. c e ั r a. . . g ฮน ั e l l e. . . า l ฯ
e r e ั .
โ The greatest of evils lies not in the heart of a Beast; but within the soul of a Man. โ . ั. ะฝ. e. . l. a. d. y. . o. า. . a. ั. ะฝ. e. ั .
Edlian โ Black Mage โ Thirty-Six โ Female โ No [?]
Thorne โ Dahlgren โ Council of Magi Member [ambassadress]
. p h y s i c a l . .f e a t u r e s .
__________________________________________________________________________________________ Those of a magicial inclination are afforded little of their candor, bathed within nebulous voids of underlying secrecy coursing with tendrils of writhing mana, purpose, and intent to the manipulation of elemental fortitude and raw origin. Impressions dictate waif likeness and grace fed and nurtured by the delicate weaves of finery and pose, the kind that alludes to mystery in their common, every day functionalities. In whichever purpose commands and compels the consistency of magi and their luxury and splendor, Cetra oozes and champions the visual component with ease and, of course, pounds of dignity and vanity. Her narcissism is afforded and refined by the richness of her complexion in a variety of pale shades, sallow creams and blossoming beige that feathers to delicate shadows of silver, the gleaming birth right of her careful execution in self-care and practice. Cetra embellishes critically with dark painted lips and painted eyes that glimmer a unique shadowed violet, almost deluded to a grey undertone caped by soot-black lashes of an impressive smolder and glance.
Her impression is a woman of tall stature and refinement, her posture is elegant and lean, the sort that bespoke of royalty and consistently fed sinful rights of self-absorption. Cetra, being one of Edlian fortunes, stands upon a configure of six feet, afforded an inch or two, with little ceremony feeding to mere intimidation by the breadth of her rather stark skin and black donned lips. The comparison is further highlighted by the fairness of her hair, a shade of dusted silvers and nearly white threads, hinted only by the light gold-dust of a traditional blonde sort,
nearly as pale as she. Oft will she adorn her tresses within high kept twists, coils, and knots of disarrayed appeal, the sort of stray hairs and fly away strands that caress and frame her sharply arched cheekbones and whisper against the hollows of her primly kept face.
. c l o t h i n g . .โ. . a r m o r . .โ. . w e a p o n s .
__________________________________________________________________________________________Allow it to never be uttered that vanity cannot mesh and coincide with utilitarian notions and motives. Whilst lacking a suitable lock of chain or mail, Cetra instead robes her debut within carefully constructed hides, feathers, and scales of exotic creatures that are only fabled in origin and chance. Though always manipulated with the right twinge of mana, to tweak the colour to her preferred shades of varying ebonies and greys, the glimmering highlights always maintain the appeal of their origins, giving her a multitude of appealing grace to tones and hues. Her clothing and armor is a unique mixture of the mentioned ingredients, the most famous of her wardrobe being the collaborated efforts of ebony feathers plucked from the bodice of a Zu; the hide of the bird also used to compile protection whilst allowing grace and movement.
Interlaced through the attire is a mesh of interwoven hairs of a Queen Coeurl and used to backbone the slight padding and usage of dragon scales to ensure any injuries inflicted are slight and therefore affording Cetra opportunities of protection against opponents and enemies that might wish harm or prove tolerant to her magical prowess. Whether Cetra dons for attire other than her crafted armor pieces, is left to speculation and rumor, as personal quarters regarding her various stares of dress [and undress] are fortified and kept under impressive lock and prevention.
The mage that she is does not employ traditional weaponry, and as such, sometimes does not use any at all, relying on the interwoven masses of her mana or the armor she dons for. Cetra does not require a conduit to invoke her spells, lacking a crafted staff or stave to channel energy. Though, to help amplify the course of her influence, Cetra has afforded herself unique gloves that are feathered by the same Zu that was used to coat her armor, with slight prin-pricks that are utilized as "claws that give the pair a near bestial appeal and look.
. p e r s o n a l i t y . .t r a i t s .
__________________________________________________________________________________________. Vain โ Prideful โ Sensuous โ Elegant โ Clandestine .
Cetra is a woman of persecution, intensity, and sinful indulgences regarding her debut and initial impressions. Surrounding herself within a cloak of sensuality, mystery, and pinged with a charm of secrecy that alludes to a purposefully willed glamour that fronts and performs as her barrier regarding all interactions. As one steeped within political intrigue and reign regarding her position [delicate and both leagues of tempering] it creates her as one that is difficult to gauge and read. Basing Cetra on assumptions are folly conclusions of a closed mindset,
she is a multi-faceted creature that lusts for power and all things garnered and gained from her daily pursuing and hunts; finding her days wreathed in figurative bloodshed from the fallback of her enemies and foes. Composed of some selfish qualms, Cetra tends to care and nurture her own person gain and performs to her own fulfillment rather than to the enjoyment of others or their possible interest.
. l i k e s . .โ. .d i s l i k e s .
__________________________________________________________________________________________. Power โ Hunting โ Refinery .
. Attributed Weaknesses โ โ all of them .
