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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"That, we can try," Virgilia nodded, knowing at least certain other Witches show up to this meeting place that Sora tried to explain. Though, she couldn't be sure if any new details on Bernkastel would show up.

"I think there is at least someone there, but I can't remember her name," Maria added, but couldn't figure out who it could be.
The idea was strange, diving into a dream in the Dream World, but it was worth a shot if this girl was really having nightmares every time she slept. "Yeah, I could tell that something isn't right..." Riku agreed, something about Kaika's Nightmare didn't seem normal at all.

"Be careful, as much as I don't know much about it myself, Kaika's told me that it literally haunts her when she goes to sleep," Sota warned, but hoped that this would work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Right, then let's head there right now, there's no time to waste." Sora said with a clenched fist. "Uh...how do we get there? is it like, a dream world or something? do I have to dive there? then again, even though I'm still in my dream form I don't seem to have the ability to dive out of here." Sora said, confused. "I don't suppose you can make gates or pathways, can you?" Sora asked.

"Right, we'll keep that in mind," Mickey nodded and then dived into Kaika's nightmare.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Don't worry, it's just a room within the mansion. Right Lady Virgilia?" Maria said to Sora, seeing that he was confused. "Well, it isn't hard to get into," Virgilia said in response, and started right away to bring them to the meeting room. Clusters and clusters of gold butterflies surrounded them, and momentarily blinded them until they all disappeared. They would find themselves in a simple circular room with chairs that circled around the center, there were many windows as well, but those windows would only show a white void outside. There was one person here, just like they managed to assume, and this girl wore a purple dress and had very short orange hair. Maria tensed up. as if she knew this certain witch personally. "Hey Virgilia, Maria...what makes you decide to see me?" the girl says with a sarcastic tone, seeming immature at first.
Riku dived into nightmare with Mickey, and soon found himself in a very chaotic environment. In relation to Kaika's unstable mental state, the world around them was very distorted, all of Kaika's dream-like memories were all thrown together into one location, and Kaika stood all alone in the center of the chaos. She was just standing there, but they would clearly see darkness shrouding all over here, as if some dark force was trying to take her over. "That's problem the source of her nightmares," Riku saw this right away once they got here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Hold on, now I'm confused here. This girl, right here is a Witch? and she visits the mansion and this place? because I've already been to this room, remember Maria? we were just here not too long when we came to talk to Beatrice, and this girl wasn't here earlier." Sora said. "I specifically asked for a place where Witches, and I mean, many many many of them, meet-up, perhaps that place would be where the powerful Witches reside. I asked for a place, where MANY Witches go to meet-up. Because it can be assumed you have superiors, right? how is this room I've been to anything like I described?" Sora asked. "When we first met, we talked. I asked a few questions, and so did you. First, you acknowledged that you were Virgilia. Then, you knew that Bernkastel and Lambdadelta were responsible somehow of luring us here from our worlds. You also then acknowledged that you recognized me in the group somehow. I really wonder, Lady Virgilia...with the existence of a previously unknown Witch that you two only seem to know, it hadn't occurred to you, in the slightest to direct my friends to this Witch?! because, I'm just gonna guess that's why they were starting to fight Lambdadelta, correct? like I said earlier, and I'm sure they also, we NEED answers. So why?! why would you just give my friends a send-off and let them go fight someone who could potentially destroy them?! if this Witch CAN HELP, AND EVERYBODY KNEW, WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME OR REMOTELY DO THE SIMPLE THINGS I ASKED OF THEM?!?!" Sora said, getting angry that his friends could potentially be dead.

