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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I'm fine with that! Me and Yukki can handle this task, c'mon!" Yuno said, as if it were bliss that she and Yukki would work together. Without letting the boy say anything on his end, the pink-haired teen pulled Yukki along with her towards the direction of the school ruins.

"I had a feeling she would agree to that," Madeline said with a blank expression on her face as she saw the two leave, and back to Light and Lucius,"And where shall we go to look for evidence?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Well, I--"

"..You're pretty good at leading people on." Lucius said with a grin. Light blinked, and turned to him. "What exactly do you mean by that?" suddenly, everything around them stopped. Time was frozen in place. Lucius was really creepy looking. "W-what the..!!" Light said, looking shocked.

Lucius grinned. "YaGaMi LiGhT..you'RE tHe TaLk oF tHe ToWn LaTelY. SeeMs LIkE yoU'rE OnE Of tHe FeW HuManS tHaT cAn MaKe EvEn GOds WorRied." Lucius spoke in an indescribable tone of voice, something that could only be heard by human ears as unnatural, and distorted. "Do YoU ThInK He'LL Be AbLe tO oUtwit "thAt" BeRnKasteL, Madeline? I'M SuRe HE'Ll mEEt ONe Of ThOsE WiTcHeS EvenTuAllY, DoN't YoU ThInK?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Madeline wasn't at all surprised by this, she knew that there was something odd about this one. "...*sigh*... I had a feeling that there's more that we have to deal with," Madeline sounded rather tired on her part,"And I know that will be the case. It isn't a coincidence that the detective in these parts happens to call herself 'Bernkastel.' It also is quite interesting that there's two individuals that aren't supposed to be here, and that's not including us two." It was like both Madeline and Lucius knew things that Light did not, things that would make this whole situation involving Kira seem more of a game than an actual challenge.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"I kNoW, RiGhT? oH, ShOOt. I HaVen'T IntRoDuCeD MySelF." Lucius grinned. "I'm ThE CuRrenT SATAN of ThE OmnIVeRse. LuCiuS is My ReAL NaME, BuT in A CeRtaIn bOOk I'M KnOwN As Lucifer. Light only stared at him. "Sa..tan? Lucifer? Witches?" he said, confused at all of this. "So, you're actually Satan, and Madeline is Kami's vessel..I'm being observed by two God's and the Devil." Light said with a sigh.

"WeLL, If YoU TaKE InTO AccoUnT Witches are pRoBablY WaTchInG you tOO, that's twO Gods, twO Witches, and THE Devil. It'S ProBaBlY a tEsT FroM them, to sEE if you'RE gOOd enOUGh to aLLevIAte ThEIR BOrDeM." Lucius figured.

Light facepalmed, not even following this anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Either way, after we see who becomes the victor here, I know for certain that you'll be a person of interest. In a way, you are basically giving us and many other higher-ups a show," Madeline said, making it sound ambiguous if there were more involved,"For those possible witches, they probably just see this as a simple game... they have pieces in play..." A moment after that, a simple smile appeared in on her face, though it seemed unnatural on the usually emotionless vessel.

"Be honored to have interested more than one, Light Yagami," Madeline spoke, referencing the time where she had revealed her origins to the one otherwise secretly known as Kira. After that was said, her smile went away to allow her emotionless self be apparent once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Yes, Madeline-sama." Light said, and in a rare show of humility he bowed his head in respect to her. "Don't worry, everyone..I never lose. It doesn't matter who I'm going up against. In the end, I will create the bright and ideal world everyone is hoping for." Light said with a smile. "Not only that, it wouldn't look good if the man who took the place of the Shinigami King lost, would it? now I have a title to protect. Things certainly have been getting interesting lately. So, from me to you.." Light took Madeline's hand.

"Thank you for gracing my presence, Madeline-sama. My biggest honor, however, has always been being graced by the beautiful vessel of our one true Lord. No, I would almost say..you are already our Lord." Light said, then kissing her hand out of respect for her. "As long as Madeline-sama is happy, I have no problem entertaining everyone.." Light said, then kissing her other hand, holding the kiss for a long time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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While she did say that she had no emotions, maybe being in a physical human form might be forming some emotions as well. It was always new to see someone like Light to give his respects to her, given that she is the vessel of Kami. "I'm certain that you will win against this detective. It would not be your first time with a challenge such as this," Madeline said with her monotone voice, but a hint of recognition and acknowledge could be seen in her otherwise blank eyes. While the first time around with this praise from the shinigami king, Madeline expected it this time, and thus she was not as surprised as last time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Hoh? was that support, or just an observation, Madeline? Light thought to himself. "Well, anyways. I have a pretty good idea on what we should be focusing on right now." Lucius said as time resumed and Lucius looked normal again. "Right now, let's head to the hospital. I want Minene's Future Diary. We can claim it as a piece of evidence for our investigation." Light explained as he started walking towards the direction of the hospital.

On-top of dealing with Gods, I have to worry about the survival game, AND avoiding Bernkastel..what a pain.. Light thought to himself. I'm surprised that other people from the survival game haven't attacked Yukki or Yuno yet.. Light said, noticing it'd been a little while since they'd made any progress in the game.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Madeline was silent as it was obvious on what they needed to do. It would take some time for them to arrive at the hospital that Minene was being treated at.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Wait a minute. I'm idiot. I don't have to go through all this fuss." Light said, realizing something. "In the first place, I was suspicious towards Dlanor as being the real Bernkastel. So, if I just write down her name.." Light trailed off, looking around and then whispered. "..it wouldn't matter. However you look at it, Erika would not factor into Bernkastel at all. I never brought her name up, did I?" Light said, smiling. "So, it's really simple. Even if I kill her and she has a heart monitor, you have to remember she's posing as a civilian. This puts her at a disadvantage, essentially she's walled herself off with no support. If she dies, and Dlanor reveals she was the real Bernkastel, that puts more suspicion towards Dlanor, not me." Light explained. "Sure it'd be strange if some random civilian died from the standpoint of the case, but that's if the police would even officially confirm it. And with no basis and "Aito" meeting her and not "Light Yagami", there's absolutely nothing that connects me to Furudo Erika, a photographer." Light clicked his watch three times. Then, shut it. "On second thought, I'll wait until later when those two are done investigating, just in case they come across her. Or tomorrow. Either way, I gotta strike as early as I can." Light explained. "Now, to the hospital." Light started walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Of course, Madeline had nothing to say on what Light had realized, only because there wasn't much more than his statements to add onto the matter. Besides, they shouldn't be that far from the hospital. Interestingly enough, there wasn't much happening at the hospital itself, maybe because of the fact that Minene was in a coma and wasn't likely to be getting out of that coma at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Eventually they arrived at the hospital. Light walked inside and up to the front desk. "I'm here to visit the terrorist that was admitted here. I'm apart of an investigation force, so don't ask questions." Light stated to the desk secretary.

All he had to do was sign the desk registry, after he got clearance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Oh, of course. Please sign here," the desk secretary sounded a little surprised,probably wasnt expecting anybody today to check in with the terrorist.

"On the 3rd floor, room 17C," the desk secretary says in addition to that.

Madeline, on the other hand, silently stood there, having a feeling from the desk secretary's response to their initial arrival, she knew they probably got here first before any of the actual investigation forces had gotten here.
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