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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru (Alpha) Metropolis - DC Universe]

Yukiteru remembered that he still had his darts. He decided to wait until Doomsday attacked. He rechecked his diary, still nothing. He backed up, looking around he saw a body, like of a superhero. He had a giant S on his chest. 'We need all the help we can get.' Yukiteru looked at the group, they were keeping Doomsday Busy. He ran towards the body, grabbed it and ran back. He called upon the doctor, "Hey Doc, I have an extra body here, he is badly damaged but I think he will PROBABLY survive, come here quickly and take him somewhere safe." Yukiteru kept watch of The Hero.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Doctor got the superhero and saw the green ring on his fiver glowing. The TARDIS the superhero with the S on his chest had solar radiation. The Doctor said "Yukiteru I have a plan. Hold off the big guy I will be back!" The TARDIS went into space and close to the sun. The Doctor opened the door and let the sunlight but the hero. "I hope this works." He saw the green ring glowing.
(The doctor(9th) alpha. Dc universe)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

[Mephilia Divinae | Team Alpha | Location: DC Universe]

* = Red Truth

Her slashes seemed to be effective... somehow. However, it seemed to have no end in her attacking routine. Mephilia soon stopped a few inches away. "How are we going to defeat this beast?", she asked. She saw that Sonic and Gurren Lagann were still fighting, and she had an idea as the hedgehog. She aimed once again at Doomsday and used her words as an Inquisitor. "*Defensive manuevers are UNREQUIRED. Your position to defend yourself is USELESS and BASELESS.*", she said. Her words, all in Red, became a spear that thrusted Doomsday.

[Koishi Komeiji | Team Omega | Location: Code Geass Universe]

Koishi soon appeared out of nowhere. Thanks to her power, she could be ignored by everyone and be invisible. "OK, what we'll do now?! I want some action, PLEEEEEEASE~!!", she asked. Innocent as ever... someone could say this to her, but it's certain that she will completely ignore it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]

Having everyone attack Doomsday all at once was a bad idea as each character got in each other way. To make matters worse, Doomsday clap his hands sending everyone flying back. This resulted in Yukiteru being knock out cold. The red truth though seemed to do some serious damage to doomsday but he was starting to heal from it. Just as doomsday was about to attack again he turned and face superman body which was now showing signs of breathing and thus charge towards superman.

[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]

It seemed that the students wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. Thus Nova decided to take action. She made her was to the school and pulled the fire-alarm causing everyone to ran away and evacuate. “We need to find a way to find you and find a better spot to talk.” said Nova who then cloak as she returned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]
"No you don't!" Cliffjumper said, slamming into Doomsday. "Someone get that guy outta here! I'll try distract him for a bit!" The size of Cliffjumper should be enough to send Doomsday flying, mostly if he wasn't prepared for it.

[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]
"That solved that problem!" Swoop said, relieved he had less tiny things to step on. "How bout I transform, less chance of stepping on someone!" He didn't wait for an answer, and jumped up. Where he was before, a giant metallic pterosaur was. It was hovering, flapping it's wings, in one spot. Below him it became quite windy, as the wings blew air down on the school area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"He can do that with a clap huh?"
Still on the air, Lerafa saw all the action below him, he used another boost of wind to push him to where Superman body is. "I'll do it." said Lerafa to Cliffjumper as the Defender got Superman's body. "Well, i'm carrying someone again, but i shouldn't complain..." said Lerafa as he jumped and used another boost of wind to get away from the fighting place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Sonic (Alpha) - Metropolis - DC Universe]

The force of the clap was that much to force Sonic out of his charging up Spindash, causing the hedgehog to roughly fall onto the ground with such force. Though, Sonic had survived that high of falls, so this wasn't enough to knock him out. Though, it appeared like Yukiteru was immediately knocked out from the fall. He ran towards his teammate and picks him up with no time to waste. "I'm going to take him somewhere safe," Sonic told the others, not wanting Yukiteru to get hurt while he was down for the count. So, he sped off while carrying Yukiteru, loosely following Lerafa away from the fight.
[Mephiles (Omega) - Ashford Academy - Code Geass Universe]

"Then we should start moving," Mephiles plainly states as soon as Nova had pulled the fire-alarm to scare the students away. He waited for their group to get going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru (Alpha) Metropolis- DC Universe]

