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Ready to double-team the Witch again, Riku sprinted towards Lambdadelta with his keyblade tight in his hands. "It's all fun and games for now. I would had just wiped you both out of existence, but Bern wanted me to mess around with you the first time around. So far, I don't really see much of a threat towards myself, and I think I've played a little too much," Lambdadelta said, not so worried by how things were looking as of now. Just as she would be double-teamed by Riku and Mickey, Lambdadelta had warped up into the air, looking a bit bored by the repetitiveness. "This "battle" is quite boring, I'm not even sure and certain that you're trying. What would be more suitable for this battle is a closed room duel, at least it would be interesting," she says, wanting to "spice" things up a notch.
"It's quite simple. The Red Truth can be used to prove a fact without the need of evidence and it is absolutely true, though it can lead to contradictions if not used correctly. The Blue Truth is used for theories to disprove the Red Truth or rephrase it, but it will not be effective to an opposing Red Truth if it is not a strong enough theory to begin with. I suppose those two Truths would be rather useful if you were to be drawn into a certain duel against the other Witches. Oh, and I am fine to be asked questions, I am grateful to help by answering them," Virgilia explains the basics of the Red Truth and the Blue Truth, and also agrees to give information to their questions if needed.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Mickey knew this wasn't good. She was getting bored, and he knew that wasn't good for anyone. She didn't want to fight them and if he didn't think of something, this wouldn't go good for them. "No way, I know what that means and I refuse. How about we settle on something non-violent instead. If something along the lines of that is what you want, I'll accept it, but it has to be something non-violent." Mickey said, refusing to take part in the game she suggested.

"I don't really get it entirely, but okay. i kind of understand. Let's see, what do I wanna ask first..oh, okay I got one. I have this friend of mine named Cloud. There's this guy, I've never been able to figure out anything about named Sephiroth, that's always looking for Cloud for some reason. All I know is that he's an extremely powerful swordsman with a really long blade, and he has a black angel wing. Do you know anything about those two?" Sora asked.
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"Fine, then I suppose a certain logic battle is it. Simple really, I have a scenario and you try to break through it's illusion with theories that would probably be the truth of that scenario," Lambdadelta proposed, though a little annoyed that she couldn't do much of the whole "non-violent" request. though, this would be fairly quick as it was almost "time."
"Ah, I do know that both Cloud and Sephiroth are linked to each other, two sides of the same coin. Sephiroth is a physical manifestation of Cloud's darkness, and that is why he searches for Cloud. To prompt him to the darkness," Virgilia explains the strange connection between Cloud and Sephiroth, answering Sora's question. It was like she really did know everything outside the MetaWorld. Seeing how she knew this much, Kaika decided to ask something a little weird,"Just curious...it's pertaining to the Elder Spirit of Life Energy, the Spirit I have a pact with. Do you know a bit of her...human past? Like, before she 'passed' on." Kaika was curious on Miki's past life before becoming an Elder Spirit, what she was like as a human. It would explain the strange dreams that Kaika has of a human Miki. Sota blinked at Kaika's question, only briefly knowing about Miki from his short time at the Spiritual World, wondering how Kaika was expecting the answer to be. "This is on the Spirit Miki, or her human name Tamiki. Her human life was quite unfortunate about a thousand years back, that she was taken away from her family and to be left to die alone. Yet, she gained hope to live when a boy named Damiel saved her and both became their own family. Though, there was an attack of Shadow Replicas that surrounded them, causing her death as a human and the birth of her Spirit. She lingered with Damiel, being able to communicate with him due to a Spiritual Pact, but left her human memories behind after his soon-to-be death," Virgilia explains on Miki's human life to Kaika.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Alright." Mickey nodded, walking over to Riku. "Things were about to take a turn for the worst there, Riku." he whispered to his friend "She was about to wipe us out with a single attack, she was getting bored, which is what Witches loathe most. We've just agreed to a logic battle, in short we gotta outwit her." Mickey explained, although she had already said that. "Okay, let's do it then." Mickey said to Lambdadelta.