Mickey cautiously approached Kaika. Pointing his Keyblade at her, he tried to use some Light to dis spell the darkness around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Uu, this is the same place that we talked to Beatrice at before..." Maria said, knowing that this room was slightly alike to where all Witches meet up at, but from what Maria knew from her lessons with Beatrice, not much Witches were around in the first place. There was several moments of silence, and then Virgilia spoke,"There are some answers that I cannot know for sure..."
The light had managed to stir up some reaction from Kaika, but only as much as her attention turned towards them. The darkness around her began to engulf her like a form of armor, something about this darkness did not want to lose it's host.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Fine, I never said you had to be perfect, but I don't appreciate being kept in the dark for no reason," Sora said, in an annoyed but at least tame tone. "I apologize for yelling, Teacher, but my friends are very important to me, more then anything in the entire world." Sora said, and then walked up to the mystery Witch. "I would give my life to save anyone in in true need, especially my friends...and maybe you can help us, ma'am." Sora said. "If you know Lady Virgilia and Maria here, please hear me out. I've been brought here against my will, and I don't understand why. All I want, is answers. I was in the middle of training for something very important. Please, you're my last hope. Lady Virgilia may not be capable of bringing to me to such a place, but maybe YOU can, or..you ARE the supreme and most powerful Witch, I don't know!! all I want is to be able to explain myself to whoever Witches answer to, that's why I asked if there was such a place where you Witches all met, somewhere in the universe. Please ma'am, if you can help me in any of those ways, I'll be in your debt." Sora said.

"Alright, come on Riku. We'll do it together this time." Mickey said, started to gather light into Keyblade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Even if Virgilia did not say anything due to Sora going up to the other witch, she was quite surprised by how devoted he was to protecting his friends.

"Taken against your will?" the Witch said, and apparently, she did not come to the conclusion that Bernkastel and Lambdadelta were behind it. Though, this Witch only crossed her arms and said,"Gonna take a guess that Beatrice wasn't any help, and would never be. I know she's one of the few Witches around here that knows that kind of place you're talking about. How I know this? I just happen to be the one to succeed Beatrice once she starts to lose her power, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to get to said place, and I'll stick along since others wouldn't really take kind towards you because...you know, not a Witch yet from what I can tell. By the way, I'm Eva-Beatrice, but Eva's fine since the whole name inheritance is kinda weird," the Witch decided to help, and wasn't that much in the formalities due to being a fairly new Witch, she was Beatrice's successor. Even if Eva was too fortunate enough to help him out and made her slightly suspicious, it was the best he could work with for now.
"Alright," Riku nodded as he held up his keyblade, and focused light alongside Mickey. As the darkness around Kaika became solid like actual armor, she slowly began to walk towards them, some of the darkness was in her hand and was steadily forming into a blade in her hands.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Sora, I'm from the Destiny Islands, nice to meet you Eva." Sora said, nodding. "So, you succeeded Beatrice? I had no idea she would need a successor. Then again, yeah she wasn't much help, and she wasn't willing either. Also, even if I could become a Witch, it's not like that's my goal. I want to leave, but I also can't leave this situation alone, it doesn't sit right with me. So I have to train with Virgilia, BUT, I'm kind of..sleeping so I don't even know if I could become a Witchin this state. This isn't the real me." Sora explained.

"NOW!!" Mickey exclaimed, and his beam of light blasted right at Kaika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"No surprise that Virgilia's up for training you, but your....situation is really complicated by the sounds of it," Eva commented, taking in mind of his current state,"So really though, do you really need my help or something?" she said with a raised eyebrow, since he did come up to her in the first place.
The darkness around Kaika had her hold up the blade in a desperate attempt to block the beam of light, as the darkness did not have enough control to have Kaika evade the light. Due to Kaika's will to not be controlled that easily, the blade was not enough to block the beam, and the light hit it's mark. The darkness armor shattered apart and faded away into nothing, but the dark presence still resided inside her in a weak influence. Any more hits of light while still inside her, and this dark presence wouldn't get out of this situation that easily. Gathering itself together, the darkness inside Kaika began to exit her body, but something was being taken from her as Kaika let out a scream of pain. As soon as all of the darkness had exited her body, Kaika immediately collapsed to the ground unconscious, and all of the darkness that came out of her body formed together as a humanoid silhouette. The shadow silhouette took a glance at Kaika, and a distorted voice echoed from it in a taunting manner,"Ş̴̨͏ļ̧̡̀͡e̷e̡͜͞p̶̕ ̨t̷̨̀͏͝i̷͟ǵ͜h͝͏t҉̴̡͜͟.̸̛͏.̀͢͞.̧K̸̢̛͞a̢̕̕͟į͡k̵̛͟a̵͜.̷͡҉"

