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I decided Requiem needed a little bit of a face lift. Still going to play around with formatting, there's a limit to what I can do, but at least to clean it up.

Keep thinking on those character developments; gives me a lot of hope and particular ideas for you all.
@FantasyChic - You and me both, take your time though. Quill has plenty to play nurse for with the medical staff on hand at the manor.
This work week is already atrocious and busy, bleh.
Anyways, how're we all doing? c:
Was hoping for another post or so, but I have a lot of dribble and things to respond to for Thdris, so no problem there! Once I'm home from work tomorrow I'll get to it.

Y T O N E [and] M A R C U S

"They crucified her by the depths of her soul, her heart sill beating and well alive. They took him out by the ends of his spirit, and hung it out to dry."

Azra — Public Roads — 250 — 8 / 8 ; 500 — 6 / 6
And so my dearest. . .

Through the smatterings of dribble, babbling quips and innuendos laden through the various pitches of cadences and timbres, Ytone was carefully constructing and imitating the looping scrawl of her scarlet aesthetics compressed beneath leather with heat blooming through the flesh of her robes. The intricate laces of peeled skin and thick layers of sustenance elicited whispers of shuddering breath through the passages of her flaring nasal, evoking the most tempered of pants until the scenery and bucking of the wagon over the roads fractured the euphoric concentration of her pain. Ytone's gestures carefully slid back, fingers twining through crimson threads as the securing blanket of her Raksha nestled onto her lap cemented her reality to the evidence that she did not have the luxury of quiet contemplation. Her sister, the Tessen was securely folded, compressed by the silver switch that would decompress and spring open at the faintest coaxing of her touch and hidden discretely through the fabric of Raksha's embellished scarf. The methods of conversation among those gathered was of little to no interest to her, the only point of stern concentration being the intended path, as if attempting to commit the roads to memory and bringing with it something of familiarity.

She had come this way before.

It was only by the subject of willing death that evoked a reaction out of the Gaki envoy, a woman responding to the subject and thus bringing the question flush and returning to initial thought. The press of her silver stare sliced through the fringe of her lashes, brow raising an increment in her illustration of perplexity at the man who voiced the original inquiry to their apparent want. Her eyes remained thus, never flinching away a fraction before she disengaged her silence.

"You speak of Death as if it really were just a mere wish." Ytone began, for Death was no luxury like the woman detailed, for Death was no happenstance of circumstance. Death was of much more complexity and wonder, for the final slumber was a gift of a God.

Marcus winced as an unfamiliar tone cut through the air and the swath of replies that now seemed eager to wet their throats with conversation. Despite having never heard the sound before or meeting its owner, common sense and his peripheral vision confirmed that the first of his fears had finally come true; the strangely dressed woman from the wall in Armistice could not resist the allure of conversation either. As if that fact was not bad enough, the first words she spoke indicated the beginning of an introspective into abstract concepts that neither could be nor had any business being quantified--suffice it to say, the freshly released convict felt his attention being forcibly dragged in the direction of the one group member he was the most uncertain about. Though he wanted to address those that had spoken to him first--especially the one in the other cart who seemed to have... Interest in his manhood--the futility of trying to ignore the sheer aura emanating from the gaze of the weird one grew with every passing second. The squeal of the cap as it loosened from the flask signaled the only preparation Marcus could take as he ingested the warm liquids and prepared his mind and soul for the encounter. This, no matter what, was not going to end well.

"You speak as if you wish for death. Seems like we're back where we began, so I'll ask again in a manner more befitting of your sensibilities. What kind of ignorance brought you to willingly volunteer for the kind of quest with only one possible ending?" Marcus now focused his gaze fully on the one he could not bring himself to look upon in the city.

