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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Despite her common sense Sofyia was exploring the underground lab. After the blast some shelves had been knocked over and only gods knew what had spilled all over the place. The shelves had been quite secure but they were no match for the power of whatever explosion had rocked the city. One case in the back caught her attention, it was set into the wall as if it were the most important thing here. The well sealed glass doors had been broken and were partially hanging open. With a dangerously low amount of caution she approached the cabinet as she reached to open the doors all the way she saw a quick vision of her holding a ball of water in one hand and fire in the other. She gasped slightly, could it possibly have any thing to do with this? As if to answer her question a light above her head flickered on for a few moments giving her just enough time to read the labels, Regeneration, Flight, Telekinesis, Illusions and that was only what she had time to read. She took a step back, she didn't want to add any more powers to her roster but as she did the building decided it would collapse just a bit more. This caused her to fall and for several vials to crash onto the ground and for the power cocktail to seep into an open cut on her leg. She swore and mumbled, "Is being wrong just once too much to ask for?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Calling the Deceptions to him, Megatron decided to tackle the energy sources one at a time. They headed back to the ship, where it took off and flew towards the nearest reactor.
"Megatron!" Grimlock growled. Sludge was already on his communicator, contacting Optimus at the Ark. "We do this ourselves! No need for Optimus to know this" Grimlock said, starting to walk towards the place where Megatron was reported to be. "But Grimlock ..." Sludge said, but was interrrupted by Optimus. "Grimlock, I heard you have located Megatron. Wait for reinforcements, I will be there shortly" The Prime said. "No, we will not wait. If we do, we'll lose this chance" Grimlock shot back. He cut off the transmission.

Optimus let out a sort of sigh. "I am going to Grimlock's location, inform the Aerialbot's of his location as well and tell them to meet me there" He said and started running down the halls to leave the ship. Jazz nodded, "Jetfire, you read? We got Megatron's location, meet Grimlock at these coordinates" He said, sending the point to the team of flyers. He just hoped that Grimlock didn't move to fast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

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Well, that was rude.

Carmilla had the thought of erasing them from existence, but she managed to calm herself.

How dare they not recognize them, two of the greatest witches in existence. Lady Featherine was the only one who had more authority than them, but it wasn't like Lady Featherine ever did much with her power over the senate. So, in actuality, Lady Carmilla and Lady Mereana had more power than any other witch, as they were the head consuls on the witches senate.

It really is amazing that these two didn't know who they are, well, that might actually be for the better.

" Oh, we were just passing by when we heard some people summon us~! We're so nice, aren't we? We will always be there when you need us! "

Now, this is a horribly obvious lie, but that was the point. Lady Carmilla wasn't here to be friends with these two, now she was here to teach them a lesson. No matter what, if you see someone who seems like great importance, bow and ask like you are lesser. While, this could cause some awkward situations, it was better this than death by vultures picking your body apart, tiny piece of skin by tiny piece of skin.

" Since we answered your call, I think it is only fair that we a play game with the two of you! We will give you three attempts to make an INTERESTING wish, no boring ones are allowed! If you guys manage to make an interesting one, we will grant you each whatever you desire! However, if you guys fail, you have the pleasure of being our furni- I mean pieces! It is a win-win situation is you ask me. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It was faint, very very faint, certainly to far for most humans to hear, but it was still there. A war cry of some horribly twisted thing that had once had a basis within humans. Well, while Mereana was someone who liked poking things with a stick, she wasn't exactly free right now. Her coworker had just suggested a really interesting and fun seeming game. To make sure whatever made that cry wouldn't interrupt the current proceedings, she released a few strings of thread, practically invisible, around the Goats, Siesta Troops, and their new found guests. They would act as impromptu(and literal) eyes to make sure no one would show up and start punching things. That'd be mean and rude, unlike their current guests who had the presence to bow.

"Oh, oh! That sounds like lots of fun!" The witch then materialized something into the palm of her hand, flashing it at their guests briefly before making it disappear again. The object was a fragment, something the people there most likely recognized.

