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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
"It's going to be alright Yukki...I'm fine, see?" Yuno says with a smile, glad to see that he was at least awake now. However, their happy moments will be short-lived as a certain amount of Shadow Replicas had found their way to the couple, particularly interested by their souls. Like all Replicas, these would absolutely to rip their souls out and fight over which shadowy monster would gobble up the tasty bits of the souls."Coming through!!!" Kaika yelled out as she jumped out of her hiding spot, knowing Hiro was with her, and slashed at the Shadow Replicas that were near Yuno and Yukki, her blade of pure energy enough to eliminate the full existence of each Shadow Replica that came in contact with the blade.Yasu continued his rather uneventful stroll through the forest, the living plants, grass, and even small critters instantly died as the darkness of this demon was enough to kill anything weak that came near. "I wonder...I wonder if there are interesting souls in this unknown world, just like how Kaika's soul is so...filled to the brim with that light of hers. And maybe...if there are willing others in this world...I will make use of them quite well..." Yasu said, but stopped in his talking and walking as he had to push back the conscious of Sota back into the deep depths of the shared mind. Who he would run into? That answer to that question was something that the Demon of Deathly Darkness couldn't wait to figure out for himself.

[Yukiteru, Forest]

-"Thank God Yuno, Me on the other hand, well, try not to think about me.." Yukiteru said ,

Yukiteru saw as the woman cut through the Shadow Replicas. Yukiteru saw the blade full of energy, Akise might like seeing this feat. He tried to get up but fell back down, and hit the floor hard.

-"Ughh...Thank You...Miss...What might your name.. be?" Yukiteru asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Shadow Replicas...pretty much the manifestations of a deceased's negative energy and thoughts. They only seek to devour souls to create more of themselves..." Kaika explained to Kurama about the Shadow Replicas, a little exhausted after defeating that bunch of Shadow Replicas, her energy blade disappearing from sight as there doesn't seem to be any Shadow Replicas nearby for now.

"Kaika-sama, I suggest that you ease yourself from exhausting yourself any further. There are many in this world that are capable of battling against the Shadow Replicas," Miki spoke as she appeared out of nowhere, being Kaika's ally spirit after all.

"Don't have to remind me Miki, it's a role I completely agreed on, remember?" Kaika said to the fellow spirit before seeing that Yukiteru and Yuno were there. "Oh, er..my name's Kaika. I'm also known to be a Spiritual Pact Bearer of Life Energy, like a manipulator of any kind of energy pretty much," Kaika introduced herself,"And that's the spirit that gave me the Pact, Miki. I know she's kinda bland and all, but she's quite the brainiac if you ask me." It seemed like after she had destroyed a deadly threat just moments ago, she was quite the laidback person.

Yuno was silent, even if she weren't as wild as her 1st world self, she still didn't like this new turn of company around them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro finished off some more and followed Kaika. Upon reaching the two Yuki and Yuno she nodded to them. She looked around to make sure no more replicas were around. It seemed they were endless and she worried slightly.

Blake entered the area near the city and continued her search for a shovel but got irritated when she could not find one.

Anna was disoriented and dazed from Starscream ' s crazy flight and barely registered someone was carrying her away. She also had slight shock.

Elsa though about this new offer. She was not interested in any new power but she wanted Anna back..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I am Shuichi Minamino but most just call me Kurama" Kurama said feeling the need to introduce himself after Kaika introduced herself. Though Kurama seemed friendly something was off about him. It was like he was hiding something like the fact that he was a demon more than likely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro looked at Kurama. "My name is Hiro." She introduced.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Dark Elsa said
Anna was disoriented and dazed from Starscream ' s crazy flight and barely registered someone was carrying her away. She also had slight shock.

"Do not worry, little one. Everything will be alright, your future is so bright." Bro'Dee insisted as they walked through the city in search of Antipathy. His words would give her hope, he truly did think that would be enough to keep her going.