"Okay, my turn. Hmmm...are there other worlds out there with keyholes unlocked too? like Kaika's, for example, or this one. Because if there are worlds I haven't even been to yet, they have to have there keyholes open, since I was able to get into this world. All worlds are supposed to have barriers that prevent space travel. which is why the Organization and Xehanort's heartless and Xemnas used corridors of the dark to get through, and break down the walls with having the heartless and nobodies invade through them. There has to be something I'm missing here, because if there are tons of worlds I missed, I couldn't have repaired all the walls on my journey's." Sora explained.
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Riku gave a nod to Mickey, getting on where this was going. Seeing that both were accepting this logic battle, Lambdadelta grinned,"Alright, then let us start, you won't be able to corner me that easily! Here is my Red Truth to this logic battle. *Person A and Person B are in a room that is locked, a perfect closed room. Person C, from the outside of this room, unlocked the door with a key, and opened to see only Person A and no sign of Person B. And just so we don't waste time, I say that Person B cannot leave the room through the window, there are no other doors besides the door Person C has opened, there is only one key and it is in the possession of Person C, Person A always notices Person B until Person C enters, and finally there are no hidden traps or places to escape and/or hide for Person B.* Just try and break my Red Truth!" Lambdadelta only crosses her arms, knowing it wouldn't be that easy for them to completely deny her Red Truth first time around.
"It may not make sense for you, but there are some Worlds that seem to quite different than others. While the worlds you have been in have Keyholes that are either locked or unlocked Sora, it may be completely different from that. For example, the Worlds, or Realities, that Kaika's been to are layered by realms, separating the Living World from the Spiritual World of different Realities. If you had to go through every world in existence, that would be too many, even I don't know the true number and amount of Worlds out there," Virgilia answers, but her vast knowledge wasn't enough for her to know all of the existing worlds out there. While that was done, Kaika laid down on a couch that was in the room. "Well, I'm beat. Being in the Spiritual World for so long kinda does throw off my senses, so I'll be out for awhile," Kaika said before being knocked out cold, sleeping soundly on the couch. Honestly, Sota didn't really seem surprised by this, as this was pretty normal for Kaika to be like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Okay, I think I understand. Some worlds are just different, and aren't affected by the same things ours are. I get it. And, I think I know a way to get to my friends. But first, I need to be prepared both physically and mentally if I am going to get anywhere. Lady Virgilia, I need a few favors from you. So..please, be my teacher, Lady Virgilia! I promise I'll do whatever you tell me to do, and I won't turn out like Beatrice. So, please take me as your "Witch Apprentice"!" Sora asked, and bowed his head as he did so.

"Darn, she doesn't hold back at all. Alright, Riku, remember that Witches are really good at things like this. So what do you think? how did Person B leave the room? You have anything?" Mickey asked Riku, getting his opinion first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I think I have an idea," Riku said after a bit of silence, this was a bit to even think over. Lambdadelta just threw out the big guns for sure... "Oh really now? Humor me with what you have to say," she rolled her eyes, certain that her Red Truth was very solid and flawless. "Clarify this for me, just...what exactly is your definition of a perfect closed room?" Riku asked, wondering what she had in store as a response. "Well, it's pretty simple, *a perfect closed room must have a locked door and windows, that no one leaves through the door or windows, or even enter through until a key is used.* Is that all you needed? I do hate going off track from the topic," Lambdadelta said, using the Red Truth again to prove her point. Riku didn't say anything as he gave another moment to think, then he realized something. "Sounds like a tricky closed room then...though, I can see you have some loose bolts that Person B's disappearance is a perfect closed room, based on your definition. So, I'm taking as there's no ceiling to this room," Riku finally speaks his mind, seeing that the Witch definitely used her Red Truth in a poor manner to leave a flaw. Since she had already said it in red, there was no do-overs, it was like a double-edged blade, that Riku managed to flip the effects over to catch her in this pathetic mistake.
"I can tell that you're very genuine with this decision of yours, and that you have great potential in store. As there isn't any reasons to decline your requests, I will gladly take you as my Witch Apprentice," Virgilia smiled, knowing that Sora was not the kind of person to become corrupt with power like how Beatrice appears to be. "I'll help too! I'm still in training, but I can pitch in some way," Maria pipes up, she was still an Apprentice too, she would start training with them after what happened at their encounter with Beatrice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"That's right! I just realized, you didn't even mention the ceiling!" Mickey chuckled. "He's right, you must have a few screws loose. It's not a perfect, sealed room if there's still some way to get out. In this higher plain of existence of yours, do you not even think about ceiling construction? in the building of a large castle or mansion, the ceiling is quite important, keeping a place up and safe from rain or the elements. Too bad, so sad, you, a supposed ancient being, with limitless power lost to a kid. Riku's always been quite observant. So, since you lost, you're going to start by telling us everything we want to know, and then you'll take us to Sora. To refuse would mark you as a coward in the eyes of other witches and deity's, am I wrong?" Mickey said with a sly grin on his face.

