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S O L D I E R. . .E N C A M P M E N T / / Z A L E R A. . . T U N D R A.
Carmen carefully slid gloved gestures through her shock of shallow threads, the individual tresses and follicles caressing against bruised skin of diamond perimeters, each equally spaced and individually identical and unique to the severity of the blossoming hues in violet tones and sapphires depths. She feels him coiling and writhing beneath her skin with every pass of her rising cavity, ribs billowing and fluttering, aching against sallow flesh and crushing on an ashen heart twined with gold and ebon fusions of malice and pain. When she smiled, bore it, relished and withered within, she kept her eyes firm and locked onto a gaze of falling embers and churning soils burdened under a trembling sky of might and wonder; a hidden and tempered curiosity of a man flickering along the border of a temptation and wiles of a demonic sort. She delivered a bark of laughter, cloaked within amusement as a gloved digit twines through bleached white and tugs, twining the lock thrice before she allows it to surrender against her rouge toned cheek.

Oh yes, he's definitely her favourite.

Her peering oculi reels away from her favoured man, manic and lashes peeled wide and yonder, locking firmly onto the old goat she abhors to a near madness. Her smile only seemed to widen, splintering over her cheeks, slicing deep into her countenance to meet her eyes; all bite and interlaced with venom, as if cackling wildly against her felidae fanged orifice at his sheer display. Oh no, she didn't miss such and wouldn't have for all the power within the world. Carmen nearly scampered off after him, balancing jaw into palm and tabling elbow into her fingers, perched and admiring the multitude of lightning strikes glimmering around his march, every flicker and flash reflecting within steel forgeries of withered blue.

"My... What a temper. You think it was something I said?" She inquired aloud, the oblique shutter of her eyes and lashes veiling glee and the pitch of hunger wallowing 'neath her extremities. "No matter, more for me."

Carmen crunched flourishing grass beneath her heel as she turned away from him, brow arched as the tundra winds swept over the offending greenery, clipping the blades within frosted edges as the Viera sun finally nestled and gave rise and purchase to the moon. She admired such briefly as scales and tongue slid and coiled over her heart and soul, the sensation of yearning sputtering her galloping organ into a vice of keening need and wonder before quieting; the formula of a growling tempo splitting eerily into a rumbling scream that pinged against her lope and pinched her lashes within a visual sign of discomfort. She felt their gazes, the ones drawn to her figure and marched that much harder, stilettos impaling earth as she followed the contingent, the tarpaulin and fabric easily swept aside by a flourish of winds by her entry.

Their Keepers kept themselves within proper distance, Carmen suspected they would and gauged them within visible habits, three perched outside yonder each wall, she inhales, all the same scent; twin like fragrances that billowed and fell beneath the much more tantalizing taste of fresh kill that danced and pirouetted across her writhing tongue. She allows the others to sit, comforting themselves within introductions, and stands, hands dancing over a myriad of fixtures and luxuries, winds howling against the shell of her tainted ear and baiting her attention for the mistral eternally whorling against her ebon embellishments.

She's utterly famished, introductions pale and wither in comparison to this manifestation of devouring need. Until a roar blooms within her mind and golden convolved obsidian pounds and pulsates and an eye blooms forth, spinning and weeping, creating a fixture of bruising violets of malcontent across the breadth of her visage that pulls over her lashes and splinters her cheek as she turns, gazing and glaring at the manifest surrounding the boy. So young, so naive, his stuttering timbre fractures and splinters in figurines of uncertainty and something akin to fear. Carmen's teeth ache, her coral wed lips peeling back as she snaps twigs beneath her palms, fingers curling against wood, the King within her breast slicing through the shell of herself and assaulting her sense of might and need and power until it wreathes the Queen within a vocalized purr that erupts into a growl. She looms closer to him, pupils mere slivers within a gaze of steel.