Yukiteru was out cold. 'I'm useless I can't do anything without Yuno, I'm useless.' Even though Yukiteru was out cold, he still shed a tear. He woke up for a brief moment. "Sonic... Leave... me... take my darts.... aim at his... eyes... he'll get...blindsided.." Yukiteru blacked out once again. He was in the void that was his mind. He had acquired his godly powers in his mind. He traveled through time and space, in his memories. He tried to figure out what powered Doomsday, he saw how he was created and the different alternate universes that he was defeated but came back to life. 'That's it! The key is The one named Superman! If we can put Doomsday to rest dormant or at least freeze him until Superman is good enough we might have a chance! Now to get out of here...'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Damn!!" Simon yelled out, as his drill disintegrated and he was sent flying back on his ass. Simon got Gurren Lagann to stand, dusting himself off. He walked up next to what seemed to be the only two fighting left at the moment, as the others had taken off to either help each other or other people. "Names Simon, I'll be your ass-kicking backup today. Redeemer sent me." Simon said, always one to make entrances. I'd say it''s nice to meet you, but we can trade life stories later." Simon said to Mephilia, seeing as she was on the ground, the robot lowered it's left hand, offering for her to step up on to it's hand. If she did, he would raise it up, and look on towards Cliffjumper knocking away Doomsday into the air. If she didn't, he kept talking all the same and pulled his hand away. "Hey!! name's Simon, keep up the pressure up there, I've got a plan!! you're doing great!" Simon yelled to get the Transformers attention. "Your spear thing seemed to have affected it. Why don't I lend you some of my Spiral Power? you're human, so you can use it to evolve your spears and stuff into something more powerful. Whaddya say, sound like a good plan to you? because it doesn't look like we can do much right now." Simon asked. "It could be our best shot."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]
"Sweet! Another Cybertronian!" Cliffjumper said, mistaking the Gurren Lagann for one of his kind. "I'd upgrade my weapons, but there's no teletraan terminal nearby! And that spear wasn't mine!" he said, and squeezed off a few rounds of his X18 Scrapmaker at Doomsday.
((My last post until Necrosis posts again))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Elsa was knocked back by the force of Doomsday's clap and her ice blast went flinging in a random direction. She grunted as she hit the ground. However she forced herself back up and upon seeing Doomsday going for Superman she shot off another ice blast managing to stay in control of her powers for now it seemed.


Jo saw the alarm being pulled. It was not the best plan but it got people out at least. Silently she began to head out with the rest of the team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

[Mephilia Divinae | Team Alpha | Location: DC Universe]

* = Red Truth

Mephilia heard Simon and his plan. She did noticed that the Red Truth spear damaged Doomsday, and if Simon was willing to help her at all, maybe they would be able to beat Doomsday. "Understood. My name is Mephilia Divinae. I am not entirely human, but I believe this will work.", she said to him. Before she would do it, she decided to try it again. "*Self-regeneration is USELESS. With my Red Truth, I speak that your defensive manuevers continue to be BASELESS.*", she said in Red once again. This time, the Red Truth became 6 blades that thrusted Doomsday. "My Red Truth has no exact definition. It can be a spear, a blade, a bullet... it all depends on how you accuse your enemy. Do you and the others want permission to use the Red Truth?", she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"I see..then that's perfect!" Simon said with a grin, slamming a balled fist into his hand. "Alright, we can do this!! Yeah, I would like your permission to use the Red Truth!! and with my Spiral Power, you can kick reason to the curb and DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!! that's how Team Dai-Gurren rolls!!" Simon exclaimed, and a massive amount of the green Spiral Power surrounded Mephilia's body. "Spiral Power is the evolutionary power of ALL organic life!! you just have to grasp that power! it works on machines, too! you just gotta pierce it, WITH YOUR DRILL!! go on, use that energy for the most powerful attack you can think of, use it in turn with your "truth" you're using!! I'M GONNA USE MY DRILL!!!" Simon exclaimed, the plan all ready he just needed permission to use it and then they could unleash both of there attacks together at Doomsday.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The Doctor knew the TARDIS' shields won't withstand Doomsday's strikes for long. It has no defense or battle systems. *i have to get closer to the sun..* he thought and told everyone "I'm going into space. Give me 5 minutes! I will be back..." The Doctor felt bad leaving everyone bit he had to try bringing superman back. TARDIS made it's iconic noise and it took off into space. He had to hurry not wanting doomsday to attack. This creature's force seemed to rival that of a Dalek. "Come on girl let's get close to the sun!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[Kiritsugu, Omega Team, Ashford Academy, Code Geass World]

Everything was going well, they had a cover, the kids believed Nova's whole cosplayer thing and the thing about the newest Knightmare frame story. They could then proceed undercover, investigate the world, find out what they needed to know and accomplish the mission all without drawing attention to themselves.

