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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


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Starscream narrowly dodged Elsa's attack, and for half a second looked around before noticing them. He quickly grabbed Anna, who was within reaching distance, "cease hostilities or your friend gets it!" he said, terrified of the creatures power. Cybertronians had a weakness to extremely cold temperatures, and would enter a stasis if encapsulated in ice. In one hand he held his weapon, in the other he held Anna.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Yeah...but...I just don't want to hurt him...that's his body..." Kaika said to Hiro, a bit conflicted on what to do. As much as she wanted to kill Yasu, she still didn't want to harm Sota in any way, or possibly kill him if she applied too much power.

Several Shadow Replicas managed to find both Kaika and Hiro, and lunged towards them, but Kaika was too occupied by her confliction to even notice the Replicas coming in.
It had been awhile, and Yukki still haven't waken up yet. Yuno had laid him down against a tree, and she silently waited for him to awaken. Please Yukki...wake up... Yuno thought as she crossed her fingers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna looked terrified. "You know ..If you try to harm me you will just make her more scared of you and she will not stop.." She was trying to bluff to try and get herself out by kicking at Starscream but gasped in pain when she made impact with the hard metal.

Elsa was more terrified Starscream would hurt or kill Anna. She wanted to try and save her but that would cost her. "Let my sister go.." She said in a serious tone as she attempted to get some control. It worked and she sent some ice spikes at the weopon the Decepticon held. She would not allow her sister to be harmed. Yes she was aware of his threat but she thought if trying to disarm instead.

Hiro dropped the subject upon seeing Kaika in conflict. "incoming enemies!" She said rushing to slash at the Replicas to protect Kaika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream's weapon was impaled, and he shrieked in pain. His grip on Anna increased greatly, but he managed to stop from crushing her. He got free of the spikes by putting away his weapon, it returning to his hand form. "Your 'sister' will not be harmed if you meet my demands" He said. However, due to Elsa's attack, an alarm went off. He could not afford to try and make a deal right now, and needed too retreat. "Sorry, deals off" He said, and transformed ((Elsa would be blown back by the sudden take off of the jet)). Anna soon found herself strapped inside Starscreams cockpit, "don't try anything, alien" he said to her, as he rocketed down the Ark's halls. Sudden high speed turns made the trip extremely uncomfortable for Anna.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"No...Anna!" Elsa screamed as she let her power go off and explode all around as she was knock back by the force of Starscream' s transformation.

Anna was about to voice a witty retort when she was taken hostage and whipped around before she could do anything. She noticed Elsa had lost it..."Elsa..." She whispered as she began to try to escape the robot. She refused to be taken a hostage. "You do know it's not nice to take people against their will..!"

Elsa tried to run after Starscream but she was not fast enough. "Anna....Anna!" She screamed before collapsing on the ground surrounded by her power sobbing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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The sudden mention of enemies got Kaika to snap out of her despairing conflict, the Shadow Replicas were still enemies that she could kill without hurting Sota in the process. With the full devotion to get Sota out of this situation, Kaika held out her hand and summoned an energy blade. "Right behind you," Kaika said to Hiro before swiftly slashing at the Shadow Replicas that came near her, her fighting style becoming much more powerful and fierce from her "will" to save Sota as the energy resonated around her intensely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Silence organic!" Starscream said, as he was busy concentrating on not crashing. After a bit of flying, he finally managed to exit the Ark. He let out a laugh, "No one is a match for the speed and power of Starscream!" he shouted triumphantly. He then remembered he had the organic inside him. What to do ... what to do ... he started thinking about how he should treat this guest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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Crashing though a window, the Pyro runs in, with it's flamethrower in it's rubber gloved hands. Pyro sees the Star scream fly off. It sees the elsa next to the point of exit. He runs up to her and offers to help, what ever the cost. In it's mind, the Star Scream was made of candy, and the Elsa had a wonderful snow storm above her head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro turned and slashed at the incoming Replica that tried to attack her from behind. "Thanks for the heads up.." She summoned some fire and tossed it at some as well holding back her true ability for now.

Anna glared. "Look Starscream just give me back to my sister or trust me something bad will happen .trust me I have seen her freeze more then that room.."