"Awesome!!" Sora exclaimed, hopping into the air with glee. He then remembered Kaika was resting, and toned it down a bit. "Okay, so I guess we should go outside, and I should show you what I got, right? or, I dunno. Lead the way, teacher." Sora said, and scratched his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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This was just plain humiliating, even for Lambdadelta herself. She was so confident about her Red Truths, she had forgotten the most crucial and simplest part of a perfect closed room in this case. She could imagine Bernkastel watching this from afar, laughing at her terrible mistake. As much as for her pride, Lambdadelta had no choice but to reveal whatever she knows, it had been damaged enough by this foolish turn of a logic battle. "Fine, I'll tell you, but it's not everything. You have to find out the missing parts yourself from Bern," Lambdadelta said with some hints of agitated frustration,"Basically, Bern was bored, and she straight-up told me that there was something she had in mind to change things over. I wasn't too sure what she meant by that, either by disrupting the games that Beato had going on or that Bern just wanted to see any form of amusement in the MetaWorld. Either way, I helped her bridge links to different Kakera, or dimensions, and throw some random unsuspecting people into this higher plane. That includes Sora. After that was done, Bern just told me to keep quiet about it and that's what I did until now." It all seemed a little strange, but most of it seemed plausible. "So...all of this is happening, because she happened to be bored," Riku wanted to clarify that, seeing as boredom seemed to be a thing when it came to Witches.
"Yes, a more open area would be more fit for demonstrations," Virgilia said as she went to exit the room through the door, Maria following as well. "I'll just stick around here, I guess. To keep an eye on Kaika while she's asleep," Sota said, knowing that whenever Kaika goes to sleep, she always runs into some kind of nightmare. Plus, just in case any of the Witches behind this mess would come and try to take her away for something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Yes, unfortunately a Witches worse enemy is boredom. A Witch needs to be constantly entertained, and when they are bored, it spells quite a lot of trouble for us normal folk in the lower dimensions, or whatever you would call them. Master Yen Sid has told me stories of Witches causing chaos, or just doing anything they could to entertain themselves. Most do not discriminate. When she said she would've wiped us out of existence, she was not kidding. When you get that age, you become very smart, which is why the famous logic battles they have is the only thing that gives people a chance." Mickey said, using his knowledge on Witches to explain. "But, let me ask this. Why just hang around here? if there are different Kakera you can go to, surely there is a billion things more interesting that you can go watch and interfere with?" Mickey asked.

"Right, take care of her, Sota." Sora nodded, then grinned and ran off to catch up. "Hey, wait up!" he ran for a few seconds, then caught up. "It's good I'll be getting some proper training. Hopefully, this will help a lot in getting my Mark of Mastery, since I failed last time." Sora said. "That Master Xehanort, he and his other selves led me right into his trap, and I fell for it." Sora clenched his fist. "Can't let that happen again..I'll be ready for him, when the time comes." Sora said with a determined look on his face.
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"That's beyond what I could even imagine. Bern's always been unpredictable, never letting anyone be one step ahead of her. I would had just gone off and see what I would had found to quench my own boredom in different Kakera, but causing large scale disarray in different Kakera. Then we would have a big problem with certain people...the ones that don't take magic that lightly. I'm not even sure why Bern only decided to bring a very...specified selection on who would be thrown here. It doesn't seem to be that random," Lambdadelta crossed her arms, seeming like Bernkastel had only used her and left her in the dark for most of the more important details to Bernkastel's motives. "If she doesn't tell you much, I'm going to assume you don't know where she could be at," Riku said, knowing that Bernkastel would not be in the range of Lambdadelta in the chances of her failing, which did occur. "Of course I don't. Even if I could, she would just close off the way to where the hell she could be at," Lambdadelta confirmed for them.
"I'm sure that by time, you'll be ready then," Virgilia says in words of encouragement, understanding Sora's situation on the urgency to train. They weren't that far into entering the rose gardens outside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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(Almost done, just been trying to incorporate what we talked about into word form. Been occupied with that whole, "life" thing too.)

