Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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Bumped for the sake of activity.
ShadowVentus said
Hello! Does someone mind catching me up to speed on what's been going on as of late? If so, I'd greatly appreciate it. ^^

Where to even begin..I honestly cannot tell what's going on half of the time. You, have missed a lot. I'd like to, but so much has happened. Too much, honestly. This RP needs stricter regulations on posting or something.

Tyki said
i like how you've been getting progressively more and more angry at me as we've gone on and i just find it entertaining XDa nyway, seeing as how everyone's been defending blatantly overpowered and there are other over powered characters on this roleplay, i don't really see how the fact that you expected me to not attempt to have a character that could actually participate in combat against such characters instead of sit idly by trying not to get hit by one of the "big bads" simply because he wasn't strong enough, only to have him die instantly upon entering anything remotely resembling a battlefield honestly surprises me at your stupidity.

I think I'm just going to ignore you for now on. You're disrespectful, rude, thick headed, lazy, so many other things. This conversation is over as far as I'm concerned.
Tyki said
With a female avatar one would assume BB's a girl (that's my logic anyway) and the fact that you were surprised a character with assorted soular magic that are listed as "dark" wouldn't have something to allow him to devour souls is beyond me... anyway (i'm not listing the short comings of which until BB lists Gilgamesh's short comings... all of them...)

Well, you must be new to the Internet then. Anybody can put there avatar up as anything they please. Second, you assume that I have knowledge of your character, which I do not . I like how everyone else is overpowered, but your character has Magic that can devour souls, so it's okay. No, that's considered over powered to some, get over yourself.

Third, BB doesn't have to do a single thing you ask. BB doesn't owe you a thing, pal. It's not BB's character, but he/she can debate with you whether you like it or not. Why? because BB simply can, no other explanation required. No one here owes you a single thing. You have two options, you can go use Google and look up Gilgamesh like the other 7 billion rational humans on Earth, or you can go back a lot of pages and look at Gilgamesh's Character sheet. No one is going to hand it to you. It's your responsibility to keep track of this yourself, not ours.

And that's all I have to say about that.
Tyki said
madam, if i were to go back and find every post in which you were defending a blatantly over powered char then i'd be here until you logged on tommorow, which i would find boring so i'm refraining from doing. also the co-gm said it was accepted a while ago i'm just having difficulty thinking of a proper entrance...

First. BB never said he/she was a girl or a man. Second, stop saying blatantly overpowered. I think having a character who can devour someone's soul without permission is pretty over powered, so you're one to talk. Third, Gilgamesh isn't a person, he's a heroic spirit. So I don't think that would work anyway.

But, his character was accepted BB. I think when Dark Elsa get's back when need to appoint more co-Gm's so we can crack down on this type of argument.
Kael Taiyou said
Sigh, i give up

I just posted. Finally could. Read it, it involves Keiji.
Kael Taiyou said
"Not when I'm around." said Keiji as he spinned his Nodachi, launching a tornado to the direction of the bullets the weapon was firing, making them stop. "Now that you stopped, you're going to fight me!" he said while standing at the front of the Guardian.

Damn it, the other one was still alive! it fired it's missiles. This was it. Jonathan shut his eyes, and then..he opened them. He was still standing, and saw Keiji spin his Nodachi and catch up the missiles up in a Torndao. Somehow this man could control powerful winds enough to create Tornado's. That was amazing. Jonathan ran up next to Keiji. "You saved my life..thank you, kind sir." Jonathan looked back. Good, those children were gone and safe. "And don't worry about him, he's vulnerable now. He's all out of ammo now. One of those Tornado's should do it. I already damaged his left arm with the ripple earlier. I'm Jonathan Joestar, by the way. Call me JoJo." Jonathan said.

The wooden ship had just...disappeared, like magic. Unfortunately he had little time to think on that. Suddenly, two of those human looking girls with rabbits ears approached him. What? he was just being given one of those flying wooden ships, with an entire crew and protection of those enormous goat humanoids to back it up to boot? originally he was just going to steal the ship while no one was looking and turn everyone inside into his loyal vampire servants. But now..he turned his head, seeing that other woman who came from the ship getting agitated and now, that unknown person was pinned to the ground out of nowhere. He didn't watch the rest. "Well, I suppose that making enemies here and now would not be in my favor. Very well then. Though I will be honest and say I don't know the reason why you are handing to this me, and I have my own suspicions, I, Lord Dio accept the terms laid before me. Please, lead the way. And keep me out of the sun." Dio said, ushering them to lead the way for him.
Tyki said
you seem to be getting extremely angry over the fact that I didn't trust a stranger... who actually stayed pretty calm and collected, proved me wrong, and has since moved on... might I suggest doing the same?

Actually, I'm pretty calm right now, nor did I ever say was angry at you and I can't really see where you could draw that conclusion. I'm just surprised you think you have the right to doubt someone who's been here longer then you. Longer then me, matter-of-fact. Stranger or not, I can't wrap my head around that logic. What would we gain from lying to you? the point of a RP, Is to RP. You think that if every GM had abandoned this place, we wouldn't tell you? we want to RP too. We're not your enemies.

thewizardguy said
Tyki, don't be a douche, or you'll get people pissed.Like this dude. Gohan, calm down. No offense, but you're painting a bad picture of yourself by replying in this way. While I understand that you get annoyed easily, please attempt to keep your head cool.

Yeah, I gotcha.
Tyki said
however last i heard she was last seen a week ago... which generally means to assume there's no gm and proceed as such...

And who exactly gave you that information? whoever it was, they are misinforming you. Seriously, all BB had to do was bring up a screen cap. If you really needed confirmation, there is a member's list. On said member's list is a list of every name of every user on the Guild. You click on Dark Elsa, then you click on the last post made. Really not hard.

You came into an already in progress RP with something like, 20-30+ characters or something, I dunno, and you think you have the right to ask whether or not someone is lying? you got some nerve pal. You just frigging got here.
Lightless said


AreYouMyMummy said
May I join? With a character completely my own?

Yes, yes you may.
Goats are cheap & inexhaustible servants to Witches. They don't really have a reason to go out of there way into the middle of a forest somewhere, nor would you ever hear them express such a desire.
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