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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Hmm. That was a problem. Based on the average use and knowledge of technology he had encountered, Stein had deduced that the only technologically advanced group present were the transformers. While others might come from worlds with an advanced technology, they were ignorant of it. This could very well turn out to be an issue, however, the dinobots he had met would be relentless in their pursuit of their enemy, based on their hostile and straightforward attitude. Oh how Stein loved brutes with too much strength, and too little brain to guide it, they formed the perfect tools. Unfortunately, some of those gathered were more intelligent and technologically advanced than his original assessment of them would suggest, but that wasn't a great issue. He simply gave control of all systems to Fuzzy. He and Mia would handle the situation on this end, he didn't want any distractions at this point in time.

Mia didn't care much about the plan of course. She had every confidence that her father would handle it as he always did. He was very smart. While she had cunning as well, she was far more inclined to go for a more direct approach, and fight her own battles, whereas her father preferred not to get his hands dirty until he had his victims lined up on the dissection table. She was currently too occupied with Weiss, who had succesfully managed to merge her own soul with the Black Blood, gaining control over it through sheer force of will. She'd expected Weiss to die, but instead, somehow, another Black Blood user had been born, and it was, in a way, beautiful. "Relation? Oh, that's a good one! I guess I'm her mom in a way..... or maybe a sister relationship would be more appropriate." Regardless of the means she would need to take, Mia wanted to adopt Weiss as a member of the family. She did miss her sister, in her own, twisted way, and this was her way of replacing her.

There was another problem. The man who had fought Mia earlier had made an appearance. While the figure known as Gilgamesh has not yet performed any action, there's no doubt his presence would form a future hindrance to his plans. It seemed Mia had already chosen someone to use, even if they didn't get to use the Dinobots. Seeing the girl Weiss slaughter her comrades would be quite the spectacle. Blake's retrieval was an unnecesary action, but it could be considered a bonus. "Say, Blake. How much do you care for your friends?" Already, Stein was mentally showing Blake images of Weiss slaughtering the group, as well as Ruby going on a merry rampage. People with concealed insanity were perfect weapons.

Outside, Aschen finds himself confronted by a large figure with two glowing green lenses instead of eyes. The stench of fresh blood fills the air, the figure is a human being with it's skin fully removed. In many places it's body has been broken, held together with stitches and iron bolts, constantly bleeding. It's ears have been cut off, and it has no tongue, unable to express it's agony in anything but primal screams and groans. It's right hand has been removed, replaced by a long, gleaming curved blade, it's edge serrated, like an oversized bonesaw. It opens it's mouth, and a creaking groan comes out, a plea from help, impossible to utter. Had it had eyes it could have cried, and yet those, too, had been removed. Driven by the stimulators placed in it's brain, it slashed at it's target with the blade, dashing forward.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Sisters? Meh, you guys look like cousins," Quote said as he looked back and forth between Weiss and Mia. For a moment, he had forgotten that Mia was dangerous, but he didn't understand "dangerous" that well. Just for the heck of it, Quote used his magic paintbrush on both Weiss and Mia, giving them identical pink tutus. "There, now you guys are sisters. Likey?" Quote smiled, unaware of what he was getting himself into.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Yang aimed her gauntlet at Mia. " You lie. Weiss was normal until you turned her into what she is. She never wanted nor asked to be made into this Black Blood form." She was prepared to shoot.

Ruby began to slowly move towards Mia looking like she wanted to slice her apart. Rage was in her eyes as to convey how she felt towards the girl.

"I am not your sister Mia and will never become like you. You changed me against my will. If anything Ruby is more of a sister to me and I will never consider you my mother!" Weiss noticed the blue creature had change her dress to a tutu and glared. "Was that neccesary? Haha very funny..." Her tone conveyed sarcasm.

Blake watched Steins illusion of her friends going on insanity rampages but she did not believe it . "Ruby and Weiss may have been changed but I know they would never be murderous. Your illusion is good but won't fool me." She said. "I know my team....."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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...No good. He was already bored.

Gilgamesh had hoped for fighting. He had hoped for mongrels tearing at each other. Instead, what he was seeing was... by the crumbling tower of babel, was that patch up job trying to use psychological warfare on the black haired girl? That Frankenstein wasn't going to fight directly? Who did he think he was, thinking he had the right to attempt a mongrel's psychological attack like that?

