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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Underneath the city, the Insecticon had laid thousands of eggs. It had also started to eat out caverns and fill them too. Soon, an army would be birthed. Where it had first set the first eggs, they had grown significantly larger, and taller. Those would hatch soon, and start eating and laying eggs as well. A couple smaller eggs had hatched, and formed a different type of insecticon. They were much smaller, and they flew around the empty caverns carrying chunks of energon with no apparent purpose. However, after a bit of looking it would appear that their purpose was to supply energon to newly hatched insecticons, which would remove the possibility of cannibalism. When insecticons hatched, they would be fully formed and ready for combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

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Gummi Bunnies said
"Y-Yukki!" Yuno saw that he was awake, but he seemed to be disoriented from the earlier blast. So, she went over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Yukki~, I'm here," Yuno says with a sweet voice.

[Yukiteru, Forest]

-"Yuno.. Thank god.. are you hurt?" Yukiteru asked.

He was slowly recuperating, and his vision was coming back. He could only see blurry, but that would also heal in a little while. He looked at Yuno. He hugged her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Antipathy watched over the body of Bro'Dee Walker, she had been wanting to just kill him while he slept but part of her knew that the enemies out there could and would over power her if she was alone. This was pointless though. Finally she just ended up poking him a few times, thinking he was dead she rolled her eyes and started to hover, about to fly away.

Bro'Dee coughed and stuttered on his words as he got up, fueled by the power of hope he stood up tall and proud. Showing that he was fine, yet, when he saw Antipathy he panicked slightly. What was she doing here? With a clearing of his throat he once again became brave. Sure that Antipathy had seen him stumble. "Hello, Antipathy. Where are we?"

Antipathy sighed and looked around. "I'm surprised you didn't wake sooner, Saint Walker. The battles that have raged on kept me up and fueled. I can practically feel it in the air, it is thick and sweet."

Bro'Dee sighed and the tail on the back of his head flicked around. "That is nothing to celebrate. I can tell they are without hope on this world. The rage and fear rules on."

Antipathy nodded and smiled brightly. "I know right? Isn't it very, very wonderful? I can't wait until it is all over. That is when the evil shall emerge and the best will overcome the weak. And to answer your earlier question. All I know is that we are in the forest. That is my limited amount of information."

Bro'Dee was clearly surprised, but then again, what did he expect? With a shake of his head he hovered. "We must travel forward and find others that are not fighting."

Antipathy sighed and nodded, starting to fly with him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Starscream was flying, he suddenly had to spin out of the way of a couple idiots. Fools! They should know better than to get in his way! He suddenly veered around, and unleashed a couple missiles at the unidentified flying objects. Best to destroy them and be safe, rather than find out and be sorry. As the missiles flew through the sky, they locked onto the energy source that was emanating from the strange creatures, and started heading straight for them. However, the sky commander didn't stay to see if they hit, instead continuing on in the direction he was headed much faster than before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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As the missiles flew towards them Antipathy grinned and while Bro'Dee made a shield of energy for himself she simply spat on the missiles. The strange vomit melted and burned up the missiles. She of course had to shield herself to avoid shrapnel but the threat was gone for now. Flying towards the jet that had done such a thing she let out a cackling roar.

Bro'Dee sighed but followed her, this jet was most definitely piloted by a bad man. They would need to take him down for betterment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream's scanners picked up that the two beings had followed him. The fools, no one was a match for his flying skills! He suddenly increased his speed again, a blast echoing out backward from his sudden burst. He was the fastest and deadliest seeker in the sky! No one could stand up to his speed and power! He then started scanning the far distance, looking for a place with tall, building like structures so he could lose these freaks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Antipathy rolled her eyes and followed after the robot, increasing her own speed and flying upwards to cruise above him. With a fierce cry showing her rage she formed an energy construct of missiles, they locked onto the jet and flew towards it.

