Ivaron Andesil

Location:Ancient Forest (???)
Ivaron's breath had still come out in trembling bursts as he had settled against the trunk of the massive wooden column. After a few moments he had gained some composure and felt a headache come on. Reaching around his waist for his belt, fear gripped his chest as he couldn't locate the collection of glass that usually adorned him. Finally, he had found them on his lower back, his belt having been twisted around during the commotion. Thankfully he had landed on his face and not broken them, he had no idea where the nearest source of water might be and if it was safe enough to make more even if he had. Flexing his still sore fingers, one hand uncoiled from the haft of the weapon in his lap and righted belt, sliding a phial out from its holster at the same time. With one hand he held it securely, using his thumb and forefinger to pull the small, misshapen stopper that corked it. It only took a moment to tip his head back and down the content of the small glass. Ivaron shivered. It gave him the shakes sometimes. Like medicine, or a narcotic. It hadn't occurred to him which it was for him. It made no matter however, it was doing its job and the weathered man felt what strength was usually left to him swelling and returning. He swore his blood tingled just as his skin and eyes did. This was probably his imagination however. It was no different than a physical crutch he had used when his leg had been shattered. Extending his left leg slowly, he sighed at it stopping before fully stretched, having reached its full range of motion. The pain was gone but the sight of his now stunted limp never would. On good days he could use Jade to aid his left side and walk as tall as any other. The bad days, on the other hand, left his sagged to the left as his leg looked nearly stunted.
Amidst his thoughts he had retrieved a small stone from the ground with his free hand and turned it over and over. Only then did he feel odd. It felt as if he were holding his weapon, yet he saw the stone in his hand. It would've had to mean there was energy within it. Yet that made no sense. A quick sweep of other things on the forest floor, among the floor itself, supported this same feeling. It was as if Arcane energy and Mana permeated everything around him, living or otherwise. It made him anxious. He could feel as if the air was thick with a viscous, invisible substance. Ivaron knew of nothing that could have such an effect on the world. Pocketing the rock in his money pouch, he then heard the forest moving far off, along with a voice that may have been the same he had heard earlier. As it grew in volume he grabbed the weapon with both hands and stood himself up, backed against the thick trunk, and readied his nerves. His hands tightened and his muscled tensed as...an elf bounded around the trees and came upon him. That made sense then. He must've been in the border between The Barrens and Ashenvale. It was not where he would have preferred, but he supposed an orc could've come upon him instead, so he was thankful.
Purple. Don't they come in blue and green too?" Ivaron thought to himself, as he spoke it without realizing his mouth was moving.
I'm...sorry. That was not intended to come out that way. I would assume you were the one calling? I couldn't imagine many others about this locale." Ivaron would continue with a ton that was not unkind. He had little reason to trust this stranger, yet had no reason to distrust her. Elves were not necessarily an enemy of his, but he had never liked the haughty attitude the old race commonly held. Perhaps if he had lived a thousand years he might looked down upon those who lives were but a blink in his. Then it dawned on him that she had actually spoken to him while he had been sizing her up. Even though he had directly asked her a question, he continued to speak before she could answer, with another.
I know nothing of any portal having brought anyone anywhere. Although i would guess Ashenvale isn't too far off from my destination to assume I was forcibly brought here after my odd blackout and hallucinations."