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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Blake heard the voice in her head and just nodded. "I was aware he was tricking me but thank you." She replied out loud. When Gilgamish appeared she was a bit startled. She nodded at his compliment then was about to ask who he was when he and Stein went at it. Seeing Berserker she quickly got out of the crossfire of the Noble Phantam Gilgamish was using thinking of how she could help him because two on one was unfair.

Yang let her shots towards Mia while Quote and Zeriah kept Mia occupied. Weiss felt Mias aura and smirked her insanity coming back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru felt as if he was moving. His eyes suddenly opened, and he saw that Yuno was carrying him. He shed a small tear.

-"Yuno... I'm useless... The 2nd and 3rd world... Is being taken care by Murmur...Leave me here.. You run.." Yukiteru said

He suddenly blacked out again. He once again found himself in the void.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Stein and Mia had made it a rather nice trap. It was a room, with only one closed exit - however frail that exit might be. It was a closed space. Limited movement, and with a maxumum volume, thus limiting the maximum damage output Gilgamesh could dish out.

However, little did Stein and Mia know that this box was also a trap - on them.

Mad Dog Junior wasn't even paying attention. Mad Dog Senior was surrounded by lances. Armoured Mad dog was headed right for him. They were all here.


Without even a single motion, Like sheep herded into a slaughterhouse, Gilgamesh unleashed his "weapon." From twenty different directions all around the room the Gate of Babylon opened. The Gate of Babylon was something that existed in the very reality around them; why did it need to be limited to appearing right near the king? The answer was that it didn't. Through those twenty open gates Gilgamesh's weapon came out.


In the small millisecond between sight and comprehension it might seem like the King of Heroes had decided to drown them all. That statement would be supported even more when the water completely engulfed the room within a matter of 2 seconds, submerging everyone and everything with "water". However, it would soon be clear that what the King of Heroes had summoned was not mere "water", but something much more powerful.

Aqua Vitae.

It was the ultimate secret of alchemy. All afflictions of the soul, mind, and body are washed away by the purity of this liquid, and their bodies would be completely restored to full health. Gilgamesh allowed the water to remain in the room - as a heroic spirit, he was completely fine in the water he himself had called - watching the submerged panic for around two seconds like a cook watching his soup boil before draining the water, which disappeared as fast as it appeared.

Not even the fear wavelengths of the Kishin Asura could resist the purification created by Aqua Vitae. Those with the black blood would find their darkened blood gone, their bodies repaired to normal. Those who were insane would find themselves sane again. Berserker would lose his mad enhancement. Stein, Mia and Weiss would find the Black Blood gone, as well as their insanities, their madness.

And above it all, standing in his perfection, allowing the last drops of Aqua Vitae to drip down the shoulder pads of his golden armour, was Gilgamesh, slayer of the "mad beasts" that were Stein and Mia.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sofyia tried to warn the others but most if not all of them had ignored her, maybe they were actually listening and just didn't respond. There was a trap to be sprung however she had no idea when or how but it would end up locking all of them in. She took great pains to remain unseen as she slipped out. The act of being in there had taken a generous amount of energy and as such she slumped against the building, she was getting small visions of the future that awaited those who stayed. The brief glimpses that she got were traumatizing. Breathing heavily she tried to wipe the images from her mind. Some of the others had apparently followed her and so the visions were changed but sadly she could not forget the originals. She looked at the others, "You have no idea what they would have happened in there, I only wish I could be so lucky
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"The sounds of explosions have been in bulk in this direction we should start there. Maybe we'll get lucky and Stein will be fighting when we get there" Hiei said before walking off in the direction he was pointing out with Chu following behind him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Zeriah picked up his bolter on the way out he check it for any signs of damage, "were to now?" he asked Haken.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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eemmtt said
Zeriah picked up his bolter on the way out he check it for any signs of damage, "were to now?" he asked Haken.

"Any place that isn't closed." Haken said while checking if nobody was left behind, just some Ouma Monsters that Saya could easily replace later.

Spartan2961 said
"The sounds of explosions have been in bulk in this direction we should start there. Maybe we'll get lucky and Stein will be fighting when we get there" Hiei said before walking off in the direction he was pointing out with Chu following behind him.

"It certainly feels like Stein but...sadder..." Said Suzaku, sensing a familiar yet diferent energy, Midori landed close to Suzaku. "That other girl is there as well." she said. "Should we go there?" Suzaku asked. "Preferably, i would just resume the search on other people, but i'm actually feeling more energies ahead, if it's people running from the fight, we'll escort them to safety." said Midori. "All right, time to save some people!" Suzaku said cheerfully as she pulled her guys. "Let's Go Hiei-Kun, Chu-san!" she said while starting her run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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When Weiss was covered in the water of Gilgamish ' s attack at first she clutched her head screaming as the pain of the Blood leaving her body ripped through her. At the same time she felt her mind clearing and her body restored. Seeing herself look normal and her cut off finger back and all she laughed and teared up but was happy.

