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Current They saw me as a doe, but I always knew I was a buck.
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Give me a fruit.
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I am Loki, god of BS!
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3 yrs ago
Veni, vidi, vici!
3 yrs ago
Something in my head really wants me to be Loki.


A bio? You mean you really want to hear my life story? OK, I am six cats in a trench coat.

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I am back and would sincerly like to apologize for anyone that's been waiting on me, I'll try to get back to you.
Illion began to second guess himself. Was it bad that he admitted he was lost? He truly was. Yes, it would be nice if he did know the forest in it’s entirety but it’s reach was all but eternal. Illion grew more and more brave every time he ventured away from the confines of his village, taking a step farther each time. When he was supervised he stayed within a fair distance from home, but on his own...Well this wasn’t the first time he got lost.
“Well I just..Have never been this far before.” He shrugged and threw a little grin. “I think I can take care of myself anyway.” If she really was a threat to him, which she didn’t seem to be, he only need get away for a mere second and she could be writhing in pain, he’d never actually used that sort of magic before but it couldn’t be that hard.
He turned his head the same direction Nikita pointed in without really looking. He wasn’t worried about finding his way back.
When he looked back she was admitting the fear humans held against the elves. Dead. Even if she was a human and even if she did pose a threat to him he couldn’t see himself killing her. Although there probably other elves who would.
“Well to be honest they told me to be more scared of you than I am. I don’t really know what kind of bad thing is supposed to happen but well it’s not happening now.” So far anyway. If another elf came along looking for him Nikita would be in so much more trouble, the others would not be so forgiving.
When the little drop of rain his his head he began to turn away, the threatening weather and cloak of the coming night begged him to return home. He would probably still be late, but he had been before and probably would be again.
“Well Nikita, I gotta say you’re much less scary than I expected, but please don’t tell anyone we met. I’ll keep it a secret too.” The last thing he wanted was a clash between elves and humans.
He’d been lead to understand that if a human happened upon his village complete chaos would ensue, he’d only been warned a thousand times that humans were vial, barbaric beings. The way of the elves would be lost, they could be killed, or worse. He’d understood that before. This meeting threw him through a loop, this human didn’t seem all that bad, was she hiding something?
“I’m probably going to regret this but it was nice meeting you. We should probably both go home.” Wherever that was.
Then he did something everyone advised against and turned his back to her. The woods would be near black soon, what little was left of the day struggled to make it through the canopy above. Illion wasn’t worried, he could see fine in much more darkness.
He ought to hurry, they’d be looking for him, his mother must be beside herself with worry. ‘But maybe…” He said turning his head back to Nikita, “we could run into each other here again?” Curiosity had never struck him so hard before. He faced an entirely new world and it was exciting.
Greetings mortals, I am Loki, or Sam, you can literally call me anything, nothing offends me anymore. By virtue of the fact that you've clicked this thread I assume you and I want the same thing...ROLEPLAYS. I'm an idiot so I'm on the search again, here is my improved thread.

Alright folk it's been a while. If I've ghosted you I am terrible sorry, I've been MIA. A lot has been going on so i didn't have the energy to do squat. But I think I'm ready to pick up one or two roleplays.

I'll try to keep this short and sweet, but let's see how that goes.

A little bit about me is...
-I am a he/him and prefer to play such
-I am 34
-I have been writing forever and roleplaying for over 15 years
-I am willing to roleplay with just about any other genders or sexualities (my characters are bi/pan by default)
-I don't normally write novels but I feel I can push out a few decent paragraphs. I don't ask that you consistently write novels yourself but don't give me any one or two liners
-I typically design and draw my children myself, you don't have to, just know that I wont be using photos of real people.
-I am ghost friendly. It'd be nice to know if you're going to quit but I understand life gets in the way or you just lose interest.

One thing you should know is I am VERY slow to respond IC, but am open to chat nearly all hours of the day. This is primarily because chatting does not take a lot of time or brain power, writing on the other hand is much more taxing. So even though I can respond OOC I may not have the energy to actually roleplay. I wont sugar coat it or lie; I have several mental health (ask if you want I'm pretty open) diagnoses and all those together leave me usually exhausted physically and mentally. Also if you want consistent replies give me a deadline, I wouldn't be able to do every day but perhaps having a schedule would help.

Alright folks with that out of the way here are some elements I like in roleplays...
-Fantasy, especially high fantasy
-Creepy places
-Vampires (no Twilight)
-Forbidden romance
-Demons (I have my own categories I put demons in, I dare you to ask about them)

Then of course I must list some of my limits
-No smut, I'm a fade to black kinda guy
-No romance with minors
-Sexual violence
-Strictly fluff or slice of life

I have a few plots and characters you can read about but don't feel limited to what I have listed

-Adothan- A grim reaper in a manner of speaking
-Beyond Birthday- If you know him, you know him
-Cian-A very old vampire trapped in the body of a 16 year old....He never really finished maturing and has an odd obsession with french fries
-Jaitara-A god with amnesia
-Vittore-A vampire who just really wants a partner, also he escaped from a secret lab that was experimenting on supernatural beings
-Frænir-An often grumpy dragon
-Loki-Not to be confused MCU Loki, he IS the god of mischief he's just technically an OC
-Hades-much the same as Loki, god of the underworld in OC form
-Tyr-You know the drill. I just really like Norse mythology OK
-Cadence-A very short half elf who's just trying to leave behind a life of crime (was created for DnD you see)
-Jay-A schizophrenic serial killer with an odd sense of justice
-Acacia- A Slender proxy and the only female character I am currently willing to play (she is where I pour my unused angst)
-Aaron- a strong charismatic guy who loves playing hero, although he is anything but
-Yfel- a demon with a complex past

Fandom characters
-Jeff the killer
-Nuada-Hellboy 2
-Beyond Birthday-Death Note
-Wander-Shadow of the Colossus

And finally, the plots
Angsty plot is angsty
-She is in love with death, and he is a busy figure. As they are star crossed lovers she frequently seeks out near death experiences, anything that will give her even a moment more with him.