And then someone decided to smash all that by pulling a fire alarm. Oh god, why.

"...we need to get out of here." he said calmly. If he was allowing himself to show emotion he would be groaning. "The fire department - and in addition, the authorities - will be arriving any minute."

[Leona, Yukiteru Anti Doomsday Strike Team, Alpha Team, Metropolis, DC universe]

Having backed away from Doomsday after her initial lockdown combo, Leona was now some distance away from Doomsday. Knowing that everyone was making a full out assault and feeling strengthened by the sun for a strange reason, Leona raised her zenith blade into the sky.

And just like that, the ground beneath Doomsday began to glow before Leona blasted him with a Solar Flare, with the power of the sun itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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[Sonic (Alpha) - Metropolis - DC Universe]

Sonic wasn't sure on how to aim properly, he would always leave that up to Tails and his inventions. Though, he could always try going up to Doomsday as fast as he could and throw the dart at his eyes, and then run back fast enough to avoid being hit. "Gotcha, just hold on," Sonic said to Yukiteru, seeing that the boy had blacked out once again. Sonic rested him near a stable wall, and gave a gesture to Lerafa to keep an eye on him. Tightly clutching the darts in his hand, Sonic sped back towards the fight, keeping Yukiteru's advice to aim for the eyes.
[Mephiles (Omega) - Ashford Academy - Code Geass Universe]

Mephiles decided that maybe he could create a decoy to distract the authorities if they do arrive, as Kiritsugu had foretold. With a snap of his fingers, two weak blobs of shadows appeared and formed into two humanoid figures. Apparently, he could only now summon two Imperfect duplicates, but due to some strange constraint, these duplicates looked nothing alike to each other or to Mephiles himself. "This will keep the authorities occupied so we can leave with no trace," Mephiles spoke as he waved off the two duplicates, whom began to slowly walk out of the school building.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
[Sonic (Alpha) - Metropolis - DC Universe]Sonic wasn't sure on how to aim properly, he would always leave that up to Tails and his inventions. Though, he could always try going up to Doomsday as fast as he could and throw the dart at his eyes, and then run back fast enough to avoid being hit. "Gotcha, just hold on," Sonic said to Yukiteru, seeing that the boy had blacked out once again. Sonic rested him near a stable wall, and gave a gesture to Lerafa to keep an eye on him. Tightly clutching the darts in his hand, Sonic sped back towards the fight, keeping Yukiteru's advice to aim for the eyes.

Nodding to Sonic's gesture, he decided to rest Superman body a little far away from Yukiteru. "Seeing that Doomsday is after him, i must keep him away from Yukiteru, or else he would get caught too." said Lerafa as he looked at the direction of the fight, lifted his left arm with an open palm, his right arm as if he was going to give a punch, stated to accumlate energy and forming another tornado on it. "Alright, time to take this seriously." he said as he was charging an attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Charr nodded in agreement Kiritsugu statement and turn to C.C. "do you know anywhere we can hid?" he asked her
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

[Mephilia Divinae | Team Alpha | Location: DC Universe]

* = Red Truth / ° = Blue Truth

The power coming from his energy was enough to Mephilia be able to use her great power as an Inquisitor. "... Under the circumstances that were presented, first of all, I declare that my allies are able to infuse their power with this... *The power coming from out attack are more than a MIRACLE. They have enough STRENGTH to defeat our enemy.*", she said in Red once more. All of the others had their weapons/attacks/skills infused with the power coming from this Red Truth. That wasn't over, Mephilia was now using her power.
"Under this command, I shall propose my mystery... °Under this Blue Truth, in this that is the First Nocturne, I declare that a beast attacked a superhero in this place. However, the hero was not able to defeat it so it got unconscious.°", she said, this time in Blue. Different from the Red, the Blue Truth affected the battlefield in where they stood. It seemed like stating the obvious, but the obvious isn't nowhere as simple. "*Now, my words in Red once again. In counterpart, many warriors are now driving the evil beast away. With that, I am certain that we will win with our bigger number, even if our enemy is stronger.*", she spoke. However, instead of the Red Truth implaing him like a weapon, its energy was drained by Mephilia's Sentence Blade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru (Alpha) Metropolis DC Universe]

Yukiteru was still stuck inside the void that was his mind. He wondered when he would wake up. He wanted to be of use and know what was happening in the outside world. He layed down in the void that was his mind. He began thinking of possible ways to wake up.
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