"You might want to control that." She advises within a whisper, just for him, gloved gestures arched and scraping. Carmen impales those amber oculi a moment longer before smiling, quietly slipping back and offers a twitching palm.

"Carmen Auset." She nearly sings, a sickly tone of manipulated intention and projects voice and eyes around the table, never giving herself the option to sit amoung them. "Commander, one of many, for this particular operation. By which, I'm hoping you've all been debriefed over." She taps nail and fabric against her temple.

"I hear Archadia has sealed the borders, they won't allow anyone in, or out. I think they're hiding something good, too good for the Govern to allow. Unfortunate about the ghettos though, I wonder if anyone is even still alive..." She speculated aloud, resuming her search, gestures manic and her individual graces burdened by every flinch and flex of her musculature. "Oh well." She breathes, tone dismissive and clipped, her words prematurely executed as if struggling to vocalize at a predicted rate of normalcy.

@Damiann47 - No worries, there's nothing to cause concern for abandonment haha. Don't hesitate to ask for some help or suggestions if nothing comes to mind.
@Damiann47 - You're very welcome. I'm glad you like.
What's the cause of inspiration lack, reality bleeding over or just haven't had time to sit down and work at it?
@AmongHeroes - Happy to hear it. Thanks. ♥
So how is everyone doing?
Is the pace well enough? Are there some things you'd like to see with Requiem?
I'd love to know.
Just got home from work, officially. Now that all of that Patriot Bullshit Hype is done.
Banners for the rest of the lovelies. Thank you for being patient. ♥

[img]http:/ /i.imgur.com/6u2tKKX.jpg[/img]

[img]http:/ /i.imgur.com/Hu7dexg.jpg[/img]

[img]http:/ /i.imgur.com/JKUhcg5.jpg[/img]

[img]http:/ /i.imgur.com/Hd4Aa3a.jpg[/img]

[img]http:/ /i.imgur.com/nYJBXcD.jpg[/img]

[img]http:/ /i.imgur.com/yECtB9g.jpg[/img]

[img]http:/ /i.imgur.com/oEuJ7Y0.jpg[/img]
Personal update from me - Once the Super Bowl ends I'll be able back to my promised activity. Our store has been doing a massive preparation week, as it's one of our busiest days in the year. I have the banners finished, no worries there guys, and Icky is handling the plot progression that will move our camp along, sorry for the delay on that, this weekend is just super busy and the week prior was just as maddening! But regular hours will commence soon, thankfully, I'll be around tomorrow evening once the game is finally over and I'll be able to relax.

Mucho love. ♥

Note, not a plot post. Everyone will be alerted the day before we makes those, but it's leading up to it!
Great job everyone.

Will get the last banners up tonight, just been a small art block.

S O L D I E R. . .E N C A M P M E N T / / Z A L E R A. . . T U N D R A.
Carmen Auset was a multi-faceted creature of omnifarious dependencies; variants of psychical and psychological legions of crippling pitches of void and nefarious wraiths that bayed wildly like sickened, deluged creatures of sable origin and ebon fusions of devouring ambition. Every SOLDIER that came in breadth of her tempestuous mistral of black and the winter monsoon correlating with the descending Celsius gave her a temporary salve to the writhing King beneath the extremities of his host: the Queen that was heralded on notions of pain, and selfish qualms that burdened her psychosis to a machine of calculating power that thrived for a variation of omnipotence. Carmen inhaled, nasal passages blooming, her dual softeners of coral likeness expanding and gaping wide with a sigh that bordered euphoric in breath and heat. Each of the SOLDIERS delivered bore a peculiar scent to their bearing; a spark of mauve light, that tasted like the air after an electric storm, the blossom of scarlet tones that bore sediments of salt, and a deluged perception of grey that reminded her of soot and ashen feathers on a breeze of cold.

