Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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> I'm interested, tell me more. Are we thinking Zoid style or more gundum? Super Robot Wars is a Japanese crossover series of various mecha franchises. I'm asking specifically if anyone who KNOWS about this game series wants to do a roleplay of a crossover of our own design. I'm not talking about an anime that has a "super war with robots", I'm referring to the actual game series itself. If you have no clue about this game series, this isn't the RP for you. Sorry if there was any confusion.
So, I started a super robot Wars roleplay with a person awhile ago, but that person has failed to show up after several months (and to the two who hijacked my last interest check to advertise your roleplay, piss off). I am hoping there is still someone out here who would like to do a SRW 1x1 with me. If someone is interested let me know and we can talk here.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 10 yrs ago Forum: News
The "Characters" section is an interesting addition. Pretty neat idea.
ChadsWorth The Thrid said
May i Join as Morpheus, The Dream Lord?

Sure, if you're fine with all his powers being stripped and him being made to solve the murder mystery the plot is going to be centered around.

Also, Nerminator I have a problem with your post. Mikami doesn't know Light, and Light doesn't know Mikami (yet). First of all, Light is the only one who knows who Mikami is. And my Light doesn't yet, because if you paid any attention to my character profile this is Light in his teen years when L was alive (I even mentioned L in one of my posts).

Mikami and Light only directly meet at the end of Death Note, and by that time he's so distraught I don't think he particularly cares what Light's name is. Hell, you even put in your own introduction post that all he heard was a robotic voice using a voice changer, so how the hell would he know who Light is, if he was using a VOICE CHANGER?

Also, my latest post makes it pretty clear that Light isn't with the group. The moment he sees them he decides to go investigate on his own, if you read my intro post. He's not with the others, he's aimlessly wandering on his own.
Light found himself at another logical problem: how exactly was it that all the doors in this hallway weren't able to be opened if that maid had opened a door and shut it just a moment ago? that made no sense. He had tried all those available to him, but there was nothing. He had looked over the letter, and it only left him with more questions than answers.

The ink is still fresh..did she really think I wouldn't suspect she wrote it? afer all, how do you get a fresh letter from a closed room unless you wrote it? is there some kind of trick to the doors? Light wondered. What exactly did that maid have that he didn't? she looked pretty human to him.

Was she hiding some supernatural ability like a Shinigami? was that maid the "Golden Witch Beatrice"? it was entirely possible. Light folded the letter and put it in his left pocket, he'd go over it again if he needed too. Light aimlessly wandered
into another direction as he thought to himself.

Also, this mansion seems pretty empty, and including the futile doors, common sense would tell you a maid working in a life less empty mansion during a typhoon is a maid with a few screws loose.. Light thought to himself, only suspecting her even more in having concocted the whole thing.
"Well, I'll take the letter but I don't see the need to follow your directions." Light said, taking the letter from her hands. "First off, my room lead to a new place that couldn't have existed alongside it, so it's impossible to be explained by science." Light pointed out. "Second, you just called us guests when we weren't invited to anything. That makes you highly suspicious, because that means you know something. Why would I go over to that place where there's nothing but chaos going on? you must be mad." Light said, listening to Fry cry out in pain.

"I don't work well in too much violent situations. I'm a chess master type of guy, just so you know. Thanks for the letter though, it'll help explain a lot." Light said. "I'm looking out for myself on this one. This is just too dangerous for me right now. Maybe when everyone's calmed down." Light started walking past the maid. "Why don't you drop the act and go deal with them yourself, if you feel so inclined?" Light said with a grin, looking back before continuing to walk.

Honestly, so easily handing over vital information like that to a stranger, what an idiot.. Light thought to himself. Even more so since I have no reason to trust her.
Light quietly sat at his desk, writing down criminal's names in the Death Note as usual. His shades weren't open and his window wasn't either, so it was almost completely dark besides his television, which he had on as background noise. Light, exhausted, felt like he was going to fall asleep. Seems like I overdid it.. Light closed the Death Note, and sat his pen down.

He opened the door, and what he saw was not what he expected at all. A whole new space. Not his hallway at all. Wondering exactly what the hell was going on, Light grabbed his watch, his Death Note and his pen and stepped into the room.

All of his belongings disappeared right in front of his eyes. T-the..Death Note is..!! Light looked at his empty hands in shock, without the Death Note he couldn't continue to be Kira. Looking around, he found himself in some fancy place. The door that had once led from his room was a simple guest room of some description.

He saw a bunch of people arguing, people he probably couldn't trust. Whatever had happened wasn't the cause of Ryuk or the Shinigami Realm, it was something supernatural. Knowing better than to ask those people who were probably in the same situation as him, Light decided to focus on where he was and how to get out of here and back to his room as possible.

Hoping he wasn't seen, he quietly went down a hallway in front of him. If I don't get back to my room, L will grow confused..everyone will.. Light thought to himself.
Hoh? was that support, or just an observation, Madeline? Light thought to himself. "Well, anyways. I have a pretty good idea on what we should be focusing on right now." Lucius said as time resumed and Lucius looked normal again. "Right now, let's head to the hospital. I want Minene's Future Diary. We can claim it as a piece of evidence for our investigation." Light explained as he started walking towards the direction of the hospital.

On-top of dealing with Gods, I have to worry about the survival game, AND avoiding Bernkastel..what a pain.. Light thought to himself. I'm surprised that other people from the survival game haven't attacked Yukki or Yuno yet.. Light said, noticing it'd been a little while since they'd made any progress in the game.
"Yes, Madeline-sama." Light said, and in a rare show of humility he bowed his head in respect to her. "Don't worry, everyone..I never lose. It doesn't matter who I'm going up against. In the end, I will create the bright and ideal world everyone is hoping for." Light said with a smile. "Not only that, it wouldn't look good if the man who took the place of the Shinigami King lost, would it? now I have a title to protect. Things certainly have been getting interesting lately. So, from me to you.." Light took Madeline's hand.

"Thank you for gracing my presence, Madeline-sama. My biggest honor, however, has always been being graced by the beautiful vessel of our one true Lord. No, I would almost say..you are already our Lord." Light said, then kissing her hand out of respect for her. "As long as Madeline-sama is happy, I have no problem entertaining everyone.." Light said, then kissing her other hand, holding the kiss for a long time.
"I kNoW, RiGhT? oH, ShOOt. I HaVen'T IntRoDuCeD MySelF." Lucius grinned. "I'm ThE CuRrenT SATAN of ThE OmnIVeRse. LuCiuS is My ReAL NaME, BuT in A CeRtaIn bOOk I'M KnOwN As Lucifer. Light only stared at him. "Sa..tan? Lucifer? Witches?" he said, confused at all of this. "So, you're actually Satan, and Madeline is Kami's vessel..I'm being observed by two God's and the Devil." Light said with a sigh.

"WeLL, If YoU TaKE InTO AccoUnT Witches are pRoBablY WaTchInG you tOO, that's twO Gods, twO Witches, and THE Devil. It'S ProBaBlY a tEsT FroM them, to sEE if you'RE gOOd enOUGh to aLLevIAte ThEIR BOrDeM." Lucius figured.

Light facepalmed, not even following this anymore.
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