Integrated intricacies of habit rendered by blades of eternal sundering, and woe garnered a peculiar performances of her pupils dilating into spheres of depressing cesspools lined in silver corrupted by the finest webs of ebony from the cancerous mana coursing through every vessel throbbing beneath her skin. In a slow cant, her cheek came almost parallel with her shoulder, black thread spilling over her shoulder, pooling onto her lap where Raksha calmly posed in silent malice, akin to a feline lounging in the midst of the tamer. His retort simmered with the slurring drawl of his beverage, her eyes flashing to the flask clutched within hand, and the careful implants of a rebuttal garnered in something distasteful. She recognized the patterns through the execution of his movements, they were harsh, deliberate, befitting to the representation of his countenance, but more was laden there that made Ytone's lips perch upwards into a simper of illustrious wonder. Speaking to her in such a variation of his previous inquiry bade a similar rejoinder, clipped in the husky bearings of her usual cadence and gleaning like the edges of metal embedded into her pallid skin.

"I know better than to address Death so ignorantly as you have. I was taught such reverence." One could've mistaken her utterance for a reprimand, but a dull, simmering reflection of pity and sorrow in the silver of her stare dissuaded the assumption as her focus redoubled in effort, and was wed to his eyes and self. "You mistaken me for a treasure seeker? That I willingly proffered my blade and body for the desires of a union that bears no importance to me? If only Fate were so kind." Ytone lips gaped at the slither of a chortle that sputtered from her throat marred in ink and scars, irony lacing tight into the fixation of her mind at the baseless conclusions he spoke of.

"Reverence?! So, indeed you are one of them," Marcus pushed the flask into an unseen pouch and even let a chuckle escape.

The Catastrophe was a terrible event in the dark and convoluted history of humankind, but it was also an era that informed the presently surviving world. The death and destruction caused by the armies of invading beasts were exponentially bigger than any previous wars fought between the countries and this kind of chaos lead to a division in the mentality of the population. In the experience of the former knight, there existed a sect of individuals who seemed to worship the concept of death itself in some ridiculous attempt at avoiding any sort of calamity in the future. He had encountered many who genuinely thought this much in his official travels and this oddly dressed woman was merely repeating their ideals in a more fanciful tone. Those unearthed memories were unwelcome.

Marcus pushed his back straight against the side of the cart and improved his sitting height slightly. His mood twisted into that of disgust as he wrinkled his face and furrowed his brow. "You speak too surely of yourself," He watched the woman's black locks fall ominously over her weapon, "Did you think because you carried a weapon, I would assume you to be a warrior? In the same way that these new adventurers underestimate the outside world, you severely underestimate that which you seem to honor and bend your knee to. A roaming beast won't give a shit if you proffered your blade and body for its own carnal desires, much less the actual nature of your agenda."

The wound expanded over her thigh from the previous interlude at the wall suddenly burned. Beneath the thickets of her robe ebony fissures rocketed and flamed across the swallow complexion of herself, splintering through the flesh; manifesting a sheen that bloomed across the silver coins of her eyes accompanied by a near sheer disbelief. He was dismissive, ignorant of the plights and evidence of her representation. He inclined her to be apart of some existing lunacy, as if he were even aware of the horrific realities that sundered her soul, fostered her taint, and corrupted her heart to a deadened organ that pumped poison, ash, and pain through her being. She respected the final slumbers, the intricacies of death and despair, for she was to be denied them through all leagues and bounds of eternity, she wished naught for death; but - perhaps - only the freedom by the blessings of such a gift from a God.

Do not mock what you cannot hope to fathom. . .

"And you underestimate me and my purpose, you twist and spear my words to reflect the fear burdened inside yourself, you who came to the gate by a leash.. You're no better than these adventurers and seekers of Fate, I respect the finalism of life, for I have seen the depths of Hell, I've felt the fire and ash of the woeful dead." Her voice bubbling with a hidden, festering ooze of pain and suffering, a near desperation to bend his will and body to the spears of blood and silver that tangled and wove into the locks shimmering ebony in the light.

"Don't you dare speak to me of beasts. I've felt their ire and power, you know nothing of Us."