Elsa noticed Pyro and moved a bit backwards at his Apperence but seeing his gesture she looked back at him.."You want to..help...but I'm a danger..." She mumbled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Somewhere out in the woods lay Kurama asleep peacefully. He did however awoke into confusion when he realized he was in a forest out in the middle of nowhere it seems. "Well isn't this surprising question is how did I get here" Kurama said to himself taking time to look around at his surroundings. "well I guess the best thing I can do right now is see if I can find somebody" Kurama said to himself before walking off into the woods not knowing what he'll find.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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Pyro didn't get what Elsa meant by " I am danger" but tried to go after Star Scream. He began to look around the space they were in, although there was nothing much to find. It wondered around for a while, pulling out it's axe.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Elsa watched Pyro look around and just continued to be a semiwreck. If only she and Anna did not come here maybe she would feel better.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

In the ship, the Autobots were busy scrambling about to find the intruder, alarms sounded through the ship, and motion was everywhere. Ironhide went to Elsa, "Hey, kid, where's your sister? We gotta get you to someplace safe, Prime's orders" He said in his gruff voice.
Starscream ignored Anna's comments. He accidentally started thinking aloud, "I could drop her from here, it would be the easiest method" he said, he was of course now above the cloud level, "Or I could keep her as a bargaining chip to manipulate the other one" he had semi forgotten Anna was right there to hear him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Goat God

Goat God

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Pyro looked up at Ironsides. "Mppph!" He said cheerfully now they could defiantly take on Star scream. "Mpph! Mpph mph!" He told Ironsides and Elsa
, gesturing them to follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"A...robot ....took my sister...turned into a jet....tried to get something from you .." Elsa managed to get out to Ironhide. She worked to stop the ice but it just stayed because of her emotion. She saw Pyro gesturing. "He wants us to follow. He might know where the robot went?"

Anna heard Starscream ' s plans. "I don't want to be dropped in the air and Secondly there is no way I would let you trick or use Elsa. I can hear you you know. " Anna sounded annoyed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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His chest had been ripped open completely by the attack, and the shockwave from the impact had most definitely caused major damage to his internal organs. Luckily, Darkside had used his abilities to direct the blood, allowing it to flow normally despite the woulds. Through the massive hole, floating streams of blood could be seen, as if flowing through invisible veins. Unfortunately, despite this, major damage had been dealt to the inside of his body, and in many place his body had been too heavily damaged to continue, the only thing keeping him alive was his worry for Mia. And a lust for vengeance.
Clacking footsteps, as the hard heals of shining black shoes hit the hardened ice that had encased the room. A cane crunched into the ice with every two steps, a beat to accompany the steady rhythm of Bob's walk. Even the sound of his walking was almost musical in nature, a bell to hail the presence of a Demon of the Dance, who had once more descended to walk upon the same soil as those he sought to deal with. He stopped next to Elsa, his breath misting, his smile bright, his eyes glowing up red. When he spoke, his voice was smooth as velvet, and slithered like a snake. "I could ensure your sister's life, you know. Far better than any of these clumsy robots." He chuckles, the sound deep and reverberating, as if coming from a far larger being. "Of course, unlike last time, this is no gift. This comes at a price."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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[Yukiteru, Forest]

-"Wha-No stop! Huh...I'm back.." Yukiteru said.

Yukiteru began to look around, he couldn't see anything, that blast had blindsided him for a short time. His vision will come back in a short time. He couldn't find Yuno.

_"Yuno..Yuno where are you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Elsa recognized the voice. "You are Bob?" She looked at him. "While I am glad and thankful you saved me once before I do not think I can trust you. You almost killed me.." Her voice shook as her fear caused more ice on the ground.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Excuse me, sir, First of all, I don't appreciate being called clumsy" Ironhide responded to the newcomer, "and second, I have orders to taker her to a safe place" At the mention of flying robot, he was pretty sure it was Starscream. He would be sure to tell this to the others so that they could try track him down.
"Silence, fool!" Starscream retorted back. He decided he would hold onto her as a hostage in case the Autobots came after him. They would no doubt not wish to kill a weak being like this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Y-Yukki!" Yuno saw that he was awake, but he seemed to be disoriented from the earlier blast. So, she went over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Yukki~, I'm here," Yuno says with a sweet voice.
"We need to go around and make sure no one's hurt by the Shadow Replicas," Kaika says as she tears through a row of Shadow Replicas with an energy wave from her blade. As the number of Shadow Replicas deminished, Kaika gestured Hiro to follow as Kaika could sense another huge horde of Replicas in one direction.
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