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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hearing Yukki's voice, the guardian entered its combat form. "Audio disturbance detected" it said, and soon saw the two humans. It's cannons began charging up, preparing to fire. "Target neutralization in progress" it said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

The moment that the mechanism heard them again, Yuno had the immediate instinct to push Yukki down to the ground and throwing herself onto Yuki.
Quote continued to wander about carelessly, literally prouncing around and not even realizing that this forest was pretty much destroyed or ruined. ....Soon enough the blue Kirby would run into someone or something....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Weiss blinked. "Ruby is this ok?" She looked at the group almost facepalming.

Yang grinned. "More the merrier..."

Ruby looked at the huge group. "Sure I guess.Not like I had any plans...."

Blake landed near a semi destroyed part of the town and saw the damage. In the distance she though she saw a person who appeared to have gotten caught in the blast....well a body nearby. Having a bad feeling she walked towards the body...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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BB said
It was faint, very very faint, certainly to far for most humans to hear, but it was still there. A war cry of some horribly twisted thing that had once had a basis within humans. Well, while Mereana was someone who liked poking things with a stick, she wasn't exactly free right now. Her coworker had just suggested a really interesting and fun seeming game. To make sure whatever made that cry wouldn't interrupt the current proceedings, she released a few strings of thread, practically invisible, around the Goats, Siesta Troops, and their new found guests. They would act as impromptu(and literal) eyes to make sure no one would show up and start punching things

( So, I'm just going to guess by that tidbit, that Dio is now at least in the general direction of this then. Alright then, that gives me something to do I guess)

Jonathan continued to walk, then stopped when he saw something strange. A metal giant, quite huge. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, but there was no time for that right now. The giant spoke in an electronic, cold monotone voice "Target Neutralization in progress", pointing an arm towards them. Some type of weapon? he had a grasp on what that meant. He squinted. "Children..I must act quickly then..Doooooooooohhhh.." The Aura of Hamon, the Ripple flowed through him. running into the open, Jonathan picked up a rock and flung it at the metal giant, to get it's attention away from the kids. As it turned around, Jonathan struck it's arm with his Ripple attack. "Metal Silver, OVERDRIVE!!" Jonathan's punch made contact with the arm, sending the Ripple through the arm. Jonathan jumped back, though the attack would surely be devastating, he had no idea of it's true strength or what would happen to the gigantic bullets inside the arm with the ripple going through the arm. Would it explode? unsure, Jonathan ran in front of the kids to shield them from a possible blast.

Dio was getting impatient now, walking through this forest for so long. Was there no one around? this was it, just walking through a desolate forest region? Dio frowned, and then quickened his pace, running quite fast now he saw no reason to stop and take in the scenery around him. This was definitely more like it. Though, that was when he heard something. Stopping behind a tree, he looked to see some type of strange ship that could land on..land. Rather then questioning the efficiency and ridiculousness of having a flying wooden ship, he thought about re purposing it for his own needs. He couldn't make out what the people, who seemed to wear strange clothing and seemed to be speaking, were talking about, but he noticed something else that rose a few flags. Humanoid creatures, definitely not human, with goat heads. And more human looking girls with bunny ears. Were these people vampires of some sort? he had no idea how to approach this situation. Dio had been quite the reader in his childhood while his father wasted away as a drunken buffoon, and knew the cliche of stepping on a branch to reveal yourself. However, Dio was able to use his superior vampire physiology to control his movements carefully as well as his breathing, no one would hear a peep from his hiding spot. He was as well far away enough to see the situation but not be immediately spotted. So he decided to watch. Dio quickly moved over to two trees that were quite close to each other, a safer place to watch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru saw as Yuno threw herself onto him. He wasn't going to let this happen again. He grabbed Yuno and began running. He took out his diary to find where the mechanism was aiming next.

-" This time I'm protecting you." He said softly
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Guardian was attacked by a new threat, and it's arm was totaled. It just managed to fire the missiles, directing the explosion forward. However, the blast still sent it flying, and totaled the arm. With the other, not so damaged, arm it fired at the group of organics before it. "Significant damage received, reinforcements required" It said into it's communicator. Soon, other Decepticons would arrive, and the area would be too dangerous for a few humans to stay.