"I am...free..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Suzaku ran ahead Hiei and Chu easily caught up with her. "You know we're leaving everyone else in the dust right" Chu stated at the others whom they had left behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sofyia noticed that a new group of people were approaching, it was her hope that they wouldn't be foolish enough to go inside. Then again everyone in this peculiar hell threw them selves at problems like stones. No time for thinking, they always seemed ready to go in guns a blazing. She would try and talk sense into them but whether it would work remained to be seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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"There may be a ruin we can hunker down in," Zeriah suggested scanning the area.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"So, what kind of boring thing are we going to do next?" Quote groaned as he was brought here with the group by force. Apparently, all of the unbelievably dumb or brain dead Quote clones had followed, probably because Quote was the one that created them in the first place.
(Actually, I got an idea on to get something done with Kaika's group)

While they were exploring, Sota was starting to have a headache, holding the side of his head as he felt his senses begin to numb. "Hey, Sota, what's wrong?" Kaika asked with concern, quickly going to him so she could give him standing support in case he would faint.

"K....Kaika....I don't...feel....good.....it's...it's happening again...please...go..away..." Sota weakly spoke as deadly fumes of darkness began to radiate from his body. As much as Kaika didn't want to believe it, she could tell that Yasu was finally taking over Sota's body once more, the damned demon was at it again. Even with her experience with her Spiritual Pact, she knew she couldn't contain him well enough as soon as the demon takes full control over his body. Slowly, she began to back away as the darkness around Sota was that intense that any living thing that came near the darkness immediately died, which explained why the grass and trees around Sota began to wilt and decay. Finally, a powerful burst of darkness came out of Sota's body, which Kaika had to take herself and Hiro away from the area before they would be that close to the decaying darkness. By this point, Sota was completely possessed by the demon Yasu, his gentle golden eyes now stained over by the bloody shade of crimson red. He also had 'skeletal wings' levitating from his back, and that cursed seal on his right hand had expanded over his entire right arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Ruby looked at everyone. "We need to go..." She said as Yang disarmed. "Question is where sis? Ruby thought. "Anyone got a idea?"

Blake saw that no one was paying her any mind and this gave her time to pick up Pyrrahs body and find a suitable place to bury her ears drooping. She did not have her bow on. She jumped from what remained of the trees to another once more.

Hiro clutched her clawed arm when a demon emerged from Sota. She had a bad feeling and knew from how fast Kaika dragged her away this was not a ordinary demon she could defeat here..The aura was so overwhelmingly dark and menacing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Healing. It was an odd thing. To restore something to it's previous state, to 'heal', to remove pain of all kinds. For Mia, whom had been given the Black Blood at birth, it meant not the loss of her weapon, for the Black Blood was a part of her, inside of her genetic code. Rather, worse. Her mind was wiped clean by the water, clean of the madness that had been settling in since early childhood, watching her father dissect and slaughter innocents, a madness that had been her constant companion. This healing drowned her, but she could not die, her brain cells healing as soon as they died. It gave her a conscience.

Mia screams and sobs, as she looks at the thousands, billions of people she'd tortured, the personal, psychotic relation between victim and torturer, the horrifyingly elaborate methods she had used, considered a work of art. The faces of the dead filled her eyes, screaming for mercy, as well as her memories of her own pleasure at the sight. She had slowly flawed children, removing their skin bit by bit, and forcing them to eat it, she had broken every human body in the bodies of so many men and women that her torn mind couldn't count them. As the water left the room, the curled into a small ball, hugging her legs, eyes wide. She cried, sobbing in a cataconic state, pierced with occasional bouts of screaming. Too much horror to ever get used to, to ever adapt to.

Healing. To restore what had been lost. To Mia, it was Hell.
Stein's mind had been clear once, and as he was hit with the wave of water, his mind was once more restored. he could think clearly, and see clearly what he needed to do. He had committed many evils, but he could deal with what he had done. He had been filled with insanity even before he'd gone over the edge, living on the knife point of sanity that had remained in his soul. It was a state natural to him, in a way, and yet, the simple touch of this magical water wiped it all away. His eyes were clear, and yet, he knew, he was not yet out of the water, figuratively speaking.