-Cursed by a witch to never find happiness together two lovers are stuck in a pattern of death and reincarnation until they find a way to break the curse.
The Gods
-The old gods had been worshiped unceasingly for centuries, that was until humans with their technology and new ideas began to think they didn't need the gods. Worship came less and less and with it the gods' power, until they were nearly completely forgotten. Though their numbers were small and their powers dwindling, they will fight to regain it, even literally.

The Key
-During a war between the god the goddess of life, was severely wounded forcing her into a deep sleep. To protect her in her vulnerable state she was placed in a hidden tomb locked with a special key to await the day she reawakens. That key was hidden away and no one any longer remembers where. However the time has come for her to be awaken, and it's said that the one, or ones, who wake her will have great power at their disposal. As such many people are in search for the key, good, evil, selfish, and otherwise. As it happens some people are willing to share that power and find teaming up to benefit them. Two such people may do just that.
The Spirits' Hand
-The world is threatened by war and dark energy. The spirits know this and know if it isn't stopped soon all life will be eradicated. So they upon a chose few individuals they bestow their power for creation in the hopes that the damage can be reversed and those responsible stopped. (Is based on a WIP novel. So lots to say about this in a discussion).
Tranquil Hills
-Tranquil Hills is a lovely, large, old asylum, with a lovely view of a pond and plenty of grounds for the patients to roam. It also has a lot of experimenting on it's patients that can at times warp or turn them into monsters.
The Seven Tears
Conall had to get revenge for the murder of his wife. But how was he to when the man responsible for it holds a magic powerful enough to wipe out an entire city? Why Conall must gain this power himself. To do so he must travel to another realm and collect seven tears of the inhabitants there. Seems difficult enough but perhaps with the help of the person who gave him the task could be even more helpful and follow him on his journey. Perhaps she can open up his heart again. (This needs some tweaking to better accommodate two main characters but I do have more information on Conall and the world.
The Artist and the Vampire
I have half of a new plot. It's about a vampire and a disturbed artist. The artist likes to draw very macabre pictures and finds one if the vampire's latest victim to draw one night and that's how they meet. And that's about it. I wouldn't mind being the vampire but I wouldn't use any of the above characters. I'll let you decide which role you want.
My Dear Princess
The princess wishes to wed a strong man, the hero, who happens to be a strong man is a great contender, however the demon lord also wishes to wed the princess. The princess eager to see who is stronger, the hero or the demon lord, sets them up for battle by being "kidnapped" by the demon lord. (If you know where I got this plot you get brownie points for a week and my undying love).

Those are all the plots I have right now, but will add more as I come up with them, in the meantime enjoy!

Currently craving: Something with Aaron or Wander.
Cats, need I say more?
“Kita…” I like that, he said happily. At least she told him her name, and a nickname even, that had to be a good sign. It would have been rude had she not reciprocated the gesture. Or suspicious. But so far other than the machete there wasn’t much suspicious about her. Illion was now confident he had nothing to worry about as long as no other humans showed up.
Or if the other elves found out he was conversing with a human.
“Well I…” He began. He looked around, taking in the surroundings. He didn’t normally travel so far away from the village, and even if he did currently know where it was, which he didn’t, he certainly couldn’t tell her that. “...I have no idea where I am right now.”
Illion knew the woods around his village better than the back of his own hand, but this area was just too far out, and far too close to the humans he now gathered. He really went wherever he dared go. He was told time and time again not to stray too far from the village, but until now the only reason he listened to that was because he feared the humans, now that he could see at least they weren’t all bad there was no stopping him from going as far as wanted.
Who knew, maybe someday he’d tiptoe into the human city.
“You don’t know where my village is, do you?” He asked cautiously. If Nikita was as brave as him then what was stopping her from going all the way to his village?
Logic wasn’t always at the forefront of Illion’s mind. His naivety and carelessness hadn’t ever gotten himself in too much trouble. From time to time he scuff himself up a bit, he’d run back to his mother, she would work her elven magic, give him a little scolding and then he’d be off again.
“What were you expecting anyway?” He was curious to know what the humans really thought about his kind. Were they as afraid of them as they were of the humans? Although Kita had said the other humans were not exactly like her. Perhaps the others really did have fangs and tails.
Though now he questioned everything. When was the last time one of the other elves actually ran into a human? He knew it had happened in the past, but he figured it had been quite some time. He knew nothing of Nikita’s parents, he was very seldom let in on the inner workings of the elders, who were for all intents and purposes the leaders of the elves. While all of the other elves were thousands of years old he did know that some were older than others.
Huverir was the oldest in the village, and if they were honest no one actually knew how old he was. No one was around Illion’s age of course. Compared to the rest he was barely a baby, it showed through his demeanor and actions. Despite being considered full grown he never quite grew up.

This is my mushroom girl. THE mushroom girl.
This was the last piece don in 2022, I had about 45 minutes to spare! Just a forest elf, a nasty forest elf.
Wow it's been so long. I wasn't even sure if this thread still existed, took a minute to find but it's still here...obviously.
The good news is I'm still doing art, lots of art!
Oh also I am taking commissions so feel free to ask about that!
I've done so much since the initial posting of this thread, but I think I'll stick to newer works.

LOL it's kinda big..Sorry. But this is my baby Fraenir, in his human form. It's a redo of an old one but this is much better.
HAH I finally replied. I am so, so sorry you had to wait like 5 months. I will strive to do better.
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