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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Weiss narrowed her eyes. "Just how many more people. ..hmm we need to fix this..." Her tone was back to mad. Ruby quickly hugged Weiss..."No...fight it..." Hearing Ruby Weiss softened.

Yang just smiled. "In that case...introduce yourselves."

Blake reached the body and gasped. Even tho the body was hardly recognizable she could make out the broken and charred lance..."Pyrrah. .no..." She whispered. It seemed Pyrrah had tried to shield herself from the blast with her shield but the explosion was too strong...Blake cried. She even let out a catlike yowl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Landing near the location of the reactor, the Decepticons started unloading Energon cubes out of the dropship. Megatron and a couple other soldiers started to track down the energy source.
Grimlock and his team ignored all the other people, and continued walking towards the town. At one point, Grimlock nearly stepped on a group of people, but he still ignored them and continued on. The only thing that was on his mind, was crushing Megatron.

Jetfire, Silverbolt, and Air Raid made a dash for the city, aiming to intercept Grimlock and his team before they engaged Megatron. They flew low and fast, barely dodging trees as they flew.

Optimus drove through the forest, a loud crunching noise and engine growl resonated throughout the environment. He was only focusing on stopping Grimlock from making a grave mistake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sofiya was feeling some hostility from the group, "Wow, ok I didn't mean to intrude, strength in numbers right?" She gave a warm smile, "I'm Sofiya, it's nice to meet you all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

As if he had completely forgotten about giving Vita a mustache, his attention was perked by Yang asking to introduce themselves. Even if Quote is a Kirby, that didn't stop him from attempting...this. Using his paintbrush again, he swung it in the air, creating a single rose. Somehow switching back to his usual orange hat without any sign that he did, Quote bit on the rose's stem and walked over to Yang.

"The name is Quote. Simple and rolls off the tongue, I know. How about you and your friends, sweetcheeks?" he said in a way that he was flirting towards Yang.
Yuno froze as she saw Yukki get hit. As she knows that he wanted her to get out of here...he would get seriously hurt! It hurt Yukki. Anything that hurt Yukki, then it deserves to die. I will kill it...I will kill it!!! Yuno thought as her eyes were slightly twitching. Even if she could get hurt too, she didn't dare to leave him here. As if a sudden adrenaline rush just occurred now, Yuno wildly ran towards the Guardian, but wasn't stupid as she made sure to zigzag as a way to confuse. "Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!" she yelled out in a rage, pulling out a butcher's knife. Maybe her limited god powers would work here...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"... OK then, I'll try first. My wish... is that you two remove the Witch side of my sister Lilly."

Hmmmm. . .this wish was a different one. Many people have asked to become witches, but never to remove a part of them. Sure, with Lady Mereana working with her, it should be rather simple to remove a witch "half" of a person. Lady Carmilla didn't really even need Lady Mereana's help with removing it, but the job would be much cleaner if Lady Mereana did it.

However. . .

This wasn't exactly what Lady Carmilla had in mind. Sure, it was different, but it wasn't something amazing. There was little imagination for a wish like this, as it was a simple wish to remove something someone didn't like. When you put it in those words, the entire wish becomes incredibly uninteresting, and would make majority of wishes cringe at the very boredom such a wish would bring.

" Hmmm, I hate to tell you two this, but that wish isn't exactly enough to pass the test. However, since it is certainly an original wish, we could talk about it more during the tea session. Now, what are these other two wishes? "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was quite boring here without any of her opponents. While the cold prison of Pandora's Box offered many things, they did not offer her entertainment. And Mia wanted to be entertained quite badly. She had wanted to finish the fight between herself and the boy with the toys, and then some form of weapon had shown up. He'd been dangerous, far more dangerous than the other one. However, once more, she had been unable to finish her battle due to outside interference. Of course, having the ability to sense Souls, she was quite capable of tracking down the person who had formed such an interference, but her mind was elsewhere. It seemed daddy was awake.

Stepping through a portal, Mia elegantly walked through a portal, still bleeding from the many wounds on her back and her chest where the Blak Blood had burst from her skin during her previous battles. Her beautiful black dress had been torn to shreds, barely decent, and she'd been forced to replace it with her armor made of Black Blood, covering her in a slick moving black dress that could instantly harden to the levels of steel. Her face remained in it's psychotic smile, as she looked around at the people gathered around her. She had appeared next to Weiss, and immediately leaned over to her. "Hello, honey. Did you miss me?"
Stein was not far behind his daughter. However, instead of appearing next to Weiss, he appeared next to Blake. He smiled, his own face set into a psychotic grin. The room had been flooded by the aura of madness resonated by the God-Killer and the Queen of Pain, as he chucklingly caused the room to become wobbly, impeding the ability to percieve reality in those around him, already weakening them up for any fight that should occur. He chuckles, next to Weiss, his glasses reflecting the light as he loomed over this foolish escapee. "You shouldn't have run."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"No your just a resourceful fool" Hiei said to Suzaku when she said the genius line.

"Ah don't worry about em. Blokes like that to everyone." Chu said to Suzaku concerning Hiei while still in a sitting position.

