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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Jo tested her weapons in case the group ran into any trouble. Satisfied her eagles were in good shape she smirked.


Elsa watched Leona in awe as she was thinking Leona might be the same as her. She would ask her later after Doomsday was delt with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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"FUCK YEAH, GO YOU TWO!!!" Simon roared out in excitement, Leona and Mephilia dealing devastating blows to Doomsday. "Now, I'll go all in too!!" Simon grinned. The bar reading his Spiral Power broke, creating a longer bar as his energy was massive thanks to Mephila's power boost she gave to everyone just then. A Gigantic drill, 4x bigger then his last one was created. With there three attacks, Mephilia's power drain, Leono's attack and now his, there's no way he could take all of them."Giga...Driiiiillllllllll.....MAAAAAAXXXIMUUUUIUMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!" Simon roared out, the massive drill heading right towards Doomsday.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]
With that last combined attack doomsday is sent flying back and is badly injured. Superman on the other hand is waking up. “That girl, she giving me power.” says Superman as he points to Leona. “Your job for this time period is done.” says the Imperfect Redeemer as she shows up wearing a uniform similar to Superman. “That being said, you may either return back to the Redeemer or continue to fix a few more problems in this time-line.” says the Imperfect Redeemer as she starts phasing your guys out of this timeline.

[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]
The team eventually gots to a safe location. They were know underground and away from anyone spotting them. “Alright, now that all taken care of and we have a base, you should all start planning your course of action. I don't suppose any of you guys can change your apperance?” ask C.C. Nova on the other hand looks at Kiritsugu. “What happened to Saber?” ask Nova who could no longer read minds anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Necrosis said
[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe] With that last combined attack doomsday is sent flying back and is badly injured. Superman on the other hand is waking up. “That girl, she giving me power.” says Superman as he points to Leona. “Your job for this time period is done.” says the Imperfect Redeemer as she shows up wearing a uniform similar to Superman. “That being said, you may either return back to the Redeemer or continue to fix a few more problems in this time-line.” says the Imperfect Redeemer as she starts phasing your guys out of this timeline.

Lerafa stopped to charge his attack. "I wouldn't mind fixing more stuff, if others are okay with that." he said crossing his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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[Mephilia Divinae | Team Alpha | Location: DC Universe]

Mephilia's blade released the power and she made it disappear. "... Understood. I acknowledge it that the solution must be full, not half. Therefore, under the words of the Divinae's 17th, I will stay and fix the other problems in this world.", she said.

[Koishi Komeiji | Team Omega | Location: Code Geass Universe]

Koishi soon appeared out of nowhere, again. She heard the question, and had an idea. "Umm... I can be ignored by people if I manipulate their subconscious. Does that help into something?", she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Kiritsugu, Team Omega, CG universe]

"Saber is currently dematerialized to conserve prana." Kiritsugu explained to Nova. "In this state, either I or another master of a servant are the only ones who can see her."

[Leona, Team Alpha, DC world Universe]

Leona saw that the battle was finished and sighed in relief, sheathing her sword behind her shield again. Hearing that she had a choice, she briefly consider how she was providing power to superman but right now she had more pressing concerns in her mind. Looking around, she quickly found Elsa. "Are you alright?" she asked, approaching her and relieved she wasn't hurt in the battle. Of all the people here, she seemed like the one who did not fit in despite her own ice powers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Team Alpha – Metropolis – DC Universe]
Cliffjumper soon found himself back in the void where Optimus was. "Wow, that was surprisingly easy" he said, a little annoyed that it was so quick.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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[Sonic (Alpha) - Metropolis - DC Universe]

"Yeah, I'm gonna stick around and help with anything else," Sonic says as he was ready to help out in anyway.
[Mephiles (Omega) - Ashford Academy - Code Geass]

Mephiles only responded merely once they got underground,"I can change my appearance, but I suppose many of my other abilities are negated in this world."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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[Yukiteru (Alpha) Metropolis]

Yukiteru awoke from his void. He noticed that the Fighting was finally over.


Yukiteru spit blood, he was in horrible shape. He headed back to where everybody fought Doomsday. He fell on the floor behind the group.