Clutching his head, the King of heroes sighed, admitting that he had been a bit of a fool to even think these mongrels could entertain him on his own. They were not like the mad dog that hat surprisingly struck him - they were foolish. Hopping off of the branch Gilgamesh had been using as a platform and watching from, the King of Heroes undid his dematerialization, revealing himself to the rest of the plebians who would now catch sight of him. Walking silently towards Stein, Gilgamesh stopped a bit short and placed a comforting if still not golden gauntlet wearing hand on Blake's shoulder.

"Good. Good, plebian." The king... complmented? Well, it was probably the closest he could get... yes, the king made the closest thing to a compliment he could make to the faunus. "Do not dare fall for the thing's psychological pettiness. You are my subject. It is unsightly to do so."

It wasn't exactly the comforting, rallying speech that a king would normally give his men, nor did Blake probably even have any consciousness of Gilgamesh being her King, what with her probably never having even heard of him and all, but there was little other way for the most arrogant chaotic good king of all time to express himself. The girl should be thankful the king didn't snub her completely and directly confront the little patch up job that was bringing in bad mental images to her.

Speaking of the little patch up job...

Raising his head from the little Faunus girl, Gilgamesh turned to Stein and sighed. "I had hoped that you had more exciting things planned then psychological make-believe." he said with great disdain. "But such expressions of disappointment are wasted on you, are they not? After all, you are insane. You are raving, you are incoherent, you are a mad barking hound who takes it's only joy in finding those weaker than it and making them suffer. And above all, you are a mad barking hound just waiting to be put down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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"Things aren't always just fighting you know." said Reiji to Gilgamesh. "What the hell are you doing?" Vita asked angrily at Quote, seeing this wasn't time for jokes. "You heard her missy, she doesn't consider you a family." said Haken smiling.
"Blake, resist, those images are all Illusions, you know exactly that everything won't happen." Alfimi's voice Blared in Blake mind, she suspected Stein was doing something to Blake, so she deicided to intervene with her Eisnt Powers. As for the computer, monsters from Ouma started to appear and, at Saya's command, started to destroy the computer Stein had brought there. Meanwhile, Aschen simply jumped to avoid the attack, but instead of attacking, she observed the monster a little more.

"All right, Let's go Cybuster." said Masaki as his mech took flight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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" Say, you sure are arrogant. Let's look over the facts, shall we?" Stein smiles, as he cocks his head, turning towards Gilgamesh. "I can see souls. I knew you were here as soon as you entered this dimensions. My favorite targets are people with too much power, and arrogant fools." His glasses are reflective, as suddenly, a metal door appears on each entrance. "Oh, and you tried to kill my one and only daughter. Did you think you were intervening?" Stein's smile becomes a leering grin, as his one remaining scalpel, Pointy, falls from his sleeve into his hand. "You're one of the targets." Five Assistants, using advanced camouflage fields to remain hidden, were already around the king, holding their blades to his neck. They had been tracking his soul. Stein had never let anyone go who dared lay a hand on his beautiful daughter, and the First Hero would be no exception to this rule. "Don't even try dematerializing. My blade cuts into your very soul. And you can't hide that from me."
Mia blinks, looking down as she's suddenly wearing a pink tutu, identical to the one Weiss had been given. She laughed, and smiled brightly. "I LOVE IT!" she holds out her hand, and touches Weis's forehead, her own Black Blood resonating with Weiss's own, the aura of madness now emanating from Weiss as well, increased in power from the presence of it's original mistress. "Oh sis, you're so silly! You should learn that daddy never lets anyone go unless I ask him to." She leans in close, smiling. "Maybe I'll make them into pets for you. Do you think they'd look pretty without their skin?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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Necrox and Lilly

Necrox scratched his head again. "Well, guess I did the wrong wish. That was kinda desperate, so... who's next?", he said. Prae was going to make his wish. Lilly, however, lost a little of her temper, and started to argue with her brother.
BGM: Nighteyes
"Good job, you idiot! This is what you win for being nice to a Witch!!", Lilly said. She wasn't caring if Carmilla or Mereana would hear her. She didn't trusted any Witch. Even Lambdadelta, which she owed one, wasn't trustworthy for Lilly because she was a Witch. "Shhh!! Not so loud, they're still here!", he said. "Like I care!! Now, thanks to your idea of playing their game, we're going to become servants for all the eternity!! Yeah, good job... good job... maybe now you'll learn that a Witch doesn't want to see you happy, sad or how you are! All that matters is that they have their own fun with others' misery!!", she continued to argue. Praeminister tried to hold Lilly so she would stop, but it was impossible.