"We should probably move soon the longer we stay here the higher the chance that we can get attacked" Hiei said to the people around him before re sheathing his sword which he had previously un-sheathed when Solus had arrived but seeing that he was gone there was no reason for him to have it out still.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spartan2961 said
"No your just a resourceful fool" Hiei said to Suzaku when she said the genius line."Ah don't worry about em. Blokes like that to everyone." Chu said to Suzaku concerning Hiei while still in a sitting position."We should probably move soon the longer we stay here the higher the chance that we can get attacked" Hiei said to the people around him before re sheathing his sword which he had previously un-sheathed when Solus had arrived but seeing that he was gone there was no reason for him to have it out still.

"You're probably right, Midori will find me later." said Suzaku keeping the bouquet in her pocket space. "So, where to?" She asked.


The moment she saw Mia, Vita immidietally brandished her Hammer. "Guys, she's dangerous, stay away from her." she said glaring angrily at her. "You heard her Weissy." said Haken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the insecticon reached the city, it burrowed into the ground. It had scanned several underground parking lots, and soon started laying alien looking eggs in them. These would grow with time, and become fully operational insecticon clones in less than a day. It also started eating the walls of the subway, using the matter to create the eggs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Quote blinked and turned around to see Mia join in. While Vita and Haken were warning them on how dangerous this one girl was, the blue Kirby didn't actually care. Throwing the rose he created in the air, he swiped his magic paintbrush over the rose, transforming the rose into unbelievably large rocket launcher. "So? Just going to jump with the bandwagon and say that you're a psycho. Anything else that I could learn about you before I use my little friend to blow the shit out of you," Quote said casually, holding the rocket launcher with him and not really aiming the weapon at Mia. You could say that he was actually talking to Mia with a casual manner, but then again, Quote wasn't always the sane himself either.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru found himself in a void similar to that void in the second world in which he was in for 10,000 years. He found Murmur, but she was speaking through him telepathically, talking about how the 2nd World and 3rd World are beggining to be thrown out of balance. He told Murmur to take control of both worlds for now. He didn't know what was going outside of his mind, but he wanted to hurry up and wake up already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Zeriah drew his power sword and activated it's power field pointing the blade at Mia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yang looked at Quote weirdly but seeing Mia she growled. "Leave Weiss alone...She is not your property." Angrily Yang summoned her Celica.

Ruby stood protectively in front of Weiss. Her Cresent Rose out. She would not summon her Witch form as she was still uneasy about loosing control again. "I will not let you get her!"

Blake narrowed her eyes at Stein. "You need better lab security. " She said raising Shroud calmly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sofyia jumped, alarmed by the appearance of these two beings, even she hadn't seen them coming. Things were going to hell faster than she could have guessed. The air around them had been poisoned with what she could only describe as madness, sadly she was unaware of how right she was. Both seemed more preoccupied with the others, she was nothing special to them which was nothing new. The room began to waver and she stood next to Zeriah. Calmly she asked him, "Do you know them?" She noticed how every one was prepared for a fight, "So quick to jump in blindly." She sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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At the Ark Elsa and Anna watched the Autobots go about with plans to stop the Deceptions and as some left the base to assist the bots in the field. They wished they could help but Elsa fearing her own powers would most likely cause a repeat of what happened in Arendell...Both the sibling wanted to avoid another eternal winter. So they talked as they waited for the sleeping materials.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Well, what Lady Carmilla had said was essentially true, and Mereana had nothing to say about it considering she agreed. Besides that, Carmilla was the game master of that game; there was no need to interfere if not needed, merely observer. This gave the Witch of Sweets time to review the other pieces who were floating around, doing their own thing.

Naturally, there were those who had been fighting before, Gilgamesh and Enkidu. Though Enkidu had soared to new heights, her opinion of the fights outcome never changed. To underestimate Gilgamesh was folly; he was mankinds original Hero, the first ever Main Character. He himself was not especially powerful, but the fantasies he carried with him had forged the countless illusions, hopes, dreams, myths, and stories of humans. That is why he is the original Hero from the original Story. Be that as it may, Gilgamesh had been holding back significantly. This was not something out of the ordinary. He was an arrogant and proud King who only used just enough power to crush his opponents. When he had the will to, detecting his enemies strengths and dealing with them was possible for him, but it was something he rarely did. When he had fought Mia, it was clear he thought he was dealing with an ant, then escalated to using an item that wouldn't work properly to defeat her. It was only natural it could be called a fight; Mia was far stronger and craftier then he originally guessed, so it ended in a stalemate. However, he had been holding back against Enkidu heavily.

Why? Because it wasn't Enkidu, of course.

To put it bluntly, that Enkidu was the Enkidu before gaining a name, before gaining a "soul". It was more like a force of nature, than a person, or even a monster. It was not his best friend whose value would never change through eternity. Well, regardless, that nameless mud ball had caused people trouble, and she ought to end that trouble. She removed "Enkidu" and Gilgamesh from that battlefield. Despite the fact that it could get moderately interesting, it was just a fight. There was no emotional attachment to it. If she wanted fireworks, she could go find a witch, punch them in the face, then they could throw lasers at each other. As it was, Mereana was not the Witch of Michael Bay, so that wouldn't be happening anytime soon.