As the words spilled from her mouth, chaotically arranged and tinged with an arrogant anger that relished in its own assumption, Marcus felt a barrier begin to crumble within himself. He had always been a private sort of person, never speaking of his time in the knighthood and never selling stories of the harrowing ordeals he faced as a career criminal. He had witnessed and experienced many events, emotions, and traumas that he was content to keep locked away in the bowels of his mental sanctity until he stepped into his final resting place. Despite the masks he wore as his persona to those on the outside looking in, there was still enough genuine dignity left to constitute pride in the unspoken ideals he held dear. Due to the fact the almost never took another seriously, he could always protect his pride no matter what verbal offense came charging his way. This time, however, he felt the grip on his imprisoned identity loosening. It was not that this woman mentioned seeing the chains he wore on his way to the gate. It was not that she accused him of harboring some sort of hidden fear that was he was now attempting to project onto others. The problem was far more serious than that.

This woman... This bitch implied that only she had seen the true depths of hell. That only she had felt the pain and anguish and tangibility of those that had perished. That Marcus, a man she hardly knew, had never felt the sheer power and authority only the beasts held when facing down a mortal opponent. She implied that this broken man could not know the meaning of chaos, destruction, and true evil. She was sorely mistaken.

Instinctively, a shudder raced down Marcus' arm. The limb involuntarily wished to act on its owner's welling rage and clutch the blade that would end not only this discussion, but the life of one who did not deserve it--did not deserve such a rare gift. The weight laying across his crossed legs suddenly felt heavier and more real in that moment than any other. Flashes of various methods of immediate offense appeared and disappeared just as quickly. Irate pools of green focused a murderous gaze directly into the eyes of the one that drew their ire, but no words managed to slip passed the lips which remained sealed. There was nothing more to say. Marcus learned everything he needed to about this woman here and now and it would be something he would remember for the duration of this journey. Her visage seared a special place into his memory. Her words became everlasting echos that he could recall whenever he desired. He would know the sound of her voice amidst the bustle of the biggest city, but...

He would never ask her name.
. . . will you then ask for my name when the world has gone.
@AmongHeroes - If I drink, at all, it will be incredibly few. I prefer to sip and observe most of everything happening, especially when my brothers are around. Their antics are enough to make the night worth while.
Should probably inform that me and babycakes - @icmasticc - here are working on a collaboration.
Given the Superbowl though, probably won't be done tonight, but hopefully we'll be able to give you guys something Monday!
50 IC posts - you guys are wonderful!

@AmongHeroes - I appreciate how you played the Baron, briefly, he's an NPC but is very crucial to this arc. c;

@Noxious - Similar circumstances here! Though we prefer college football, the Superbowl brings everyone around to drink and enjoy the skills of my parents; amazing cooks! Though I won't be drinking, probably, but be safe and have fun!

[img]i.imgur.com/0N8Tszt.jpg[/img] - @AmongHeroes

All right, had to move things along, so some parts possibly seemed rushed. But those can be addressed in your own posts if you so desire. There's quite a bit to respond to for any of you, and we're here into Mrihl, we're getting into the arc I've been preparing for! And now introducing Luc, the Baron's guardian. c;

Feel free to have your SOLDIERS rest or what have you, those injured will be tended to by our medic or the doctors provided by the Baron. My next post will move us into the next days that begin the mission - so just a heads up on that!

This is also a potential opportunity for the SOLDIERS to also brief and discuss over what happened in the fields, as some of your abilities activated. I'm sure they're dying to talk about the battle and what happened to some of you! I suggest collaborations for some, in the method of conversation, but all of this is entirely up to you lovelies. c:

Luan Fields — The Aftermath.

