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It honestly wouldn't be so bad if they improved the PM system a little and gave a better post editor. Then I'd be all peaches.
I feel your pain, I really do.
There was news of a potential new BBcode being implemented but Mahz hasn't done anything with it I'm afraid, at least not yet. Can only hope though.
Ollie was originally selected for the Reactor mission as well! I'll add him under Monika here shortly.
I have some codex details to get to today, and another little addition that will add some plot intrigue. But all in due time over the weekend!

As for names regarding exotic effects, Nightmare is the one for weakness to Dark, and I believe Zombie will be the one regarding weakness to Holy.

Or we can totally call it "Vampire." Hah!

And now he is a-finished!
That's a literal mountain of beef cake.
6' 9"

Hoh.. Damn.

@FantasyChic - Ollie is going to the reactor too, no worries.
Here's one of my secondaries, Ollie. Backstory and Warfare need to be taken care of, but I shall put him up for now whilst I work on him through tomorrow. He's the one meant for the Nexus Reactor mission.
Excuse my notes; it's just how I write these sheets as I go.

On that subject: going to announce that Monika will be joining the front lines in Hammer of the Army. And one of my secondaries will be partaking in the Nexus Reactor. He'll be submitted tonight.
Ooh, salty lady over here. Watch out people.

... Maybe.

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