Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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"Here we go." Light said, standing in front of what was presumably the principal's office, since there was a name plate with his name on him. He walked through the door, and looked around. Yeah this is it alright. And there's the computer. Light thought to himself. There was a printer with paper loaded, so that would be useful. It was very brown, having a few bookshelves and sofa. Quite unremarkable and generic. Light sat down at the desk, turning on the computer. Here was his first obstacle, the computer password. Light tried a few things, and after a few attempts manged to crack it, and made a note of the password for future use. Logging in, Light clicked the internet browser. Searching the Principal's history web history, he found a link to the online database. He clicked on it. "Here we go. Now, what should I search for first? hm, well, I should search for Yuno. Let's see what the school has to say about her.." Light said, and searched the database. Clicking on her name, he started to read her file.
After awhile of backtracking from Yuno's place, which wasn't really much of a problem since he had a good memory, Light found himself standing in front the school's doors. Which were obviously locked. "Okay, so as a Shinigami I walk through walls and other objects. This will be useful in most situations, but abusing it might hurt me in the future." Light walked towards the doors, then right through them. "Interesting." Light said, looking at himself. "I'll let you go to the cafeteria, and have a few apples. But pace yourself, I don't want the school to start getting suspicious about food supply. I'll be heading to the principal's office. It's going to be a long night. And I have much work to do." Light said, wandering off to go find the principal's office.
"A terrorist on the loose? we could have our next diary holder. Just a possibility, of course. Either way, that's pretty major. I think this terrorists death will be my first major act as Kira. When all of the death's will be featured on the news, I will send a note and an apple to the first major news outlet that broadcasts the incident. You will be the one to deliver those things, Ryuk. Now, then.." Light said.

"Those who oppose justice, those are the ones who will be punished." Light said, starting to write down names,

Cue dramatic music.

"On one side of things, I'll attract attention to myself from the diary holders and the authorities, with my Kira persona." Light said, dramatically swiping his pen across the paper. "I write down a name, and they die. They all start dying, these people have obstructed justice long enough!" Light exclaimed. "No one escapes my grasp!"

In different parts of Japan, and perhaps in other countries, countless criminals suddenly started dropping dead from heart attacks, whether it be in houses, on the streets, or in jail.

"And on the other side of things, I'll be playing the role of a simple high school student, who lives with his rich parents somewhere in Kanto, having an "experimental vacation". I know how to forge documents, I've been alive long enough to know the tricks." Light said, slashing another name across the paper. "No one will suspect a thing."

Somewhere, another person had just dropped dead.

"Eleven, she said 11 diary holders now. Eleven Diary holders, and a God of Time and Space. Hah, I bet none of them hold a candle to L. He was my only real challenge." Light said with a chuckle.