Antipathy wandered the city aimlessly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

From underneath the city where the two aliens were, a humming noise could be heard. It was spreading throughout the city as more insecticons were produced. If the two could understand the Insecticon hive-mind, they would hear "Hunger, hunt, kill, spread"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Elsa.." Anna mumbled. ."Need to get back to her..before..." She managed to get that much out before she passed out in his arms. She faintly heard a strange voice as she blacked out..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Bro'Dee would hear the insecticons, suddenly perturbed he began to fly through the city now. Whatever the buzzing was was most likely dangerous. He had to get to Antipathy to warn her.

Antipathy would hear nothing but the strange buzzing noise, though she wasn't disturbed by it and kept walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The insecticons had detected the ring's, and the noise suddenly went silent. They sensed power, incredibly delicious smelling power. However, there were too few of them to warrant an attack. With numbers just above 50 or so, they'd be wiped out in an instant. They needed to wait for more of their clones to hatch.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Continuing on, Antipathy started to wonder if any of the other Lanterns, the Green Lantern in particular, had arrived. Flying upwards she found Bro'Dee and motioned back towards the forest before flying off, leaving Bro'Dee and the girl alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Nice to meet ya!" Kaika says with a grin of hers, and then notices that Yuki and Yuno haven't introduced themselves yet. "Oh, and how about you guys? Since, you know, we pretty cleared that already except you two," Kaika said to them, but Yuno didn't actually talk to her at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Not talkative it seems perhaps she doesn't trust us though I take it these two are close" Kurama said at the end pointing at Yuno and Yukiteru. He begins to walk towards them emotionless like he was going to attack them. There was something in his left hand though it couldn't be made out clearly. He got up to Yuno and offered her a rose? This was weird though he looked like he was going to try to kill them he does this instead. "You need not worry I have no ill intentions to either of you unless of course you have ill intentions to me" Kurama said the rose simply of him being nice with a slight showing of a sense of humor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The two Siesta Sisters threw off a salute towards Dio before starting to lead the way. It was clear that they needed to move quickly, and it seemed that Dio couldn't be in the sun. That didn't complicate things to much, but it was still interesting. One of the more famous fantasy creatures for "not allowing the sun to hit them" was the vampire of course, but in this place, could you really trust some old stories and use that to judge what something was?

Regardless of that, the two of them were loyal guards, and had no time for wandering thoughts. They needed to focus on the task at hand and perform admirably. They had long since cleared the general area before the barrier went up. Within a few minutes at most, they would reach the ship.
There are things to do and things not to do in the sea of kakera. It was really simple, honestly. But that had nothing to do with this situation at all.

The army was fully encompassed after they had appeared, but this was not antagonistic in nature. It was merely a barrier that would "only allow Carmilla and Mereana, along with any interference they made, enter or exit said barrier". Even if one had the ability to defy that, which shouldn't happen, there'd be a horrible result for them if they did. It wasn't a literal barrier of course, it was a boundary. It was not directed at the forces that had randomly appeared out of no where, rather, it was to keep the fight raging between the goats and decepticons outside from stirring things up. After all, this was a very tenuous situation. They didn't need some goat setting this powderkeg off did they?

"Oho? Well, this is rich. A human? It has been quite a while since anyone has called me that."
"I suppose it is good that I am mechanical in nature instead of magical, or that field would have been annoying. However, you seem to have this vague impression of superiority."
"A mere witch should know her place, speaking to an ambassador of the God-Killer."
"Surely, miss. You do not intend to declare War. I believe you witches are not used to threats. As such, allow me to repeat this scene so you may better understand. We'll rig your immortal body up to a pole and have you tortured and raped until you beg us to finally kill you. Or is that still too vague?"