"So you can talk....then what did you just do to her?" Riku could tell that this shadow being must be up to something if it decided to exit out of her instead of just staying in her body. "̸́Y̴͘o͘͢͢u̴҉͘ ̷ć̸̀͢͟o͟͢ų̶̸̧̧l̵̨̕͞͠d̢̛́͘͡ ̡̕̕͠ş̷̛̕͠a̷̷͠҉y̸̛͡.̷̢́.̵̨͏.̢̢I̸͢͞ ̵̴b̶̡ớ̛͏͝ŕ̸̀͞͝r̶͝o̶̷̧w̡e̵d͟ ̧́͡s̴̢ò̧͞͞m̷̛̕͜e͢͏t͘h͏̡̡͏̵í͜͢͠͡ņ͝͏g̴͜͢͡ ̷̡̨f̨̛r̢͡o͢͟͟͞m̵̢̀͘͟ ̷҉̡h̸̶̡́e̷̸r͘͞͞͡.̵́̕͝.̡̀̕͘.̧̧s̕͡h͝e҉͏̷͟͏ ҉̵͠ẃ̛͟͠o҉ú̧́͝l̵̛͟͡d͏n̢̡̧̡'̴̵҉̶̨t͘͜ ̵̕͟n̷͜é̢̡ę̡d̷̷̢̛͏ ̧̛͘͠i̵̡҉̴̧t̸̨̡͝ ̴̵̢͝͞a̸̕͘t́ ̷̢̨͘t̢̨̢͡h̶̡͢i̢͟ś̕͟ ̸ŕ̨a̴̡̕t̸҉ę.̷̀̀͏͘.҉҉.̢̕.̸̢͡"̷̛͜ the shadow replied in a smug matter, holding in it's hand what seemed to be a fractured shard that had the same kind of energy as Kaika's soul.

(Had way too much fun testing out the text distorter. xD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(I can see that, haha good choice.)

"Oh, well..yes, I could still use more people on my side, even if you can't necessarily help me in those ways." Sora said nodding. "Please lend me your assistance, Lady Eva." Sora said, bowing his head in respect.

