Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
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Submitting multiple character sheets for approval.
Been waiting for more people to post a bit before making my next post. Guess I'll post soon.
**Real Name (Optional):** Yuji Tenma **Character Name:** Mr. Black Hell **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** ![](http://i1323.photobucket.com/albums/u597/Jaytr56/animedudemanokgod_zpsdeb45ee2.jpg) **Beta-Tester?:** No **Personality:** A smartass with a joking personality. It is not easy to get him down, but he usually resorts to cracking jokes as a coping mechanism. Though he isn't a cynic, he has a habit of pointing out the bad parts of any situation before the good. He is an obsessive power gamer completionist when it comes to MMOs and takes time delicately memorizing every detail about the game, fighting in every area, and trying to get the best gear and weapons as well as coming up with the best character builds he can. **Brief Real Life Background:** An average teen, who spends all of his free time playing MMOs as he is infatuated with them. He managed to get a Nervegear after saving in advance, but Sword Art Online was sold out when he finally had the chance to get it, so he pirated it with some regret on his part. He was probably one of the few people unfazed by the dying in real life part of SAO, and took SAO's real life perma-death as a challenge. **3 Main Skills:** One-handed Straight Sword Light Metal Equipment Battle Healing **Special Skill?:** Straight Sword Tracing: This skill allows Yuji to quickly spawn into the game an imperfect copy of any Straight Sword he knows the name of and has seen. He may keep this copy for as long as he does not have any other weapon in the inventory. Furthermore, all the sword's stats and information are automatically generated based on his level. If he traces a level 50 sword and he is level 20, he will spawn a level twenty sword with appropriate level 20 stats. However, since it is imperfect it will generate a -6 debuff on all the sword's stats. An imperfect sword always has a set 65% chance to break. So, when the sword breaks it must be retraced. Tracing back together a broken sword is a one minute and forty five second timer. Not only that, but because the weapons are just instances created by the skill itself, they are untradeable, not even with any special items. **Other Skills:** Meditation Sprint Acrobatics **Current Weapon:** Yuji does not possess a permanent weapon, however he does have four straight swords he currently knows, he usually traces on rotation. Anneal Blade +4: A +4 version of the Anneal Blade he traced from a friend. Death Count +3: A Black straight sword with a white skull design on the grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop. Money Swinger: A golden bladed straight sword with a dull grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop. Flame Dance: A red and black straight sword with a flame design to it. Traced from a person's random monster drop. **Current Armour:** A fairly decent set of black light metal armor with a white skull and cross-bones design on the chest. **Play Style (Optional):** Violent and suicidal. Nuff' said. I love your milkshakes, Mcdonalds. I'm lovin' it.
***INTRO*** Well, one way or another he was experiencing SAO, legally or not. And Yuji could not be happier. He was out in the west field, a fairy distance away from the starting city. A mob of boars surrounded him, and he hurriedly slashed as fast as he could to defeat each one. This was his play style, quite dangerous. Though he had battle healing already quite high at his low level because of how often his HP went into the red, he had to pay attention and use an potion every now and then to bring his health up. Suddenly, his grinding had come to a stop as he found himself teleported into the beginning city. He listened to Kayaba speak, becoming a bit distraught about this new detail he had added into the game. Sure, he spent a lot of time with MMOs but he didn't want to LIVE in them. Yuji quickly calmed down, mostly unfazed now by Kayaba's talk. "Man, this guy must not get out much. Or he just doesn't get people..honestly, to say things like this without bating an eye, read the atmosphere dude." Yuji said, trying to laugh off the whole thing as just a minor inconvenience. He had a family that cared about him, and a different life outside MMOs with responsibilities he had to attend to. Yuji sighed, and used the mirror in his inventory. He blinked, as it had changed him into his real self. "Well, I guess at least some part of the real world's with me. Though, I have to wonder about food, using the bathroom, muscle cramps.." Yuji thought about everything that would pose a problem in the long term that would get in the way of extended play in SAO. It was good to get up and exercise, but having this nerve gear forcefully kept on him wouldn't grant him that. "If we spent all our time in MMOs, even in the year 2020 our bodies would problem devolve into something less then human. That's the unrealistic part people who want to spend all their time in an MMO world need to get. Besides, what a crappy world it'd be, where everyone just laid around with a headset constantly connected to them, getting as skinny as the dead.." Yuji said to no in particular. When Kayaba left, Yuji pushed out of the scared crowd. "I feel sorry for everyone. It'd be sadistic to say it's their fault, or they should have expected this..but, I need to be strong now. We all do." Yuji clenched his fist as he made his way through town back towards the west field. "This is a game. So for now on, I have to treat it like one." Yuji kept walking. A couple of minutes later he was already in the field, grinding. "I accept your challenge Kayaba! so, make it interesting!" Yuji exclaimed, cutting through a boar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **SEVEN MONTHS LATER** Yuji sighed. "Man, what an utterly depressing place. Floors like this remind you YOU'RE STUCK IN AN ONLINE GAME AGAINST YOUR WILL AND CAN'T LOG OUT AT YOUR OWN LEISURE!!" Yuji yelled, drawing the ire of some nearby players. Mourningwood Fort was truly a miserable place, just as they said. Yuji had tried to tackle the Field Boss alone, but even Mr. Black Hell known for his suicidal fighting style and disregard for common sense when it came to tactics, couldn't take it alone. He'd taken on tons of mobs alone before. But the Boss was a pain in the ass, and had almost killed him. He had healed, and farmed the nearby mobs, but even then he couldn't take it on. That was what irritated him. A dank depressing place with a really strong Boss. Why had he come so early, anyway? he didn't remember the reason. It was two days until the raid meeting anyway. Being a mega-completionist, he had explored every area in the fortress, talked to all the NPCs who were an utter buzzkill to interact with, and explored every other area he could. The very few players who were here would probably either avoid him, or be out farming for levels. "Probably should've joined a guild.." Yuji muttered, and noticed a piece of paper on the ground. Picking it up and reading it, it was a recruitment flyer of some sort for the Braziers, that scouting guild that was almost completely wiped out. "I guess I could join them.." Yuji pondered. The thought that Hawke was a killer never occurred to him, as he fancied he good enough to take care of himself. He pocketed the paper, continuing to ponder the idea as he departed the fortress.