"Can we discuss this later? You and Prae need to make a wish.", Necrox tried to stop her. "Me?! Do a wish?! So that I'll become a little Furniture when we could be searching a way to get home?!", she said, slapping Necrox. The hand left a mark on his cheek. "Are you KIDDING with me?! Do I look like someone that wants anything from them?! No, thanks. I've never asked you to wish that, yet you did! Now, you're going to enjoy the rest of your life as a Core serving a Witch. A WITCH!!", it seemed like if it wasn't going to end. "P-P-Please, Lady Lilly. If you reconsiderate- guh!!", Prae tried to speak, but a giant boulder fell on him. "No, thank you. If you're going to do a wish, do it so, Prae! At least, you're already a servant, so you know what is to have your life full of orders and only them! I want my freedom, thanks!", she continued to speak. Necrox looked quickly at Carmilla and Mereana, imagining that they wished to have Lilly dead.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Stein was a man of many plans, and even as his trap closed in, another plan was already set into action. The key to victory was complete domination of the battlefield, which required him to be in many places at the same time. Unfortunately, he lacked the ability to clone himself. Fortunately, he had a practically infinite army of Assistants to perform any task he designated to them, coordinated by the Overmind, Fuzzy. As such, an Assistant appeared at the scene of the game, behind Necrox, Lily and Prae. However, this Assistant still had it's skin, looking remarkably human, and was wearing a rather elegant suit. It also lacked the blades most Assistants used, instead appearing to be completely unarmed. Then, it revealed the strangest part of all. It could speak.
"Excuse me, miss Lily, sir Necrox. I carry a message from my master." The elegantly dressed Assistant's message was not a physical one, but, rather, a psychic one. As the Assistant activated a special bauble, a special message was sent directly into Lily's brain, highly defended against almost any forms of mind-reading. A method of conversation designed for secrecy and security above all else. The Assistant, then, having fulfilled it's task, disappears.
((Will PM the message to you, Magus))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Gilgamesh smirked. Did the fool really think it would be easy? From the moment the King had been ready to appear, the Gate of Babylon was active. Of course it was. It was the very essence of Gilgamesh.

And as Stein revealed the trap he had set up to hopefully make this battle quick, Gilgamesh smirked. Even as the mad dog revealed his preparations to set the stage of the battle, Gilgamesh made the first move.

"Fortress of Impalement: Kazikli Bey!"

It would be understandable if one mistook it for a version of the Gate of Babylon that appeared from the ground. However, that was not the case. Kazikli Bey was the Anti-Army Noble Phantasm of Vlad III the impaler - the man who would later become infamous of Dracula. As Vlad the third reigned, he became infamous for his zeal and cruelty in the name of protecting his land, Wallachia. Vlad the third was infamous for leaving entire fields of impaled bodies; a horrendous sight that would frighten any who would wish to do Wallachia harm, from both inside and from abroad.

Kazikli Bey was the embodiment of that. With it's normal shape being a lance, it was a recreation of the field on which thousands upon thousands of Vlad the Impaler's enemies lay dead. Even as Gilgamesh activated the Noble Phantasm, spears and polearms of various sizes appeared upon the battlefield from the ground, impaling those who threatened the King of Heroes, although Gilgamesh recognized the others as innocent and therefore ensured that the weapons would not strike them. The assistants did not even have the opportunity to drop dead, each impaled from their hip all the way through their mouth with the weapon that impaled them keeping their corpse upright. All five of them fell prey to the noble phantasm, their weapons which Stein gloated could slay even the King of heroes clattering harmlessly onto the floor before Gilgamesh crushed them with his feet.

As for Stein himself, the greatest spear, reserved for the greatest sinner pierced him, and this is where Gilgamesh made his only physical exertion, flinging the original Kazikli Bey at the mad scientist turned god killer. The spear would pierce the trapped doctor, and it's main power would activate.

