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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Before the argument had begun between the three players or the newly arrives messenger, Mereana had already left. Carmilla was the game master of the wishing challenge, and Mereana herself had a few movements to place on this game board. It was her turn, after all.

The Capital ship and the fleet it led along with all of the Siestas in the parade dissipated in a cloud of brown sugar. The Witch of the Senate herself went off to collect a certain item in the forest she had put a barrier around, leaving Carmilla alone with the three for the moment. Hopefully they didn't do anything crazy, after all Carmilla was the "Witch of Control" having things happen without her consent or knowledge greatly angered her.

Oh, someone decided to interfere with Carmilla's game after Mereana had left. Whelp.

Still, the challenge wasn't lost yet. Their first wish was one that was original, so after they had tea they may be able to win the game through that wish. It honestly all depended on how interesting the effect could be. Even doing something boring could cause something interesting down the line. Well, at least Mereana had that item she had put the barrier around before.

On the right side of the ship there were two Siesta Sisters. They didn't make any indication of hostile action, though the ship they were next to had suddenly disappeared, along with the fleet it went with.

The red haired Siesta to the right held a piece of paper, and both looked at Dio expectantly.

"You are to receive one of the ships in the armada for a period of time until you don't need it, Nyeh." It seemed these two would guide him to the ship itself. It was needless to say that the boat would come with a horde of goats, its crew so to speak.

"The conditions are "Do not to destroy the boat", and "Do whatever you want with the goats, but do not harm your guides'". They both waited for his response.

Why had all the Siestas dissapeared? That was the only thought going through the various Goats minds. So there were enemies, which meant that the Witch who had made them dissapear didn't want to use the Siesta on such an enemy, seeing as though goats are expandable while Siestas were actually valuable.

Naturally, the goats did not understand this. So they simply charged at the newly appeared "Robot" insectoid enemy with their swords outstretched. Though they didn't seem like much, and were inherently stupid, they were far beyond a human in strength. It was better to compare them to a Minotaur then goats, but then a Minotaur isn't a goat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((Listen to this music while reading:

Marble dust whipped around the battlefield like a tornado, the very air destabilized by the power of Stein's ultimate weapon, the resonance of a hundred souls, a power that would slaughter Gods. Any who could sense magical or spiritual energy would feel an almost explosive wave of power building up, a harmony of souls. And before him stood the King of Heroes, clad in golden armor, and yet, beyond the physical presence of the armor, a garment of dominance. The aura of the king, the simple stance and attitude of a true king both in body and soul, the First King. A stand off of epic proportions.

Stein smiled, as he looked at Gilgamesh. The reason was impeccable, of course. A perfect counter, a weapon of great power to block his own attack. As the saying went, offense is the best defense, and this certainly was a great example of this. Of course, as Stein prepared to put an end to this battle, he hadn't known the train of thought that had gone through Gilgamesh's head, later, someone who had might realize that there had been two mistakes in Gilgamesh's assesment of the situation. Two simple mistakes that would cost him his victory.

Firstly, Godkiller Resonance wasn't a charged attack. It was a boost of power, magnifying the strength of Stein's soul hundredfold. It was his ultimate weapon, and yet it was not an attack, instead boosting the power of all other attacks massively.

The second was that he'd tried to outwit Stein.

"You touched my family. Prepare to lose EVERYTHING!" Stein's speed was already massive on it's own, and yet boosted by God-Killer resonance he moved 100x faster, a speed that rivaled the instantaneous. The very air exploded once more, as the barrier of sound was shattered. He was in front of the King of Heroes, and his hand shot forward, grabbing onto the face of the one that had dared touch his family. Even at the cost of his life, at the cost of everything, at the cost of all that he had wrought, he would not allow his family to fall.

20 seconds until brain death. Enough time for a single attack.

"SOUL PURGE!" A flash of white lightning covered the hand that held Gilgamesh, the explosive symphony of a hundred souls. A spear of white lightning that ripped not through his body but his soul. Mind, body and soul, linked eternally, absorbed the damage, as his very innards were liquefied, his souls breaking to pieces. A force greater than what any body could take, his cells shattering apart, blood vessels bursting, his lungs collapsing, as his entire form exploded, bone greduced to dust and meat reduced to the consistency of salsa, a point-blank hit at full power.