Responding to the call, a second Guardian approached. It, however, was still in it's investigation mode. It was still far enough away not to notice the small organics, and only saw it's damaged comrade. It started searching the forest for the cause of it's brothers wounds. However, it didn't need to look long. It immediately spotted Yukki fleeing, and transformed into it's more armored attack mode. It quickly ran up to the small organics, it's large size allowing it to catch up in a few moments. "Neutralizing intruders" It said, and started firing at the couple. They would only have a moment to escape before they were pulverized to dust by the Guardians cannons, which took only half a second to charge up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Dark Elsa said
Weiss blinked. "Ruby is this ok?" She looked at the group almost facepalming.Yang grinned. "More the merrier..."Ruby looked at the huge group. "Sure I guess.Not like I had any plans...."Blake landed near a semi destroyed part of the town and saw the damage. In the distance she though she saw a person who appeared to have gotten caught in the blast....well a body nearby. Having a bad feeling she walked towards the body...

"Well, at least Haken made some progress on finding people." said Vita crossing her arms. "Well, you found me and Masaki, so you also did some progress." said Amita. "Let me introduce the group..." Haken said the name (of the characters i control except some that aren't around.) to Weiss.

In the Forest

"Whoa, they have some very big machines in here. Motochika would be amazed to see one of these." Maeda Keiji, looking from a tree, the fight between Jonathan and the Guardian, then he saw another one approaching. "Now, in this game play two, here we go Yumekichi." he said Jumping, his pet monkey landing on his shoulder. "Time to get this festival started." said Keiji as he followed the second Guardian.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yuno blushed as Yukki said that he would be protecting her this time, but heard that another one of those mechanisms was behind them, and that it was only a few seconds before they would be fired at.
Kael Taiyou said
"Well, at least Haken made some progress on finding people." said Vita crossing her arms. "Well, you found me and Masaki, so you also did some progress." said Amita. "Let me introduce the group..." Haken said the name (of the characters i control except some that aren't around.) to Weiss.

Basically not paying any attention at all, Quote bumps into Vita repeatedly, as if he were trying to continue walking in that same direction despite bumping into her one too many times. This blue Kirby wasn't really that intelligent from the looks of it...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Chu was in awe when he saw that Suzaku had already made a bouquet of flowers by the time he got back. "Looks like we got ourselves a fast one here maybe even faster than you Hiei" Chu remarked followed by some laughter before falling back into a sitting position.

"I highly doubt that" was all Hiei said in response to Chu looking to be a bit annoyed by the drunken fighter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru looked as Yuno blushed. He summoned a Time Blast in his hand getting ready to fight. He looked at his diary, he was going to fire at them. He looked at Yuno, then looked at the floor.

-"I'm sorry Yuno...Leave, go, I will protect you, just leave, I don't want you get hurt so go, run away and I'll find you again..." Yukiteru said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Guardian didn't wait for Yukki to finish speaking, it opened fire. He would only have a few milliseconds before the bolts hit, vaporizing him and Yuno.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sofyia began wandering aimlessly through the city again, luckily this time there were no creepy dummies around. She worried about the people she had met before, they didn't have the benefit of precognitive visions so they could have been caught off gaurd. Just for kicks she held out a ball of water in one hand and fire in the other, resistance to her visions was practically useless so she might as well go with it. She began to search for signs of life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kael Taiyou said
"Well, at least Haken made some progress on finding people." said Vita crossing her arms. "Well, you found me and Masaki, so you also did some progress." said Amita. "Let me introduce the group..." Haken said the name (of the characters i control except some that aren't around.) to Weiss.

"Greetings all of you I'm Zeriah Locas," the fallen said standing up from the chair he was in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

eemmtt said
"Greetings all of you I'm Zeriah Locas," the fallen said standing up from the chair he was in.

"Its nice meeting you all." said Thomas bowing.

Gummi Bunnies said
Basically not paying any attention at all, Quote bumps into Vita repeatedly, as if he were trying to continue walking in that same direction despite bumping into her one too many times. This blue Kirby wasn't really that intelligent from the looks of it...

"Oy, does it hurt to say Excuse me?" Vita said angrily, asking herself who the hell was Quote, and why the hell did it looked like Kirby, Kaguya couldn't help and let out a giggle.

Spartan2961 said
Chu was in awe when he saw that Suzaku had already made a bouquet of flowers by the time he got back. "Looks like we got ourselves a fast one here maybe even faster than you Hiei" Chu remarked followed by some laughter before falling back into a sitting position."I highly doubt that" was all Hiei said in response to Chu looking to be a bit annoyed by the drunken fighter.

