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The Manifest. ◆ Aspiring Photographer. ◆ Daughter of the Bad Land Elects.
"our fate engraved. scar enslaved. as we mutually destruct."

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____________________________________________________________________Betwixt sallow flesh and frailty, Gabrielle has eternally been a slight figure, courtesy of a commingled legacy and heritage of immigrated family. A small one, at that, but influential enough that conceived a stature of delicacy, bones that nearly impale through slight translucency of skin that glimmers 'neath rain and smog. Wreathed in artificial reds, her hair haphazardly shorn to her thin shoulders with a fringe that feathers into delicate, eerily glimmering gazes of blue; ethereal in the grace of her stare nearly that outshines the manners of her slight features. Gabrielle, oft viewing the world through a set of lenses, is a concept of being pure, untouched, the Bad Lands has infected her being and soul, but her outward projection is adorned in a frail, fracturing innocence, the sort that begets that need of protection and wonderment to a the sheltered shell of a youth.
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____________________________________________________________________Gabby, as she has been affectionately adorned and dubbed, is a multi-faceted creature, with lingering simpers and gazes, the sort of grins and smiles that expose teeth and puncture dimples into her cheeks with her fingers curled beneath her chin; perched and thoroughly engrossed to whichever she has offered her graces to. Beneath the shimmering barrier of her initial impression, is a linger sadness, the depressing touches and black and grey that threatens to encroach the depths of her soul and heart, a form of abandonment of time and those that are destined to protect her. Gabby attempts to find the brightest catches of light in circumstances, struggling to maintain fortune and grace in comparison to the darkest wiles and manipulations of life. However, she knows, too well, that life is seldom kind to those within the Bad Lands, and every day that she lives within those shallow spires and ebon fusions of darkness, she is burdened by the threat and encroaching woe that has wreathed and been fated to them all.
She wasn't always so conflicted, though orphaned - as most are - she was adopted quickly before The Church, infamous and warped in taint, was able to reap her soul and body. They were struggling individuals, the Kingsworth family was eternally struggling to procure a child, but the festering disease within the lands afflicted the mother to be without, so they plucked the youngest and most cherub babe from the Church and swept her off up North, were the better-off linger and live, only accessible by train. Her name was derived from a holy book, to herald their sudden daughter to the light and wreath her as a given gift of fortune to their plight. They were unaware of her origins, only that it made them appear blessed, kind, and the sort that everyone could admire and strive to maintain as their betters.
Her parents were Elects, the sort that had primary control and sway to the Govern of the current realm, able to choose and select those destined to rule over a forlorn city. It was a derived council of sorts, their own selves capable of being chosen, and with such potential and prospect, Gabby was required to maintain an image, and her origins carefully concealed but only revealed just enough to continue the favour she gifted them. A tool, a means, such was her destined quality.
However, the temptations of an underworld could never be assuaged from her heart, and gifted with a lens, the camera in her possession a gift, she oft toed through the night and stayed within the districts for nights at a time. Until finally Gabby took a shard of glass, lopped her locks short and dunked her head beneath bottle-red and coloured her previous blonde hair to red, a bold defiance and means of separation, giving rise to her current debut. While she's been returned to the Bad Lands, there's a lingering manifestation of something within her blood, her eyes eternally aglow, her entire slowly shifting, changing, into something more. Something frightening and old, that once was considered lost and forgotten.
And she's terrified. So very afraid of what may come.
For she is The Manifest.
She wasn't always so conflicted, though orphaned - as most are - she was adopted quickly before The Church, infamous and warped in taint, was able to reap her soul and body. They were struggling individuals, the Kingsworth family was eternally struggling to procure a child, but the festering disease within the lands afflicted the mother to be without, so they plucked the youngest and most cherub babe from the Church and swept her off up North, were the better-off linger and live, only accessible by train. Her name was derived from a holy book, to herald their sudden daughter to the light and wreath her as a given gift of fortune to their plight. They were unaware of her origins, only that it made them appear blessed, kind, and the sort that everyone could admire and strive to maintain as their betters.
Her parents were Elects, the sort that had primary control and sway to the Govern of the current realm, able to choose and select those destined to rule over a forlorn city. It was a derived council of sorts, their own selves capable of being chosen, and with such potential and prospect, Gabby was required to maintain an image, and her origins carefully concealed but only revealed just enough to continue the favour she gifted them. A tool, a means, such was her destined quality.
However, the temptations of an underworld could never be assuaged from her heart, and gifted with a lens, the camera in her possession a gift, she oft toed through the night and stayed within the districts for nights at a time. Until finally Gabby took a shard of glass, lopped her locks short and dunked her head beneath bottle-red and coloured her previous blonde hair to red, a bold defiance and means of separation, giving rise to her current debut. While she's been returned to the Bad Lands, there's a lingering manifestation of something within her blood, her eyes eternally aglow, her entire slowly shifting, changing, into something more. Something frightening and old, that once was considered lost and forgotten.
And she's terrified. So very afraid of what may come.
For she is The Manifest.
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____________________________________________________________________◆ Elizabeth Kingsworth.
◆ Sammuel Kingsworth.
◆ Alexia Fitch.
◆ Danny Stonem.
◆ Baby Jinx.
◆ Evan Borges.
The adoptive mother of Gabby; she's one of many up for vote for the next seat of councils. She leads various campaigns in name of her family and promotes the rebuilding of the bridge.
◆ Sammuel Kingsworth.
The adoptive father of Gabby, currently selected to seat on the council to promote his potential to be elected to the head, with assistance from his wife. However, he doesn't support her wishes to rebuild the bridge.
◆ Alexia Fitch.
Gabby's current roommate and a mother like figure in replacement to her adoptive parents. They've currently presumed a new flat, with Alexia having finally become clean - a bit - and developing a niche for numerous odd jobs to support them. Currently dating Cadian, though their relationship is a bit strained.
◆ Danny Stonem.
Known through minor affiliations and rumours, most of them being stories told by Alexia, he currently lives within her old flat and threatens various and multiple individuals that know both Gabby and Alexia. He's falling further and further into despair.
◆ Baby Jinx.
Being close within age, and having known each other for quite sometime, Jinx has always harboured a deeply seeded sense of jealousy towards Gabby because she is beloved and wanted. In her cruel methods, she has even attempted to steal Evan away from her.
◆ Evan Borges.
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