The golden armor of the King of Heroes clattered to the ground amongst a field of red. Next to it fell the man who killed him, on his knees. The world was turning black, and he knew the damage that had been done to him. And yet, all he could do was laugh, the very act making his head feel like it would burst, the stress and hatred escaping through the most unlikely mechanism. A girl had been hugging Mia. She'd be okay. And yet, this was not why he laughed. As he held up his left hand, blood dripped to the floor. In the palm of his hand he held his heart, previously discarded in the forest. And, impaled through it and into his palm, was the unblockable dagger that had been blocked, the weapon that could rewrite all of reality. Fragarach had finally failed to kill.

Amongst the blood of the King of Heroes, the God-Killer laughed, his hands and form soaked in blood, as the world slowly turned black around him, the cost of battle finally taking it's toll on his mind, as he collapsed into unconsciousness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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thewizardguy said

Watching this, Darkside felt scared. For once, he felt utter fear. But, however...he saw a chance for power....a chance, to gain a very valuable ally.....
From the shadow he had watch the great clash from, he dashes forward. He scoops up the dying stine, and using his powers, vanishes.....for now....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sakaki Chizuru
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Sakaki Chizuru

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Lady Carmilla would have ended Lily for her foolishness, but honestly, it was very entertaining. What are a few words? To Carmilla, this was like an ant walking across a blanket during a picnic. Mildly annoying, but watching something as pathetic as an Ant walk such a short journey is entertaining. Sure, Lady Carmilla would then be the one to stab and pin the ant to the ground, so she could enjoy watching it squirm around.

" It's fine, let the little girl talk. What are words? Noises that organisms have made coherent and with meaning. If I dealt with everyone who had moxie, more than half of the senate would have been eradicated by now. I'll let her keep on living, if only because living will cause her more suffering than any pain I could put her through. Anyway, back to the ga-"

Lady Carmilla could see a man approach them, a man she didn't recognize.

D-did, t-that man interrupt her game?

No, one does not interrupt one of Lady Carmilla's games.

She had to have control of every situation, it was in her nature.

In an instant, Carmilla brought the man to the ground, face first. How did she accomplish this? Simple. she controlled the gravity in that one area, increasing it by a decent amount. While, it wasn't enough to kill the man, it as by far enough to pin him to the ground. Being The Witch of Control really had perks.

And yet, Lady Carmilla's attack wasn't done. She had to make sure the man had no means of escape.

Using her compression magic, Lady Carmilla compressed all magic within that area to nothingness. Meaning, anything with Knox's definition of magic, (Anything supernatural) was erased from existence. It wasn't even a single spell, now any kind of magic that entered that area would be compressed into nothingness.

Essentially, she had made the only way to escape the area is by walking out of it, and given that the messenger was pinned to the ground, the odds of that could be left in Lady Bernkastel's hands.

Now, for the final nail in the coffin, Carmilla used her Observer's Authority to see who sent the messenger and read the message sent by the messenger to Lily.

" How dare that man send a messenger instead of himself! Maybe he would have shown himself, I would have spared him for interrupting my game, but now, he insults all of us. It is insulting to use a messenger to tell a message to a Witch, remember that. While, I'm not sure if you can even be considered a powerful Witch, but you're a witch, and you deserve to be honored, respected, and feared by something as lowly as a human. "

The man who sent this messenger, Stein, was going to be reduced to nothing by the time Lady Carmilla was done with him.
Virgillia sat in her ship, drinking a nice cup of tea. She really wasn't sure why she was sent on this mission, but it wasn't like she was going to argue with the senate about a mission like this. It was an honor to be working with Lady Carmilla and Lady Mereana, the two consuls on the senate.

If that wasn't great, even her new mission sent by Lady Mereana wasn't all that bad. Take a ship, some goats, and some siestas and go pick up a new witch named Ruby. Honestly, compared to her student's last game, this was a lot less stressful.

Lady Virgillia docked at her location, exactly where this "Ruby" would be.

In a moment, Virgillia disappeared from where she was standing, and appeared at the front of the boat, letting down the ramp.

She then noticed that a major fight was going on, but it wasn't like that meant much to Lady Virgillia, though, this might help a bit. The Ex-Golden Witch began to shout out to Ruby and her friends.