"Seventy six million fifty five thousand two hundred eighty one." The witch Mereana was sitting cross legged on a broomstick floating over the opposing forces. Her words were a direct response to everything he had said before. What it meant was up to the imagination, of course, but it certainly couldn't be called a hostile action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The insecticons kept killing goats, killing them in numbers that could only be described as a massacre. Their massive size as well as shielded bodies plus experience in combat were far superior to the goats. "this is the most fun I've had since Grimlock!" Kickback said, stepping on one of the small creatures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

mytchel wakes up in a quiet section of the forest and peers around, wondering where he is and how he got there shortly before seeing what looked like a battle in the distance and moving towards it, seeming to glide over the land despite only looking like he's walking. upon entering a field where he sees the insecticons killing goats for some reason. "excuse me. are you creatures sentient?" he calls out, not sure about the status of creatures in this odd place and unintimidated by the insecticons despite their obvious size advantage, knowing that he's fought much, much worse than some over grown bugs. mytchel peers around at the battle feild, finding it lacking and beyond his interest (unless of course i'm missing something but i'm just going on what i've read))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Necrox and Lilly

° = Blue Truth

As they received the message, Necrox opened and started to read. The letter came from Stein. e got shocked at the idea. As he was reading, Lilly took the message and started to read.
BGM: Resurrected replayer
An evil grin came on Lilly's face. The idea was perfect, and she would save her brother from troubles. "... Fine. I have my wish already.", she said. Necrox looked at her and tried to stop her. "T-This is crazy, are you really planning to-!", he said. "Don't worry, it's only a wish. It won't hurt.", she said, walking towards Carmilla, looking directly in her eyes. Lilly's hatred for Witches was burning.

"I wish that only you and me are completely isolate! Create a space that is absolutely and completely closed off from all other spaces. Let's say that we'll stay a fixed duration in this closed space... 3 hours, maximum. And, just to make sure of it, I want this wish confirmed into Red Truth!!", Lilly wished. It was a strange wish. Who in the world would wish to be in a prison with a powerful guard? Lilly did. "If you can't do this, I can't do one thing. °If this wish is ignored, I will never acknowledge you as a powerful Witch of the Senate. If you can't realize that, I will consider you as a Witch that is more weaker than Erika Furudo, a simple Witch of Truth!!°", she teased Carmilla.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amano__Yukiteru
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Amano__Yukiteru The Lost One

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
"Nice to meet ya!" Kaika says with a grin of hers, and then notices that Yuki and Yuno haven't introduced themselves yet. "Oh, and how about you guys? Since, you know, we pretty cleared that already except you two," Kaika said to them, but Yuno didn't actually talk to her at all.

[Yukiteru, Forest]

Yukiteru took out his Future Diary and checked if they were enemies. He stood up holding onto the tree. The diary said that they wouldn't do anything, so they don't appear as they wers enemies.

-"My name is Yukiteru Amano, and this here is Yuno Gasai...Nice to meet you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Stein's body is shattered, suddenly the fine mist he's reduced to is covered in white light. One who looked more closely in that instant might see thousands, billions of tiny white threads, an interconnecting web. Within moments, the entire thing seems to condense, reforming, as, after mere moments, Stein reforms. His seal broken by this near-death experience, his soul burns bright with his true power. "Soular Binding: Resurrection" He stands. Every cell in his body had been bounds back into place by the nearly infinite amount of soular threads, his soul acting as the catalyst to completely reform his body. "Seems I'm going to need to go all-out."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Well...that covers everybody on introductions, so...what should we do in the meantime before we're attacked again by Shadow Replicas?" Kaika says, seeing as there wasn't any signs that Shadow Replicas would come any sooner. Miki only floated by Kaika's side, and to the others it seemed like this spirit had no emotions to display.

Yuno didn't say anything, but actually refused the rose. If it weren't for her memories of her 1st world self, then her as her 3rd world self would had definitely accepted the rose. Yuno kept herself close to Yukki, even if Yukki's diary said that they weren't enemies, Yuno just couldn't trust them right away.
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