Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

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Feed said
Greetings, Now maybe it is overstepping my place at this point or maybe it is too much trouble but on other forums I've seen it done and I've seen it work. Would it be unfeasible to find a few select people that can be trusted to do the job of moderating particular forums? For example, it is member X's and/or member Y's job to sort of police the 1x1 section. Now, I don't necessarily mean they have to read every line of every post. But maybe skim through just to keep track. Obviously this might be the most annoying in Spam where things are continually getting a little more edgy or maybe it is a tall order given the collective maturity level of the guild. However, while we would like to think everyone can be responsible and realize that the needs of the many certainly outweigh the needs of the one with regards to the forum there will always be people who don't care and continually push the envelope regardless of how nice it is asked. This is just a thought however and certainly a big and time consuming opportunity should anything like this be considered a viable option. However, if it could work I would certainly suggest promoting two or three people to have the capability of deleting posts per particular category on the forum to help aid the effort. I think it is certainly worth some consideration if only to keep Mahz's pocketbook from taking a big hit. And if it isn't believed to be feasible take a look at some of the other big RP forums. I wish Desert Realm still existed I'd link it up personally to prove it.Any who, just something to think about.

Policing any large community works best when it's a (you guessed it) community effort. I'm sure additional Staff is a future priority, but in the meantime no reason we can't all consider ourselves little Deputies on this smut issue.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Hank
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Hank Dionysian Mystery

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Ruby said
Then next time you run across it, report it please. =) (No Report system? PM the Mahz.)

Knowing him, he doesn't read his PMs. Better to post it in the Need Help? section, which is also patrolled by Lillian, our one and only moderator at the moment.

In fact, just PM her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

thorgili said
Well me and my very brunt libertarian no non sense if your offended by it then don't read it attitude (objectivism FTW) say that really there shouldn't we a required time to fade to black. you know if you want to write bout that stuff go ahead and anyone who doesn't like it or is offended (I am looking at you liberals) then why the hell did they search it up in the first place like really I personally perfer not to see sexual macabre on my forums ands that's why I pronto looking for it and if I see something that might British don't look at it and if I do well shame on me for being a retarded and looking. Same thing goes for any sort of niche thing ranging from brony cupcakes to hyper realistic blood.

Digression. Head in the game, girl.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 6 days ago

Hank said
Knowing him, he doesn't read his PMs. Better to post it in the Need Help? section, which is also patrolled by Lillian, our one and only moderator at the moment.In fact, just PM her.

Even better! More options the better, at the moment.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

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Captain Jordan said
Group PMs are already possible. What's yet to be developed is the ability to invite someone into the conversation mid-way, so you have to start the PM with the group already established. I currently have a few PMs with multiple recipients, and we're all chatting wonderfully.

O Okay then :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDookieNut
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TheDookieNut UniqueChance

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Ruby said
Then next time you run across it, report it please. =) (No Report system? As Hank has pointed out: Post it in the Need Help? section, which is also patrolled by Lillian, our one and only moderator at the moment.)

Will do
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Gotta say, I don't really have much faith in the people that frequent Spam section to not post something inappropriate. I feel like one person, one day is going to screw this up for all of us. As someone who actually participates in the traditional roleplay's around here, I will say, yes, definitely I have seen people venture into adult territory, but a majority of those players, such as myself, know to take it privately to Private Messaging, because they care about the community. The ones that don't, can be dealt with.

But with the Spam section, there's always a new conflict. Roleplay's get mocked, so does the Free Section, despite it being a starting platform for younger members. People who accidentally post in it, meaning the thread didn't fit the criteria for the section, get mocked. People on the old Guild, who got banned for doing something unacceptable, come back after there ban and do the same shit, wash, rinse, repeat. There's a lot of negativity that comes from it. But, I will say not everyone who goes there acts like an ass, there are some intelligent and nice people. But I could go on and on about the negatives though. Here's another one: I really wish didn't exist, I really do. I really wish someone would fuck up badly, so it could be deleted. That's something I've kept to myself for awhile now, but now it's out there. I feel like we'd have less problems as a community, if it didn't exist. People are gonna disagree, but that's okay because I really don't care.

TL;DR: Basically, I feel like Spam will screw this up for us, more then people who actually roleplay here will. If the opposite happens, okay then.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Mahz
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Mahz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Ads aren't displayed in the spam forum.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheDookieNut
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TheDookieNut UniqueChance

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Mahz said
Ads aren't displayed in the spam forum.

Hahahhahaha, they never will be.
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