"You know what that was right? Since I'm in the mood to be a Witch of the North today, I'll give it to you whether you win or not. If it's smashed, I guarantee it'll take you to safety in a time of need." The Witch giggled sincerely after saying that. It was unknown if she had the same deposition as her fellow consul and was insulted, but her offer was genuine.

"Oh! And since you two are educated enough to at least know what a Witch is, and were involved with that "Illusion of the Witch", I'd like to take a few moments to discuss a few things with you after the game is over, no matter the outcome. It's just some basic information, so don't worry. We can introduce ourselves to each other then, as well~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly

"Hey, I've heard that. So, if we lose, we're becoming your Furniture?!", Lilly said, shocked. Nowhere as near being an win-win situation. If she did made the wrong wish, her destiny was to be either Mereana's or Carmilla's Furniture. She wasn't happy at all. "Necrox, what do you think? Should we really accept that game?", she asked, nervous. "As a fellow Witch, I thought you wouldn't be surprised... LILLY.", he said. That's right. The Witch side of her... LILLY-Beatrice, the Witch of 5 Colors. It was beginning to born, when Magio took her place becoming the Sorcerer of Galaxies. "What are you insinuating?! That my Witch side could possibly do something at this?!", Lilly questioned. Necrox simply nodded.

"So let me get that straight... if we make a powerful and likeable wish in your taste, and we'll win this wish. And if we lose, we'll became more of your dear Furniture, right?", he asked. Praeminister, too, was nervous. On his sight, Necrox would never accept these conditions. He wouldn't risk his life being a Furntiure to a Witch. "L-Lord Necrox, I think that you should rethink your own-", Prae tried to intervene, but Necrox raised his hand, asking him to stop. "Before we can accept, your conditions... what will happen if we say no?", he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Ruby trembled. "I don't like this. Yang can we just stay here....safer." Yang nodded as she held her sister close nodding to the person Weiss brought. "Whoever caused it we are not sure..." Yang said introducing herself and Ruby. Weiss was in thought."I am not sure we are safe even here..." She mused.

Anna looked at Jazz. "Megatron is here?" She remembered what she was taught by Jazz of the Autobots world and was worried. Elsa looked at Anna. "Megaton? " Anna began to explain to Elsa what she learned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Seems he's after some power source in a city nearby" Jazz replied, "But Grimlock and his team plus Optimus and the Aerialbots can take him" He said, hoping that his words proved true. Perceptor entered the room and jumped in the conversation, "Grimlock's penchant for destruction is almost as strong as Megatron's" He said, displaying a picture of a corridor that Grimlock had fought through. There were many flames, and destroyed Decepticon corpses, as well as slash marks across the walls with the door at the end ripped off it's hinges and lying on the floor. "I'm more worried about the area they're in than they themselves" the autobot archivist said.
Meanwhile, Somewhere in the forest:
Three insecticons were laying on the ground. The last thing each of them had remembered was being killed by a Dinobot. Sharpshot got up the first, "Where ... are ... we, we." He said, he scanned the area around them. The organic matter would taste horrible, but it was edible. Kickback was the second to move. He transformed into a mechanical locust, and started bouncing off the larger tree trunks, "Lets explore! Explore! Explore!" He said energetically, bouncing off into the forest. Hardshell was the last to move, "I think we should stay here and secure a position" He said, scanning the area as well.

Kickback soon came upon a few organic creatures. He was curious, as he had never seen these animals before. He crawled closer, trying to be sneaky. Despite that, his size made him quite noticeable, a loud crunching sound emitting from whenever he put a foot down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna put her hand over her mouth in horror. "That would be horrible....and this....." Elsa put a hand on her sister's shoulders to comfort her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

When Solus mentioned a 'guy in a white lab coat' made Hiei acknowledge him. "What do you know about him" Hiei said taking his sword out of its sheath expecting a trap. It seemed odd to him how two people could show up and know who this Stein fellow was and his trust was dwindling in most of them.