Kazikli Bey was the weapon of Vlad the Impaler. No matter what people said about him, no matter what monster his legend devolved into, no matter what kind of beast Dracula was, Vlad the third was still a man who, at his very core, loved his country and was willing to punish all who attempted to harm it with justice. Kazikli Bey's main effect as a noble phantasm activated while it was imbedded in Stein:

"A Fitting Blow to Justice."

Vlad the Impaler loved justice, and his noble phantasm demonstrated that. As such, the damage that one received from the main brunt of the Noble Phantasm would be proportional to sins of immorality and depravity one's soul had committed, and it was as such that Stein would receive, in turn, pain searing into his very mind and soul equivalent to every single piece of harm, every single sin he had committed. The mind wave of fear would not help Stein now, not when the pain and death that the fear itself feared was about to be brought upon him. Who knows? Perhaps the impalement would be enough to kill Stein? Perhaps his soul would be irreparably damaged? Perhaps Stein's physical brain would just simply shut down from all the pain it was being told to endure? Who knows.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fast reactions. The King of Heroes was a dangerous man, that Stein had known, and this belief was only reinforced as spears shot from the ground, impaling the assistants, not even having had enough time to retract the blades welded to their arms. And, of course, the greatest spear was reserved for him. Luckily, Stein had been prepared in battle to dodge even the fastest of attacks. By looking at one's soul, he could see one's intentions, and he had seen the attack coming before it had even been committed, jumping and clamping his feet onto the spear, as it launched him upwards and away from the lance launched at him. Had he not been able to read souls, his speed might not have been sufficient to avoid the blow, but Gilgamesh's intentions had been easy to read.

The God-Killer landed behind the King of Heroes, standing and brushing off his suit. The assistants, impaled from hip to skull, still held up their blades, powered by the very same Black Blood in their veins that powered Mia. It was only a trickle, enough to make them move like they were supposed to, and not enough to use for defensive or offensive purposes, but it made them nearly immortal. Even after mind and soul had departed, the body moved on. Their blades remained steady once more, unwavering from their targets, as Stein turned, once more setting his eyes upon his opponent. "If defeating me were that easy, I would have died years ago. A simple fool such as you could not defeat me. I'm insulted you pulled out such a weapon, and not a more fitting one, to strike me down, Gilgamesh. I already have several catalogs on your weaponry and possible counters, perhaps you could make this an interesting fight before you die?"
Mia had been caught completely by surprise as the spear had struck her, having been completely preoccupied with her new sister. Her dress was ruined, as the stake struck her Black Blood, launching her into the air and smashing her against the ceiling. While it wasn't enough to cause any serious damage to her, and she quite loved the pain, the man had interrupted her conversation. She needed some family time, goddamnit! Growling, she shattered the stake, landing back on the floor, Black Blood streaming from the hole the stake had made in her chest, forming blades on her fingers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Just then, in the room that Gilgamesh, Stein, and the others were in, a man in all black armor came out of nowhere, ripped off one of the stakes, and leaped in the air, trying to impale Gilgamesh with it. Berserker...the Servant class that had the Mad Enhancement....the one that gained incredible power in exchange for his sanity and consciousness....attempted to impale Gilgamesh with a stake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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"Humph." Gilgamesh smirked even in the face of a man who held absolute confidence that he could defeat him despite the fact that he not only knew who he was but what he was capable of. If anything, it was interesting.

It was also, however, greatly insulting.

A most interesting man. It was simply a pity his main source of amusement came from insults. Even as Stein talked of how he was insulted that Gilgamesh would choose such a weapon Gilgamesh did two things:

First, Gilgamesh disagreed. Stein was nothing but a rabid monster, a sinner to be put to justice at the hands of a superior. What better weapon would there to be than Kazikli Bey? A fitting blow to justice?

Second, Gilgamesh activated his next move.

Kazikli Bey: The Lord of Execution.

The Throne of Heroes was, in essence, extremely random. It could do things on whims. It could create multiple versions of the same hero, each one diverse enough to be it's own human population. Who knew? There could very well be a pint sized child Gilgamesh who didn't go around calling everyone around him mongrel. Gilgamesh shuddered at the thought previously, but now was not the time.