" Hello, I am looking for a Miss. Ruby?! Appearently, Lady Berkastel has turned her into a witch?! The senate needs to officially acknowledge her as a Witch! I'll be her guide to the two consuls, as they are both busy at the moment! You can bring your friends with you, if it means that much to you! "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the gravity increased, the Assistant simply blinked, looking up at the one who had performed such an action. Unlike it's kin, this Assistant had a kind of sentience, just as the overmind, Fuzzy, did. It was the Ambassador, after all, and needed the ability to think for itself to negotiate anything. And at such an action, it felt nothing but surprise, that someone would be so hostile for such a pitiful. Of course, it became a problem when the magic was removed, however, this in itself worked against the witch moments later, when she attempted to eavesdrop in the message. The message, contained within the orb, had been highly magical in nature, and by removing the magic from the area, she herself had erased it, preventing herself from reading it. To make further such attempts impossible, the Assistant casually crushed the orb in his right hand.

"Oho? Well, this is rich. A human? It has been quite a while since anyone has called me that." The assistant moved faster than any such being should, esspecially without magic, easily moving at over 100 m/s. It's movements were a flash, barely visible to the human eye, as it had already exited the field that the witch had created. "I suppose it is good that I am mechanical in nature instead of magical, or that field would have been annoying. However, you seem to have this vague impression of superiority." The ambassador's voice was fluid and slicked in honey, the voice of a politician buttering up a crowd, with an edge of sadism that could not be missed. "A mere witch should know her place, speaking to an ambassador of the God-Killer."

Behind the Ambassador, hundreds of holes in reality opened, portals, as an army of Assistants emerged from it. The front line instnatly produced a row of heavy miniguns, lodged into the ground, far too big for any human to use effectively, crouching low. The ranks behind that instead stood, aiming a variety of rifles. Further back, mortar-like weapons were used, and in the trees and several vantage points around the area, snipers were deployed. Massive turrets, crackling with an unknown energy, broke up the ranks, towering above the heads of the common masses, an army of powerful warriors. "Surely, miss. You do not intend to declare War. I believe you witches are not used to threats. As such, allow me to repeat this scene so you may better understand. We'll rig your immortal body up to a pole and have you tortured and raped until you beg us to finally kill you. Or is that still too vague?" The ambassador's smile was a mocking one, filled with anticipation and sadism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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"Sigh...Boy oh boy... the price of freedom is steep" Suzaku recited a well known line standing in front of the group. "Miss Ruby isn't avaliable now, and probably never will, i don't know what's happening, but i politely ask you to leave, Miss Virgilia." Said Suzaku with her hands on her hips, with her usual smile, she was good in changing her mood quickly, being a World Traveler, Virgilia was a familiar face to her, and the cruel sense of humor they have as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grimlock shrugged off Megatron's cannon blasts, and grabbed the Decepticon leader by the head before he could react, and threw him into a nearby building. "Optimus is weak! You fight me now!" Grimlock shouted. He transformed into his dino-form. It breathed fire on Megatron before he could even recover, "Argh!" Megatron shouted. He equipped his sword and shield, using the shield to deflect the flames. "I cannot be defeated by you mindless brutes!" He shouted, and charged at Grimlock. It wasn't the best choice, as the dinosaur Autobot grabbed the sword in it's mouth, and threw it far away out of Megatrons reach. Grimlock then used his tail to smash Megatron back into the building, turning around fully in the process. Grimlock let out a roar, but was soon interrupted by Megatron's Energon mace hitting in the head. It was then that the other Dinobots leaped. Slug smashed into Megatron, sending him flying into the talons of Swoop, who held him up as a target for Sludge and Snarl to shoot at. Thoroughly beat, Megatron tried to transform and escape, but Grimlock stepped on his tank mode. The giant dinobot ripped into the tank, tearing out a large portion of the cannon. But the Dinobot didn't stop there, he kept tearing apart the Decepticon leader, ripping off chunks of tank until there was only a pile of scrap left. Transforming back into robot mode, Grimlock let out another roar. He then spoke into the comm link with Optimus. "I just defeated the enemy You never could!" he shouted angrily. However, despite the damage done to his body, Megatron still functioned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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"...a Valiant effort, Mongrel, but ultimately, a shameful display."

It appeared that Stein, despite his knowledge and supposed understanding and preparations he took against Fragarach, ultimately had not understood how the device worked. When the concept of the weapon was "it would strike the heart," it did not mean it would be an attack on the heart. It was not a physical strike. It was a concept. It was a law of cause and effect. Much like Gae Bolg, which reversed cause and effect to strike, Fragarach struck Stein's heart. A physical defence? Attempting to catch it with his palm? Laughable. Fragarach did not rewrite events to say "it launched itself at Stein's heart before he could launch his strike" and left it open to being blocked. Fragarach rewrote events to say "it struck Stein's heart before he could launch his strike."

