someone who's seemingly involved in the case to a small degree, someone who seemed normal at first glance, but..isn't." Light smirked. "Come on. Just one person. Who do we think that is? remember, if you take into account my first conclusion, it could only be one person.."
"Aito" stood up. "Alright then. Thank you for your time, Bernkastel. Jiseki, Satoshi, Natalie, Lucius. Let's go." "Aito" said, referring to the first 3 of them by their aliases. "Aito" left the hotel with all of them together. When they were a good distance away from the door, Light's aura completely changed. "Well, that was an interesting day." Light said, combing his hair back into it's proper style and clearing his throat.

"By the way, the reason that I decided to be another person in there..is because that wasn't the real Bernkastel." Light revealed in a hushed tone as they headed towards the elevator. "We were being tricked the whole time."
Heh..that's what happens when you try to play kid detective, little girl. You make a better Watson then a Sherlock, honestly. Now then, from this it's quite easy to figure out what happened. Light thought to himself.

Yesterday, the real Bernkastel prepped her sidekick, Dlanor on what to do. In the interest of keeping her identity a secret, the real Bernkastel had Dlanor as a double in her place. That is the real reason of why they were together. "Aito" theorized. L kept his identity a secret too. So, from what I know, this is what I'm thinking:

1. the real Bernkastel is a currently using a cover as a citizen of Sakurami City.

2. the real Bernkastel is someone we've met before, someone who I think is highly suspicious.

there can be only one possible explanation: Furudo Erika is the real Bernkastel.
"Aito" theorized. "Aito" nodded at Bernkastel. "Very well then. Ms. Bernkastel, I believe that's all we have today, right? we have two leads to look into, the police and the "occult", and we know pretty much everything you've compiled on Kira so far. Let's meet back up in..two days. By then we should have some new data to share." "Aito" proposed. A couple of hours had passed since they had first came into the hotel.
"..I see. Thank you very much for the explanation. I only have two more questions." "Aito" said. There's no doubt in my mind..Bernkastel doesn't work alone. This "double" of hers, is probably the real Bernkastel, and she's probably bluffing us. I'll find you out, Bernkastel. Time to press just a bit more..

"One, out of the six of us here today, are we the only ones to have been in this hotel room, from yesterday to right now? oh, and when you answer this, please answer it as a short yes or no answer. If we are the only ones to have been in this hotel room from yesterday to today, please say exactly:

"Yes, from yesterday to today we are the only ones to have been in this hotel room."

and if we aren't, please say exactly:

"No, from yesterday to today, we aren't the only ones to have been in this hotel room."

Please answer my question with exactly with those two phrases and nothing more added." "Aito" requested.

Now, she'll have to give me a clear answer with exactly those two phrases. If she says that we are the only ones who have been in the hotel room from yesterday to today, I'll request to see her camera footage out on the front door starting from when she hooked it up, which was probably yesterday, to today. "Aito" thought to himself.

If I see someone, I'll be able to call her out on this. Then I can demand an answer. This will be an easy shortcut to look at the footage and see if I can recognize or see the name of the potential "7th person". "Aito" said, thinking out his plan.

However, if she says "No, from yesterday to today, we aren't the only ones to have been in this hotel room." I can assume it was only one person: Her act-in double. So to recap how this works to my benefit, in Phrase B we 100% assume her double was the person there. In Phrase A, we can 150% assume her Double is Bernkastel. Either way, it's a confirmation from a direct answer. "Aito" thought to himself.
I don't HAVE a god-complex. I AM a God with the Death Note. Exacting judgement upon the people who insist to make the world a rotten cesspit is the only way to positively save this world. Human beings are too damn dumb to put aside religious, personal, or cultural differences and just get along. Humanity was doomed before I came along.. "Aito" thought to himself.

"Well, with such power one would think themselves to be of a higher level than a normal human. If Kira can kill without being there, it's supernatural." "Aito" concluded. "By the way, Bernkastel. How exactly did you come about acquiring all of this technology by yourself? it just seems a bit unusual that someone, working without a team could pull off keeping their identity secret for years, solving "mind-boggling" cases without everyone ever knowing who you were." "Aito" noted.

"Also, I notice a severe difference between the behavior you showed towards Kira and your behavior now. Despite me openly accusing you of you being Kira, not once have you accused any of us. You lack the tenacity and cunning you showed earlier. Could you enlighten us as to, an explanation for these things?" "Aito" said unblinkingly and emotionlessly.
Sounds good to me. I wish the guild would consistently stay up.
Mtntopview said
Deluded reasons are still reasons. Why your saying would nullify many of my excuses. I don't like that!

Anyways, that was just my opinion. Gummi can do what she wants.
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