"Well, now i need a jar... or a can!" said Suzaku pulling another can of cold drink, opening it and putting the flowers, making some weird Flower Jar. "Am i a genius or what?" she said Triumphantly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

For a moment, Quote stops and stares at Vita quietly. Then, he sudden takes out a paintbrush out of nowhere and swiftly swings it over Vita's face. Yet, there was no paint on her face afterwards, but now she would find herself with a real and classy mustache.

"Sorry about that my good sir! Excuse me for that," Quote said to Vita with a mocking "proper" voice, and strangely, he had a top hat and a monocle on without any sign that he put those on.
"But Yukki!...." Yuno said, worried for him but saw that it would be less than a second as the mechanism had already shot at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sofyia came upon a building that was currently acting like a sort of meeting point for a group of people who seemed unfazed by all the destruction meaning that they were like the other who had been thrown in here, they were used to it. With trepidation she put her ear to the door. Somebody named Zeriah and that was all she picked up. She slipped into the room, waved and smiled. "Sorry I'm a bit late, mind if I join the party?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sapphire said
Sofyia came upon a building that was currently acting like a sort of meeting point for a group of people who seemed unfazed by all the destruction meaning that they were like the other who had been thrown in here, they were used to it. With trepidation she put her ear to the door. Somebody named Zeriah and that was all she picked up. She slipped into the room, waved and smiled. "Sorry I'm a bit late, mind if I join the party?"

"I'm sure we have plenty of room for you," Zeriah said to Sofyia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, °Forest°]

Yukiteru fell on the floor. He looked around but saw nothing, all he saw was darkness. He shouted.

-"Yuno!!!" Yukiteru hollered

He tried moving his body but he didn't feel it. He tried to move his legs but he couldn't feel them.

[Kazuma, Town]

Kazuma looked around he sent another blast of wind around the area and he didn't fell anyone, which was weird. He tried contacting the Spirit King and he received a message from him, stating that he was in another world, another dimension. The Spirit King of The wind gave him some more power, over his contractor state. His winds were now stronger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Guardian waited as the dust settled. It seemed that it had missed, and only taken out one of them. It started charging it's weapons for another burst.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
For a moment, Quote stops and stares at Vita quietly. Then, he sudden takes out a paintbrush out of nowhere and swiftly swings it over Vita's face. Yet, there was no paint on her face afterwards, but now she would find herself with a real and classy mustache."Sorry about that my good sir! Excuse me for that," Quote said to Vita with a mocking "proper" voice, and strangely, he had a top hat and a monocle on without any sign that he put those on.

((Wow, i'm going to keep that Moustache for some time.))

"W-what the..." noticing the facial hair on her, Vita had an urge to hit Quote with her hammer like a cricket ball, but, noticing that the Kirby wasn't bumping on her anymore, she managed to control herself...but that still didn't stop Xiaomu, Levi the Slasher and Aschen (on DTD mode) to burst into laughter.

Sapphire said
Sofyia came upon a building that was currently acting like a sort of meeting point for a group of people who seemed unfazed by all the destruction meaning that they were like the other who had been thrown in here, they were used to it. With trepidation she put her ear to the door. Somebody named Zeriah and that was all she picked up. She slipped into the room, waved and smiled. "Sorry I'm a bit late, mind if I join the party?"

"Our just group just arrived as well, make yourself at home." said Haken, taking out his hat.

In the forest

While chasing after the Second Guardian, Keiji saw someone very familiar to him. "Midori? Is that you? I didn't reconize you because you're dressing direfently...but are you really Midori?" Keiji asked. "Yes, it's me Keiji, you aren't supposed to remember me, because that beings that don't know about the Multiverse will have any memories from people from direfent worlds erased." said Midori with her eyes closed. "Wait...really?" Keiji asked puzzled. "Anyway, what were you doing anyway? I came here to check out on the gunshot sounds and i meet you." Midori said. "Oh, i'm just chasing that big guy over there." said Keiji pointing at the Guardian, which for some reason, didn't noticed them yet. "Hmph, keep that thing occupied, i'm going elsewhere." said Midori taking flight. "All right, leave it to me!" said Keiji, notincing that the Guardian was far away now. "Aw man, if i only had a horse." he complained, resuming his run after the giant robot.
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