Chu on the other hand had dropped back into his drunken state making his mind tougher to read but in the end all that was there to read was his intention to flirt with Suzaku. "One sec." he say before getting up and literally vanishing from sight for the naked eye at least. He could move almost as fast as Hiei could if not rival him in speed. He returns shortly reappearing in front of Suzaku with a rose in his hand. "A pretty flower for the pretty sheila" Chu said drunkenly extending the flower to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Before we can accept, your conditions... what will happen if we say no?", he asked.

"Ho." It was genuine surprise; after all she never expected someone to say something like that to her. Then the dam broke completely, and she doubled over.
"Ha? HA. Hahahahahahaha, oh my, oh my." A single tear came to her eye, and she wiped it away immediately. Mereana began to speak once more, though there was no hostility in her voice.
"I- Haha, please excuse how rude I'm being right now, hehehe, I'll make it up to you later but-" It seemed she fully regain her composure shortly after the hysterical laughter began. It should be obvious what she was laughing about.

"Well. . .? You know what Witches are. You should also know that 'No.' is never a valid response to a Witch. Still, honestly, being Furniture isn't all that bad~ If you work really hard, maybe you'd become First Mate of the Library Fleet? Or perhaps have the honor of becoming a Miko to one of us. Well, regardless, I suppose Carmilla can sweeten the deal for you further." However, before the bout of laughing had begun, Mereana had noted their talk about Witch halves, and Sorcerers. Regardless of the outcome, they should have a chat with these people. Carmilla could handle such an invitation, however. She was the one who made the more....interesting tea parties.

. . . .
. . . . . . . .

Actually, maybe it was best that Mereana was the host for the party if these two accepted their invitation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh, these people were so greedy. They could be furniture to the two strongest witches, yet, they wanted to see if they could gain more. Lady Carmilla was the only one who was allowed to be greedy, the rest had to take whatever they could get.

Lucky for these two, The Witch of Compression was in a good mood today, so she would willingly give them another bonus if they happened to lose the game.

" Alright, since I'm in a giving mood, if you two lose and become out furniture, the two of you can leave at any time. We won't stop you two from leaving us, but remember, you two are no longer under our protection, so the outside world can do whatever it wants to you. And remember, the outside world is a mean, scary, nasty place. It is a cat-eat-cat world, and even your best friend might attack you~! "

A small giggle escaped Lady Carmilla's lips. Even if he tried her very hardest, it was natural for one to slip when she was getting excited.

"And, for the huge cherry on top of one of Lady Mereana's Kakera famous sundaes, we will even invite the two of you to tea, win or lose! Now, having tea with witches such as ourselves is sure to make other witches respect you~! ":

Now, this was a top of the line deal. Even some of the greatest witches wouldn't pass up an offer as great as this, Truly, Lady Carmilla was in a wondrous mood. Lady Mereana better be worried, as Carmilla being in this good of a mood usually ends up with horrible results.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all. She was supposed to be with Yukki ruling over the Third World together. Now, they were mysteriously thrown into a world that they had no knowledge on. Was there really someone that had powers much greater than the powers she and Yukki possessed? Actually..now that this comes to thought, their god powers felt weaker than usual. At least she was with Yukki and not alone.

"Yukki...where are we?" Yuno curiously asked, thinking he would know. For all she knew, this whole situation could be some setup for someone to take Yukki away. She won't allow that, not at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Decepticon guardian was making a patrol around the area of the Nemesis to locate and terminate any potential threats to their operation. The large cybertronian walked quietly through the woods, it's green laser scanning for any hiding lifeforms and set to break any cloaking devices it touched. It was near enough for Yuno to clearly notice, but due to her small size, it would not notice her in her current state. As Yuno spoke, it turned in her general direction. "Audio disturbance detected!" It said in it's cold, computer voice. It transformed into it's attack mode, and fired of three rounds a few feet away from Yuno. However, after that it stopped. "False alarm, returning to search." it said. The guardian returned to it's search mode, the green laser once again coming out from the center of its single eye.