-"I'm sorry I couldn't, help you guys, I was... just in the way... I'm sorry if I'm a burden, I guess you wont have to deal... with me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor walked out of the TARDIS with Superman. He smiled and said "I think I will stay too...with my TARDIS we can go anywhere in this world.."He patted the TARDIS.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Jo heard the question. "If we can find a clothing place I could find a disguise..." She said. "Unlike most people I cannot change on a whim." She wished she still had that schoolgirl costume but undercover work was not her style.

Elsa smiled at Leona. "I am alright. Maybe I should go back to see if Anna is alright. She is my sister after all." She put her gloves back on as she spoke.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]
Swoop followed the rest of the team to their base, and was pleasantly supprised he could make it inside. As the group entered, they would see a dark shadow 30-40 feet tall, and a glowing red bar that resembled sunglasses ((Slugs optics are connected)). "So I heard you need some help." Slug said, his voice full of contempt and anger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Necrosis


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[Team Omega (Nova) – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]
"How interesting, suppose you can't have more then one can you? Can't have to much of that type of backup." said Nova who blew her own hair out of her face. "Alright guys, lets come up with a plan. We should first gather intel on our targets and spend some time researching on them. After that we should come up with a plan." said Nova as she rested her C-20 cansiter on her shoulder and waited for a reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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(Omega )

Jo listened to Nova. "If it's intel we want I could have just patched a call to my team but seeing as that might not work given the dimensional crap....is anyone here a hacker?" She asked the rest of her team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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The Doctor asked Elsa. "I can see if my TARDIS can take you to see your sister." He smiled at her

(Ash. Omega. Code Geass Universe.)
Ash woke up at a strange academy. "Where the heck am I?" He looked around and for some reason felt like he was supposed to be here and supposed to meet some people here. He put the double barrel in the holster and chainsaw hand in its sheath. He slid on his metal hand and began walking
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"That would be nice.." Elsa said to the Doctor. "You and Leona have been so kind to me besides my sister.." She said smiling at them both. (Alpha )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

[Team Omega – Ashford Academy – Code Geass Universe]
Stuck inside the room, Slug felt a bit confined. However, he shrugged it off has he observed the room. It seemed to be filled with all sorts of odd trinkets, and in one corner ... A teletraan terminal? What was that doing here!? He walked up to it. "Greetings, warrior of cybertron" It said in it's robotic voice. He activated it. A holographic display appeared, and he selected his weapon. There were several upgrades, but they weren't available yet. "Swoop, seems like there's a Teletraan terminal here!" he said, then noticed a small pile of Energon cubes and ammo clips, "And some other neat supplies."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

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[Team Omega - Ashford Academy - Code Geass]

They were on a limited time frame. Eventually police and fire workers would show up to the building they had been awhile ago. Perhaps if it was discovered there was no fire they wouldn't be called, but there was still the fact the students and faculty would come back. They needed to operate as if they had limited time, and in that limited time find the Truth they were seeking to complete this mission.

They could use the school they had been in, or they could try to find another one. Perhaps the later would be safer, but it would be easier to get lost.

Regardless, it was best if it was a small scout group that did this.

Ange spoke up once more, the intent of her message directed at everyone, including the newly arrived Ash. She would have to update him on the information CC had given after there was time. Until then, she could only hope he'd cooperate willingly and without much trouble.

Still, it seemed they wouldn't be able to properly introduce each other yet.

"Kiritsugu, we should try to find a library. . ." The logic behind that was simple and clear, and someone like him should be able to discern it in an instant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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[Kiritsugu, Team Omega, Underground Safe Location, Code Geass World]

"No, I can't." Kiritsugu said to Nova. "Servants take a lot out of the master to maintain. If I try to summon another one, then I'll probably be bedridden and crippled."

Kiritsugu was about to consider his own course of action when Ange spoke up, mentioning the idea of finding a library. It was definitely not a bad option by any stretch; indeed it seemed like the optimal course of action.

"I agree." The Magus killer said to the witch of resurrection. "We should take a few of us who are capable of blending in."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Ash heard the call. *Try and find a library* He didnt know if he should trust this voice but no point on thinking. He didnt know where the hell he was. He began looking for a library. Ash had his hand by his pistol just in case.
(Ash. Omega. Code Geass Universe)

(The Doctor(9th) Alpha DC Universe)
The Doctor unlocked the TARDIS and said "Well come on then. Its bigger on the inside."
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