Avatar of Ringrose
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  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
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Jonathan found himself in a daze. He hadn't been hit by one of the blasts yet, no, but one of them had sent him flying after he shielded the kids from the blast shock wave earlier. He stood up, and his eyes widened in shock. One of the kids wasn't moving, and the girl was screaming and hollering making a mad, suicidal dash towards a second metal giant that was charging up it's weapons. He had no idea where the weaknesses of the thing were beside that it was made of metal, and he could just strike the giant once more with Metal Silver Overdrive. "Doooooooooooooh...." Jonathan concentrated his breathing, the aura of Hamon, the Ripple visible. Then, something clicked in his head. "That's it, by jove I've got it!!" Jonathan said, realizing something. Surely this metal giant was similar to such other contraptions. If it moved, it had parts, a power source and more. Surely then, these parts would be hidden under it's shell, protected!! so, the object was not to strike the arms, but instead the chest/stomach instead!! it made perfect sense. Jonathan made a run for it. "Stop!!" he yelled at Yuno, running by her. "It's suicide to attack that thing, little girls shouldn't fight. Your friend may still be alive. Do as your elders tell you too, grab your friends body, and LEAVE RIGHT NOW, YOUNG LADY!!" Jonathan said in an authoritative tone of voice. Then, he dashed towards the metal giant, then jumped in the air, aiming at it's chest area. "TAKE THIS!! METAL SILVER OVERDRIVE BARAAAAAAGEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" In rapid-fire fisticuffs, Jonathan was sending tons of Ripples inside and then straight through the other side of the metal giants chest and stomach, just like before. But, unlike before when decimated the arm of the other giant, this was a barrage of Metal Silver Overdrives, not just one. Jonathan wouldn't stop until every vital component of the metal giant's contraptions had a Ripple sent straight through it and was destroyed, and the giant was dead and non-functioning.

Dio continued to observe the situation. He could hear yelling, the three of them that the other two were talking to seemed to be squabbling about something or other, probably insignificant and not worth his time. Then, something strange happened. Some unknown person appeared, human and again wearing strange attire. Though, fashion was not what was on his mind right now. An opportunity had arisen, and he needed to take advantage. With all of this going on at once, he could sneak around from the brush of the trees and to the other side of the ship. One of them, one that came from the ship seemed to even have been not even paying attention. Perhaps there was a window he could fit himself through with a bit of adjustment, or maybe he could slink on deck and, from the inside make all of the crew his vampire servants. That was all it took, after all. A simple touch in the back of the head and he could stick his tentacles inside the head and mix his own blood with whomever he wished,turning them into his vampire servant. Dio, slowly started to make his way through the brush, and towards the right side of the ship.
Mtntopview said
Soundwave Unkown Male personality CybertronianCold, heartless and completely loyal to Megatron, Soundwave often spies on both friend and foe. He is also quite intelligent, capable of concocting and carrying out plans to fulfill his objectives. Cybertron- Can receive any transmission from the planet he is on- Can eject and store minicons- Can amplify sound waves to harm his opponents- Transforms into cybertronian van/cassette player (cassette player can change size from huge to carry-able by a human)- Energon swordSoundwave is the spy master of the Decepticons. One of Megatron's earliest followers, and, many believe, instrumental to his rise, he uses his instruments and his minicon soldiers to learn everything there is to know about his allies and his enemies. He is not a chatty transformer, preferring to only tell what needs to be told. He often sneaks about, patiently looking for Autobot transmissions to report to Megatron Megatron Unkown Male personality Cybertronian Cold and heartless, Megatron's aggression is unparalleled. His pride and lust for power have led him on a crusade to crush the Autobots. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make victory happen. Cybertron- Drain: takes energon from nearby him and adds it to his health- Dark Energon - an opposite form of Energon that dominates and destroys everything it interacts with, corrupting everything. Extremely hazardous to most life.- Can transform into a Cybertronian tank - Energon sword, mace, and shieldWIP