She had been sired on death and ruin before, all SOLDIERS were literally bred and cultivated for these finalisms of battle conduct and destruction; wrought by their hands and the endeavors of their foes marred already by the woes of the reaper. But, standing erect over the shredded membrane of someone that flayed over twitching muscle and splintered bone was an experience that no drill, sequence or matrix input could properly formalize. In the remains of man she witnessed through the entrails a macabre series of anguish, despair wreathed in matters of crimson sorrows spread aloft on the wings of majestic fowl and wind. Evangeline's beloved Umbra displayed as a sentinel against the sun of Viera that was beginning to descend, the massive star encroaching further to the peaks of Esper Ridge where it awaited for Eagles that would never return to her spires. Quietly, her spear swirled down, twining through the remains with the emblazoned spear head providing the bedlam of chemistry as the blood of the infantry youth and the Eagle's desaturated remains combined through the alloy.

So many have fallen. . .

Evangeline summoned her reflexes and pirouetted on the heel of her boot, digital frequencies sputtering to life in the media of voices and screams, each utterances propelled by signatures of pain laden in each cadence sputtered from their lips. Hydraulics hissed to life in the following sequences, the Behemoth groaning with the damage taken from the wrath of the terrible bird. The hatch yawned open from previously sealing shut to avoid the inner mechanisms from being wrought useless. The realization that they had sealed the fate of those who could not retreat into its' bulk crested over the hill in her consciousness, remains to the evidence that they had been allowed to die to preserve the innards of the vehicle rather than their fragile hearts. Injustice, is what manifested beyond perpetual cheer and indulging simpers, and bi—coloured eyes mirrored the wrath she should have conceived much like earlier at the death wish of her beloved, but instead she could not foster the concern, or care for those now gone. Not a blemish was located on either of them, nor scratch, and dexterous digits went bone-white at her knuckles from the wealth of sudden empathy swelling inside her breast.

. . .Death happens, remember that.

Perhaps it was the report of the collateral damage that fixated her soul in a vice, or that — by the span of her eye — two of their comrades had fallen by exhaustion or injury. However, it remained that the Lieutenants were entirely too casual and nonchalant as they palmed through remains, turned bodies by their splintered shoulders and broke the chains of their tags for their collective. Evangeline turned away from the demented filing, the butt of her spear impaling through tainted soil by the grinding twist of her grasp, palm and skin burning and nerves screaming with the abuse that she could not feel. But, she could not forget that horrendous, manic laughter though was the grace that vocalized the entirety of the battle, manifesting literally in a blanket of pure, sweltering darkness akin to that which had tied and bound her heart. The blonde Saboteur took an involuntary step forward, and then back, her muscles fumbling with the electric impulses of her mind that could not concrete and fortify her will and desire to move towards the man responsible for such dementia.

And there is a wonderful luminescence that beckons to her; it's warmth, wonder, benevolence bidden by the shine of ethereal grace.

Evangeline's eyes rapidly blinked, attempting to dispel the illusion of feathery grace and might that had been there only seconds before, Quill shining like a beacon of hope in the midst of chaotic remains and blood and impaling the ground with a sword that rivaled the utility and power of every weapon brandished at hand. Her hand lifted, palm out and attempting to shutter the light that had eclipsed the field until it finally dissipated, leaving the silver healer in wonder. And she, true to her academic nature examined the rest of the SOLDIERS and the — what word could compound the might of their souls — exhibits of prowess some had suddenly shown. There were many inquires, a myriad of fascination and confusion that also fixated her own perplexity at what occurred here in the field. She knew that every SOLDIER broadcast a certain affinity for warfare and some were awarded with individuality in concerns to their might; but this... This went beyond conventional ability and skill at the swing of a blade.

Evangeline's gesture finally lowered, slowly and carefully, to witness the truth and evidence that all of the Eagles were destroyed and thus, left to rot in the Viera sun. She swung around back to the Behemoth, knowing some of their comrades had remained at the bunker, had they avoided injury and ruin? She desired, almost desperately, to lash out inquiries and amazement to what the battle field had yielded to them all, but the presence of the Lieutenants immediately shuttered off that near lunacy to find answers to the plight that plagued their minds.