Kazikli Bey: The Lord of Execution demanded that the user be the marked ruler of the land; his own territory. However, that was a limitation that only applied to it's use by it's future owner, Vlad the Lord Impaler. For Gilgamesh, the first king of this earth, everything was his territory, and therefore no such limitation technically existed.

He had full mastery of over a 500 meter radius.

At first glance, it seemed like Gilgamesh was only doing a repeat of the Fortress of Impalement. However, that was not the case. This time, each lance that came through the ground was deliberate, guided by the king himself. Five lances appeared in the ground above him, cutting off the arms from the bodies of the assistants and ending what little threat they remained to Gilgamesh. Over 19, 995 lances appeared on and in the area around Stein, with two purposes:

Kill him.

Entrap him.

In such a room, there would be little to no method of escape. With each five or ten lances, Stein would either be pushed back into a corner or risk impalement and death.

As he did so, Gilgamesh jumped back even as the mad dog bumrushed him with a leftover spear from the first Kazikli Bey. As he gazed upon the mad dog, Gilgamesh nearly faulted mid-jump.

Berserker. That mad dog. The beast that dared shot down his treasure.

It was no matter. Once in the air, Gilgamesh opened the Gate of Babylon and began launching noble phantasm after noble phantasm at Berserker. Normally, he would pour out much more, but there were two problems.

First, it might end up killing the innocent mongrels of the area.

Second, Gilgamesh was still preparing something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Berserker started dodging the barrage of Noble Phantasm, and even caught a couple. A spear, and an oversized axe. He started dodging and deflecting them, occasionally getting rid of one of them for a more powerful one. Despite the fact that Gilgamesh would be angered that Berserker was touching his "Treasures" he kept doing it anyways, as if he didn't even care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The same attack? No, he could clearly see Gilgamesh had planned something different, and the difference was soon made apparent. This attack would not be dodged, not while he remained within the area that he himself had locked tight, preventing escape. However, Stein had many tricks up his sleeve, and he had faced such attacks before. Fotunately his defense was the perfect counter. "Resonance technique! Soular Shield!" Stein's soul manifested itself physically, a powerful shield formed by hardened spiritual particles, the wooden and metal stakes shattering and bending on this shield, capable of taking on the attack of the Gorgon, Medusa. Who had later become his wife. Once the attack was done, Stein simply walked out from the field of stakes, unwounded.
'Once more you fail to harm me. The King of Heroes is well known for his arrogance, but who knew? The dog can bark, but not bite." The insults were purposeful, of course. Stein knew that the offensive power of a weapon such as Ea, or even any of the mountain or country destroying weapons in Gilgamesh's arsenal, would surely kill the members of Team RWBY below, who would die. His remaining concern was Fragrach, the dagger that was always aimed at his heart. However, for the sole purpose of avoiding the damage dealt by that dagger, he had had his heart removed, and placed in a different location. The dagger would fly off and land in his now useless heart, out in the forest. "And it seems we have a visitor." Soon, Stein would go on the offensive, once preparations were complete.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Jonathan found himself in a daze. He hadn't been hit by one of the blasts yet, no, but one of them had sent him flying after he shielded the kids from the blast shock wave earlier. He stood up, and his eyes widened in shock. One of the kids wasn't moving, and the girl was screaming and hollering making a mad, suicidal dash towards a second metal giant that was charging up it's weapons. He had no idea where the weaknesses of the thing were beside that it was made of metal, and he could just strike the giant once more with Metal Silver Overdrive. "Doooooooooooooh...." Jonathan concentrated his breathing, the aura of Hamon, the Ripple visible. Then, something clicked in his head. "That's it, by jove I've got it!!" Jonathan said, realizing something. Surely this metal giant was similar to such other contraptions. If it moved, it had parts, a power source and more. Surely then, these parts would be hidden under it's shell, protected!! so, the object was not to strike the arms, but instead the chest/stomach instead!! it made perfect sense. Jonathan made a run for it. "Stop!!" he yelled at Yuno, running by her. "It's suicide to attack that thing, little girls shouldn't fight. Your friend may still be alive. Do as your elders tell you too, grab your friends body, and LEAVE RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY!!" Jonathan said in an authoritative tone of voice. Then, he dashed towards the metal giant, then jumped in the air, aiming at it's chest area. "TAKE THIS!! METAL SILVER OVERDRIVE BARAAAAAAGEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" In rapid-fire fisticuffs, Jonathan was sending tons of Ripples inside and then straight through the other side of the metal giants chest and stomach, just like before. But, unlike before when decimated the arm of the other giant, this was a barrage of Metal Silver Overdrives, not just one. Jonathan wouldn't stop until every vital component of the metal giant's contraptions had a Ripple sent straight through it and was destroyed, and the giant was dead and non-functioning.