Bro'Dee sighed but flew around to the jet, making sure he had distance, and made a net of blue energy in front of the jet. Flying away as soon as it was done and struggling to keep the huge construct up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream let out a yell of frustration. The impudence of these creatures! He rolled out of the net, his over shield poking a hole. However, that cost him most of it, and made him vulnerable to those missiles. "drat!" he cursed, and attempted to increase his speed to outrun the missiles. If that didn't work, he'd roll out of the way and hope that his over shield had enough power to block most of the damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob chuckles. "Excuse me." He looks at the autobot that had interrupted him. As he did, the autobot would suddenly see Bob transform, and within moments, he found himself face to face with Prima, glowing in a righteous aura. "Consider your orders overwritten. She is important. Do not interfere." His voice was like thunder, with the edge of justice, a perfect voice for the Prime. Copied, of course, from the original. He had known from the sheer authority in Prima's stance that he carried heavy weight with the autobots, and thus would give him a free pass. After that, the image of the Prime once more disappeared, leaving only Bob.

"Of course you can't trust me. However, my dear, I think we cannot argue that I am capable of saving your sister, and willing, too." He smiles down at the girl, as he gestures, saving the autobot from a trip to stasis by removing the ice. "Cheer up. Simply sign a deal, and I'll give you your sister back. And you won't even have to pay a heavy price. All you'll have to do is carry a special power for thirteen days." It was a simple deal. Bob would, of course, make her extend it after the period of time was up. Once given, power was addictive, and she wouldn't want to part with it. Of course, even if she did reject it, it would be amusing to watch.
There were intruders in Gaia's city. He slowly sank through the ground, his body nothing more but a mind in the earth, feeling the ground all around the city. Gaia had anchored his own Chaos Gem to the city, becoming a part of it, He was as much a part of the soil and steel of the city as his own mortal body had once been a part of him, and he could feel the insects crawling around in his organs. As such, the tunnel spoke, his voice echoing through it. "You have entered the City of Heroes. Do not dare harm it, or the city shall devour you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"ummm" Ironhide said. Unlike Optimus or several other Autobots, he wasn't much one for history. He recognized Prima's figure from somewhere, but couldn't quite put a finger on it. "I'm sorry, but I have to follow Optimus' orders, I don't know who you are, nor do I have proof that you can override his orders" Ironhide said, equipping his weapon in case this being was hostile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Mtntopview said
Starscream let out a yell of frustration. The impudence of these creatures! He rolled out of the net, his over shield poking a hole. However, that cost him most of it, and made him vulnerable to those missiles. "drat!" he cursed, and attempted to increase his speed to outrun the missiles. If that didn't work, he'd roll out of the way and hope that his over shield had enough power to block most of the damage.

Antipathy raced after him, her body shook with fury. This pilot was too experienced. She had to get to him. The missiles would explode behind him in red smoke and fire, literal pure rage. "You cannot run forever!" She roared, following him and clenching her fists.

Bro'Dee knew he couldn't calm Antipathy and instead followed behind her, prepared to stop the fight if needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream continued on his current path, still just staying outside of their reach. He finally approached the city, and prepared for his plan. He scanned it immediately, and had a general idea as to what he could do to escape. As he reached the first buildings, he slowed down, and started swerving between them in a hope to lose the freaks.
The insecticons couldn't comprehend the language the strange creature was speaking, and so disregarded it as a strange and natural noise of this world. A couple eggs started to hatch, fully formed Insecticons came out. They went straight for the flyers, taking the energon and feeding. Then, they joined the first insecticon and started increasing the size of the cavern and the number of eggs inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob blinked sideways. "Really? You didn't....... that was your God! What do I need to convince you people?" He sighs, before pointing at Ironhide. He was a sentient being, with hopes and dreams, happiness and sadness. Regardless of his robotic form, he fell under bob's domain. In fact, so did everything that could truly be considered intelligent life, anything that could think and feel. As such, he simply filled Ironhide with emotion. Not fear, not hate, not love. None of the big ones. Instead, he absolutely and completely filled him with the lazy feeling you get just after getting out of bed. You don't want to go back to sleep, but you aren't quite later. The unnamed feeling that would absolutely fill Ironhide's mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Antipathy flew above the buildings and the jet, following his twists and turns with eyes that practically glowed red. "A game of cat and mouse is just as fun as murder!" She proclaimed as she shot energy blasts down at the robot.

