Avatar of Ringrose
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: GohanSSJ
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 595 (0.15 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Ringrose 3 mos ago
    2. ████████████ 4 yrs ago
    3. █████ 11 yrs ago
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chukklehed said
I wasn't trying to "nitpick" I was trying to point out a fact. It's up to her to listen or not, it's not like I can do anything about it.

That basically sounds like nitpicking to me, not to argue. You know something about something someone doesn't, and it either annoys you, or you felt the need to point it out, when you didn't need to.

Here are a few definitions of "nitpicking" for you.

Definitions of nitpicking said To correct minutiae or find fault in unimportant details; to criticize by focusing on inconsequential details.

It's my job to point out mistakes here, not you. So yes, you can do nothing about it anyway. As for whether or not I'm nitpicking, I only brought it up because you did when referring to Raven. I was replying to your post, not criticizing or finding minor details that may be inaccurate to some small, inconsequential degree.

Anyway, this is spamming the OOC. If anyone has a problem, there are private messages.
chukklehed said
Kirby is a Star Warrior, not a Kirby. Kirby is just his name.

In any case don't nitpick other people's characters. It's not your call. Also, I've got no problem with you using an Original Character, however a Crossover RP is generally a mix of existing fiction. You're kinda missing the point if you don't ever use a single character. Other than that, your character is accepted.

CallaLily180 said
I have three people done!Name: RavenAge: 17Gender: FemaleRace: Half-DemonPersonalities:Appearance(s): Planet of Origin: AzarathPowers/Abilities: Weapons/Items: NoneOther: Her cloak is almost always on.Name: Green LanternAge: 30Gender: Male'Race: HumanPersonality: Fearless and respective, he has a lot of pressure being the third Green Lantern of Earth. And tries his hardest to always be on top of things. Appearance(s): Planet of origin: EarthAbilities: Weapons/Items: Green Energy Ring.OtherName: CyborgAge: 18Gender: MaleRace: CyborgPersonality:Appearance(s): Planet of Origin: EarthPowers/Abilities:Weapons/Items: Sonic cannonsOther: Now carries battery packs for when he is away from the tower.

Accepted. And every character I add to the first post. I posted an update on page 2 detailing this.

Also, everyone please refrain from long, drawn out conversations in the OOC. I know it's all in good fun and I appreciate the two new people joining, but there was 40 posts in the OOC yesterday, now there's 100. I have to sort through 4 pages to find Character Sheets. And I live on an Eastern Standard Time Zone.

Mtn, your character is accepted. Scratch that. Mtn you have to put up an image.
BB said


AreYouMyMummy said
I have no idea what this is but can I join?

And uh, you haven't finished your CS in my RP yet..
BB said
Hi. Swell, and preparing posts all around. You?

Pretty good. Just watching Anime, YouTube and playing games. I uh, replied to your PM by the way, lol..
Dark Elsa said
I'm backkkk

And a welcome back to you.
Heya. How are you?
Earth. Population is 7.046 Billion, as of the year 2012. It has a name that rolls off the tongue. This world has many secrets and things that go unnoticed by the everyday citizen. A world with mystery and intrigue, there are people who have seen and do things that you probably wouldn't ever believe. The current year is 2014, and the President of the USA is a man by the name of Barack Obama. Just like any other year, significant events have taken place in history. But, history is still left unwritten. Special people, heroes, villains and those in between, as well as Gods in the Higher Planes of existence are what keeps the balance of this world in check and for the wicked, in there grasp. The question is, who are you? who will you play as?

This is the Interest Check for a free form sandbox type crossover RP that took me no less then a few hours to think up a rudimentary and simple plot. The general idea is this: your fictional characters or whoever you play as all live together on the same Earth, which is actually our Earth, ambiguously give or take a few details. Kind of like how, Zombies are real in "The Walking Dead" so there are no Zombie media or the word "Zombie" on that Earth. You start out, wherever you live, if you live in Japan, it's just another day in Japan for you. If you live in a fictional country, or have fictional enemies, congrats, your fictional country coexists on the Planet with Modern Day Earth. The same goes for (mostly) everyone else. And that's where the magic happens. You get to shape the future of Earth. If you're evil, maybe you're trying to blow up the Earth and someone has to go and stop you, It'll probably be broadcast on TV. It's all up to you what happens. However, there has to be a good reason for whatever you do, whether big or small. And there are rules and restrictions. Here they are.

1. No God-modding, auto-hit or anything of the sort. If someone is in a fight, I decide who win, or lives or dies if there is an argument over it. I am the GM. My word is law, no exceptions or loop-holes.
2. No character limit. But, YOU HAVE TO KEEP TRACK OF THEM AT ALL TIMES.
3. Don't ignore other people's posts under any circumstance whatsoever.
4. I will allow some god-like characters or gods, but if some are ridiculous and have no business being here, they will be denied. This will be on a case-by-case basis. Tread lightly, think with common sense please. These beings need a reason to be on Earth.
5. Be creative with who you register as please. It just gets stale to see if you're just trying re enact the entire series of whoever your characters are.
6. Like I said before, if your character comes from a made up country, that country now exists "IRL" on Modern Day Earth. Pay attention to this rule, it's important so you don't contradict the fictional and real elements that exist. You can't play as Lelouch and have another character watching Code Geass.
7. My posts will more often then not have events transpire, like if your fictional character threatened to attack America with nukes, America will respond. Pay attention to my posts, they keep the plot going so don't rapid-fire post constantly, I will post as often as I can.
8. Have fun, most of all.
9. I will add more if I feel the need too. So pay attention to the first post & rules for updates. I will (probably) tell you if I updated something here.

If you are interested in joining, please vocalize said interest and then submit a Character Sheet to the OOC on the actual RP, right here. Click this yellow text, it's a link. Tell me if the link doesn't work for you or whatever reason, and I'll change it..

-Each name is now clickable on the "accepted characters list" on the first post, and it brings you to that CS post automatically. This makes things easier and convenient so you don't have to go hunting down each character's CS and all you have to do is go to the first page. Originally, I had the Page and post written down as you can see, but now we have both I guess.

-An Interest check is in progress to garner more attention.

-The RP will be starting soon, probably after I make my characters.
arowne97 said
my replacement for Assassin. :PName: Solaire of AstoraAge: unknownGender: MaleRace: UndeadPersonality: usually very cheerful, tends to stare at the sun and admire it(somehow without burning out his eyes)Appearance(s): Country of Origin: LordranPowers/Abilities: Lightning Spear, Great HealWeapons/Items: Sunlight Talisman, Sunlight Straight Sword, Sunlight Shield, Estus FlasksOther:

Well, I guess that's alright, Accepted.

Mtntopview said
So how many more people are you interested in having before starting, Gohan?

Well, now we have 6 people. If AYMM finishes in the next day or so, that makes 7. Which isn't bad, but 8 wouldn't be unreasonable I guess. I'm gonna put up my characters soon, but we need more variety. If one more person joined to make 8, or maybe one more to make even 9 (which probably wouldn't happen) I'd be okay with starting this up. But, it's okay if I don't.

Kael Taiyou said
Suggestion, try making a interest check, that oughta bring in more people.

Good idea.
BB said
I'll try to ensure there are no more posts on here between people debating. Any further of that will be handled in the PMs, as Elsa has asked us to do.

BB said
I'll try to ensure there are no more posts on here between people debating. Any further of that will be handled in the PMs, as Elsa has asked us to do.

I Pm'd you, last night..
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