As for this, these are accepted as long as we are following the timeline that the Transformers crashed to Earth. They continued the war on Earth, which gives them a reason to be there. But, Rule 5 was made with you in mind. Restrain yourself, your love of Transformers is admirable but we're not re enacting the series to the last detail.
arowne97 said
Name: Assassin (formerly known as Hundred-Faced Hassan)Age: unknownGender: MaleRace: Human...sort ofPersonality: Appearance(s): Country of Origin: unknownPowers/Abilities: Other: because Assassin can split himself into up to 80 different copies of himself, each with its own personality and appearance, there is no "real" assassin as some may think. In fact, they're all Assassin, just each one is a piece of him.

I'm gonna be denying your CS, and here's why. Assassin is from the Nasuverse. He hasn't got any country he orginates from anymore, yes? that means he has no starting point. Because he is a servant. Servants are summoned, my friend. Modern Earth is not in the middle of the Holy Grail War, and like I said in the rules if you read them, this is not a canvas to re enact the entire series. So, Assassin has no reason to be on Earth. Unless you can give me one, it's denied.
Actually, I just made my own Crossover RP almost an hour ago. It's, kinda similar to this because I liked the concept, I guess. But it takes place on (ambiguously) Modern Planet Earth, it has rules and won't just be mindless anarchy and a slow descent into madness. It's freeform in that when somebody does something crazy important, it counts as a "Significant Event" and if your character say, trys to nuke another country, I will (try) to have said country respond in an appropriate manner. It's here, since there's no rule against plugs (I think): http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/32777/posts/ic
"Whoa, that's like Xaldin or something, but without the wind part!!" Sora said in surprise at the lances. Waiting for the right moment, Sora dodged the lance and then, jumped on top of it. As it moved, trying to get him off it, Sora easily kept his balance on the lance and fought off all 9 of the other lances with his Keyblade without even breaking a sweat at all. It was like basically Sora could adapt to almost any situation, seamlessly.

In a cartoonish manner, Mickey's eyes swirled, but he got over in just a moment, standing up and brushing himself off from the fall. "Definitely been through way worse then just a fall. It'll take a lot more to take us down then just something like that." Mickey said with a confident smile. "My name is Mickey, he's Riku. We're looking for our friend named Sora, you seen him around here? this place is confusing." Mickey asked Sota, and noticed the sleeping Kaika.
Mtntopview said
I don't know, it would be awesome if he did. And he does occasionally ... although rarely.

Well, it's sort of your responsibility in the first place that you take on when you create one of these things, you don't just leave without warning. I saw him posting in another RP earlier, certainly had no trouble posting there.
Dark Elsa said
I'm here and yes Berserker is accepted sorry, I had work. And on the subject of posting concerns.. I would ask to slow the rate of posting down a notch. As for the unorganized plot, well....the RP slowly turned into a battle RP but we have reached the town which was the original goal...even though now it is blown up...

Why does the original creator of this thing not post anymore? also I agree on slowing down, seriously.
Earth. Population is 7.046 Billion, as of the year 2012. It has a name that rolls off the tongue. This world has many secrets and things that go unnoticed by the everyday citizen. A world with mystery and intrigue, there are people who have seen and do things that you probably wouldn't ever believe. The current year is 2014, and the President of the USA is a man by the name of Barack Obama. Just like any other year, significant events have taken place in history. But, history is still left unwritten. Special people, heroes, villains and those in between, as well as Gods in the Higher Planes of existence are what keeps the balance of this world in check and for the wicked, in there grasp. 14 years ago, in the year 2000, an event that is now known as the "Dimensional World Merge" occurred. An event where several countries and places and people from very different but similar worlds were cast onto "our" Earth without warning. 14 years later, each society that phased into our world is independent of us, though sometimes tensions may rise between those with different views of how things should be run. After all, there are wicked people out there and some countries that we merged with and or beings that coexist with us have advanced technology and strange abilities beyond our current level, technology that could be used to the advantage of wicked and sinister purposes. And that's when you have to ask yourself one simple question: who are you? who will you play as?

