Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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So instead of just doing what I asked, the only one still who even acknowledges that Jonathan is there is Mtn. Why? now Yuki and Yuno are going to die and all you had to do was acknowledge my character's existence to stay alive.
Thanks for explaining that. Also, Yukiteru don't ignore my post. Yours is in direct contradiction of mine, 6 minutes is plenty of time to skim through my and simply respond to Gummi's post as well as mine. Jonathan can't shield them if they are not there please edit your post, it contradicts Mtn's as well. I'm not joking.
Allow me to explain what just happened on Jonathan's end with the Guardian. Metal conducts Hamon. Jonathan's attack "Metal Silver Overdrive", is basically a version of "Sendo Hamon Overdrive" that uses Metal. Sending a devastating Ripple through the charging arm, rendering it totaled and causing the arm to explode on itself (because the Guardian's cannon is loaded with small missiles in Battle Mode, thus the ripple wave would set them off).

If you don't get Hamon, you should have read up on the wiki article I provided on my CS. Here's the link, one more time: http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Hamon and the link explaining Jonathan's Hamon skills (Hamon is Ripple in English, btw): http://jojo.wikia.com/wiki/Jonathan_Joestar/Abilities_and_Powers

If you need visual aid for Hamon, watch the first couple of seconds of this, pay attention when he says "Metal conducts Hamon"
BB said
It was faint, very very faint, certainly to far for most humans to hear, but it was still there. A war cry of some horribly twisted thing that had once had a basis within humans. Well, while Mereana was someone who liked poking things with a stick, she wasn't exactly free right now. Her coworker had just suggested a really interesting and fun seeming game. To make sure whatever made that cry wouldn't interrupt the current proceedings, she released a few strings of thread, practically invisible, around the Goats, Siesta Troops, and their new found guests. They would act as impromptu(and literal) eyes to make sure no one would show up and start punching things

( So, I'm just going to guess by that tidbit, that Dio is now at least in the general direction of this then. Alright then, that gives me something to do I guess)

Jonathan continued to walk, then stopped when he saw something strange. A metal giant, quite huge. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, but there was no time for that right now. The giant spoke in an electronic, cold monotone voice "Target Neutralization in progress", pointing an arm towards them. Some type of weapon? he had a grasp on what that meant. He squinted. "Children..I must act quickly then..Doooooooooohhhh.." The Aura of Hamon, the Ripple flowed through him. running into the open, Jonathan picked up a rock and flung it at the metal giant, to get it's attention away from the kids. As it turned around, Jonathan struck it's arm with his Ripple attack. "Metal Silver, OVERDRIVE!!" Jonathan's punch made contact with the arm, sending the Ripple through the arm. Jonathan jumped back, though the attack would surely be devastating, he had no idea of it's true strength or what would happen to the gigantic bullets inside the arm with the ripple going through the arm. Would it explode? unsure, Jonathan ran in front of the kids to shield them from a possible blast.

Dio was getting impatient now, walking through this forest for so long. Was there no one around? this was it, just walking through a desolate forest region? Dio frowned, and then quickened his pace, running quite fast now he saw no reason to stop and take in the scenery around him. This was definitely more like it. Though, that was when he heard something. Stopping behind a tree, he looked to see some type of strange ship that could land on..land. Rather then questioning the efficiency and ridiculousness of having a flying wooden ship, he thought about re purposing it for his own needs. He couldn't make out what the people, who seemed to wear strange clothing and seemed to be speaking, were talking about, but he noticed something else that rose a few flags. Humanoid creatures, definitely not human, with goat heads. And more human looking girls with bunny ears. Were these people vampires of some sort? he had no idea how to approach this situation. Dio had been quite the reader in his childhood while his father wasted away as a drunken buffoon, and knew the cliche of stepping on a branch to reveal yourself. However, Dio was able to use his superior vampire physiology to control his movements carefully as well as his breathing, no one would hear a peep from his hiding spot. He was as well far away enough to see the situation but not be immediately spotted. So he decided to watch. Dio quickly moved over to two trees that were quite close to each other, a safer place to watch.
thewizardguy said
It's annoying to speak in the first person, because that doesn't specify which character. MTN has over fifty, so he needs to be very specific.

