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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"As simple as it seems, it is a hassle to just summon her here. Even if we get her to appear, Bernkastel can be hard to pry answers out of. Despite that, I'll try to send her to this room," Virgilia explained what could be the case if they had sent Bernkastel here, and then trying to see what would happen. At least we have someone that isn't trying to make this difficult on us... Riku thought as he listened to Virgilia.
(* *-Red Truth)
"You really want to know? Let me say this simply, I won't tell you. *I will refuse to provide answers to your questions.* Is that all then?" Beatrice started to drift away from her soft voice into one of a taunting kind of tone. "Look, we've only been in here, in front of you, for a minute and you immediately decide to outright say no. It's just going to waste time if you're going to be difficult to talk to," Kaika sighed, having a feeling they wouldn't get anywhere with this.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Thank you very much, I really appreciate it." Mickey said with a smile. Things were starting to look up for them now. With Virgilia with them, it would probably be a lot easier to understand this place, it seemed like everything around here was to deceive, or confuse them in some way, shape or form. Mickey stood back a bit, figuring that she would need some concentration for this.

Sora only crossed his arms, thinking for a brief moment on the situation. After deliberating, he spoke up. "I'd like to know how you feel about this, Maria. After all, you were the one who decided to help us, and to bring us to her. You talked about her pretty nicely when we first met, you told me about how she was teaching you to be a great witch, and that she was very powerful, and told you a lot of things. But, from what I've seen so far, your master doesn't really put up a good image of herself. If you want, I have a friend of mine, a powerful Wizard, or Sorcerer if you wanna call him that, Master Yen Sid. His last pupil later became the King of an entire castle, and he's a pretty powerful magic user. He's much friendlier, more helpful, and would start teaching you right away. What do you say? you seem pretty lonely around here, and I have plenty of friends. If you don't have any family, my friends on this nice tropical island would be happy to take you in, if you need a real place to stay." Sora said, deciding to offer Maria all of those things, seemingly out of the blue. What was the reason behind that? who knows.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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After awhile, Virgilia felt that something interfered with her progress, being forced out of her process to send Bernkastel here. "Certainly someone or even Bernkastel doesn't seem to allow me to bring her here," Virgilia said, assuming this as she knew that otherwise this would had been successful.
It was all a little too much for Maria to decide quickly, also remembering the "promises" that Beatrice had made to her. Yet, she had to make a decision, and she had decided on one. "......can I?" Maria mumbled lightly to Sora. Hearing this, Beatrice wasn't really surprised, but spoke up,"Is that your choice Maria? After believing in the Endless Witch more than the others." "You said that I would be happy here...and you promised that nothing bad would happen. But...Sakutarou's gone...and you say even with your magic, you couldn't bring him back," Maria started to speak up against Beatrice, which caught the Endless Witch off-guard as Maria has never acted this way to her before.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Great, what do we do now?" Mickey said, getting frustrated. "If we can't get her to come here, who else is there?" Mickey said, out of ideas at this point.

"She's right, what have you provided her with that she didn't have with her own family? or, is it the opposite maybe? you're the one who needed someone, so you took a girl from her family, so whenever you feel in need of talking with someone else, she's there. Because she looked up to you, and I bet, with all of these other Witches around, you feel less powerful, but around Maria she makes you feel stronger, because you know she's helpless unless you teach her something." Sora said, trying to deduce the situation. "Well, let me tell you something. True strength comes from having people around you, who care about you! not from magic, or anything different. We can teach Maria how to learn that strength. As long as people need a hand, I'll be there for them. Is that all? yeah, it is. Cause' it's clear, you're only interested in helping yourself. I'll find Bernkastel, get back to my friends and continue my training. Let's get out of here, you three. She just wants attention." Sora said, turning around with his hands casually behind his head, he motioned for Maria to join the group, he headed towards the door.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"There is still one Witch I can bring over, I know this for certain," Virgilia said, thinking about it for a few moments before starting this process again. It wasn't long until this actually worked, that this was the other person closest to Bernkastel: Lambdadelta. "Huh? What's this time for?" Lambdadelta didn't really appreciate being dragged here without warning, but then noticed Riku and Mickey were also here.
Without saying another word to Beatrice, Maria leaves with the rest of the group. "Well...at least we know not to get involved with her. We weren't getting anywhere with her in the first place," Kaika says as she stretches her arms, and then a small idea popped up. "Um, Maria, do you have an idea on where we would run into Bernkastel?" she asks, remembering that she knew a little on Bernkastel. "...I'm not sure, I've only heard about Bernkastel several times..." Maria answers, not knowing the Witch of Miracles personally.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"So, who are you? we saw you talking with that Beatrice Witch earlier. Do you have any involvement in our friend being taken here?" Mickey asked. Luckily, though, he had Virgilia to back up and confirm things with him.

