Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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The elevator reached the roof, and the doors opened up. He heard a commotion going on, so he poked his head out to look. He heard the girl cry out something about a future diary again. It was just a cellphone the unknown person had. But, the girl had a cellphone too. Looking her over, her name was Yuno Gasai. Strangely, she had no lifespan. And just like she said, his name was Yuki, and he had no lifespan either, he'd make a note of that. He deduced that these cellphones were important somehow. Going by the name, they possibly told the future in some way. So that was it. They were playing some sort of game of cat and mouse. They way the unknown person looked, he or she was probably a serial killer. If the scum's mask fell off, he could see a name to write. Deciding he had to let this play out a bit, Light went and hid behind some crates. The elevator closed.
Silently watching the light change to each number ahead of the next, Light made another deduction, by how far up they were going."It eems like they might be going all the way up to the roof." Light said, noticing that the elevator was going pretty far up. "Let's go then. We'll take an elevator instead, since stairs would take too long." Light said, walking into the next elevator available. He pressed the button all the way up at the top that was for the roof, and then the elevator door closed shut and started to move up.
Turning around, Light saw the girl rush past him quite urgently. He saw her disappear out of sight into the tall building. "Hmm, that girl was probably looking for someone. By the way she said that guy's name, it was quite desperate sounding. Believe me, I know plenty about girls after all of the damn dates. So, that means this Yuki kid, maybe had some unwanted attention attracted to him by her. Then there was that cellphone she was holding. She could have been trying to text him. Or, it could have been something more. That girl could be a stalker to this "Yuki" fellow, and if we help that Yuki kid out, we could get a useful "friend" to help us navigate around here. So, we start with those guys then. Let's go." Light's deduction skills were as sharp as ever, and he made his way towards the building. Coming inside, he saw the girl wedge her foot between the elevator not very far from himself and Ryuk, and then step inside. He managed to here her speak about something, but it was mostly incomprehensible except for her saying "Future Diary" and then the door shut. "If we watch what floor they stop at, we can follow them by the stairs." Light mumbled, watching the floor numbers closely.
Light Yagami watched as the Shinigami King crumbled away into dust, and could feel a noticeable change inside him, which was the King's power. He didn't know what it EXACTLY was at first, but he knew certain things he didn't before. He knew all of the rules of the Death Note, as well as general things he didn't know as a human. But he did still feel human, so it wasn't that much of a change. He also knew he had the Shinigami's eyes, since he could see the names of some visible Shinigami. He knew that he could now walk through solid objects, make his body disappear, and not be affected by gunshots, physical attacks or knives, just like Ryuk. "I knew I could pull that off. If I was able to outsmart Rem before, another Shinigami, even if he is the "King" couldn't be that much trouble. I guess that makes me your boss now, Ryuk." Light said with a grin. "Don't worry, nothing will change. As long as the Shinigami do there job, I don't really care what goes on here." Light said dismissively. "Now, thanks to this power, I have fresh new ideas in my head. As Shinigami, we generally have the power to go down to Earth. But why stop at just one? there's probably plenty of other Earth's in the Multiverse." Light said, and suddenly the visible view of Earth the Shinigami saw below changed to another Earth, in an unknown location. "Alright Ryuk, it's time for a new adventure. Are you ready?" Light asked, now holding his old Death Note and pen in his hand.
Okay, sure. I'm not really familiar with Mirai Nikki, so you can help me out with that when Light gets there.
Alright, if that's it I'll go write up the Introduction post.
Alright, so I guess that's the first world Light will be visiting then. Can you play Ryuk again for me? I'm not good at playing Ryuk, really.
In the main universe of Death Note, Light Yagami lost to Near and his team. However, in a parallel world, Light outsmarted Near and lived until he was an old man. He eventually took over the entire world, conquering it as Kira. However, in his old age Light found himself quite tired of his life of killing criminals, and asked Ryuk to end it. And so he did. However, Light ended up in the Shinigami realm, and was young again. In his short time left, Light went to challenge the Shinigami King with Ryuk following. And in this particular story, Light had succeeded and took the Shinigami's power for himself. Now with the power of a Death God fully realized, Light sets out to conquer other worlds. However, Light has no idea what's in store for him.

Name: Light Yagami
Age: Immortal
Gender: Male
Race: Shinigami/Human
Personality: A natural genius, Light started out as a simple bored teenager who was simply cynical about life. Until one day, he stumbled across the Death Note, and took it home with him. Discovering it's powers, Light decided to create a new world filled with no injustice, and become the "god of the new world", slowly his morals started to slip away, and he fell deeper and deeper into psychopathy. He is ruthless, cunning and determined to reach any ambition or goal he sets out for. He believes he is the only justice, and will dismiss notions that suggest anything else. He has no true love or compassion, sacrificing his own family for his goals, but does have a certain amount of respect for very worthy opponents, such as L.
Powers/Abilities: Extremely Intelligent to the point of dangerous, resourceful, he can make use of anything around him. Having been a teenager once, he was seen as very attractive by girls and the type of person you would want to date, or admire. However, Light is simply a master actor, to the point where he can cry real tears if in a emotional situation. Having Shinigami powers and being human, he has all the powers of a Shinigami, with all the weaknesses of a human being. Such as, walking through solid objects, and dematerializing and materializing his body at will. He is at a disadvantage, however being half human since he can be seen using his Shinigami powers. Although not affected by physical attacks, such as a gun or anything like that, any other types of attacks may work. Just like a human, Light requires food and sleep.
Weapons: Death Note

Dante refreshed his inbox, noticing there was a new email. He clicked on it. Smiling as he read the email, he wrote up a quick reply. Well, I can't believe I'm saying this but I think I have a character from an Anime and Manga in my house right now. Whatever is going on, this is not normal. But it does tell us one thing: Every fictional character that we think is fictional, is real, but in a parallel universe. So that also confirms the theory of parallel universes. I realize this is a lot to take in right now, especially in an opening email we just started, but it's easy to understand if you think about it. This may sound cool, but it's really a bad thing. Right now, thousands of those meteors are coming into our reality. Inviting heroes, villains, and anything in between into a place they should never belong in. Drop any normal responsibilities you have. Because as of now, we are the only one's who can stop this. So, we need to devise a plan. This can't wait until tomorrow. I need to know who you are, straight up. So I'll go first. My name's Dante Black, I go to the local High School in my area, I make web comics and YouTube videos. I'm 17. Tell me about you, and give me your address, and I'll come to you. Dante typed, then hitting send. Hopefully, she would simply accept and not be creeped out.
Dante looked at the comments, most of them said that they had only seen a meteor from afar, and were told to simply not go near it, or never had the chance. But he spotted one that was out of the ordinary. The way she worded, could only mean one thing. Definitely makes sense. Send me an email, we could talk privately over that. It's on my YouTube about page on my channel. Dante typed, hitting enter. Sitting back, he yawned, stretching. "Okay guys, since it seems like everyone except that person has gotten close, at least in my user base, I'm gonna end the stream. Have a good night, everyone." Dante said, and then the feed promptly cut. He knew whoever that was would email him, so there was no need to keep it going. He quickly opened his Gmail and patiently waited.
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