"What exactly were you doing to her body, whoever or whatever you are? and what did you just take, what is that exactly?" Mickey asked, peering at the shard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"If I'm going to help you out, let's get one thing straight. I just don't feel comfortable being called "Lady Eva" or any out of respect. It's all I hear, so if you mind just calling me Eva, that's fine with me. With that in mind, I'll definitely show support if the chance comes up," Eva said, fussing about this because she was not liking the formalities that much.
"I̷̧̨t̸̡̡̀'̴̨͘s̸̀̕ ̶͝q̴̶̧u̷͞҉̛į͜͡t̷͡e̸̛ ͟͠͏͠͞t̡̛͠h̨̛̀͢͞e̸̵̢̡͝ ͟͢͟l͘̕͡͡ó͘͜ǹ̡g̡͡e͘͢ş̛͢͟͏t̸̛̀ ̴́I̸̢̕͢͠ ͢͏̴͘h̷҉a̢̡͏͢͝d̷͘ ̧̕i͏ń̴̡͜h҉̨̛̕͜a̵̵̡b̷̵͠i͠҉̀͡t̶̢̀e̵͠d̷̶̨͝ ̵̡͞ą̛̛̀͝ ̛͝h͡͝͝ǫ̸͞s̛͘͢t̀́ ̡͢b̶̢́͞o̕͘͝d́̕͟͝y͡͏͟͞,̧̡̀ ̵̛́͟͢K̷̸͘ą̷̨͝í̴͞k̡̨̕ą͠ ͏̧̡͡n̷͟e҉͝҉v̶̡́͘͟e̵͞͞͝҉r̕͟͢͡ ̨͟c̷̡̀l̢e̶̴̷̶ą̸͟͝r̢̛ĺ͜y͝҉ ͢͢f̶҉̨͠i̴̢̕͠g̵͠u̸̕͜͡r̸̛̀́͢ę̴͜d̷̕͡ ͏͢o͏̨̡ứ̕t̷̢̕͢͏ ̴m̛͝y͜͢ ͞͡p̀͢҉͘r͜҉e̴̕s͡͏é́̕ń̴̢̕̕c̸̷̢̧͞e̡͝͏ ͢҉w̢̕͢i͢t̸̶̶͜h̕͢͝͠i̕n̕͘͜ ̵̷̵̨͟h̢̧ȩ̢͘͜͠r̢̨̛̛̛.̵̷̛͜͝ ̢̛̕͏̛Ơ̴̶͟r̷͜į̸ģ͜͠i̶̧̡̕͟ņ̴́́͞a̢̛͟l̢̕͟͝ĺ̛y̢̕̕͝,̸͟͏ ̶̧̧̕I̢̛͝ ҉̴̶͜a̧͡҉͜͢í̸̕͝ḿ̶̸̕e̷҉̷̛͞d̷̛͡͠ ̀҉̡t̵́͜͠͡o͏̧͏͏͝ ̀͘s̴̢l̵͟o͝w͘͠͏̷l̶̴̢͟ý̧͞͡ ́͏t̸͘͜҉͝a҉̵̸k̸̶̡̕͜e̵̵ ̷̨͟͟ç̀o͘҉ņ̢̧͢͏t̢̀͠͝r̨͠ò͞l̸̢̛ ̸͞o̷̴͘v҉̨ę͏̶r̵͞͞ ̵͡h͟é̢́r̀̀͟͞,͟͟͢ ̶́͏̀b͟͜͝u̡͡͏͞t̢͜ ̢͝t҉̷̛͠͠h̵̴̛́a̵̷̵t̡̕̕͢ ̧̛͡p̡̨͘͝͡e͠͡ş͠͠k̕y̷̷̧͟ ̛́͠w̸̢̕͡ì̕͘͜l͜͏̸͜͝l̢̡ ҉̸ǫ̷͢͏̛f͢҉ ̸͡h̶̢̛ę҉r̕͏҉s̴҉҉ ̡̛͟m̧̀͠a̷͜d̛͡e͡͏ ̡̀҉t̨̛̛͘͝h̸̸҉̀͞e̸͏͟͞͏ ̷͏ṕ̢r̡̧̡̕ó̢̨͝c̷̨e̷̢͢͠ś̵̛́͏s̸͢ ̡̕͞d̴͠҉i͠͝f́̀͜f҉̵í̶̵̧̧ç͘͟͟u͝͞҉̸l̴͡͡t́҉̨́ ́͜͞͠t̸̴̡͘̕o̴͞ ̡͠c̢҉ó̸̢̢͜m̷̀҉p̸͞҉͘͝l̡҉̴͞e̸̴̵t̶͜ȩ̸̷.̨͜ ̡̛̕S̷͘͢͠o̢͘҉̵,̕͟ ̵a̶̵͠ ͟͞c̷ḩ̧͜͠a̕҉̴̧̢ǹ̨g̸̴͝e̛̕͟͝҉ ͝͏̴̀o̴͢f҉̨́́ ̴͠p͝҉l̷̡̧̢͞a̧͜͡n̷̴s̵҉̴͡ ̴̢̢̕͢w̛͘a̴̸̧͜s̷̕͟͡ ͏̶̀͜n̴̢͜e̴͢e͏̢́d́e҉̡͢d̡͘͡͝͞,̷̨̧͢ ̴̴͟á͡ǹ̡̕͝d̷҉̴̴ ̴̀͢͜͞t̸̡͢͜͠h͘͟ȩ̀͘ ̀̀͜͠b̵̴e̶̴̡͠à̡m̧͟͝ ̷̧͟͠y͠͞͠o̸̸҉̷ù͏̧͝ ̵̷̵͘͞f̸̢ơ̸̴̧͝ć̵̨͠͠u̸̴̷̡ś̕e̶̛҉҉d̶̨͞͞ ̷͠͞t̵̛́o͜ ̶̕p̢҉́́u̸̴͢͟r̶҉̢͟ģ̢e҉͜ ҉́́͢m̸̧̨̕͘e̵̶̢̕͘ ̧҉҉̧ò̴̵͟n̸͠l̶y̴͡͏͏ ̷̷͘͟g͞҉à̶̴̷͘v̶̴̡͝e̸̢̡͞͝ ̨̕͢͢m҉e͟ ̴̧͟a̴̢͠n̶͏̵͠ ̷̷̛͟͠ǫ̴͞p̴͢͝e͘͏n͏̧҉̡i̷̕͝ń̵g̵̡̕͝ ̛̀͡t̴̷͠͡ǫ̶̀͟ ̶̢̀́m̷͏̡́a̸̴͏̷̛ķ̴͢͢e̛͘ ̡͟t̛́͢͝͡h̢̧̕͞a̧͘͞͝ţ ̡̡́c̢̕h̸͜͡͝a̧̨͘ń̶͟͜g̴̵̕e̛͟͝͝ ̸̧̛͞o̸̵̧̢f̡̢̕ ̵̧̛p̸͢͞͡l̕͞͝a҉̧́̕ǹ̡̕.̸̸̢͞ ̛͢Ì̕͝ ̕͞҉l҉̸èt̵͞ ͠ḩ̸̵́̕e̶̷͜͝r͏̡̧́̕ ̢̕͞͞f̢a͏̧l͟͟͞l̵̷̛͝ ̶͠s̛͢͟͜t̶̸̷͞͠u̡͞ǹ̶̛͘͞n҉͢͡e̴̛͡d́͞ ̢̨t̀͝o̵̡̨͘͠ ̷͘͠t͞h͏̡e̵͜͠͏ ͜l̶̢̢͞i͏̵̀́ǵ́h̵̨͜t̛,̷̴̛͡ ̷̡͜͠g͜͟͡͠í̷͟͠v̛i̡̧̧̛͡ņ̡g̵̨̡͟ ͜m̸̨͜͝e҉̴ ͢͏̷̧̢t̨̢͜͡h́͘͝e̸̡͟ ̸̛̕͟͠ờ̡̨p̢̀͟ṕ̷̴̧͘o̶҉ŗ̸̶t҉̷̀͟͏u͟͜͢͞ń̴̶í͝t̷҉҉y̡͘ ҉̷͞͏͟t́o̴͠͠ ͘ş̨n̶̡͟ą̴͘t̡c̵̨͞͝h͢͏͏҉̡ ͝t̷̢̡͢͞h̸̛́҉̧į͜͞͏̴s̵.̶.̷̵̶̀.̴̷̸́a̶̧͘ ̵̛͞͞s̡͏̡̡h͟͟͝͡à̴̡͢r̢͟҉͝d̶͘ ́͝͞͡o̸͜͠f̶̀͟͝͞ ̶́̀h͜͢͠͞e͘͝r̸͞͡҉ ̴҉s̶̕o҉̵́u҉̵̧̢l̶̀.̷͟͜͠," the shadow explained that it had possessed Kaika for awhile, but never got the chance to fully take control of her. Holding the piece that it claimed to be a part of Kaika's soul, the crystal shard dissolved into the shadow's form, almost like absorbing that piece into it's darkness. As that happened, Kaika, who was unconscious, started to show signs of intense pain as part of her soul was taken in by the shadow being. "A̸̧̨͟s̶̢ ̴̨͘t̛͏͏ó̸̴͠ ̶͟͟͜͠w̶̨̨͝͠h̸̢̢͝ǫ̢͘͜͞ ̢́̕̕a̸̵͘͘ń̨͝d̛̀͟͞ ̴̷w̴͜͝h̛҉̶̧͟a҉̧t̵̛҉̵ ̷̢͜͜I̢͏ ̵̢̕͘͡á́̕͡͠m̛͠.́͜.̵͢͠.̶͜I͟͜͠͏̕'̵̶̢͘ĺ̢͠l̸̡͢͠ ͢͡j̶̧̨͟u̴͘s̵͡͞͞t̶͟͝ ́͝ļ́͟͞e̴̸͜͡ą̴̡͜v͘͏͜é̷̸̶͞ ̢t̴̸̵̨̀h̡͢҉ą̸̛t̨͝͏ ͝͏̷͜f̛͞òr̀͝ ̢̡͠y̢̛͠ó̸̢͢͞ų̷̛ ̷̕͜͠t̛͢o̷͞ ̨͝f̵̢́í̛̕̕͠g͡҉͏͞u̵̢͜͝r̨͏͏e͏͟ ̢̛͢͡ó̧͢u҉̵̨͡t̛̛ ̀͡͡ó̧̨͘ņ̷̧҉͝ ҉ỳ͜͞ò̶͜͞͝u҉r̷̢͡ ͏̵o̷̢̡w̨̛͝n̸̶̢͘͟.̸̧͠.̨͘.͘͟͞" the shadow taunted right after absorbing a part of Kaika's soul into itself, and a little of Kaika's voice was starting to blend with the distorted voice as if this shadow was starting to make an alternate form based off of Kaika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Why not?" Sora asked. "Aren't you proud of yourself, that you were able to get a power very few have obtained? besides, even if I were to, I don't really know enough about you to be that friendly with you. I've met the Witches here, only one is helpful and kind. The rest are rude. Besides, Lady Eva, aren't you bored? if you help me out, you have something interesting to do. But I'm still gonna call you that. Don't get me wrong though. I'm not gonna be stuffy or anything like that. I'm just gonna call you Lady Eva, because that's what I wanna call you. It's got nothing to do with formalities or respect, it's just my choice." Sora explained.