"Let's try to look around, maybe we'll find someone to help us out. Do you know of any other witches or people that could help us?" Sora asked Maria.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Lambdadelta, don't try to hide it. You are quite close to Bernkastel, the one behind their friend's disappearance," Virgilia said, as if she expected her to lie about her involvement. Lambdadelta looked frustrated once Virgilia had ruined her chances to lie her way out of this.
Maria thought about it for a moment, and then said,"Maybe Beatrice's teacher, Virgilia, would help us. When I met her, she was really nice, I could tell that it was real kindness." "Then Virgilia's going to be the next one to help us out," Kaika added, knowing that Maria wasn't setting them up, she could feel her energy radiating a positive essence.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Look, we're really not asking for much here. Sora's just a teenager for pete's sake. All I want to know is what's going on here. Why is it so hard, to tell me the truth? everything has to be vague, or a lie, or a trick. Is kindness some kind of foreign concept around here, or something?" Mickey said, starting to lose his patience.

"Alright, then. Let's go look around for her." Sora said, and started to walk in search of this "Virgilia" Witch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I'm still not telling, so you better stop bothering me," Lambdadelta said, crossing her arms. It was like she must be very devoted on keeping all that she and Bernkastel knows a secret.
"Hopefully we get to her quick," Maria said as she stuck with the group. Just in case, Kaika used her sensory ability to see that there wasn't any close by energy sources that would lead them to Virgilia or some other Witch.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Okay, then. It doesn't seem like even Virgilia can convince you. So, I don't care how long it will take, but I'm taking you into custody. That's right, as King of Disnry Castle, I place you under arrest for the involvement in kidnapping of Sora, from the human world to this higher plane. As a protector of the world's, I will not allow you to stand in the way of said world's survial chances. Riku, let's take her." Mickey said, summoning his Keyblade he ran at Lambdadelta swiftly. Griping it firmly, he was focused.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Alright," Riku nodded and summoned his keyblade, Way to Dawn, to his hands. Lambdadelta wasn't really afraid or anything, just laughing a bit in amusement. "Well, trying to apprehend the Witch of Certainty, are you really going to try that!" Lambdadelta laughed as she happened to transport herself, Riku, and Mickey to a strange place where the floor represented a chessboard. It was likely she did this so Virgilia wouldn't interfere.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Mickey stopped and looked around at the scenery for a moment, it was very confusing and strange for it to just change like that, but he shook it off, not letting it bother him. "If you think changing the location will help you, you're mistaken. Don't underestimate us." Mickey said. "I don't care who you are and what power you hold. If you wanna take our friend from us, this is what happens." he said. "I won't allow you to jeopardize human, and all other life like this." he said, clenching his fist. He then ran up and slashed at her.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"See if you can!" Lambdadelta said as she warped out of Mickey's attack. At the same time, Riku managed to fire a Firaga spell at her, but was quickly countered with a spark of red energy. This gave her time to distance herself so she could prepare a magic attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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""Don't let her try anything, Riku!! if we're not careful, one attack could be it, that's how powerful she is. TRY THIS, WITCH!!" Mickey yelled out, despite it being less loud then you think, due to his voice. He rose his Keyblade to the sky, and then shouted, "Ultimate....THUNDAGA!" A gigantic lightning bolt came down from the empty sky. It was powerful and huge, signifying Mickey was a force not to be taken lightly. It struck down at Lambdadelta's location.