A free form crossover RP that took me no time to think up, at all. The idea is this: your fictional characters or whoever you play as all live in together in the same Earth, which is actually our Earth, ambiguously give or take a few details. You start out, wherever you live, if you live in Japan, it's just another day in Japan for you. If you live in a fictional country, or have fictional enemies, congrats, your fictional country coexists on the planet with Modern Day Earth. The same goes for (mostly) everyone else. And that's where the magic happens. You get to shape the future of Earth. If you're evil, maybe you're trying to blow up the Earth and someone has to go and stop you, It'll probably be broadcast on TV. It's all up to you what happens. However, there has to be a good reason for whatever you do, whether big or small. And there are rules and restrictions. Here they are.

1. No God-modding, auto-hit or anything of the sort. If someone is in a fight, I decide who win, or lives or dies if there is an argument over it. I am the GM. My word is law, no exceptions or loop-holes.
2. No character limit. But, YOU HAVE TO KEEP TRACK OF THEM.
3. Don't ignore other people's posts under any circumstance whatsoever.
4. I will allow some god-like characters or gods, but if some are ridiculous and have no business being here, they will be denied. This will be on a case-by-case basis. Tread lightly, think with common sense please. These beings need a reason to be on Earth.
5. Be creative with who you register as please. It just gets stale to see if you're just trying re enact the entire series of whoever your characters are.
6. Like I said before, if your character comes from a made up country, that country now exists "IRL" on Modern Day Earth. Pay attention to this rule, It's important. so you don't contradict the fictional and real elements that exist. You can't play as Lelouch and have another character watching Code Geass. (the third sentence is now false.)
7. My posts will more often then not have events transpire, like if your fictional character threatened to attack America with nukes, America will respond. Pay attention to my posts, they keep the plot going so don't rapid-fire post constantly, I will post as often as I can.
8. Have fun, most of all.
9. I will add more if I feel the need too. So pay attention to the first post & rules for updates. I will (probably) tell you if I updated something here.

Accepted Characters:
Soundwave & Minicons, Megatron (Mtntopview, Page 1, Post 4) Combaticons(Page 2, Post 3) Shockwave (Page 3, Post 8)
Kirby & Quote, Saito & Aege (Gummi Bunnies, Page 1, Post 9) Penny (Page 8, Post 13)
World Crossers Guild & Baron Cid (Kael Taiyou, Page 1, Post 8) Zack & Cloud, Steed (Page 2, Post 4)
Tat "The Spine" (Emoteen, Page 1, Post 14)
Tenshi & Aya (Lightless, Page 2, Post 7)
Solaire of Astora (Arowne97, Page 2, Post 15)
Lilith "Armsmaster" Grey (chukklehed, Page 3, Post 4)
Raven, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Cyborg (CallaLily180, Page 4, Post 2) The Doctor (Page 7, Post 3)
MIYU (Dark Elsa, Page 6, Post 19) Shizuru Fujino (Page 7, Post 12) Natsuki Kuga (Page 8, Post 15)
Lancer (LaXnyd, Page 7, Post 11)
"Neo" Metal Sonic (TunaticTyler, Page 8, Post 16)

The only GM left is Dark Elsa. Ya just gotta wait..
Amano__Yukiteru said
Sorry I couldn't find your post and I can't do that much because I'm in school and I am stealthily using my phone. Plus I have a small plan too. lol

Well it's rude and you're ticking me off. Don't do it again. This RP is already a disorganized mess.

And now, Mtn posted again so I have to figure out out of 4 posts in an hour, what Jonathan was doing while still waiting for a reply from BB. If the Admin actually showed up and there was some type of plot to this thing, instead of people Rping with themselves most of the time, it would be slower and some people could understand what's actually going on. Does there need to be a post every 5 minutes, seriously? could we not slow down a little bit?
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