"But..this is just a dream, or Nightmare. This is Kaika's inner self, I'm guessing. So, if we defeat you, she'll go back to normal. Sorry, but your plans will not come to fruition!! it's okay if we attack, because even if it hurts her outer self, getting rid of you is better than getting taken over!" Mickey ran at the shadow, going for a downward strike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yeah, I guess I'm proud, but I'm not as boastful as the other witches that have the kind of power that I have," Eva sighed, seeing that he wasn't going to stop calling her "Lady Eva" anyways. She was once like that, arrogant and sadistic with her title of being Beatrice's successor, but after the events of that game, Eva tried to change her attitude while trying to keep herself away from boredom.
"Į̧ ҉͝҉̡͝w͘͜o̵̶ų̢҉ļ̶́͟͟d̨͟͝ ̨̕l̛͏į͠ḱ̴̛e͜͜ ̶̶̢̕͠t̢͏̢͡o̷͢ ̴̸̵͡ş̷̡̛̕ȩ̶̡͡͠e̷ ̴͢ý̵̕ó͢͝͞u̴ ͏͜t̴͝ŕ̡͘͘͢y̨͝͠.̛̀͘͝.̷͢͟͞.҉͏̶.̡́͜" the shadow laughed at how they thought that they could easily just force the being out of Kaika's conscious. Holding up it's arm, the shadow had it's arm morph into a blade that would block Mickey's downward strike of his keyblade effortlessly, using it's arm as another blade ready to counterattack. Though, before it could try, Riku swung his keyblade fast in a horizontal angle, forcing the shadow to block that as well and retreat backwards a bit.