Background Music
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

That was a close call as it was soon revealed that they weren't exactly alone. As much as she wanted to, Yuno knew it was quite clear that it would be hard to figure out what to do next against this one. She clutched Yukki's wrist, and was going to just walk themselves away, but knew that it was too obvious for them to be caught. Knowing that he had a better mind when it came to strategies than herself, Yuno waited for him to give her any sort of direction silently, as it appeared that this machinery near them could hear them if they talked too loud.
Meanwhile somewhere else in the forest, a blue-colored puffball with an orange hat was happily walking around without a care in the world. This was Quote, and he certainly had no knowledge on where he was. Actually, he didn't seem to care at all that he was in an unknown forest and that his friends and rivals were nowhere to be seen. For now, Quote made the obvious impression that he was ultimately harmless, but looks can deceive. As much as he didn't care of his surroundings, he didn't seem to pay much attention either, since he could just bump into someone without any warning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rift nods as the child introduces himself. "Your privacy is your own, I shall not pry." He looks up, using his senses to detect all the beings all over the forest fighting with those ridiculously high levels of power. "Perhaps it would be best if we changed locations? If you were to remain here, you might be hit by some of the shrapnel." There were indeed many titans battling it out amongst each other in this area, and Rift was surprised the forest hadn't been destroyed as of yet. Gaia had, of course, redirected an attack that would have killed all the less powerful humans in the forest had it impacted. However, the creature known as Enkidu had formed a threat. And as such, it seemed he would need to work to defeat this threat. "In fact, I'll be coming back. I have something to take care of." Rift disappeared in a flash of purple energy.
As the explosion was created, it halted in the middle of exploding. Such a powerful explosion would have wiped out most of the forest. That was a problem. Gaia smiled, as Kami stepped out of the shadows, together with Rift. Kami could of course halt nuclear reactions as well as cause them, and Rift allowed any of them to project their powers to a greater degree. However, now it seemed they faced an opponent who copied powers. This would be a hard battle, but hey. Everything could be won. Dragoon, Blade, and the others also stepped from the shadows, teleported here by Rift. " Looks like it's time to finish this."
Glowing, each of the slivers seemed to dissolve, as the glowing remains were wiped away by the wind. All that remained, floating in midair, was the Chaos Gems, a mere manifestation of Bob and human emotion. The power of belief and emotion, focused through them. And then, glowing brightly, each of the individual gems formed together, forming a large gem in the form of a star, glowing with each of the colors previously found in each individual gem. It was instantly covered in an aura of impenetrable nothingness, as the concept of non-existence was applied to them. Not only could this new Chaos Gem not be analyzed or copied in any way, it could not even be seen properly with any existing sense. And from the ground sprung a massive body. A creature that resembled a great draconic beast, with a hole where it's heart would be, standing like a humanoid. It was covered in heavy steel armor, in it's hand a large katana reminiscent of Blade's. Upon it's head were Rift's 3 eyes, leering ominously, a pair of massive wings extending from it's back.
The newly born creature's mind was blank. It didn't exist, and yet influenced this world, a shield that would guard it against Enkidu's power to instantly copy any level of power and create new power from thin air magically. It was a warrior esspecially created to defeat this new threat, it's personality that of a warrior, that of a machine of pure destruction, an engine of death. "Gilgamesh. Stand aside." It looked down upon it's opponent, prepared to face it. It would use it's own powers to negate most of Enkidu's mastery of the sliver powers, however, it was more than simply a combination of Slivers. Through the power of Bob, it had been merged with the title of Ultimate Justiciar, a title passed down from being to being. It's previous owner, Kuro, had died facing off against Bob, and this was the kind of situation the title had been preserved for, remaining in the Theater until Bob wished to bestow it upon one of it's servants.
Whilst Solus had been in the midst of replying, he had been teleported away to form together with the other Slivers. How troublesom. But oh well, some sacrifices would have to be made. After this, he'd be able to go back to his business.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru slowly began to wake up to the sound of Yuno's voice. He stood up and looked at Yuno. This Definitely wasn't the Third world. "Yuno..Where are we? This isn't the third world" Yukki stated. As he stood up he saw the enormous mechanism fighting so he sat right back down. He checked his Diary, it said that they were in a strange world filled with creatures of many different Worlds. He looked back at Yuno.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spartan2961 said
When Solus mentioned a 'guy in a white lab coat' made Hiei acknowledge him. "What do you know about him" Hiei said taking his sword out of its sheath expecting a trap. It seemed odd to him how two people could show up and know who this Stein fellow was and his trust was dwindling in most of them.Chu on the other hand had dropped back into his drunken state making his mind tougher to read but in the end all that was there to read was his intention to flirt with Suzaku. "One sec." he say before getting up and literally vanishing from sight for the naked eye at least. He could move almost as fast as Hiei could if not rival him in speed. He returns shortly reappearing in front of Suzaku with a rose in his hand. "A pretty flower for the pretty sheila" Chu said drunkenly extending the flower to her.