Stein's mistake was believing that he could defend himself from it. The moment he launched his strike, it was over. Fragarach rewound reality itself to the moments before Stein struck, and rewrite reality so that it had imbedded itself within Stein's heart.

As Darkside carried off a dead Stein, Gilgamesh let out a deep sigh. It had not been a bad day. It was not a boring day, to be sure. This mad beast had shown him power he had genuine reason to fear, but ultimately, no matter how powerful, it could not strike the king.

Seeing as darkside carried off Stein's corpse, Gilgamesh disappeared, returning to his spiritual form and left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

LaXnyd said
"...a Valiant effort, Mongrel, but ultimately, a shameful display." It appeared that Stein, despite his knowledge and supposed understanding and preparations he took against Fragarach, ultimately had not understood how the device worked. When the concept of the weapon was "it would strike the heart," it did not mean it would be an attack on the heart. It was not a physical strike. It was a concept. It was a law of cause and effect. Much like Gae Bolg, which reversed cause and effect to strike, Fragarach struck Stein's heart. A physical defence? Attempting to catch it with his palm? Laughable. Fragarach did not rewrite events to say "it launched itself at Stein's heart before he could launch his strike" and left it open to being blocked. Fragarach rewrote events to say "it struck Stein's heart before he could launch his strike." Stein's mistake was believing that he could defend himself from it. The moment he launched his strike, it was over. Fragarach rewound reality itself to the moments before Stein struck, and rewrite reality so that it had imbedded itself within Stein's heart. As Darkside carried off a dead Stein, Gilgamesh let out a deep sigh. It had not been a bad day. It was not a boring day, to be sure. This mad beast had shown him power he had genuine reason to fear, but ultimately, no matter how powerful, it could not strike the king. Seeing as darkside carried off Stein's corpse, Gilgamesh disappeared, returning to his spiritual form and left.

With stine dying, it gave darkside some time. Some time, to take out some filth.
"You there! Brat, what is your name?" He barks to the man in all golden armor. His voice was horse, but oddly chilling. While he made this statement, he kept stine alive, via blocking the cut in his heart, and by pumping it, all via telekinesis.
"You know what? You aren't worth the head ache. See you later brat. And when I find you again, it will be a funeral......" He says, before him and stine vanish.
Stine feels a sudden jolt, and a searing pain, A few minutes later, he feels the strength to move again..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna and Elsa back at the Ark were not expect the power outage. Anna sighed. "How could the power just fail with the technology you Auto..." Elsa hoped Anna could see the stern look even in the dim light she gave her. Anna took the gesture and shut up. Elsa did not want her sister to make a enemy of robots who could probably with their tech find some way to get back to their kingdom.

Yang smile at Mia.."Shhh..you're going to be fine. Do you want to come with me and be with Weiss?" She asked gently knowing in a twisted way prior she had taken a liking to the so called Ice Princess. She did not remove her grip just yet.

Ruby heard her name being called. "Yes I am Ruby..but what do you mean you want me to go with you?" Weiss had a uneasy feeling and gave the Witch a look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna and Elsa back at the Ark were not expect the power outage. Anna sighed. "How could the power just fail with the technology you Auto..." Elsa hoped Anna could see the stern look even in the dim light she gave her. Anna took the gesture and shut up. Elsa did not want her sister to make a enemy of robots who could probably with their tech find some way to get back to their kingdom.

Yang smile at Mia.."Shhh..you're going to be fine. Do you want to come with me and be with Weiss?" She asked gently knowing in a twisted way prior she had taken a liking to the so called Ice Princess. She did not remove her grip just yet.

Ruby heard her name being called. "Yes I am Ruby..but what do you mean you want me to go with you?" Weiss had a uneasy feeling and gave the Witch a look.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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(accidental double)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ringrose
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kael Taiyou said
"Not when I'm around." said Keiji as he spinned his Nodachi, launching a tornado to the direction of the bullets the weapon was firing, making them stop. "Now that you stopped, you're going to fight me!" he said while standing at the front of the Guardian.

Damn it, the other one was still alive! it fired it's missiles. This was it. Jonathan shut his eyes, and then..he opened them. He was still standing, and saw Keiji spin his Nodachi and catch up the missiles up in a Torndao. Somehow this man could control powerful winds enough to create Tornado's. That was amazing. Jonathan ran up next to Keiji. "You saved my life..thank you, kind sir." Jonathan looked back. Good, those children were gone and safe. "And don't worry about him, he's vulnerable now. He's all out of ammo now. One of those Tornado's should do it. I already damaged his left arm with the ripple earlier. I'm Jonathan Joestar, by the way. Call me JoJo." Jonathan said.