Dio continued to observe the situation. He could hear yelling, the three of them that the other two were talking to seemed to be squabbling about something or other, probably insignificant and not worth his time. Then, something strange happened. Some unknown person appeared, human and again wearing strange attire. Though, fashion was not what was on his mind right now. An opportunity had arisen, and he needed to take advantage. With all of this going on at once, he could sneak around from the brush of the trees and to the other side of the ship. One of them, one that came from the ship seemed to even have been not even paying attention. Perhaps there was a window he could fit himself through with a bit of adjustment, or maybe he could slink on deck and, from the inside make all of the crew his vampire servants. That was all it took, after all. A simple touch in the back of the head and he could stick his tentacles inside the head and mix his own blood with whomever he wished,turning them into his vampire servant. Dio, slowly started to make his way through the brush, and towards the right side of the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Oh? No jokes then. Man you're not fun at all..." Quote whined as Vita wasn't so fond to his antics. And there goes the nice dress that he made for Mia, but then again, it wasn't gone forever as he could always make more. Then he remembered that Mia was the bad one here, which gave him an awesome idea. "Hey, hold on for a sec," Quote said as he began to create something without the paintbrush. It took a few minutes to make about 30 clones of himself. It was an actual ability he possessed on his own and not the paintbrush. Problem was, these 30 clones had no intelligence at all, just acting like babies or just brain dead. "Well...I have an army...of myself! Pretty awesome, huh?" Quote said while sticking his tongue at Mia, still holding that rocket launcher he made but it seemed like it was only for show.
Her mind was clouded with the rage she had against this mechanism, and was going to ignore this other man. Yet...Yuno managed to snap out of the murderous rage she had, suddenly thinking that Yukki still needed her support. Without a word, she ran towards Yukki, who was unconscious, putting away her knife and easily carrying the boy in her arms. It's going to be me and Yukki only... Yuno thought as she started to run away from the area with Yukki in her arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Guardian started to shake, then it exploded outward. Chucks of it's limbs and body and head were sent flying. They all landed around the forest floor, then exploded. That got the first Guardians attention. "Enemy neutralization in progress" It said, firing it's weapon at the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Zeriah had shifted into another stance keeping the blade closer to his body ready to attack Mia.

Taruon observe the recent event with a wicked smile under his helmet, it pleased him to so much chaos in one place.

"Well this pace is clear," Charr said holstering both of his pistols.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mtntopview said
The Guardian started to shake, then it exploded outward. Chucks of it's limbs and body and head were sent flying. They all landed around the forest floor, then exploded. That got the first Guardians attention. "Enemy neutralization in progress" It said, firing it's weapon at the group.

"Not when i'm around." said Keiji as he spinned his Nodachi, lanching a tornado to the direction of the bullets the weapon was firing, making them stop. "Now that you stopped, you're going to fight me!" he said while standing at the front of the guardian. "(Good, i can go elsewhere, since they got it under control.)" Midori flew away from the area, flying at the city's direction.

Seeing that Stein and Mia are busy with two Servants that suddenly appeared on scene, Haken commanded the group to escort The RWBY team, Zerith, and Quote (Forcibly.) To outside, the space they were was so crammed for a fight in group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Blake heard the voice in her head and just nodded. "I was aware he was tricking me but thank you." She replied out loud. When Gilgamish appeared she was a bit startled. She nodded at his compliment then was about to ask who he was when he and Stein went at it. Seeing Berserker she quickly got out of the crossfire of the Noble Phantam Gilgamish was using thinking of how she could help him because two on one was unfair.

Yang let her shots towards Mia while Quote and Zeriah kept Mia occupied. Weiss felt Mias aura and smirked her insanity coming back.
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