I agree with both parts of this. Thank you for getting it.
arowne97 said
most of us don't RP in the first person.

Mtntopview said
Apparently Yuno and Yukki were spotted by a Deception Guardian, but it couldn't pinpoint their exact location.

Gohan said
Why are you speaking in the third person? that's YOUR character.
Mtntopview said
Apparently Yuno and Yukki were spotted by a Deception Guardian, but it couldn't pinpoint their exact location.

Why are you speaking in the third person? that's YOUR character.
Mtntopview said
Name: HardshellAge: UnkownGender: Male personalityAbilities: Ability to transform into a giant mechanical Boll weevil-like creature as well as clone himself, control other insecticons using sound frequencies, and ingest 95% of known matter.Species: InsecticonFrom: Transformers Fall of CybertronOther: One of the original insecticons and one of the three with the ability to transform, his sentience is parallel to the other cybertronians. Hardshell prefers to rely on heavy artillery and advanced combat equipment as opposed to his natural combat instincts.Name: SharpshotAge: UnkownGender: Male personalityAbilities: Ability to transform into a giant mechanical stag beetle as well as clone himself, control other insecticons using sound frequencies, and ingest 95% of known matter.Species: InsecticonFrom: Transformers Fall of CybertronOther: One of the original insecticons and one of the three with the ability to transform, his sentience is parallel to the other cybertronians. By far the most dangerous insecticon, he had the ability to generate and harness electricity. He can be described as a sadist, and enjoys taking part in torturing captives.Name:Age: UnkownGender: Male personalityAbilities: Ability to transform into a giant mechanical locust as well as clone himself, control other insecticons using sound frequencies, and ingest 95% of known matter.Species: InsecticonFrom: Transformers Fall of CybertronOther: One of the original insecticons and one of the three with the ability to transform, his sentience is parallel to the other cybertronians. Although not the smartest insecticons, he is the most unpredictable. He is psychotic, treating dangerous situations as if they were mere games. He specializes in espionage, and prefers to avoid melee combat when possible. He often employs taunting against his opponents, and has an odd rivalry with the dinobots and specifically Grimlock.


BB said
I think new god character apps are brought down to manageable levels now(To be honest, Yuki and Yuno don't really need it to scare half the RPers here). However I'm not entirely sure; there was some confusion about whether that new regulation was for God like and God characters, or just omnipotent characters, so I'm not 100% about it.

Such is the red string of fate between two witches.

Oh, okay.

Personally, I am glad such beings do not exist. I don't think I could sleep at night nor live at all with myself if they did.

Sapphire said
I'm not even going to ask, they can be very difficult to deal with there. A lot of them have been around for quite some time so I imagine they have a bit of sway in what happens but it can't be that. I'm just glad it and all it's contents are easy to avoid.

Amen to that.
Mtntopview said
Hmm ... I love spam, I find it the perfect place to go for my "wtf did I just read" relaxation moments

Well, honestly I was referring to Old Spam. i haven't been there in awhile.

BB said
Can't register anymore God-like characters as far as I know. So that'd be incorrect, unless that stuff was just for Omni Potents.As for the plot stuff, I don't even think this RP has a plot. I've yet to see anything that points to there being a plot at all. From what I know, it's just go to a town in the forest. I'm not really sure what else.

I was referring to Yuki and Yuno. I've noticed the two of you down in the IC post with some disturbing synchronization.
Sapphire said
Spam is random but it is more elitist, I have though several times about joining in that cult but I don't feel like dealing with all the hate on new people they have there.

And now I like you. I agree with the sentiment entirely, I personally have gone there before and it's..ugh, let's just say I have a huge grudge against someone who posts there. I will say this, (since no one here is a creeper and I'm a legal adult in 2 years), I'm 16. I have never seen full grown adults(most of them are, btw) who act so childishly. Plus, the worst part is most of the people there don't even participate in RP's. Not mention the fact people who post there have done some terrible stuff in the Old Guild. I honestly hoped Mahz would get rid of it. He titled it something about a place that makes him regret everything. Ugh.
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