"Wait a minute. I'm idiot. I don't have to go through all this fuss." Light said, realizing something. "In the first place, I was suspicious towards Dlanor as being the real Bernkastel. So, if I just write down her name.." Light trailed off, looking around and then whispered. "..it wouldn't matter. However you look at it, Erika would not factor into Bernkastel at all. I never brought her name up, did I?" Light said, smiling. "So, it's really simple. Even if I kill her and she has a heart monitor, you have to remember she's posing as a civilian. This puts her at a disadvantage, essentially she's walled herself off with no support. If she dies, and Dlanor reveals she was the real Bernkastel, that puts more suspicion towards Dlanor, not me." Light explained. "Sure it'd be strange if some random civilian died from the standpoint of the case, but that's if the police would even officially confirm it. And with no basis and "Aito" meeting her and not "Light Yagami", there's absolutely nothing that connects me to Furudo Erika, a photographer." Light clicked his watch three times. Then, shut it. "On second thought, I'll wait until later when those two are done investigating, just in case they come across her. Or tomorrow. Either way, I gotta strike as early as I can." Light explained. "Now, to the hospital." Light started walking.
> @Gohan, I'm pretty sure Kyle accepted you by saying he was okay with everything on there. Of course, that might just be my imagination. > > And while I'm at it, I imagine a way to log out of SOA! RP Won. He also asked if anyone had a problem with it though. Generally, on RP Guild when someone's character sheet is accepted, you say "Accepted". The courteous thing to do would be to wait for Kyle to reply to Peace Keeper's post just in case he wanted to say something, since he didn't yet. But I guess if it's REALLY Ok, I guess I'll post my accepted in the database.
> Nice to sort of meet some of you, unless of course we're all lying anyway >shifty face< > > > I want to post the time-skip asap, so let me know if you haven't yet posted or are planning to post again. Hello? aren't you forgetting something? you haven't told me if I'm accepted yet or not. Only one person even commented on my profile, so..
Bump post.
> For the most part your character is fine. Although I'm still pondering over your special skill. I must say that you have quite nicely put in some limitations (which seem fair). I would also say that you can't give away traced weapons. Ok, I see no problem with that addition. I will add that on. I'm 17. Just call me Gohan. Edit @ 5:39 PM: Edit applied to special skill.
[hider=Yuji Tenma] **Real Name (Optional):** Yuji Tenma **Character Name:** Mr. Black Hell **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Male **Appearance:** ![](http://i1323.photobucket.com/albums/u597/Jaytr56/animedudemanokgod_zpsdeb45ee2.jpg) **Beta-Tester?:** No **Personality:** A smartass with a joking personality. It is not easy to get him down, but he usually resorts to cracking jokes as a coping mechanism. Though he isn't a cynic, he has a habit of pointing out the bad parts of any situation before the good. He is an obsessive power gamer completionist when it comes to MMOs and takes time delicately memorizing every detail about the game, fighting in every area, and trying to get the best gear and weapons as well as coming up with the best character builds he can. **Brief Real Life Background:** An average teen, who spends all of his free time playing MMOs as he is infatuated with them. He managed to get a Nervegear after saving in advance, but Sword Art Online was sold out when he finally had the chance to get it, so he pirated it with some regret on his part. He was probably one of the few people unfazed by the dying in real life part of SAO, and took SAO's real life perma-death as a challenge. **3 Main Skills:** One-handed Straight Sword Light Metal Equipment Battle Healing **Special Skill?:** Straight Sword Tracing: This skill allows Yuji to quickly spawn into the game an imperfect copy of any Straight Sword he knows the name of and has seen. He may keep this copy for as long as he does not have any other weapon in the inventory. Furthermore, all the sword's stats and information are automatically generated based on his level. If he traces a level 50 sword and he is level 20, he will spawn a level twenty sword with appropriate level 20 stats. However, since it is imperfect it will generate a -6 debuff on all the sword's stats. An imperfect sword always has a set 65% chance to break. So, when the sword breaks it must be retraced. Tracing back together a broken sword is a one minute and forty five second timer. Not only that, but because the weapons are just instances created by the skill itself, they are untradeable, not even with any special items. **Other Skills:** Meditation Sprint Acrobatics **Current Weapon:** Yuji does not possess a permanent weapon, however he does have four straight swords he currently knows, he usually traces on rotation. Anneal Blade +4: A +4 version of the Anneal Blade he traced from a friend. Death Count +3: A Black straight sword with a white skull design on the grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop. Money Swinger: A golden bladed straight sword with a dull grip. Traced from a person's random monster drop. Flame Dance: A red and black straight sword with a flame design to it. Traced from a person's random monster drop. **Current Armour:** A fairly decent set of black light metal armor with a white skull and cross-bones design on the chest. **Play Style (Optional):** Violent and suicidal. Nuff' said. I love your milkshakes, Mcdonalds. I'm lovin' it. [/hider] (hiders seem to not work atm.)
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