"Hey, I found the room. This could be that Virgilia woman." Sora signaled for everyone to follow him, he walked up Virgilia, into the room. "You're Virgilia, or am I wrong?" he asked.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Lambdadelta didn't expect this coming, being a very cocky opponent of a witch, and was struck by the lightning. However, she brought her focus back together, holding out her hands as if a spell were to happen. "No you don't! Triple Blizzaga!" Riku shouted out as he came up to her from her side, sending large shards of chilly ice from his spell. He knew they had to be quick to attack her and ruin her focus if they wanted to avoid a godly magic attack from this Witch.
It had been endless halls and doors for god knows how long, they didn't even know if the perception of time existed in the MetaWorld. Kaika nearly let out a sigh of relief once they reached the room where Virgilia was. So that's probably Virgilia... she thought as they entered the room, Sora pretty much asked whatever Kaika was going to ask this woman. "Yes, you are correct. I am Virgilia...are you the ones that miss Bernkastel and Lambdadelta had displaced into this world?" this woman said, confirming that she was Virgilia. Well, time to get some progress done. "We were wondering if you had any idea or hint on the whole mess?" Kaika asked, her senses telling her that Virgilia wasn't the one to lie, someone to trust. "All I know is that both are responsible for the troubles. Lambdadelta was here moments ago, but she happened to escape my range with two others that are looking for you. You might know those two Sora," Virgilia answered, somehow knowing who Sora was in the group.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Keep that up, we'll have her." Mickey said, restoring his magic with an ether. "Light!!" Mickey then exclaimed, pointing his Keyblade at the witch, he blast a surge of light towarda her, being able to use light as not only healing, but offensive as well.

"I knew it, my friend's came looking for me!" Sora said, enthusiastic. "If they went off with her, it probably means they went to fight her, they'll probably get answers, when they win." Sora said, confident in his friends abilities. "Hey, wait a second.." Sora blinked. "I'm sure they told you my name, but..how did you know I'm Sora, when we just met?" he asked, confused.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Lambdadelta took the full blast of their attacks, but it seemed a little forced for her to be taking all of these hits. It was like she were letting them hit her that many times. At the same time, Riku had run up to the Witch, his keyblade covered by faint darkness as he began to slash and hack at her fast enough to keep her from preparing anything.
"I know a lot more than just this world altogether," Virgilia pointed out with a light smile. "So they should be back soon," Maria knew that the fight that Lambdadelta was in should end soon. The Witch of Certainty always tried to make things quick.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Give up, and tell us what you know!" Mickey said, with a serious look on his face. "We're double-teaming you from both sides. There's no way you'll be able to launch a magic attack at us, we can keep up with you!" Mickey said.

"Wow, so you know about other worlds too? glad I'm not alone finally, with no one really getting what I said when I talk about Master Xehanort, and Kingdom Hearts. What type of worlds have you been to?" Sora asked curiously.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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(**-Red Truth)

Lambdadelta only laughed, warping quite the distance away from them. "You really think that I'm going to tell you. To tell you the truth, I was just going easy on you two, this fight is just child's play," she grinned, seeming as if she were messing with them in the first place,"*I will not tell you the truth behind Sora's disappearance, I am not the true culprit, so you might as well stop here!*" Lambdadelta let loose her Red Truth, a red wedge sent towards Riku and Mickey.
"It is quite a variety, I should say. It is interesting to see different worlds, what experiences are to be there," Virgilia described her relations to other worlds, only a mere observer when it comes to seeing different Fragments of different worlds. "I suppose Kaika would know this, there was a time where someone named Nero had fallen in the same dilemma caused by Bernkastel," Virgilia knew that Kaika would recognize the name, as she has also observed the Fragment of Kaika's world. "Huh? Nero's been in this type of situation before. Then again, Nero's about 500 years old, so I could tell that this is definitely true....any hints from that situation that would help us?" Kaika tried to see if there was anything from Nero's past experience that would help them out here. "All that I can remember from that is that Bernkastel needed him for a certain task, and that probably falls upon you, but I am not sure why Bernkastel needed more than one to begin with. There was a time back there where I taught him how to use the Red Truth and the Blue Truth," Virgilia answered with what she knew of the past situation that was so similar to this current one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Not in a million years, now give it up!" Mickey exclaimed. "Faith!" Mickey said, blasting the wedge away from the both of them and making it crumble with a light pillar. "If that's really the case, what's been stopping you from going all out on us, huh? if you're willing to let worlds collapse to the darkness by an insane man, and selfishly not tell us what's going on, what exactly is keeping you from finishing us?" Mickey questioned. "Whatever the reason, I will tell you this. Sora is one of my closest friends, heck, Riku here is Sora's childhood friend for Pete's sake. And if you think, for one moment anything will stop us from getting him back, you're wrong. Now let's GO!!" Mickey clutched his Keyblade, running at her for another attack.

Sora only blinked, kind of getting lost when Virgilia mentioned a friend of Kaika's or something. Something caught his attention however. "The Red Truth and the Blue Truth?" Sora repeated, curious. "What're those, exactly? and, would you mind if I asked you questions for awhile, while we wait for the fight to conclude? there are many things I've never had the answer to, maybe you can answer them for me. And Kaika and Sota, if they wanna ask something too." Sora asked, a followup question.
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