There was white, a pure colour, but the edges were tainted black with blood that bled from aphotic borders and went rouge with blush. Demented lilacs and periwinkle oozed and festered beneath a film of faux steel and powder intermingled to a crumbling facade. Heat that pounded infuriating stone and grass that simmered and cried under a sun blotted sky. A snarl erupted from within, lips of fracturing ebon and gold peeling back over teeth that wept and eyes that bled and pulsated mad with a deeply seeded necrosis; a lethal summoning, a dissolution of self as bruises suddenly blossomed across opal dusted skin and bled into the golden undertones there. She hissed; slicing past grinding fangs and flesh.

She knew their scents now, tasted them on the palette of her tongue, and the King relished within his Queen from it all and granted her sweet agony.

Carmen pirouetted on the stiletto of her boot as they passed and mingled, the tundra quieting, her winds gradually dispersing into lax breezes until suddenly still and calm. There was blood, coffee, and meat; as if this was a jovial camp, a potluck of demented powers and origins amassing under the orders of their whims instead of embellished masters. Her simper elevated, expanding wide, teeth and all. She barked, a laughter that spun from her mouth under harsh bells that were tarnished and cracked from the young SOLDIER that they gathered around with pretenses of care and infant camaraderie. Good though, she thinks, because he's just a child, and they often die first - swift, and usually bathed in taint from the world. She doesn't tune into their banter, she doesn't know his name [or any of them, aside from the old goat who's a thorn in her side and twitch in her eye] and doesn't care to learn as she observes with thinly veiled curiosity and something akin to hunger.

She hasn't eaten in a while, and that's going to be a problem.

"The Shyps are scheduled to embark in the morning; you'd be flying blind in this weather." She purrs, lips twisted, oculi bright and the transition from former appetance that was locked within her sensuous glance now languid and probing. She thumbs over her pauldron, shoulder propped and eyes oblique over the span of twisted steel and black cloth. "Well, more blind for you, I guess."

The provided brigade began to fan outward, teasing the tarpaulin of tents, she smelled their wariness, it's seasoned pepper and freshened salt, kind of bitter as it translates to her senses and lands on the breadth of the uncoiling mass of a scaled creature beyond fathom, but it's leashed, barbed, and in pieces. A crown that is incomplete. There are too many SOLDIERS milling about, they lack their cages and the conceptual leashes can only go so far, Carmen looms closer as they banter with exchanged brew and homey exchanges, it's a queer misplacement in the tundra where chaos threatens and looms yonder sea and northern gates. She brushed against fair skin and icy blues; he smelled crisp, his mirth broad and reminded her of snowy mountains and waterfalls. His scent is heavily carved into her mind, as are others, those have been in the camp nearly as long as she has.

"This is all very... Charming." She struggled for the words, for within her mind beyond wayward tresses, there's a crescendo of baying hunger, and need. "But our Keepers seem a bit troubled. I suggest we move to our main tent, there are theorists and navigators awaiting with our stratagem."

Her mouth was agape then, there's a tantalizing notion to install her status and power, the old bourne habit that was sired under lock and key in her former imprisonment, her life has been one cage and unto another, and to survive, she knows she must be the ruler. Back in the Paddock, the upper crest of fortitude and madness dictated over all, she had established her ranking swift and easily, and was lauded over with a muzzle festooned over her countenance and her arms strapped impossibly tight. The cuffs left scars, and she wears them like glittering bracelets. Carmen willed herself to disband then, to backtrack, boots sliding within the snow and quickly sealed her gloved fist over her expanding teeth, carefully masking her orifice under the slight break of a wet cough.

"The tundra nights are long, we've plenty of time yet though. Maybe we should allow them to squirm. How about we feast instead, mm?" Her inquiry is broad, lashed out, and twinged with laughter manic and harsh. Her eyes flash under lashes spiked and long, landing on fur and cloth, she smiles at Corr [he always smells the best, he's her favourite] and nods slight and inviting. "I don't know about you, but coffee won't be enough. I'm famished."
@Raijinslayer - I'd say no, for a multitude of reasons I cannot reveal at this moment.
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