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Wednesday is my targeted post day. I won't have time off till then.
No, man Baby Driver looks seriously awesome though. I get a Kingsman vibe from it, and I loved that movie. In which I'm excited for The Golden Circle.
IC coming sometime today guys - stay tuned.

Updated some character icons and found a proper visual for Carmen's Aeon, Bahamut.

Got most of the new banners done as well.
@Holy Soldier - Awesome, thanks!

Working on more graphic things today and adding more to our IC post.
I imagine most Scavs know one another.
Other than that, some might know Cass' trough Jacob, or some other affiliation.
either or.
@icmasticc - Haaah.

He's kind of right though, there's a terrible ego underlying all of this.


@Holy Soldier - By chance, do you have a higher resolution picture of your character? Ya' know. Something bigger and non edited? As is, the current image is terrible to work with because it has already been altered.

All right, last characters are in! Just awaiting some secondary approval. Secondary characters can be done on a leisure, if you wish, otherwise we just proceed with the plan.

Now in the IC I'll introduce the new SOLDIERS along with a transitional post that puts all outside of Faelan before entering into the GZ. - i. e. Ground Zero. Though I am working the rest of the week - eck - I'll be working on the post through the time I have available, piece by piece, I want to start the IC this week, if that time allows me, otherwise Monday will be the day - since I know I have that day off for sure.

Anyways, banners will be in a leisure as well. I've also made NPC cards that will introduce such characters as we go along.

Still not sure how I want to lay out the character tab. The 0th post lays on top of the others a bit weird since I'm going to place SOLDIERS on top and NPCS below them. If I even use that 0th at all. Could use it for selective themes, or a song-vibe kind of holder that relates to Requiem. A "soundtrack" of sorts for muse workings.

hmm. Not sure yet.
@Rawk - Eyy, law enforcement buddies are good to have around.
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It's by the collective clatter of scavenging-scouting-paraphernalia [what she thinks might be needed, because, you never just know] shoved deep side in her threadbare backpack that announces Cassandra Pacheco's arrival after having shoved - bat first - through the teeming crowd of curious by-standers and awe-lookers. She's got her hand balanced on her hip, nails shorn to the skin, tips calloused and palms scarred from life undone, and her cinnamon brown glare intensifies the second they land on the vehicles designated for their.. containment. She knows it's for protection, but the prospect of riding belted down in a cage with metal in her face sends her spine alive with quivers.

"I'm not riding in that." She objected, lips peeled afar, bite exposed that clenches the butt of a lit cigarette she acquired for the sheer need of something to smooth the edges of her non-morning-grace of an attitude. The peak of the sun appeared to alight Cassandra with an immediate edge, her body tensed, her glamour harsh and eyes always pinched at the edges as if eternally just pissed. Her opposite gesture was clenched thrice as hard around the hilt of her Rail Bat, polished twice that morning with near obsession as her Grandmother tutted from the entry way to her room [how she had gotten up the stairs, Cassandra didn't even know] and listened to the lists of why's she shouldn't be going. Cassandra began to wonder if it was due to her old habits, which makes her laugh because it hasn't been that long ago, or if she just doesn't want to be alone. The house they opted for is big enough, or was, for multiple people to bunker down in, but Jacob left and with it came a festering hole that bled black around the edges every time his mention came about. She misses a house full of bodies, and Cassandra doesn't blame her, but she also knows that she'll go mad if she doesn't go. They need me. That had been her testimony and the matriarch had gone silent at that, the unspoken confession of I need you too, having died off her tongue the moment their eyes met; hers weeping, the others alight with flames of defiance.

"You don't have a choice, Patches, you're still a civvy." She immediately groaned, teeth grinding down hard, bone against bone and filter.

"Please tell me you're only here to see me off. If you're going, count me out." Jacob Pacheco, standing a full head taller than her, long tresses pulled back, in desperate need of a trim that was held in place by a similar band she wore in her own hair. Cassandra made a face, one unbecoming and accompanied by a fell gesture the moment he came close, the two had scorned ends with one another and championed glowers and sneers that nearly reflected one another in their similar aspects and veneers. Jacob shouldered the rifle at his side higher, notched his chin up higher and met her glare for glare.

"No, someone has to stay here, keep an eye on her. Because in case you didn't notice -"
"Nuh uh, stop right there. I'm not playing this fuckin' guilt trip game with you." Cassandra brandished her Rail Bat, the barbed end of railroad spikes nestled against his protected chest, clothed over with black; ebon cloth similar to her own aesthetics. Loose fit over cinched wear. The cherry went aglow, simmering vermilion and scarlet, advocating to her banked fury until she angled her lips and released a plume of smoke within his hardened eyes. "I have my reasons for going, I don't think you'd understand. You're not even around anymore."

Jacob drew up in offense, leaning in hard, the Rail Bat bearing against his weight, forcing her dominant arm to flex in grip and strain.
"I'm trying to get in good with the RSO. Instead of tramping around-"

"Tramping?!" She screeched, feral words and banshee like cadences leaking over her voice and releasing her cigarette from her lips, letting it burn and finally, snuff out against the ground whilst she raised her fist and, with all intent, prepared to unleash her offended gesture and hatred against his stubble-lined jaw. Jacob barked in laughter; taunting and inviting, daring her to strike.

"Whoa there girly, c'mon now!" Swift arms came around her middle, effectively hauling her off from her boots, her bat dropping from her cinched grasp and her breath passing with a swift exhale of a near like growl.

"Sorry, sir. She's a bit of a handful, I'd recommend a leash, probably a muzzle too. She bites." Jacob chortled, his lips lifted, eyes darkening when the arms restraining her redoubled their efforts around her torso, her arms clamped down and her face bore the enraged simper of a feline banking at the edges of her prison - wanting to bite. Fuck youfuckyoufuckyoufuckyou! Her mind raged, inner torments alighting anew as she struggled against her sudden captor, the man at her back twice as strong and tall, restraining her easily until Jacob immersed himself back within the crowd, vacating with a low whistle to mock her once more, to leave a smudge against her heart and soul. Because he wouldn't be her brother otherwise.

"Okay, fuck, he's gone. Lemme' go." Cassandra breathed, her body gone lax, the mass of black of her hair falling along her hallow bones as her captor released her, eyes on her like a hawk as she grasped her belonging, 'pack and all, bat swung up over her shoulder and mourned over the loss of her addiction. "You owe me a cigarette, buddy." She claimed, tapping the protected chest of her previous handler and flicked upwards along his stature until her calloused finger rested just beneath his chin and tipped up, her gesture formed into a mock pistol and stepped around him, approaching the vehicles with her heels digging in harsh and her eyes on the depressing deluge of grey clouds above.

. updates . -

I . I plan to get the IC running within this week, not sure exactly on the date, but hopefully within the next few days. I'm off for the rest of the day and into tomorrow, however I know we are waiting on one more character submission. If you'd like to double up, you're more than welcome to; secondary characters don't have to be SOLDIERS either, necessarily.

II . Updated aesthetics to Carmen's sheet.

III . Going to be doing banners of course, to old players: you're welcome to use your old ones, if you'd like new ones, that's perfectly fine. To new players, if you have specific pictures you'd like me to use, send them to me.

IV . Will be adding important NPCs within today with brief introductions to them.

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