Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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(Alright, then.)

"So the only significant people in this world are the Diary holders and Deus..I suppose that settles that then." Light said, writing down the name of the North Korean dictator. "No detectives or oddballs here, I see. I'm actually a little disappointed. Ah, it reminds me of when I was young and inexperienced. Oh, well. I guess I'll make due with the survival game, I am already wrapped up in enough I suppose. It makes it easier if the people are more subservient to a force such as myself." Light said, turning his attention back towards his the TV for the reaction the latest dictator of Korea's death. It would happen in exactly forty seconds, so it wasn't a long wait. "Honestly, I wouldn't allow anyone else to stop me. L has been the only one to match my wit. And right now, he is the only one allowed to stop me. Not that he's alive, of course. The Whammy House kids left a lot to be desired." Light said with a sigh. "Though, the reaction with the Diary holder kids and the police officer one...in fact, I will phone him right now." Light quickly stood up, and phoned the station. "This is Light Yagami, I need to speak with the Inspector. Yes, thank you.....Inspector!! are you seeing the news right now?! the killer of the 400 deaths has sent an Email to a news station, and is going to kill Kim-Jung Un through a heart attack somehow, in just a few seconds from now!!" Light exclaimed, his breathing tense and his voice hysterical, Light looked at the TV still.
(So, what's next after this? Code Geass, since that's where we started last time?)

"Excellent." Came Light's reply as he eagerly took the laptop off her hands, like a child receiving a new toy at Christmas. He opened it up, turned it on and logged in. He accessed the Internet, and sat at the search bar, silent. He sat back, thinking on what to do. "Speaking of parallel Earths, it's almost headache inducing. You realize, there are probably millions of different alternate reality's, with a single different change made, yes? In another possible universe, I am girl and you are a boy, I am sure right now my girl self would have mentioned this. And another million realities where you never showed up, and we are not talking right now." Light pointed out. Deciding to send a message to the News station playing on TV, he went to the police website for the city's local station. Seeing a viable email to steal, he copied it, and went to the login page. In just a few minutes he cracked the password, and was writing out a message to the News Stations email address.

it read:

Email said
To: Sakuraminews@gmail . gov

Subject: To ease concern on widespread panic


I am the one who caused 400 criminals to die in one day. How, you might ask? that is a well-kept secret, however I would like to say right now, I have no interest in the deaths of normal people. I am only interested in ridding this world of undesirables. Murderers, Warmongers, Rapists, burglars, anyone who commits any type of crime will be punished swiftly and severely. Those who try to stop my purge, you will never find me out. You may be asking yourselves "why do this? what's the motivation?" it is simple, I am sick and tired of our dear planet wasting away into ruin, destroying itself day after day. I envision a world with no more suffering, no more pain, hatred or ignorance. Some people need to be dragged kicking and screaming into such a place. I have the resources, and I will carry out my vision. To show I am serious, When this message is read on live TV, I want you to confirm something. You may take your time, but you will confirm the following death: The current dictator of Northern Korea, will die on the spot of a natural heart attack. After this, I would like an immediate response from the world governments, that they will bend to my will and stay out of my way. That is all, and have a pleasant afternoon.

With love, Kira, God of the New World"

He hit "send" and then made sure he left no trace behind. Shutting the laptop as he had no need for it at the moment, he got ready for the News station to launch into a "breaking news" about the email, ready to write down the name of the dictator as promised. It would probably take awhile, but It'd be worth it.
"I see, so it's not anything to his benefit, he's just going to accept his death and he's using this Game as a means of a pastime. What a waste of power. He's probably gone senile in his old age. I guess we just have to figure out who Deus's proxy is, for starters. Maybe he or she only appears to the diary holders, and not regular people? which is why even though I used the Death Note to kill off Minene, nothing's happened to me." Light said, and then went silent, listening to the TV report about Minene and the school. "Hmm, that's not good. Which means I won't have an easy way of keeping an eye on the diary holders. Oh, well. I'll figure out something." Light said, clicking his tongue with a frown. "Have you brought anything I could use? perhaps a computer or something useful?" Light said, motioning to her bags.
Light simply nodded. "Then it is decided then." He sat down at the table, flipping open the Death Note he turned on the TV to the News, waiting for any good reports of killers. In fact, it might be a good time to send in his letter and make his appearance as "Kira" once again. On another note, he had finally snagged a break with Madeline. She obviously had trouble understanding emotions without any, so if he "taught" her to embrace her own godhood, but in his own special way, he could possibly corrupt her and make her change her mind about being Kami's vessel. Possibly use her somehow for his own ends, she surely had some skills he knew nothing about. Not only that, I've yet to meet with this "Deus" character. Maybe Madeline knows about her? I should ask.. Light thought to himself. "So, do you know anything about the God that inhabits this version of Earth? it is my main threat here in this world." Light said, tapping his pen on the table he waited for a report on any dirty scumbag he could kill.
Necrosis said
Superman didn't start healing this fast until something started to happen. That being said, Doomsday is just the first part of this mission. There are two more objectives you will have to deal with.Now I didn't tell you guys to stop messing with Dimensions cause your beating doomsday to easily, thats fine. I'm telling you cause when you all start messing with dimensions like this, you might create a tear and summon Trigon or something. Trigon makes doomsday look like a weakling.

Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification. We'll tone it down then.
Kael Taiyou said
Dude, in the comics, Doomsday and Superman kill each other, what would happened if only Superman died? Pretty much a huge chunk of the world would be gone since not even the strongest could beat him. That's just me by the way.

So, more or less we're just there as a distraction then I take it.
Necrosis said
As for Alpha stop messing with Dimensions or something really bad is going to happen.

Wait, what? I'm not gonna lie, that is pretty lame dude. How is this any different from the events of the comic then, and how are we, the ones YOU, the Redeemer sent to in your own words, DEFEAT Doomsday actually "fixing" anything? either way Superman comes back to life, even if he dies and I don't think a hospital is enough to save him, more like THE SUN, which is where he has regained strength more then once. I don't get it. If we don't get to fight and or defeat him, what exactly are we supposed to be accomplishing here?
"FUCK YEAH, GO YOU TWO!!!" Simon roared out in excitement, Leona and Mephilia dealing devastating blows to Doomsday. "Now, I'll go all in too!!" Simon grinned. The bar reading his Spiral Power broke, creating a longer bar as his energy was massive thanks to Mephila's power boost she gave to everyone just then. A Gigantic drill, 4x bigger then his last one was created. With there three attacks, Mephilia's power drain, Leono's attack and now his, there's no way he could take all of them."Giga...Driiiiillllllllll.....MAAAAAAXXXIMUUUUIUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" Simon roared out, the massive drill heading right towards Doomsday.
"I see..then that's perfect!" Simon said with a grin, slamming a balled fist into his hand. "Alright, we can do this!! Yeah, I would like your permission to use the Red Truth!! and with my Spiral Power, you can kick reason to the curb and DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!! that's how Team Dai-Gurren rolls!!" Simon exclaimed, and a massive amount of the green Spiral Power surrounded Mephilia's body. "Spiral Power is the evolutionary power of ALL organic life!! you just have to grasp that power! it works on machines, too! you just gotta pierce it, WITH YOUR DRILL!! go on, use that energy for the most powerful attack you can think of, use it in turn with your "truth" you're using!! I'M GONNA USE MY DRILL!!!" Simon exclaimed, the plan all ready he just needed permission to use it and then they could unleash both of there attacks together at Doomsday.
"Damn!!" Simon yelled out, as his drill disintegrated and he was sent flying back on his ass. Simon got Gurren Lagann to stand, dusting himself off. He walked up next to what seemed to be the only two fighting left at the moment, as the others had taken off to either help each other or other people. "Names Simon, I'll be your ass-kicking backup today. Redeemer sent me." Simon said, always one to make entrances. I'd say it''s nice to meet you, but we can trade life stories later." Simon said to Mephilia, seeing as she was on the ground, the robot lowered it's left hand, offering for her to step up on to it's hand. If she did, he would raise it up, and look on towards Cliffjumper knocking away Doomsday into the air. If she didn't, he kept talking all the same and pulled his hand away. "Hey!! name's Simon, keep up the pressure up there, I've got a plan!! you're doing great!" Simon yelled to get the Transformers attention. "Your spear thing seemed to have affected it. Why don't I lend you some of my Spiral Power? you're human, so you can use it to evolve your spears and stuff into something more powerful. Whaddya say, sound like a good plan to you? because it doesn't look like we can do much right now." Simon asked. "It could be our best shot."
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