"You don't look like you're handling the both of us that well, from what I'm seeing," Riku said, seeing that the shadow was somewhat annoyed that it couldn't pull off what it wanted to do in the first place.

".̨̧́͟.҉̸́.͟͜h̷̢̛͘̕è̷̵h͢͏̡,͏̵ ͠҉̛y̸̢͝o̕͏͘̕͠ứ'̶͟r̀͡͠e̵͟ ̵͜͟͠͡ŗ҉ì̷͜͠g̡͏̴̶h̵̡̀̕͢t̀ ́͠҉o̵̡n͘͜͏̷͘ ͜҉̴̕t̷̡͝h̕à̀͟͞ţ̷̛́́ ̴͘͢p̢̕ár̵͞҉̸t̵̛͘.̕͟͞҉͏ ̸̵͏H̡̨͢͞ǫ̸̶̢ẃ̢̢͝e̢̛̕v̧e̢̧r̸̀͢͜.̛͢͡͡.͜͠͠.͟͠Í̡͞'͘͡҉ḿ̛ ̢́̀͜͜n̵͟o͢͟t͜͟҉ ̸͠a͜ļ́҉o̷͢͡ǹ̷͞e͏̴̨͢ ̕̕͜é̡̛͜i̷̡͘͘t̴̢̛͜͠h̵̡̀͟é̷̸̛͝r͘.҉́͘͢͞.̡̕͟.̷̀͘͞" the shadow said as it's two red eyes emitted from the figure of darkness that made it up in the first place. The darkness around it began to spread, but then pull apart into two shrouds of shadows. These two separated shrouds began to build up into the same form the original shadow had, but had lost the ability to speak barely, only letting out a vocal distorted mess as it's voices. The same could be said about it's core intelligence, as both seemed to be more animal than how it was when it was only one. Immediately the two shadows went for their targets with their arms that were now shadow blades, one towards Riku and one towards Mickey.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"And you don't have to be. Listen, all I'm trying to say is, don't you think those guys will try to step all over you? I don't know you as well as I'd like to, but you know what most of the Witches are like, right? you have to..assert yourself, is all I'm trying to say, Lady Eva." Sora said, crossing his arms. "Although, saying that kind of looks silly when I look like a kid, huh.." Sora chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head.