__________________________________________________________________________________________Being graced with a notable birth is often lauded and glamoured, the sort that wreathes ones existence in splendor and luxury and is heralded by the conceptions and notions of Fate and Destiny. The House of Flueret has eternally been a deeply seeded family of right and wrong, the sort of family that gathers under tradition and applies a sense of status that shrouds them in assumptions like lamplight. However The House of Flueret is, notably, none of these misgivings; but is only privy to those by close graces and woven into their secrecy.
One must bathe themselves in glamour and fortune, as proven time and time again by the magical coursings in their kinship and blood, and also by their fallen grace.
Once numerous and expanded, The House of Flueret was a prominent force of council, the entire family fostered on their own might through the inductions of power and gain. Their numbers proved sheer and impressive, each heralded with a sigil and crest of a careening bird, much like the Zu each tacked with their armor in feathers and hide. Their council was held in high regard for their magic was critical, strong, imposing,
the sort that creates terrifying gales and shattering fissures within the earth, the creation of immense fire and chilling throes of ice and wave that roar.
Ironic then, wouldn't it be, that their downfall came not from the Mage-King or the Great Flood, but from the dealings and attempts at contracts of Espers now considered legendary, and some, forbidden. Though popularly known, once, as a family of Black Mages, The House of Flueret also practiced Summoning techniques yonder closed doors. Being attributed to hubris, as the most prideful fall the hardest, saw to their dwindling numbers from the might and power of these Espers. A sort of stigmata befell their uttered name, creating a rift within their govern, the council fracturing under the ill whispers of the Flueret sin and the lingering power that shook the house down to the foundation of family and blood. Whilst the Summoning art was quickly banished, considered a near taboo despite all other magics being christened and dubbed safe and much more preferable in comparison.
Cetra was a single child, afforded a rich livelihood from the dotting of family and stories, grandiose tales of pride and power uttered from her mother who was a flighty, whimsical sort of dame with pale eyes of lavender and hair the colour of golden cremes and flowers. The childish fanfare of her parents bred an equally fair and lackadaisical creature in their daughter, away from the council in Dahlgren where most Edlian were considered to gather and live. Thorne was her home town, as once stated proudly, despite the queer looks and murmurs that followed her family, most in concern to her parents. They were mages by birth rite and prowess, her mother a Black Mage of natural grace, and her father a Blue Mage that found his fortunes through the begone traveling of a glorified hunter. In summation, life was a slight affair, raised within Thorne, raised on stories and whispers, on shifty eyes and ill fated utterings every time her family came about within public venue.
All good things, though, must come to end. As her family did many years by the misfortunes of trying to deal with Esper.
The council of mages within Dahlgren called for her parents once the voting and proceedings had been passed, as they are done ever so often within the years, upon deaths, and to keep the council in rotation and views current with the times and newer blood passed through tradition despite the views on magic varied through the islands. Thus it only seemed natural that Cetra came upon her initiation into the University,
for a solitary child of mages [of the Flueret blood, no less] was meant for nothing else in the graces of fate and circumstance. It created a rift, an unholy divide, within her parents however, much to Cetra's despair at the confession. Her father wished nothing but the best for her, power, fortune, to lift the curse of their name through her blossoming beauty and talent. Her mother was adamant that they disband away from their past, to finally give rest to a long forged stigmata and to just live as they were given; their right of happiness, as she would say.
Tragedy came in spades for a young violet-eyed child when her mother left the council and Dahlgren behind in a wake of righteous fire, setting flame to one of the many wings within the University, claiming she would purge away the Flueret misfortunes by her own right.
Her father perished within flame that day. Cetra lost the stories of her past, her family, and her will within a mere fortnight.
Within the wake of tragedy, time is fickle, it passes and it continues ever on without head to the heart or soul. And with time, Cetra's power as a mage continued to grow, influenced by emotions and natural grace, liken to the wrath of her mother and the power of her father in adaptation and growth. The friction of her emotions, however, proved most volatile, her fluctuation heart brought upon an infliction of both sorrow, pain, anger, and ruin. Cetra had to learn temperance, and thus bred the first givings of her debut, the first touches and givings of a sensuous creature, wrought with a sudden pride and vanity, to make up for the lacking of her parents' control and their deaths from such. The old tales and stories her mother uttered within the night came to be her impression, her inspiration to bring about the Flueret legacy and the mages of old that had slain Zus, Behemoths and dragons alike, that even challenged the very Espers that saw to their ruin.
In her sudden wake, Cetra eventually came to the council, where with a smile of slick ebony, she worked her way into becoming elected by her given peers; though being terrified of her might, and others being seduced by her blackened smile and shadowed eyes of violet charm. Being in the place her parents once were had bred a power-hungry need within her heart, fixated within her ribs like a poison almost, terrible and vengeful, the sort that creates and brings about the natural fear many harbour for mages; much like herself.
Thanks to her ambitious nature, Cetra was invited to the festival as an ambassadress of sorts, in acting visual for the University of Magic in where she has been intended to partake in dangerous political gains for the Magi of her council and kinship.