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Awesome, I like how you introduced Kyle, another light hearted joker to drive Monika bonkers, she'll appreciate that sword though - if anything. I'll be aiming to post for my trio once I finish another set of banners and work on the Mordrem for the Reactor. Work abound.
@Jhett314 - I swear every time I come to read the new character submissions, your own changes, hah!
@icmasticc - Both subjects can apply to flashbacks, just singular character reflection or interactive. Both are fun, I love using them for conceptual works when I slip into a present tense format or merge the timelines into one. They work for collaborations as well, if anything, one can post a flashback post entirely, hah.

@FantasyChic - Oh shit, how'd that happen?
@Ozerath - That I can, I took a minor break on the banners, but I'm hoping to complete the rest of them this weekend and onto this week.

Anyways, before I get into my photoshop mode, you'll notice Prisk did a flashback section, some of you - Oz - are familiar with these kinds of posts. I'll be working up some in my next debut as well. However, I'm going to try and split up my characters into separate submissions, I feel like having three masses of texts is some what of a taxing view. Though, it's probably best to include them all into one text.

I don't know, I'll work it as I go.

But also, regarding the means of activity, we're not asking for lightning fast submissions and development, and we're not necessarily posting within rounds. As mentioned, interaction and diolouge are key, and it's not just simple reactions of what has been previously given, but also progression. Small posts are better than none and nothing is meant to be worthy of a novel - unless you're a heavy winded writer like myself - and there's no regards to worry about it not being good enough, after all, I'd rather see a couple paragraphs than nothing what so ever. It keeps the character fresh, the impression alive rather than stagnant and the loss of motivation begins to fester. It also gives a unit and a signal that one is attempting to keep in touch and within tandem.

Assistance is also available, brief collaborations or even building relationships between characters can give that little push and drive into primping something for the character in question. I don't like leaving characters behind or disregarding them, in the end they begin to wane into the background and the writer might not bother to introduce them back into the fold, catching up - as it were - can be a daunting task. Anyways, assistance stands as is, don't hesitate to conduct me or Priskins, we can provide whatever help we simply can.

Updates in the ooc are preferred over moments of silence, as the magic rule states, you don't have anything to say, just spell the magic words and that gives us a flag of: I'm here, no worries, and so on. We don't need promises for posts, goals are nice: "I aim to post for today." And it provides something of a reference that some effort is being made. I think also people naturally wait for others post something, because it's in regards to not wanting to leave anyone behind, but if doubt surfaces, I say post anyways, or reach out to the individual you are waiting for, inquire briefly what their intentions are so your submissions do not cross one another. This can be used to avoid missing anything critical.

In all of that wall of text, just communicate. That's primary key. Simple as that.
@icmasticc - Probably. Either for your money or for an opportunity. Hue. But, I feel like you have been straining yourself quite a bit. Not the first time you've shared this story and all. You sure it's not what you're doing that's causing it?

Anyways, speaking fitness, I've managed to go out on my usual runs and today I guess a pack of dogs were out running loose from another neighborhood. So it was barren and empty where I usually run into a couple people. It was like some Silent Hill shit, I was both all kinds of excited and thrilled and my route ended up being completed some minutes early because I hauled my ass back home.
Don't forget the magic rule everyone.
➡ Post updates about yourself in the out-of-character thread whenever you can. If you have nothing to say, the magic words are: The Wicked Witch of the West went her own way.
Everything checks out on my end, I'm eager to see the rest of the brothers!

As for secondary/third characters, to me that's an easy process. I have an entire lineage of characters, concepts, and stories included with the Abendroths. Too bad I'm a terrible person and tend to make them all deceased. If all Abendroth kin were living, it'd be insane.

Maybe I should create a family tree thingy..
@Hexaflexagon - Thanks for the update, curious to what you exactly do though. Unless you're actually some kind of interdimensional airplane hobo, then I won't judge. Regardless, keep safe and we'll see you in a couple days!
And here is the infamous Mags, Monika's mother, who'll be my third character that was introduced in my last post. So far she'll be in the Eidolon mission for now; what fun.

Guh, Jamie. ♥
He's just too deliciously cute.
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