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α΄. . Κ. . α΄. . α΄
. . α΄
. . α΄. .Ι΄
- β
§ -
. K a c e y . A B A D D O N . 8 . H O S T I L E 1 . M a l e .
β . p s y c h i c a l p r o f i l e .
__________________________________________________________________________________________He exhibits traits of stoic malice and rapt appetance, a void festering 'neath the countenance of a pale creature, flesh palmed tight and translucent over bones of corded ebony. The marrow is embedded and swelled with veins of writhing experimentation and rightful empowerment that excludes degrees of pulsating tempos; low drones and hums of quivering intent. The conglomerated cocktail of many things esoteric and monstrous and those deemed divine have manifested onto Kacey with extreme prejudice, suspending him betwixt horrific impressions and rather lame appearances of mediocre comprehensions. He rises to over seven feet tall, elongated by the unique structure of his infused skeletal system, accompanied by somewhat proportionate ligaments to cater to his sever height, this also alludes to hands furnished with equally long fingers, each garnished with a rather grotesque bone worn down to blunt claws; the skin having flayed and peeled afar and stained a black, oil like substance that rises nearly to his elbows.
2 (2) . It has been speculated that these are retractable, but testimony to such reduction has not been visually noted.
His entire complexion is a dulled sheen of near grey, speckled with the odd and curious blemish, randomly placed that provide nothing but a slight distraction to the pulsating veins of black running through his entire being. The obsidian lacing is closely related to his skeletal frame, heightening to his capabilities that will oft diminish or swell to the state of emotional welfare, hostile intentions and his state of hunger. Eyes of ebony pool across a severe face, critical arches of cheek and jaw that flare yonder to pointed ears, his entire veneer a critical illustration of complexity and yet a calm forward. Expressionless is a coined term, but hardly distracting from the cluster of teeth crowned around his lips, akin to the bestial maw of a creature that latches onto their intended. Hidden by the cluster of severity lies an awaiting tongue of incredible length and sensitivity, the enriched pallet pricked with barbs of microscopic frames, hardly seen unless he manages to unhinge the condyle point in his jaw.
3 (3) . His exposed dentures have been deemed as a front of protection and offense, keeping his rather normal set of teeth and lips hidden and protecting the tongue. They've been documented to latch onto prey, but only by the expansion of his jaw; the full length of his orifice has not been yet measured.
Long threads of nullified black fall heavily yonder his thin shoulders, devoid of sheen and glimmer, a matte sort of impression that is carefully knotted on his crown, secured away from his face and kept off his ears. The style tends to heighten the severity of his facial structure, loose tresses frame down across his cheeks, the flesh there translucent when his mouth is opened enough to thin out the membrane between cheek and jaw. Curiously, the same microscopic barbs are located on his hands and feet, which are also strained with a black oil substance all the way to his knees.
β . p s y c h o l o g i c a l p r o f i l e .
__________________________________________________________________________________________Passiveness cloaks Kacey within a dredge of black; a void, more so, that surrenders him to complacency when confronted with the truth of creation and the concept of divinity. His stoic reservation is unsettling in contrast to his appearance, but his expressionless front is a heavily sedated province on top of an already lax idealism. He fights when provoked, defends where needed, feeds where required, and speaks when proper. His reactions are mechanic, the basics of mortal function, but within is a mind warped and corded with a festering hunger and driven desire, a man - if one could call him such - that bides his time and will with an impressive tool of patience. The core belief of to those who wait and all the riches and gains meant for them. Kacey has permitted himself to plateau in terms of strength and progression, his very impression one of halted mutations and his body malformed by that sudden suspension. He speaks soft and eloquently, his voice tempered with the faintest edges of a whisper coating his baritone, sliding through the cluster of his teeth; somewhat haunting and chilling by the uniform of his words.
His capabilities are designated as a sleeper type, as his is a triggered violence and hostility.
(1) In truth, Kacey is better placed under the classification of a near Passive individual, if not for his grotesque imagery, then he would be so. Through a particular sequence of activation, this being a particular drug administered through his specially designed collar, this violate cocktail nullifies the heavy and cumbersome sedative constantly coursing through his system, permitting him to fight.
4(4) . It has been documented that A B A D D O N be placed under solo missions, or paired with single digit C H I L D R E N only.
β . a b i l i t i e s .
__________________________________________________________________________________________. C A L C I F Y .The ebony veins fused within and out of his skeletal structure provides an endless abundance of correlating cellular properties that enable Kacey to alter his bone structure. This applies to the very detail and fine working of his marrow, his entire body readily adaptive to critical transformations. He can use his bones as weapons, thus penning him a close ranged fighter, a man who is best suited to close quarters. His body jerks and snaps with every manipulation, his bones erupting from his skin at his silent designation, form wrought with intense pain; being brought forth in tines, or long shards through his palms and joints. His bones can also be formed to protect himself from assault, though such will often break under enough brute force, causing terrifying agony. As such, Kacey will attempt to fortify what he can, but such will often depend on the state of swelling within the black veins through his system. This also enables him to dislocate bones, namely his jaw, so that he can open his mouth beyond near reasonable measures.
. S E N S O R Y .The microscopic barbs primarily housed along his rather long tongue have been found to bind onto his prey or host, inducing a rather invasive calculation of whichever his intent is. This includes an in-depth impression of scent and taste, his tongue sensitive enough to pinpoint the specifications of their physical impression and cells, and thus know them. The barbs on his hands and feet are capable of the same performance, though not as intent and sensitive as the one lining his tongue. These ones are better suited to quick and efficient purchases of his opponents. It has been noted that within the barbs on his tongue, he can secrete small quantities of venom that can potentially numb flesh.
. S L E E P E R A D A P T A T I O N .Because Kacey's strength is lax and kept dormant by his will and heavy sedation, he falls under the type of creature that requires a sort of response and activation to his true manifest. By the penetration of the aforementioned drug, he wills himself into battle, his performances quick and efficient, brutal and nearly elegant if not for the rather horrid visual of his gaping mouth, nearly see through skin and quivering body that juts with flesh and bone. His adaptation and responses are bidden as sudden and severe, sometimes blurring the line of friend and foe, the simple shuffle of step or someone speaking to him can draw an over exaggerated series of manic twitches, snarls and shuffling body.
__________________________________________________________________________________________. H E A L I N G .Kacey's body does not promote self-reliant regeneration, his mutation is too severe and halting to enable his cells to corporate properly. The long term effect of sedatives has also effected this potential. But as science dictates, his body has adapted in a rather grotesque way. Unhinging his jaw and using the barbs found along his hands and feet, and the blunt claws of his fingers, he consumes corpses of Hydra and possibly, Children. The black veins corded through his body swell with each time he eats, pulsating much like a heart beat and it's here where the drone of his body is heightened, slowly healing with every impale of his teeth and bite.
. S E D A T E .Though not publicly known, Kacey is also heavily sedated because of his eternal pain, if not given his usual dose of sedatives, his body crumbles and goes into a state of shock and promptly shuts down. The process begins internal, wherein his pores secrete a black, tar like blood that eventually pools from his mouth and eyes, the liquid found to be poisonous on par with acidic qualities. From there on, his bones jut and snap, literally crippling him until he's either sedated once more or is fed copious amounts.