Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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"Okay, so it seems like a lot of people are here, so let's start. I know it was quite sudden and for some of us, it might be late at night but this is important and I'd like to thank my loyal followers for joining. Now, I'd like to move on to what I wanted to talk about. I am sure all of you are aware, that there is a massive meteor shower, and they are landing all over the world. I would like to reveal to you all something that happened to me tonight. I actually had one land right on my street." Dante said. He read the comments, seeing a bit of skepticism from some people. "Yes, tomorrow morning I will take a picture of the meteor, as proof. I am not a liar. But, even more strange..well, actually I want to bring up that. Has anybody encountered one, and found anything strange about it? like, a certain quality or an event that occurred, that distinguished it from a normal meteor? just write it down in the comments, and I'll reply to you." Dante asked, hoping he would get a good response.
Finding nothing as of now on the Internet, he sighed, leaning back in his chair. And then he had an idea. Dante tweeted out to his followers "streaming on YouTube live in a minute or two, urgent matter needs discussion." he typed, then sending the tweet. He went to YouTube and began to set up a livestream session. Starting it up, he sat in front of his web camera. People were slowly starting to join, and Dante waited for a good amount of people before he would speak. Perhaps someone out there was going through the same situation as him, but just keeping quiet about it.
Calming himself down for a minute, he took a big sigh. He pinched himself, just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. "Nope, not dreaming. And I don't think that cosplayers fall from meteors. So that boy over there, on my bed.." Dante trailed off. He was a character he recognized from Dragon Ball Z, he even had the spiky hair and everything. He wasn't really sure how this was possible. How does something you perceive, and know as fictional just suddenly come crashing down from a meteor, right on the street? it just seemed a little too strange to believe. Well, he needed answers if he was going to get through this. He walked over to his laptop and sat down. He started to search on the Internet for anything strange related to the meteors. Surely, if they were an occurrence being reported on like the meteors, it would be studied by a scientist or something.
Dante sneaked over to where the crater was. Thank god his parents hadn't decided to come home from there date early, or they could have been in that. He tried to wave away some of the dust, to no avail. There was a meteorite, he knew he probably shouldn't touch it, but from inside he saw a faint figure of a person, presumably human, for some odd reason. Wasting no time, Dante reached in and pulled out the body. It was warm, so the person was still alive. He carried the body through his windiw and on to his bed. He quickly went over and shut it, pulling the curtains up so no one could look inside. Walking up to the bed, he came to a slow realization. He recognized the person. "This has to be..a joke, no way!!" Dante said. Freaking out, he stumbled back and landed on his butt.
Dante sat at his desk. His laptop was open and he was drawing his last comic page for the night. he finally finished, and went over to his wireless printer, scanning the page in and then shooting it to his laptop. He looked out his window, there was a meteor shower happening outside. Dante turned on his TV to the weather channel. "..unlike anything ever experienced before, a completely random shower of meteors, scientists are baffled by the influx of meteors from space, as it is very unlikely that a shower usually hits the Earth, the question on everybody's mind should be, where did they come from? all this month, it seems they will be hitting all around the Earth. Please take caution in the roads and in your homes, as it is likely to to get hairy in small neighborhood's. And now, in other weather related news-" Dante shut off the television. He yawned, going over to his computer and uploading his newest comic page to his website. He quickly went to Twitter. "New Comic Page is up, finale is upcoming, stay tuned" he typed, hitting the submit button. Just then, he heard a woosh and then a crash. He ran to the window. A meteor had crashed in the middle of the street. Immediately taking action, he put on his coat and went out his bedroom window, towards the meteor.
Name: Dante Black
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student/ Amateur Web Comic Creator/ Youtube Content Producer / Deviantart Commissions Artist
Personality: Dante is reserved, yet at the same time laid back. He doesn't like to ask for help, preferring to keep troubles to himself, to handle on his own. This is because he feels vulnerable if he has to ask people for help. Coming from a childhood which he dislikes very much, he will try to keep his personal life to himself as much as possible. Dante is relatively friendly in public, but prefers to stay quiet most of the time, preferring to stay in his house, he is a bit reclusive sometimes. He has a hidden temper from when he was a delinquent, which is hard to trigger, only when he has reached his breaking point, in which he will get very violent and angry.
Background: In his young years, Dante was a very spoiled and rude kid, who constantly got into trouble and picked fights with anyone who so much as gave him a dirty look. This was also partially because his silver hair was constantly made fun of. He eventually became the leader of a small gang of kids, terrorizing his local neighborhood for a long time. One day, however, he was dethroned and betrayed by his gang, and beaten badly, being in the hospital for 6 months. It was during that time that he realized that he had been a terrible kid, and that being in a gang was pointless and could get you killed. After he was released, he swore off being a bad kid forever and started focusing his life on one of his hobbies, drawing, and in the future he eventually became the owner of an Amateur Web Comic, and started a YouTube Career as well as a commissions career on Deviantart.
Other: In his free time, Dante watches Anime and plays Video Games, he likes to nap and takes walks when he can.