Finishing, Light shut his notebook. He then stood up to finish his speech. "Now, it's not enough to just be the "God of the New World" anymore. I've accomplished that. I will become, the "God of a New Age!! the new age of Light!" Light said. Light took a breather, calming himself. "Now then. I think I remember, those two, Yuno and Yuki, they came from directly behind me, from a school. A middle school. If my suspicion about the terrorist being a diary holder is correct, one of the next targets will be at that school. It's only logical. So, we have to break in and stay over night. And during that time, I will forge documents and mess around on the school's databse, of which the principal should have access on his computer." Light gathered his things. "Let's head there, Ryuk. We'll swing by the cafeteria, swipe you an apple."
Light turned around, looking at the house. "You know, something is not right. The lights were completely out, and her parents weren't home. Why would a kid stay in the dark like that and not turn on the lights at all? second, It would not make sense for there to be an ad in the newspaper, for house, and for the girl to be standoffish. Surely she would know. So, she's lying, given her track record with being in a survival game, and being a stalker, I'd say her parent's are possibly dead." Light deduced. "I know one thing, I need to sit." Light said, going over to sit on a bench. Opening his newspaper, he laid it beside him, and opened his Death Note, clicking his pen. "Let's see what we can find.." he muttered, scanning the newspaper for anything noteworthy.
How unreal, to see the same person again, even at her house. What a contrived coincidence. She lives in a pretty dinged up house. Her parents must not work hard enough if they let there house go into such a state of disrepair. Light thought to himself. Light gave a (fake)sigh of relief, as if he thought someone creepy would come out. "Oh, I see. I guess this ad wasn't very up to date then. I'm from out of the city, around Tokyo but not exactly near it. It's around but our place of living is pretty self contained." Light explained, as if he was living her mind. "I came down here for a personal vacation for a few months without much, if not nothing. I wanted to see if I could make it on my own, and I just needed a place to stay. It wouldn't be much, all I need is an assured bed. But, I understand. Wouldn't want someone you don't know, staying in your house. Who knows, i could be dangerous." Light said nonchalantly. "When you parents come home, please ask them to consider it. My name is Light." he said, and slowly started to walk down from the door and down towards the sidewalk.
"Well, this is the place. It doesn't seen the most sanitary, but then again if it's some serial killer that lives here, I can just kill with my Death Note." Light said casually. Walking up to the house, Light stepped up to the door. He knocked on it, putting on a nervous stammer. "H-hello? does anyone actually here..? I'm h-here because of the ad you placed in the newspaper?" Light said, still knocking.
"I dunno, really. But if that masked person and those kids are any indication, it can't be anything ordinary. Now let's see.." Light walked out of the elevator, and saw a newsstand outside. Stepping outside, Light picked up newspaper. scanning it with his eyes. "Hm, here we go. This place right here seems to be not very far away from here." Light said, circling it on the newspaper. "When we get to sit down, we can see if there's been any killings on this newspaper." Light said, already thinking about getting into his old routine. Light started to make his way to where the newspaper indicated.
Light sighed in relief as he entered the elevator. Clicking the bottom number labelled "1", the elevator door shut and made it's way down. "Damn, all of this over thinking is all on my fault. It's as if I'm expecting this girl to be on par with my intelligence. Though you have to wonder, why would a God of time and space bring two young kids into a survival game? which means, they have talents I've yet to understand or figure out. I guess it's like the Wammy House kids. Did you notice, though? I think she's pretty much that guy's stalker, but their situation forces them together. With how much she know's and how physically capable she is, Yuki actually has a higher chance at survival with her around. I wonder what the people in this world are really capable of, it seems like an interesting place. When we get out of here, we have to figure out how we're gonna live. We should go pick up a newspaper, see if they have some temporary lodgings somewhere." Light said, making a note of everything.
"She took the broken diary..but it's broken, useless because that person lost. If I didn't know better..wait..why did she go for the stairs instead of the elevator? maybe she know's I'm here. If I go towards the elevator, she could jump me from behind. Then again, it wouldn't make sense for her to hurt me or anything since she doesn't know who I am..at best, if she does know I'm here she'd just threaten me. She seems unusually strong for a kid. But if I go down the elevator, will that Yuki kid be outside? she'd just check her phone, and if I tried to talk to him, I'd be discovered by her. Well, my best bet right now is to towards the elevator. He's probably already left by now." Light decided. Slowly sneaking he started to make his way towards the other elevator.
"And she also confirmed my theory about the diaries actually telling the future. Okay, so here's what I'm thinking. She said that when a participants diary is damaged, there is no more future for them, and they disappear, like that person did. But, if I kill a participant with a Death Note, the diary should still function, and ownership would probably transfer to the next person who touches it. Kind of like a Death Note in a way. It's just a theory, so the next time we seen a participant, I'll try it out." Light muttered. "This Deus guy could be a problem too. If the need arises, I wonder if I could just kill him off, if he's really a god of time and space." he muttered. His gaze shifted to Yuno, noticing she wasn't following Yuki inside. "And what're we doing? is she going in a different elevator?" he said, watching her closely.
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