She would store the "Enkidu" piece for now. The Witch could release it soon, with its Mad Enhancement off. It was just a boring weapon without a soul right now, and that was nothing compared to a weapon with a soul that is the legitimate Enkidu. Besides, it'd cause less trouble that way, right now it would constantly attack on sight. As for Gilgamesh, who was sane, she placed him in the forest. It was at a halfway point between the Decipticons and Mia. There was no doubt the King of Heroes would seek out a rematch, but it would be nice to see what he may do besides that. It seemed that Virgillia would be going into a collision course with said Mia, and perhaps Gilgamesh. She was sure that their objectives were different, naturally. Virgillia was merely there to recover a Witch that Bernkastel had made and yet lacked to get sponsorship from the Senate. Naturally, this would need to be dealt with, and Virgillia was beyond qualified. The Witch would have ample support from her masters, for the most part in the form of resources from the Armada, a Fragment, and a thread from Mereana. It was just a simple mission, but it would be nice if it became something interesting.

As for Dio, it seemed that no one had noticed him yet, or he was being intentionally treated as unnoticed. One can never tell with these things until you took the plunge. Regardless, these results meant that either no one had spotted him, or the Siesta's and Goats had noticed him but did not intend to commit hostile actions against him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After watching the goats for a bit, Kickback jumped out of the hiding spot he had chosen. "Well, what do we have here, here, here?" He said, and laughed. He was still in his bug form.

The other two insecticons started walking in the direction that Kickback had jumped off in. They needed to collect their comrade, then build a task force to secure a position.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia chuckles as she instantly becomes the target of so many hostile glares. "Dangerous? Me? That's the nicest thing anyone's said all week!" She laughs, before reaching out towards Zeriath, who had pointed a sword in her direction. She slowly places her finger on the blade, pushing downward, the energy-fed Power Weapon easily cutting through the Black Blood, as slowly her fingertip is cut in half. She keeps pushing, as her entire finger begins splitting, and rather than scream, she seems to revel in the pain. She lets out a soft giggle. "You should really watch where you point that. It's sharp."

Stein, of course, had no time for simple shows of intimidation or combat. As always, he had prepared a plan. There would be no need to personally dispatch of these fools, nor even engage them in any form of conflict. Such methods were required only by those who could not use their mind as a weapon. Instead, he used his computer, which was also portalled into the location, to create a signal to all nearby autobots, including the dinobots. This signal had been crafted to perfectly copy the beacon signals that Megatron used, although calibrated to alert transformers and not decepticons. Furthermore, several large hologram generators had been portalled into place by Fuzzy, and caused a large hologram of Megatron himself, just behind the building everyone was in. Even if the other autobots were more careful, the Dinobots would charge in headfirst, like mad buffoons, ripping through this place in their effort to reach Megatron. This would no doubt begin a battle between the dinobots and the humans within, encouraged by the Madness Wavelength, weakening their numbers once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Mongrel was not just a mongrel - she also had masochistic habits befitting of such a mongrel. How fitting.

Gilgamesh had considered this day rather interesting. He had been confronted with a great source of power, had been taken to a world which sought to sabotage him by it's very nature, had battled a mongrel who had barked harder than he initially believed she would bite and had been confronted with a force that looked like Enkidu.

However, from their battle, their confrontation in which Gilgamesh tested the waters, he had come to one conclusion:

It was not Enkidu.

No matter how much he had hoped it was so, it was not Enkidu, but a force of nature that was similar in appearance. Gilgamesh would admit that there was a glimmer of hope, and that was why he had given him that much freedom. But the illusion was no gone - the force of nature Gilgamesh had battled was not Enkidu. It was something else entirely. What it was, Gilgamesh did not know nor did he particularly care. It was not Enkidu.

Having been dropped off at a forest, Gilgamesh could not help but give a small smirk. It seemed like today was just full of surprises. Surprises were good - they kept him from becoming bored. However, his amusement quickly turned to displeasure when he recognized one of the presences he had been put near. Namely, the mongrel who constantly rose up to bite harder than he expected her to.

Entering a spiritual form to completely erase his presence from the physical world, Gilgamesh headed towards the source of the presence and came across what was definitely a gathering of mongrels. From what he observed, the mongrels were about to fight. Some of them had weapons drawn and were attempting to make meagre insults at each other.



Entertain the King.

If they could not do so; if one sided turned out to dominate the other, then the King himself would interfere. After all, he had to extract some modicum of entertainment, did he not?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"Captain, there are a weird signal coming through that computer, as if it's calling something." said Aschen. "What?" Noticing the computer that appeared. "Just checked outside, there's a huge hologram outside, similar to those robots we fought Masaki." said Amita. "Why would he do that? But then again, some robots where fighting in the forest not long ago...is he planning to lure that guys enemies here?" Masaki deduced. "Oh my, this could be a problem." said Saya. "Tch, i'm going to fetch Cybuster and leave those guys and keep those guys away from here." said Masaki leaving the place. "All right, one problem solved, hopefully, now care explaining what relation do you have with Miss Weissy?" Haken asked at Mia.
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