"Awww, i'm so flattered, one more flower to my bouquet." said Suzaku accepting the flower from Chu, while holding a bouquet from flowers she collected in the very same way Chu did, at high speeds.

thewizardguy said
Whilst Solus had been in the midst of replying, he had been teleported away to form together with the other Slivers. How troublesom. But oh well, some sacrifices would have to be made. After this, he'd be able to go back to his business.

"Oh my, he left so soon. I wonder where did he go." Suzaku said.
Dark Elsa said
Ruby trembled. "I don't like this. Yang can we just stay here....safer." Yang nodded as she held her sister close nodding to the person Weiss brought. "Whoever caused it we are not sure..." Yang said introducing herself and Ruby. Weiss was in thought."I am not sure we are safe even here..." She mused.Anna looked at Jazz. "Megatron is here?" She remembered what she was taught by Jazz of the Autobots world and was worried. Elsa looked at Anna. "Megaton? " Anna began to explain to Elsa what she learned.

"Hey Weissy, i brought some more people, they are kinda a big group." said Haken arriving with Kaguya, Aschen, Vita, Amitie, Thomas, Hibiki, Masaki, Kuro, Shiro, Signum, Levi the Slasher, Sanger Zonvolt, Reiji, Xiaomu, Saya, Dokumezu, Dokugozu, Axel Almer, Alfimi, The Gespenst MK III and the Black Phamtom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yukki, I think we should leave," Yuno mumbles, seeing how that big piece of machinery was that close to shooting them down. For some reason, she had tendencies to just fight it, but it was just a thought of hers.
"We should move to a different location. My scans pick up high amounts of radiation...." CEE said, unsure on what to call the levels of energy coming from the fights nearby. So, EMBR begins to head in the direction away from said fight, and then just wandered about once far away enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly

Necrox scratched his head. Something, for him, was not right on this proposal. Except for Virgilia, he never met any kinder Witch. Even Beatrice, the Golden Witch, wouldn't do such game if she didn't heard Battler first. However, he felt something different from these two. This time, saying "No" was throwing yourself into an abyss, full of spikes at its deepest. "... No choice. Fine.", he said. Lilly, who wasn't believing, tried to talk some sense at him. "Are you crazy?! Do you really believe that if we fail and become Furnitures, they'll just let us leave?! Just like THAT?!", she said. Necrox shaked his head. Lilly sighed hard.

"... OK then, I'll try first. My wish... is that you two remove the Witch side of my sister Lilly.", Necrox said. With that, he knew that LILLY-Beatrice, the Witch of 5 Colors, would win her freedom and be a new Witch for the Senate. He was willing to take the risk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, °Forest°]

Yukiteru nodded, he tried to use all of his powers to open a portal to the third world. He wasn't able to open it. He then tried to open a portal to the Second World, but it didn't open either.

-"It's no use I can't open a portal to either the 2nd or 3rd World, we should remain here.. Nevermind, seeing that huge mechanism, we should probably leave this area. Let's go Yuno~"
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