Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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"Keep that up, we'll have her." Mickey said, restoring his magic with an ether. "Light!!" Mickey then exclaimed, pointing his Keyblade at the witch, he blast a surge of light towarda her, being able to use light as not only healing, but offensive as well.

"I knew it, my friend's came looking for me!" Sora said, enthusiastic. "If they went off with her, it probably means they went to fight her, they'll probably get answers, when they win." Sora said, confident in his friends abilities. "Hey, wait a second.." Sora blinked. "I'm sure they told you my name, but..how did you know I'm Sora, when we just met?" he asked, confused.
""Don't let her try anything, Riku!! if we're not careful, one attack could be it, that's how powerful she is. TRY THIS, WITCH!!" Mickey yelled out, despite it being less loud then you think, due to his voice. He rose his Keyblade to the sky, and then shouted, "Ultimate....THUNDAGA!" A gigantic lightning bolt came down from the empty sky. It was powerful and huge, signifying Mickey was a force not to be taken lightly. It struck down at Lambdadelta's location.

"Hey, I found the room. This could be that Virgilia woman." Sora signaled for everyone to follow him, he walked up Virgilia, into the room. "You're Virgilia, or am I wrong?" he asked.
Mickey stopped and looked around at the scenery for a moment, it was very confusing and strange for it to just change like that, but he shook it off, not letting it bother him. "If you think changing the location will help you, you're mistaken. Don't underestimate us." Mickey said. "I don't care who you are and what power you hold. If you wanna take our friend from us, this is what happens." he said. "I won't allow you to jeopardize human, and all other life like this." he said, clenching his fist. He then ran up and slashed at her.
"Okay, then. It doesn't seem like even Virgilia can convince you. So, I don't care how long it will take, but I'm taking you into custody. That's right, as King of Disnry Castle, I place you under arrest for the involvement in kidnapping of Sora, from the human world to this higher plane. As a protector of the world's, I will not allow you to stand in the way of said world's survial chances. Riku, let's take her." Mickey said, summoning his Keyblade he ran at Lambdadelta swiftly. Griping it firmly, he was focused.
"Look, we're really not asking for much here. Sora's just a teenager for pete's sake. All I want to know is what's going on here. Why is it so hard, to tell me the truth? everything has to be vague, or a lie, or a trick. Is kindness some kind of foreign concept around here, or something?" Mickey said, starting to lose his patience.

"Alright, then. Let's go look around for her." Sora said, and started to walk in search of this "Virgilia" Witch.
In Adsense 11 yrs ago Forum: News
Gotta say, I don't really have much faith in the people that frequent Spam section to not post something inappropriate. I feel like one person, one day is going to screw this up for all of us. As someone who actually participates in the traditional roleplay's around here, I will say, yes, definitely I have seen people venture into adult territory, but a majority of those players, such as myself, know to take it privately to Private Messaging, because they care about the community. The ones that don't, can be dealt with.

But with the Spam section, there's always a new conflict. Roleplay's get mocked, so does the Free Section, despite it being a starting platform for younger members. People who accidentally post in it, meaning the thread didn't fit the criteria for the section, get mocked. People on the old Guild, who got banned for doing something unacceptable, come back after there ban and do the same shit, wash, rinse, repeat. There's a lot of negativity that comes from it. But, I will say not everyone who goes there acts like an ass, there are some intelligent and nice people. But I could go on and on about the negatives though. Here's another one: I really wish didn't exist, I really do. I really wish someone would fuck up badly, so it could be deleted. That's something I've kept to myself for awhile now, but now it's out there. I feel like we'd have less problems as a community, if it didn't exist. People are gonna disagree, but that's okay because I really don't care.

TL;DR: Basically, I feel like Spam will screw this up for us, more then people who actually roleplay here will. If the opposite happens, okay then.
"So, who are you? we saw you talking with that Beatrice Witch earlier. Do you have any involvement in our friend being taken here?" Mickey asked. Luckily, though, he had Virgilia to back up and confirm things with him.

"Let's try to look around, maybe we'll find someone to help us out. Do you know of any other witches or people that could help us?" Sora asked Maria.
"Great, what do we do now?" Mickey said, getting frustrated. "If we can't get her to come here, who else is there?" Mickey said, out of ideas at this point.

"She's right, what have you provided her with that she didn't have with her own family? or, is it the opposite maybe? you're the one who needed someone, so you took a girl from her family, so whenever you feel in need of talking with someone else, she's there. Because she looked up to you, and I bet, with all of these other Witches around, you feel less powerful, but around Maria she makes you feel stronger, because you know she's helpless unless you teach her something." Sora said, trying to deduce the situation. "Well, let me tell you something. True strength comes from having people around you, who care about you! not from magic, or anything different. We can teach Maria how to learn that strength. As long as people need a hand, I'll be there for them. Is that all? yeah, it is. Cause' it's clear, you're only interested in helping yourself. I'll find Bernkastel, get back to my friends and continue my training. Let's get out of here, you three. She just wants attention." Sora said, turning around with his hands casually behind his head, he motioned for Maria to join the group, he headed towards the door.
"Thank you very much, I really appreciate it." Mickey said with a smile. Things were starting to look up for them now. With Virgilia with them, it would probably be a lot easier to understand this place, it seemed like everything around here was to deceive, or confuse them in some way, shape or form. Mickey stood back a bit, figuring that she would need some concentration for this.

Sora only crossed his arms, thinking for a brief moment on the situation. After deliberating, he spoke up. "I'd like to know how you feel about this, Maria. After all, you were the one who decided to help us, and to bring us to her. You talked about her pretty nicely when we first met, you told me about how she was teaching you to be a great witch, and that she was very powerful, and told you a lot of things. But, from what I've seen so far, your master doesn't really put up a good image of herself. If you want, I have a friend of mine, a powerful Wizard, or Sorcerer if you wanna call him that, Master Yen Sid. His last pupil later became the King of an entire castle, and he's a pretty powerful magic user. He's much friendlier, more helpful, and would start teaching you right away. What do you say? you seem pretty lonely around here, and I have plenty of friends. If you don't have any family, my friends on this nice tropical island would be happy to take you in, if you need a real place to stay." Sora said, deciding to offer Maria all of those things, seemingly out of the blue. What was the reason behind that? who knows.
"Yes, I would appreciate that. We're trying to find how to get Bernkastel, probably the supposed mastermind behind Sora's disappearance, to face us. She's probably around here somewhere, or maybe somewhere us, but still. I know you can get a Witch to appear before you if you summon them, but I've never had a need to dabble with that sort of thing." Mickey explained.

"So, you're Maria's master. The same master who ordered any outsiders to be attacked. Now, that's kind of funny, how would you know there would be any people coming here? you wouldn't. You were told, by the mastermind behind this whole thing, Bernkastel. Since Maria's a nice girl, I'm gonna stay calm for her sake because she's my friend now. But, I, we, want answers. What exactly did she say to you, to get you to order something like that, Lady Beatrice?" Sora asked.
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