"Alright we're finally here, it's such a big place," Sora stepped outside into the open rose garden. "what do you want me to show you first? should I just come at you?" Sora asked Virgilia, wanting to begin right away.

"Certain people, huh?" Mickey said, having that thing she said about people coming after her give him an idea. "So, based on what you've done to our friend so far, do you think that any of these "certain people" you're talking about will come around or something like that? I'm just curious of course." Mickey asked, wondering if these "people" she was talking about could be of any use and help them out of this situation.
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(That's fine. I'm just stacked with projects and work for school finals. Bleh...)

"Start with anything you are most comfortable with. I am fine with deflecting each skill you have, it'll be easier to determine your attributes that way," Virgilia answered, walking some distance away from Sora. She then turned around and held out her wooden wand in preparation on what Sora would begin with.

Maria watched at a safe distance so she wouldn't be caught in the middle of it.
"Oh, I'm not entirely sure. Basically, the "certain people" are like people that don't believe magic is real or something like that. Sounds weird, I know. If I just let someone deny my existence and my magic, I seriously wouldn't be around any more. People that fall into that category give off "anti-magic toxins," and even the slightest hint of denial will be painful. So, simply put, Bern and I don't really go for bringing those types of people, it'll just cause trouble for us. I doubt someone like that would just happen to find their way here, this place is barely connected to the Real World," Lambdadelta explains how "troublesome" these other types of people are there.
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"Alright then!" Sora summoned the Kingdom Key to his hands, he got into his stance and held it like a club like he usually did. "Here I go!" Sora used his Sliding Dash to get a quick boost in speed and then ran at her. He first casted a Thundaga spell at her, then used his Sonic Blade, his speed increased extremely and he went for a thrusting attack with his Keyblade right at her.

"I am aware of the loose connection between this place and reality. I am a magic user myself, so is Riku, but we would never identify with you, especially with your type of ideals and reasoning. Our magic is for the use of light and good, while you use magic purely for a selfish benefit such as entertaining yourself and causing chaos and sadness. Your magic is evil. So no, I do not find it strange that some one would deny someone like you. And, you show no capacity to change either. You claim what you do is in the name of boredom. Yet one could say the only thing you interest yourself in is violence and suffering. Millions of other dimensions, why not involve yourself in the history of such worlds?" Mickey questioned.
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Virgilia waved her wand and a single but impossible to break shield appeared before her. She could tell as she defended herself that the magic power within Sora was strong. She couldn't tell if it was his pure soul or the keyblade's own power that defined Sora's magic power. Wanting to see what else Sora could throw at her, Virgilia kept this shield in front of her.
"Well, it's not fun if we don't mess around in our own way. Besides, as much as I want to stick around, I got to take my leave. Don't want to keep my dear Bern waiting for me," Lambdadelta said as the chessboard environment around them started to show cracks as if the world around them was falling apart. While this was happening, Lambdadelta let herself disappear into thin air, they wouldn't be able to follow her anyways...

"H-Hey...get back here!" Riku knew that they had more questions for her, but he couldn't grab a hold of her as she had completely disappeared from sight.
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His Sonic Blade was blocked by her shield, meeting it with a thud and his Thundaga was blocked too. He couldn't Rave because his Sonic Blade hadn't connected, so he took a step back. "Vanish!" Sora casted his Vanish spell and turned almost invisible. Using this cover to his advantage, he tried to find an opening. Then, he thought of some thing. "Bind!" Sora came up from behind her, casting the spell. "Now you can't move from this spot for a little bit!" Sora exclaimed, uncloaking from his Vanish spell. "I'm not gonna hold back, so I'll wail on you! get ready, ARS ARCANUM!" Sora exclaimed, unleashing the attack from behind her, starting with a few quick mid-air slashes