Mickey, without hesitation ran towards his respective shadow. As they were both in front of each other, both about to attack, he attempted to slice the shadow in half first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"It is, coming from you, but I'll keep that in mind," Eva had a feeling she had this kind of talk before, but didn't really put a finger on why it was nostalgic to her. She will admit though, this Sora kid was different to the usual pieces that would be used in the games.
Riku decided to go for a magic approach, casting a Firaga spell at the shadow aiming towards him. The shadow against Riku was hit by the powerful flames cast by Riku, but kept on going towards him while letting out a high-pitched screech. Riku was able to swing his keyblade right at the shadow once it was close enough, seeing that since the shadow had split into two, same could be said about the shadow's core intelligence being split into two halves.

The shadow after Mickey didn't try to avoid the incoming keyblade, and instead tried to clash against it with it's shadowy claws.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Sora grumbled a bit. He looked at his hands. "Stupid dream, making me look young.......I wonder why I still look like this, anyway..is it because of..?" Sora went silent for a moment, then clenched his fist. "I guess so.." he said vaguely, coming to a realization about something. "So, anyways..where was I? right, I want to find a place where other like-minded, high-ranking Witches gather..but only Beatrice knows. I chewed her out the last time I saw her." Sora sighed, suddenly in a bad mood. Then, there was a shift in atmosphere. Something like something flapping. He turned to the door, seeing a red blur and white. Sora walked to the door and took a peek out. There was no one there, but there was a a single scroll on the ground. Sora picked it up. He brought it back inside. "Thought I saw someone..anyways, I found this." Sora held up the scroll.

Mickey attempted to cut down the middle of it's arm as it tried to do so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Must be some strange kind of dream if he appears younger than usual... Eva thought to herself until he began to bring up the point that he wanted to get to the place where all of the "higher-class" Witches go to, and that Beatrice is or could be the only Witch that knows where it could be. That may be the case since Virgilia didn't know and she was a previous Beatrice. Eva was going to make some suggestion on what she would do if they had to find Beatrice again, but she also felt the strange "shift" go by. That wasn't a thing that happened in the Metaworld at all, even if this place ignored many of the basics of physics and common sense.

"A...scroll? That doesn't seem to make much sense if it was just there," Eva crossed her arms, rather suspicious if someone really left it there from how Sora thought that someone had come across,"Virgilia...er, any idea on what the scroll's about?"

"No, I don't recognize it," she took a moment to look at the scroll that Sora found, but Virgilia shook her head upon realizing she had no knowledge on this what-so-ever.
As if synced at the same time, both of the shadows that were separately fighting both Riku and Mickey were cut right through from their keyblades. This forced both shadows to immediately break apart and form together to return to the shadow that they first saw once entering this nightmare.

"Had enough?" Riku could tell that the shadow seemed weak, it's essence was fading a bit due to the contact it had with their keyblades.