Within Stein dwelt the soul of the Kishin, the Demon God, that had once challenged the rule of the God of Death. He had slain the Demon God, the being that had dared harm his family, and absorbed it's soul. A being of pure insanity, carved into his very existence. The water flooded over it, and yet, nothing could cure the Kishin's Madness, for it was the state in which is belonged. The Kishin was a representation of madness itself, the materialization of a concept, and insanity was no affliction or disease for it, but rather it's natural state. As such. Stein was only partially cleansed, leaving him with half of a soul willing him to go to ever further depths of insanity.

Stein looked up at Gilgamesh. It was a look that could somehow convey a spectrum of emotions, ranging from hope and amazement to hate and disgust. He was confused, of course, his mind driven to chaos by the conflict within his soul. Part of him wanted to slice into the nearest victim, devoid of all rational thought, and yet a part of him wanted simply to care for his family, to forget his life of horrific sins. And yet, there was one thing both sides of his mind could agree on. One fundamental point, in the core of Sten's soul, that could never be changed.

Someone was hurting Mia.

That motherfucker was going to die.

Stein shouted, as he held out both arms, glowing up with an intense blue aura. He had made plans, of couse. He had placed nuclear bombs near this location, and had planned to simply distract Gilgamesh until he could set them all off, wiping him out completely and utterly with the concentrated force of 10 nukes, a flash of light, impossible to dodge, and then death. However, such plans were forgotten, as Stein's soul resonated with all of his hatred for any who would dare harm his family. "God-Killer Resonance!" The phrase might have been considered corny, to some, who did not know what followed. Stein's soul resonated perfectly with his Kishin side, as well as all the other souls he had implanted into himself, it's power magnifying over a hundredfold, capable of wiping out even the most powerful of Gods. Those nearby would be thrown back, the building being blown apart from the sheer shockwave of such a technique, bricks raining down everywhere, as Stein prepared his most powerful attack, the attack that could completely and utterly destroy the soul of his opponents, no matter how strong or ancient.

He would end Gilgamesh in a single strike.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM: On the Precipice of defeat (How much i missed you ^^ )

"W-what? Now i'm feeling Spiritual Pressure as well?" Suzaku asked wide-eyed, it was the first thing that got her really surprised in this world. "We have a Shinigami here... and judging by the level...it can easily surpass a Captain..." said Midori.

Spartan2961 said
As Suzaku ran ahead Hiei and Chu easily caught up with her. "You know we're leaving everyone else in the dust right" Chu stated at the others whom they had left behind.

"Midori, got get Inigo and the others, i'll go on ahead!" said Suzaku almost disappearing. "H-hey!" Midori exclaimed

Dark Elsa said
Ruby looked at everyone. "We need to go..." She said as Yang disarmed. "Question is where sis? Ruby thought. "Anyone got a idea?"Blake saw that no one was paying her any mind and this gave her time to pick up Pyrrahs body and find a suitable place to bury her ears drooping. She did not have her bow on. She jumped from what remained of the trees to another once more.Hiro clutched her clawed arm when a demon emerged from Sota. She had a bad feeling and knew from how fast Kaika dragged her away this was not a ordinary demon she could defeat here..The aura was so overwhelmingly dark and menacing.

"Wait...we didn't bring Weiss with us?" Haken asked, for the first time calling Weiss by her real name. "Aparently, she couldn't come." said Saya. "Damn, we have to go back there!" said Vita. "No, it's too dangerous, what we need to do now is to run." said Sanger. "B-but..." Levi was worried, even if it was brief, she kinda liked Weiss. "There's nothing we can do right now..." said Reiji. "DON'T LOSE HOPE YET!" Suzaku voice screamed, a Twin Buster Rifle Beam Blasted a hole in the Cabin. "I only have a few seconds." she said while entering the place, seeing two familiar figures and one not so familiar. "(Gil...Stein...and another person...no Suzaku, no time for inner monologues.)" She grabbed Weiss and immidietally left the cabin. "All right, now we can run." Suzaku said putting Weiss on the groun. "You heard the Twin-Tails, let's make a run for it, Zeriah, show us where that ruin you mentioned." Haken said commanding the group to retreat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Hey why did you drag me out? " Weiss asked Levi as she took a glance at Mia. While she did cause her hell she kinda felt sorry for her now. To live with madness and the Blood was a horrible fate however she was forced out before she could console Mia.

Ruby ran out of the hole as well seeing Stein active his attack.."Yang let's go...cmon.." Yang looked at Mia in conflict. Part of her wanted to hurt her but in her state she felt pity so she went over and wrapping her arms around Mia in comfort she began to console her.