"We need to continue onto Zalera if we're to get you to the drop site in time, SOLDIER 155-7436-SB001." One spoke, voice eclipsed and a mere gruff murmur by the plate of his helm and mask. To be addressed as a number, an identification, rather than any of her given appellations made her lips arise and curl, the illustrious simper of her infamy carving dimples through cheeks.

"Oh, of course! Must not delay the quest!" Evangeline chirped, spinning Umbra through her digits, fingers fluid and almost purposely careless before her thumb punched, depressing a switch, and the spear clanked and whirred to its original measurements before she allowed the mechanism at her spine to holster it. "Since you're done picking at the remains of your infantry, I guess we can leave now, yeah? No reason to stay! We got this now." She thrust her index finger of her shoulder, proudly displaying the decay beginning to fester in the fields. Each of the Lieutenants spread out, addressing the SOLDIERS individually, indicating that they had to hasten departure — given no time to contemplate the aftermath or the results of the feud, no luxuries were awarded to killers warriors.

"Right... We ran a message to the base in Mrihl, and to Dalmasca, relaying the... new additions." He carried on, playing over her exuberance with a quiet performance of clearing his throat. "So far, no transmission has been returned and suspicions of their placement have been briefed, the President has ordered they travel with you to Mrihl before returning to the Base for interrogation."

"Suspicions of what?" She muttered, carefully glancing through the chaotic threads of her hair to glance at the trio on topic.

"Among them is a SOLIDER with a.. history. His father was a deserter, labeled a SeeR sympathizer. Their discovery has gained some particular interest." The Lieutenant supplied, indicating briefly to the man in question that Evangeline defined as the original owner of the unique, two—pronged spear that had impaled the Eagle that she had reaped. Her face fell, contoured into curiosity, before her grin bled across the interest.

"Right, of course." She beamed, rejoinder laced in sarcasm and quip before she loped around the Lieutenant, calling out for Hally and the rest of the SOLDIERS whilst they engaged with their retrievers. Evangeline followed up the ramp of the vehicle, pondering on the fact that only moments before she had flipped out over this incline to herald the succession of battle and blinked, almost owlishly, at Cid before her countenance fractured into brief alarm and the memory of peering azure that struck her to the depths of her very spirit. She immediately ducked, slim fingers retracting back and palming through golden threads to assemble the gale—torn disarray it had become, to occupy her gestures and balm her erratic infections sired from both his presence and the death suffocating the fields of Luan.

Aboard the Behemoth — Checkpoint of Zalera.

Those wounded had been attended to with basic functions of medicine, appliances of balms and careful patches to conceal wounds with the promise that full infirmary privileges would be provided in Mrihl. The check point at the border of Luan and Zalera was brief, but the atmosphere was dreaded and weighed heavily, many of the infantry grunts were dead, more than half sacrificed and burned. Upon their departure, the Lieutenants had taken special capsules from their ebony coats and detonated them upon pressure and friction, setting flame to the remains of Eagles and man alike. Evangeline found it proper, to decimate all traces of the battle, but found a hint and reflection of sorrow in the action of literally erasing them to naught but ash. She did not voice such aloud, taking to reclining against Hally for the duration of their journey into the tundras of Zalera. The paneling of screens shimmered in hues of indigo and violet, darkening to sullen ebonies as the sun of Viera descended and the moon heralded within place, a pale silver sphere suspended in the blanket of gloom and stars.

The temperatures in Zalera were obvious in the peculiar frigidness that had settled in the hull of the Behemoth, making Evangeline curl up tighter against Hally's flank as the drivers signaled out with their voices at each crossing of a small town or city. The roads here beginning to bear evidence of their machinery—crafted origins by stone, and sometimes, blackened rock. Originally, they were to be given halfway into the frozen climate and to trek the remainder of the destination on foot, however, given the circumstances of the wounded and time allotted, the Lieutenants and provided drivers had proffered, through hesitation, to see them entirely to the borders of Mrihl. It appeared like hours, each increment of time spanning into near eternity that almost drove Evangeline near madness until she surrendered herself to rest, sleep dragging at her lashes until she succumbed.