"Darn it, so did she know where she was after all?! how much of that was the truth, exactly? snap, this doesn't look good at all.." Mickey slowly backed up near Riku, and took his hand. "We won't be going out of this, unfortunately. So whatever happens we don't want to get separated." Mickey said, looking around the world as it crumbled warily.
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Even if she had been around for many years, Virgilia had been taken off guard by these new sorts of magic Sora displayed. One moment he became unseen, and the other moment he had managed to keep her stuck in one place. She couldn't defend herself from his incoming slashes, but she could tell that his keyblade contained all sorts of magical power. As he finished his attack, Virgilia felt the bind spell wear off. Wanting to see a bit of his evasion techniques, Virgilia summoned a golden lance, and sent it flying towards him. While in midair, the lance suddenly multiplied into ten more golden lances.
"Hold on," Riku said as they were suddenly falling after the ground under them had crumbled apart. For a bit, they were just falling and falling through endless blackness. Then...they fell right back into the room in the mansion they were last in before their fight against Lambdadelta. Plus, there were people in this room, which was Sota watching over the sleeping Kaika. "Whoa, are you guys alright?" Sota heard them fall into the room, abd went up to them in concern. "It's fine...been through worse," Riku said, a little disoriented from the fall but got up on his feet with little to no problem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Whoa, that's like Xaldin or something, but without the wind part!!" Sora said in surprise at the lances. Waiting for the right moment, Sora dodged the lance and then, jumped on top of it. As it moved, trying to get him off it, Sora easily kept his balance on the lance and fought off all 9 of the other lances with his Keyblade without even breaking a sweat at all. It was like basically Sora could adapt to almost any situation, seamlessly.

In a cartoonish manner, Mickey's eyes swirled, but he got over in just a moment, standing up and brushing himself off from the fall. "Definitely been through way worse then just a fall. It'll take a lot more to take us down then just something like that." Mickey said with a confident smile. "My name is Mickey, he's Riku. We're looking for our friend named Sora, you seen him around here? this place is confusing." Mickey asked Sota, and noticed the sleeping Kaika.
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He fares well against this kind of magic...certainly adapting to each situation with ease... Virgilia thought as she saw her lances being bested by his keyblade. Changing it up, Virgilia vanished from sight as soon as Sora defeated the last lance, and she would be seen in the sky. She created a ghost-like horse as well as the horse rider that held a black colored spear. In an instant, Virgilia had this aerial horse rush down to the ground towards Sora.
"Yeah, Kaika and I were with Sora for awhile since getting here. He did go off with that witch named Virgilia, for some kind of training," Sota answered, remembering a bit of what happened since Sora left the room earlier. "So he was just here, that means he shouldn't be far," Riku perked up from the detail that Sora wasn't far from their current location. "Somewhere in the rose gardens outside, but knowing how confusing this mansion is, it's quite annoying how it's like a maze to get outside. Oh, my name's Sota, and the girl snoozing off is Kaika," Sota said, adding a bit on Sora's possible location and introducing himself and Kaika. Though, it was very sudden that Kaika seemed to be sweating in her sleep and that she was uttering things that were too quiet to hear. To Sota, she was starting to get another nightmare again. "Not again...Kaika, wake up," Sota deadpanned and began to gently shake her, but she still didn't wake up and it only seemed like her nightmares were getting worse.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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A drop of sweat went down Sora's forehead. He didn't have much in the way to counter the attack, as he knew this was going to be powerful. "I may be at a disadvantage in my dreams, but don't count me out yet!!" Sora "dived" into the ground, in a dark pocket dimension, Sora and Riku combined two keyblades, Nightmare Break and Mirage Split into one gigantic Keyblade. They both dived out, unleashing many devastating slashes that were super fast, then one final slash, which immediately sliced the knight and horse in half, and they both disappeared. Riku's image immediately disappeared after the attack finished, and Sora sighed in relief. "Man, that wasn't an easy fight, that last attack took a lot out of me. It's gonna be hard, training in my Dream Form like this...Lady Virgilia, I want to try this again. I don't want to have to fight if I don't have to. Is there a place that you have to go sometimes, to meet up with other Witches? just like in the Organization, they had meetings sometimes in this big hall. Like a, committee, or some higher group that you answer to? maybe, if you take me to this place, if there is one, and I simply talk to all of these powerful Witches and explain my situation to them, maybe I can get all this cleared up, and this Bernkastel will HAVE to answer," Sora said, basically describing the Senate of Witches, in an optimistic tone that was slightly unrealistic to his current desperate situation.

"Hmmm..." Mickey went up, and felt Kaika's head. "She seems to be having some nightmare, alright. You said you'd seen Sora with Virgilia, but she seems to be in a serious state. You said "not again", so I'm gonna guess this happens a lot then, Sota." Mickey said, noticing her current mental state wasn't exactly great as she slept right now, noticeably sweating. "Alright, Riku. This might be weird, but we're gonna dive into Kaika's nightmare while still inside the Dream World." Mickey suddenly deciding this was important enough to investigate.
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