"I͡t͏̧̛.̛͡.͞.̕͝d̡͞o̷̧e͢҉s͢͟n̕͝'t͘ ͝m̸͠a̛҉ţ̀̀ţ̨e̡͡r.̢.̢͘.͠.͡I̡͘ ͟a̛͠lr̛̕e̢̢a̶̷d̸͢͞y͠ ͡g̸̸o҉t̸ ̨w̸̸h͜a͏t̶ I͞..҉̵.̷̵̨n̛è̶e̷de͏̷d͞ ̨́f̵r̛ơ̧m͟͝͠ ̛K̴a̢̛͝į͜k̷͠ą̡͡.̨̛͏..̷͡un҉̶̡ţ̷i̕l̸͏ ̧͢w̷̢̛ę̛ ͟͟c͢r̡̕o̷̴ss͘ ͢p̸҉a̷̵t̸h̴͟͠s̶.̵́..̸͟I ͘wi̧̡ll̶ ̢giv́͡e̴ ҉á̴͟ ̡͢p̶̛r̢o̷pe͞͠r͠ ͘͜e͏̸̕ń͝d҉͘ ͏͟t̷̛͜ò̶͞ o͞u͠҉͏r̸...҉̴f͟iǵ͠ḩ̴t̸̀͝.̷͡.̴͟" the shadow spoke, some parts of it's voice started to resemble Kaika's in a way, due to it absorbing a bit of her soul. It saw no reason to continue this fight in this place, since this was Kaika's dream. Without giving the other two a chance to question it any longer, the shadow appeared to send itself out of Kaika's dream, and no trace of it could be seen anywhere else in the dream.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"Dear Sora, Witches may control a territory, but do not assume that because they have knowledge you do not, that they know all. That title is reserved for the Great Witch of Knowledge, or those of the Grand Library who record tales, such as your own, for nothing more than a read." Sora rose an eyebrow at this.

"I'm being watched, by Witches?" Sora questioned, but kept reading. "There is also the very rare Creator Witch, but they are millenia old and I can only recall one that still keeps regular contact with anything resembling life. Gods lord over Gods, regardless. Those of a regular Witch title laugh at you humans, and Voyagers are proud to be rid of their regular title. Creators, or the idea of them elict fear in the barely sane Voyager." Sora paused, taking all this in.

"There is a Witches council, composed of thousands of great Witches. Respectively, Great Lady F----------, Lady Bernkastel, and Lady Lambdadelta hold high positions. Take note, young Sora. You are nothing but a God's amusement. But, play your cards right and you will have your audience." Sora concluded, and it was unsigned.

"We have no further business here either. We did our best, whatever it did to Kaika..we cannot move any further. This is the extent of her nightmare." Mickey said in a sad tone. He then dived out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Sounds like you got someone keeping an eye on you," Eva commented, giving off the impression that he knew nothing of this "mysterious" sender of the scroll. The same could be said about Virgilia, but she was silent. Even for her, she had no idea who could had sent the scroll's message in the first place. It was even tricky to interpret this as advice or a warning to Sora, and it was hard to think it out for Virgilia.

"I think that sums up Witches abut more...but I'm kinda confused too..." Maria scratched the back of her head as soon as he concluded the reading of the message.
For a moment, Riku gave one last look around for anything hidden really well in this dream, and then dived out right after Mickey. Once they would dive out, Kaika was still asleep, but seemed more soundly and peaceful than earlier.

"I-Is Kaika going to be okay?" Sota asked as soon as he saw them return from diving into her nightmare.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

(You know, the reason I made that part with the letter was that I kinda hoped you'd bring in some Witch OCs or something. The Witches have an entire Council so who knows how many more of them their really are, probably thousands.)

"Well, whoever sent it to me is on our side, at least." Sora said with a smile. "More information is helpful. If I could make one wish though, just for one person..it'd be someone powerful to help us out. Doesn't have to necessarily be an enemy, but not an ally either."

In the lifestream was one resistant element. It was Sephiroth. He sensed something strange, something reaching to his will.

"A way..to regain corporeal form? how interesting." Sephiroth said to himself. Disappearing from the lifestream, in a flurry of black feathers he appeared in the Meta-World. How had he gained access to this dimension? simple.

Sephiroth had a will unlike any other. He simply willed himself into the meta-world, a place perfect for one such as him who had no human shape any longer. It at least gave him a form in a higher dimension.

(Now, I suppose I should go about acquiring a way to gain a human form again. I'll simply use whatever life form lives here and then dispose of it.) Sephiroth thought to himself. Looking around, he wasn't near anyone but found himself in a tea parlor.

Gripping his nodachi, he left the room and tried to find someone to ruin.

"Well, let's just say probably better than before. But there was..some thing in her, some lifeform in her dream. It took something and we couldn't stop it, I hope it wasn't important." Mickey said with an uncertain face.
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