Ruby did not understand why her older sister was taking pity on Mia but left to follow the group that took Weiss hoping Yang would be alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Megatron reached the reactor, and the fellow Decepticons with him started carrying Energon cubes from the ship to their current location. However, as they arrived at the ship, they saw a flaming wreck and the bodies of their allies cut up and ripped to shreds. That's when they noticed Grimlock and his team emerge from the shadows. "It's ... that thing!" One said, and started running back towards where Megatron was, but was pounced on by Slug, and crushed to death. The second one was sliced in half by Grimlock's sword before he could do anything. "Megatron!!!!" Grimlock shouted, he started to emit a reddish flame from his body.
As Megatron saw the soldiers torn apart, he made a sarcastic applause, "Excellent, I see Shockwave's experiment is a success." He said with anger. He equipped his riot cannon, "However, I shall have to terminate this project immediately!" he shouted, and started shooting at the Dinobots.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dark Elsa said
At the Ark Elsa and Anna watched the Autobots go about with plans to stop the Deceptions and as some left the base to assist the bots in the field. They wished they could help but Elsa fearing her own powers would most likely cause a repeat of what happened in Arendell...Both the sibling wanted to avoid another eternal winter. So they talked as they waited for the sleeping materials.

As the Autobots worked around the humans, they seemed too busy to notice them. Suddenly, the lights wend dark for a few moments. "Scrap, must have blown a fuse!" Ratchet said, and walked off into another room to find a replacement. Autobot's lights ((like flashlights)) came out of the dark, and Jazz's focused on the humans, but not so it would hurt their eyes. "Sorry 'bout this, minor technical difficulties" he said.

((Sorry for double post. Shame on me. Shame))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

There was a problem with attacks that required charging. Despite what many shows and tales of glory would have you believe, one did not simply stand and stare in awe as a character prepared his or her final attack. They would do their own preparation, or, entertainment forbid, they would strike while their opponent was charging, which was another word for one thing in a battle: vulnerable.

Gilgamesh, however, was no such coward. However, he was no fool either. He would not strike down Stein with a weapon such as Gae Bolg, which would now kill Stein due to the fact that Aqua Vitae had restored his heart - and invulnerability. However, he would not fail to make any preparations either.

Perhaps Stein had expected Gilgamesh to pull out a multitude of treasures. Perhaps Stein expected Gilgamesh to pull out shield after shield, barrier after barrier, defence after defence. Perhaps Stein had hoped Gilgamesh would pull out enough treasures to defend a mortal from the gods, and then watch as his strike tore through those defences. However, Gilgamesh would do no such thing.

Gilgamesh pulled out only one single treasure from the gate.


The noble phantasm and mystic code levitated in Gilgamesh's right hand. Stein should have seen what the weapon was capable of; after all, seeing it penetrate Mia's heart was what prompted him to prepare for it by removing his heart from his body - a body which had it's heart restored. Such an irony - by restoring his heart, Aqua Vitae had restored his weakness.

LaXnyd said


And the dagger left Gilgamesh's hands.

Fragarach was a dagger wielded by Bazett, a human. It was a dagger that would leave and would strike the enemy before he could strike first. It was a dagger that would warp the very air and space around them, rewriting reality to force it's successful strike in. Once it left, it would always strike the target in the heart - or, lacking that, their core of power. Fragarach, however, had only one condition for it's use and it was the reason why Gilgamesh never used it. Fragarach required the opponent to use their special ability. Special abilities such as the Black Blood. With Black Blood being used by Mia, Fragarach left Gilgamesh's hands. Reversing time, destiny, a trick of the gods, the very same gods Mia boasted about being the daughter of a slayer of, Fragarach pierced Mia's heart.

The moment Stein fired the God-Killer Resonance, Fragarach, as the retaliator, would fire. As the very concept of the weapon demanded, the very flow of time and space would be changed so that Fragarach always "hit first", and it would lodge itself in Stein's newly regrown and vulnerable heart. As it had "shot first", as it had reversed causality to strike before the enemy could, the moment Stein fired the God-Killer Resonance Fragarach would fire and return the world to the moment before Stein fired and kill him before he could fire the God-Killer resonance.

It was the ultimate Han Solo weapon.

However, the king was merciful. This weapon would only activate if Stein decided to attack. The king gave Stein a chance to back out of the strike.

"Humph." the King said in contempt. "instead of glaring at me like you are at the moment, why don't you run along and go after those that took the girl?" he pointed out, reminding Stein of the fact that Team Rwby had taken Mia away from the room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hiei and Chu ran after Suzaku themselves in a way matching her speed though Chu was beginning to fall behind. Though he was fast Chu was not as fast as Hiei or Suzaku.
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