Name: Son Gohan
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Origin: Dragon Ball Z
Abilities/Weapons: KI manipulation, which is his own power, his life force. He has mastered this, giving him the ability to fly, and shoot energy beams. Gohan has the ability to turn into a Super Saiyan 1 & 2, powerful body transformations which raise his strength and turn his hair gold, bleach blond when not powering up. He has mastered his Super Saiyan 1 form, and can stay in it for as long as he likes.
Personality: Gohan is a pure-hearted, shy boy who would never willingly fight someone unless for fun and sparring, he has a bond with all of his friends who he wishes to protect always. Gohan one day hopes to be a great scholar, despite in his past hating studying and wanting to play and fight with his father. However, when angered, Gohan will power up to Super Saiyan 2, and be rather menacing and cocky, only hoping for revenge for a wrongdoing.
Background: Gohan grew up in the mountains with Goku and his mother, Chi-Chi. He was named after Goku's human grandfather, Gohan who found Goku and raised him after he crash landed on Earth. Gohan had a peaceful life while he was young and studied and played, however, he eventually had to train to fight evil aliens, Saiyans who were actually the same race as Goku, and Gohan, being a half-breed. Over the years, Gohan has fought many enemies, his most recent enemy being Cell, a perfect Android designed to kill Goku. Gohan defeated him, and after his dad's sacrifice after Cell was going to blow himself up and destroy the planet, Gohan had been living in peace ever since.
Other: Gohan has a huge appetite, like most saiyans do, and is also quite smart.
"Alright." Mickey nodded, walking over to Riku. "Things were about to take a turn for the worst there, Riku." he whispered to his friend "She was about to wipe us out with a single attack, she was getting bored, which is what Witches loathe most. We've just agreed to a logic battle, in short we gotta outwit her." Mickey explained, although she had already said that. "Okay, let's do it then." Mickey said to Lambdadelta.

"Okay, my turn. Hmmm...are there other worlds out there with keyholes unlocked too? like Kaika's, for example, or this one. Because if there are worlds I haven't even been to yet, they have to have there keyholes open, since I was able to get into this world. All worlds are supposed to have barriers that prevent space travel. which is why the Organization and Xehanort's heartless and Xemnas used corridors of the dark to get through, and break down the walls with having the heartless and nobodies invade through them. There has to be something I'm missing here, because if there are tons of worlds I missed, I couldn't have repaired all the walls on my journey's." Sora explained.
Mickey knew this wasn't good. She was getting bored, and he knew that wasn't good for anyone. She didn't want to fight them and if he didn't think of something, this wouldn't go good for them. "No way, I know what that means and I refuse. How about we settle on something non-violent instead. If something along the lines of that is what you want, I'll accept it, but it has to be something non-violent." Mickey said, refusing to take part in the game she suggested.

"I don't really get it entirely, but okay. i kind of understand. Let's see, what do I wanna ask first..oh, okay I got one. I have this friend of mine named Cloud. There's this guy, I've never been able to figure out anything about named Sephiroth, that's always looking for Cloud for some reason. All I know is that he's an extremely powerful swordsman with a really long blade, and he has a black angel wing. Do you know anything about those two?" Sora asked.
"Not in a million years, now give it up!" Mickey exclaimed. "Faith!" Mickey said, blasting the wedge away from the both of them and making it crumble with a light pillar. "If that's really the case, what's been stopping you from going all out on us, huh? if you're willing to let worlds collapse to the darkness by an insane man, and selfishly not tell us what's going on, what exactly is keeping you from finishing us?" Mickey questioned. "Whatever the reason, I will tell you this. Sora is one of my closest friends, heck, Riku here is Sora's childhood friend for Pete's sake. And if you think, for one moment anything will stop us from getting him back, you're wrong. Now let's GO!!" Mickey clutched his Keyblade, running at her for another attack.

Sora only blinked, kind of getting lost when Virgilia mentioned a friend of Kaika's or something. Something caught his attention however. "The Red Truth and the Blue Truth?" Sora repeated, curious. "What're those, exactly? and, would you mind if I asked you questions for awhile, while we wait for the fight to conclude? there are many things I've never had the answer to, maybe you can answer them for me. And Kaika and Sota, if they wanna ask something too." Sora asked, a followup question.
"Give up, and tell us what you know!" Mickey said, with a serious look on his face. "We're double-teaming you from both sides. There's no way you'll be able to launch a magic attack at us, we can keep up with you!" Mickey said.

"Wow, so you know about other worlds too? glad I'm not alone finally, with no one really getting what I said when I talk about Master Xehanort, and Kingdom Hearts. What type of worlds have you been to?" Sora asked curiously.
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