There was silver feathers suspended into obsidian tar; and a gargantuan eye that wept poison and a mouth riddled with needles; but there was no fear here. Only wonder. . .

Zalera Tundra — Mrihl.

The whirs and clanks of machinery became the announcement of their official arrival, the cheerful and perpetually thrilled blonde rousing from her rest with a small grimace at the kinks in her neck. Only slow rotations of the muscles bundled there providing any comfort as the visual feed of Mrihl's borders illustrated to their viewing pleasure. Evangeline unbuckled the harness fixating her into place, approaching the panels once more to peer at the port—town slumbering idly into the night. Few lights flickered to life, orange glows dotting the landscape and leading a fascinating trail to the manor that, she assumed, belonged to the Baron that would be providing them proper lodgings. The prospect of rest was alluring, but she doubted she'd be able to garner any sort of slumber in the comforts of a bed, it was surprising enough she had managed to gather small moments of reprieve in the Behemoth, but she supposed she owed that entirely to Hally.

A pair of the Lieutenants descended into the hatch then, helms ominous as one of them moved around Evangeline and punched the ramps controls, allowing the door to squeal open and the ramp to drop. Silence blanketed the gathered warriors of Galbadia, not even the usual source of cheer and bright simpers providing any of her quips and laughter to the situation at hand. This was the initial introduction of their mission, this is where everything would begin, this is where they would commence to prove their worth at the bereavements of fellow man instead of fantastical creatures of winged admiration and terror.

The Lieutenants vacated the vehicle first, followed by Evangeline and the rest of the assigned crew that slowly made way into Mrihl, crossing the threshold of the town's borders and swiftly marching the streets towards the manor of the Baron under the blanket of the latest hours that was suffocating in its darkness.

The manor was indeed wreathed in splendor and befitting to the town, it was of older origins and time, almost vintage in the masonry and woodwork displayed in the flickering glow of the lights lit for their convenience. The doors slowly yawned wide, creaking on hinges and allowing a glimmer of light to shine on down the steps of stone and to the contingent of SOLDIERS gathered at the base where the street was flush with the method of entry. The Lieutenants performed salutes and dips of respect, in which Evangeline bothered naught to repeat, but only to examine the sounds slowly encroaching from somewhere in the manor, approaching at almost a luxurious pace. Bi—coloured eyes narrowed, carefully at the inceptive introduction of not the Baron but a man that could only belong in her own ranks: a SOLDIER. He was tall, elongated like many of their particular troupe, broad in every aspect and glamourous to her appraisal. Sheathed in armour, he was imposing, but the depths of eyes bespoke of an inter laden kindness and cheer that could champion and reflect to her very own.

"Oh my..." A quiet voice spoke aloud, following up behind the SOLDIER Evangeline had wed her examination to. The Baron of Mrihl was a peculiar man in appearance, lanky, tall — towering like Kain — and simply all joints and marrow sealed in an ecru complexion. Ebony hair was twined down his spine in a thin tail, small pieces fallen away to frame high—set cheeks bones that cradled eyes of a cavernous greenery like the forests located in Baanga. "I wasn't expecting this number of SOLDIERS." He carried on, descending down the steps with his own SOLDIER following in pursuit: a guardian then, Evangeline deduced and regarded him as such before the Baron spoke once more.

"This is.. only slightly problematic, but fixable. You all look entirely exhausted." His eyes swept over the remains of blood, flaked, and those still bound with wounds before the proportions of his countenance split and fractured at the obtuse grin breaking across. "Come inside, please, we'll see you tended to and bedded within the hour."
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