Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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I'm not fighting you, I'm pointing something out. As for the importantce of player characters, that should be obvious. The "Redeemer" our nondescript "something something male person" mission giver, obviously doesn't fight. It is clear,(to me) that it is your own Author Avatar. He moves along the plot, yes? but without interest in the plot or idea, the RP dies from said lack of interest. Player Characters interact and follow along with the plot and world you created, possibly even changing it a bit. Whether or not they are "Canon" from an existing work or not should not matter. As a matter-of-fact, I am a long time RP partner with Gardevoir(Gummi Bunnies), and she has quite interesting and original characters from a series she created, fyi & tyvm, so I think it is quite clear what they "do", my friend. To ask that as a GM, is quite possibly the silliest question I've heard. If you are curious, why not go ask the people who write in the Advanced Section with well written, and thought out original characters, what it is they "do" exactly for the story.
Necrosis said
Orginal character from an orginal universe is pushing it.

Like the Redeemer and his imperfect self in a WWII uniform for whatever reason, for instance?

Speaking of which, you haven't really given him any characterization or depth. Who is he? where does he come from, and what does he actually look like for one thing?
Light silently waited for the call to connect to the Prime Minister. As he did, he mentally prepared himself. All he had to do was convice him that it would be in his best interests to provide him with what he needed to "capture Kira". "Playing the role of my own L, if you think about it. Maybe I'll go under that code name as a "tribute" of sorts." Light said to Madeline.
Sorry for not posting, though I noticed there was a slight delay here as well. Gotten busy doing things in life, plus home school is starting up soon.
"Naturally, you are a star student from England Madeline, am I wrong about that?" Light said with a grin. "And, you did provide me with a place to live, so I really do have to pay you back somehow..hello?" Light said, then answering the phone and placing it to his ear. "That you, Inspector? what's the word? you get the PM or what?" Light asked hopefully.
"This is Light Yagami. You will be joining Yukki on the Kira Task Force for now on. If you refuse..i will have the police investigate the fact of why your parents aren't at home and your power is shut off there. Do you understand what I am insinuating here, Ms. Gasai?" Light asked. This way, I have her in my hold. She can't do anything in the KTF without me knowing about it, or else I'll just bring that fact up to any of the officers. They'll trust me, I'm just an innocent, genius model student who just so happens to have prevented any deaths of the children, and killed Minene too at the school. Light thought to himself.
"Hey, I know you're nervous, but this is going to be top secret. As in, when we have this meet-up, it's off the grid. The Prime Minister and all of the higher ups cannot claim any responsibility for this. Knowing how powerful this guy is, most of the World Government's will probably give in either way. Alright, I have to call Yuno now. I'll see you when you come over. Take everything you absolutely need, and nothing else. Talk to you later." Light hung up, then dialed Yuno's number into the phone. He waited for it to connect.
"You don't sound very distressed, Mr. Amano," Light noted. "though I suppose that would be I called. As of today, you're hired onto the KTF, that's Kira Task Force for short. You're a bright kid, Yuki. And certainly not average. Before you ask, no you don't have a choice. I'm getting a call from the Prime Minister soon, and I'll be laying out terms with him. The Kira case opens today. Make sure to tell your Parents. Bring what you need, then come over to this address..[Insert Apartment Address], ok? oh, and what's Yuno's cell number?" Light asked.
"Right, we will talk around that time again. Okay, bye." Light hung up. "Hahahahahaha...hehehehahahahahaha!!" Light couldn't help himself, he started to go into a laughing fit. "FOOLS!! playing right into my hands, and they can't even begin to see where the truth starts and the lies end. Alright.." Light took a breath. "I just need to make two more phone calls." Light said, pulling out a phone book. "Amano..Amano..no, that's Amane..Amon....there we are." Light phoned the number in the book. "Hello, is this the Amano household? my name is Light Yagami." Light inquired.
"My God..what the hell are we dealing with here?!" Light said in shock at the announcement of the death. "Okay, okay..we have to calm down. Inspector, I need a favor. I'm the smartest student in Japan, if I was able to figure out who Minene was...this line may not be safe, but I'll say it. Do whatever you have to. Get me in touch with the Japanese Prime Minister, get him to phone me. I suggest we mobilize a Kira Task Force, of the smartest detective minds around the world, the KTF for short. I'd say, it's a safe bet since this "Kira" killer didn't email this to any International or World News station, that this person is somewhere in Japan if he, she or it emailed to Sakurami News specifically. We need to get this started as soon as possible, before tonight of the various Government's decision. We can't let ourselves be bullied, no matter what. Are we in an agreement here with this, Mr. Inspector?" Light asked, preying on Keigo's vulnerable and unnerved state of mind. Now this was a good break. With this, he'd have a wider amount of resources to pick out the diary holders, one by one.
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