The wooden ship had just...disappeared, like magic. Unfortunately he had little time to think on that. Suddenly, two of those human looking girls with rabbits ears approached him. What? he was just being given one of those flying wooden ships, with an entire crew and protection of those enormous goat humanoids to back it up to boot? originally he was just going to steal the ship while no one was looking and turn everyone inside into his loyal vampire servants. But now..he turned his head, seeing that other woman who came from the ship getting agitated and now, that unknown person was pinned to the ground out of nowhere. He didn't watch the rest. "Well, I suppose that making enemies here and now would not be in my favor. Very well then. Though I will be honest and say I don't know the reason why you are handing to this me, and I have my own suspicions, I, Lord Dio accept the terms laid before me. Please, lead the way. And keep me out of the sun." Dio said, ushering them to lead the way for him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After a bit of searching, Ratchet found the replacement fuse. He was about to get to where the blow out occured when he noticed something. "Who's there!?" he shouted, deploying his weapon. A new voice was suddenly heard, "Why, good doctor, it's nothing" it said. "Starscream?!" Ratchet said, recognizing the voice. He started to run back toward the bridge when something landed on him. Decloaking, Starscream crushed the Autobotot's head. "Yes, it is I, Starscream!" He said over the corpse. He took the fuse Ratchet had been carrying, and replaced it with the broken one. "Now, to the bridge" He said, once again cloaking.

Back on the bridge, Jazz was getting worried. "It shouldn't take him this long." the Autobot said, "I'm going to see if I can find him." he looked at the humans. However, then the lights came on. Jazz just had gotten to the doorway when he was hit in the face by a bolt. He was sent flying into a nearby terminal, sparks flying from his severely damaged face. Walking through, Starscream reloaded his weapon. "Pathetic autobots, you never learn." He said with disdain, and moved the now dead officer out of the way. "Now, let's see what information you have on this planet" Starscream said out loud, not noticing the humans. He was too busy, as he knew the Autobots would come here soon, and he needed to leave. Starscream started typing on the computer terminal, finding all sorts of useful information.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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BGM - Deep Drop

"It had been a long time since I was active within this body," Yasu grinned madly, testing out Sota's body by grasping the air with his hands. He knew that Sota wouldn't resist the possession much longer, and not to mention that Kaika wasn't too far away from now. It was all perfect for the forsaken demon, he could take this chance to rip apart the petty little Pact Bearer into bits and then drown the existence of Reality into death. "Oh c'mon now Kaika-chan. I thought we agreed that you'll be the one to kill me...or that I will be the one to kill you...but we'll never know until fate decides, right? Don't try to hide either...I'll always find you...be the obedient human girl you are and come over here for the sake of your lover," Yasu mocked as he slowly walked in the direction he saw Kaika run off to. Yet...he didn't want to go for the kill so easily, it was so much better to play around with his food before deciding to end it all. Holding out his hand, a single orb of darkness developed from his palm, and Yasu let the orb of darkness drift off into the sky. With a snap of his fingers, the orb of darkness immediately expanded into what seemed to resemble a black hole in appearance, and it wasn't long until what seemed to be shadowy monsters that were falling out of this "black hole." These shadowy monsters ranged from simple humanoid shadows to monstrous shadows that were big as 3 story buildings. "If you're not going to fight me Kaika-chan, then all of these Shadow Replicas will ravage this world...until you decide to settle our score in time. You better decide before there's nothing left to save..." Yasu proposed a rather lose-lose deal that would never go to Kaika's favor. With that, Yasu let all of the many Shadow Replicas roam free and kill anything they happen to see, but for a moment, Yasu paused for a moment as Sota tried to fight back for control. However, Yasu only shook the feeling off, easily pushing Sota's conscience to the deepest depths of the mind, keeping Sota away from ever gaining control again. Wanting to see what is there to see in this new world, Yasu wandered off in the forest, the darkness around him was enough to have the nearest trees to decay instantly.
Kaika didn't want to face it, she had ran away from what was once Sota. She didn't want to actually kill or even fight him, in the fears that she would hurt Sota in the process. God dammit...why does this always happen to me? she thought to herself as she stopped running, but saw that there was a dark portal in the sky, letting loose the murderous Shadow Replicas to this world. ".....why...." Kaika mumbled, not sure on what to do.
"Witches? Omigod, tackle the witch!!!!" Quote blinked as Virgilia had appeared to them. Apparently, the 30 dumb Quote clones that were near the group immediately jumped at Virgilia, dogpiling her most likely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The goats were weak compared to the massive insect. Using his legs, Kickback sent them flying. He even grabbed one his his mouth, and used it to beat the other goats before biting it in half. It tasted disgusting. Just then, the other insecticons saw what was happening. Hardshell transformed, his insect form launching rockets from pods on it's back. Sharpshot sent a bolt of electricity into the ground, frying any goats near him. "Pathetic little things, aren't they? they?" he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Suzaku was laughing, genually, at the situation, too many cute little Kirby's jumping at the Ex-Golden Witch made her laugh so loud she was rolling in the ground, pretty much losing her composure, Vita as facepalming, she just gave up on trying to quell what she deemed total stupidity. However, the others are still worried, after escaping the battler between a crazed God-Killer and the King of Heroes, now they were in front of someone who mentioned Ruby's name, seeing that Suzaku spoke to Virgillia as if she was some kind of threat, they became weary of her presence there, Vita and Signum knew about witches as well, so they are extra careful for any movement Virgillia was going to make, and they telephatycally spoke with the group one order. "Protect Ruby."