Bro'Dee looked around to see where they had gone. Losing them in his angst. He moved quickly and sped towards the end of the city, hoping to cut off the jet somehow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gaia realized the creatures had not reacted, and had even engaged in hostility. However, he would give them one more warning. Destructive animals would not be allowed, and would be crushed like the pests they were. However, he would give them another warning. He would not run the risk of a mere misunderstanding being the cause of death for these poor creatures. This time, as she spoke, he repeated himself in every language he knew, which was a lot. For some reason, English was spoken almost multiversally by all races of living beings, but some had different languages, and Bob had given him knowledge of every intelligent tongue ever devised. As such, this speech took a rather long time, as there were hundreds of languages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Starscream transformed, sliding across the street and sending cars flying. Anna was in his hands as he looked for an adequate place to find cover. He used his rifle to send a couple bolts back up at the annoying creature. The attacks from said creature had hit him enough to keep his over shield from forming, it was most annoying. He entered his cloak, and turned invisible. He then moved quite a distance, hoping to lose those fools. The only thing that would give him away was Anna floating in the air. He put her down in a nearby car, or somewhere they wouldn't notice her. He'd come back for the creature later.
"God?" Ironhide said, confused. But he soon was filled with extreme laziness instead, "feel free to take it, I'm off to resupply my energon" he said, transforming and heading back the way he had come from.
As the mysterious voice started changing, the insecticons started to become more energetic. The noises were putting them on edge, and they were starting to become jumpy. So far, no language that the voice had said matched the insecticons language.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Antipathy had lost the robot, it was a quite a shame. But with a shake of her head she flew down and started to wander the streets, looking for sight of the jet pilot or the robot he was manning.

Bro'Dee searched for the jet and Antipathy with an irritable sigh. He found didn't find Antipathy but on his way back around he found a girl. His tail twitching erratically he walked over to the girl and picked her up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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"It's going to be alright Yukki...I'm fine, see?" Yuno says with a smile, glad to see that he was at least awake now. However, their happy moments will be short-lived as a certain amount of Shadow Replicas had found their way to the couple, particularly interested by their souls. Like all Replicas, these would absolutely love to rip their souls out and fight over which shadowy monster would gobble up the tasty bits of the souls.

"Coming through!!!" Kaika yelled out as she jumped out of her hiding spot, knowing Hiro was with her, and slashed at the Shadow Replicas that were near Yuno and Yukki, her blade of pure energy enough to eliminate the full existence of each Shadow Replica that came in contact with the blade.
Yasu continued his rather uneventful stroll through the forest, the living plants, grass, and even small critters instantly died as the darkness of this demon was enough to kill anything weak that came near. "I wonder...I wonder if there are interesting souls in this unknown world, just like how Kaika's soul is so...filled to the brim with that light of hers. And maybe...if there are willing others in this world...I will make use of them quite well..." Yasu said, but stopped in his talking and walking as he had to push back the conscious of Sota back into the deep depths of the shared mind. Who he would run into? That answer to that question was something that the Demon of Deathly Darkness couldn't wait to figure out for himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Gilgamesh smirked as Darkseid carried off the pink, misty remnants of Stein. Returning Fragarach to the Gate of Babylon, Gilgamesh headed off on his own. The King of heroes considered his options at the moment. He could find a nice soft spot to rest upon, and perhaps enjoy some divinely brewed wine. Or, perhaps he could find some new conflict to amuse him.

The possibilities were endless for the King of Heroes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kurama was still just casually walking in the woods until he hears something nearby. When he goes to investigate he sees Kaika, Yukiteru, and Yuno. "well that was certainly quite a display of power though if you don't mind me asking what exactly were those" Kurama said looking at Kaika seeming unworried about coming across people he didn't know. Though he didn't look like it he was prepared to counter an attack with a lone rose seed hidden in his left hand.
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