Gohan said
Damn it, the other one was still alive! it fired it's missiles. This was it. Jonathan shut his eyes, and then..he opened them. He was still standing, and saw Keiji spin his Nodachi and catch up the missiles up in a Torndao. Somehow this man could control powerful winds enough to create Tornado's. That was amazing. Jonathan ran up next to Keiji. "You saved my life..thank you, kind sir." Jonathan looked back. Good, those children were gone and safe. "And don't worry about him, he's vulnerable now. He's all out of ammo now. One of those Tornado's should do it. I already damaged his left arm with the ripple earlier. I'm Jonathan Joestar, by the way. Call me JoJo." Jonathan said.

"You're welcome, i'm Maeda Keiji, nice to meet you, and i don't think that gust of wind will be enough, they just blow things away, i prefer to get close and personal, so, let's take down this guy together?" Keiji asked in a friendly tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Damn Shelia your fast I couldn't hardly keep up with you" Chu had said coming from literally nowhere appearing to Suzaku's left.

Hiei was to her right having been there pretty much the entire time. He looked really bored however and was preparing to ready his sword when 'protect Ruby' though Ruby possibly made that harder when she responded to the witch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kael Taiyou said
"Wait...we didn't bring Weiss with us?" Haken asked, for the first time calling Weiss by her real name. "Aparently, she couldn't come." said Saya. "Damn, we have to go back there!" said Vita. "No, it's too dangerous, what we need to do now is to run." said Sanger. "B-but..." Levi was worried, even if it was brief, she kinda liked Weiss. "There's nothing we can do right now..." said Reiji. "DON'T LOSE HOPE YET!" Suzaku voice screamed, a Twin Buster Rifle Beam Blasted a hole in the Cabin. "I only have a few seconds." she said while entering the place, seeing two familiar figures and one not so familiar. "(Gil...Stein...and another person...no Suzaku, no time for inner monologues.)" She grabbed Weiss and immidietally left the cabin. "All right, now we can run." Suzaku said putting Weiss on the groun. "You heard the Twin-Tails, let's make a run for it, Zeriah, show us where that ruin you mentioned." Haken said commanding the group to retreat.

Zeriah ran ahead of the group to show them were the ruin was. After a minute he was there the ruin was, it was an medium size abandon factory the out side was over grown with plants over the faded brick walls. Zeriah walked over to the heavy door and pulled the door open, " after you," he gesture inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro growled at all Yasu said and was about to retaliate but before she could she saw the portal and the Replicas. "We should stop them before they reach the town.I will help you get your lover back but now we should take these things out." She said to Kaika Cutter drawn..

Weiss followed after Zeriah hoping Ruby would not get herself in trouble glad the others were trying to defend her from the Witch.

Blake found a nice spot to bury Pyrrah which was a patch of dirt by the lake. She looked around for some digging tool after setting her friends body down gently.

Anna saw what Starscream had done to Jazz. "Jazz!" She said not caring if she alerted the Decepticon. She began to angrily walk over to him. Elsa backed away terrified but suddenly her power shot at the Decepticon as she lost control again.

"Elsa..!" Anna said seeing her sister's power once again.
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