@Sigurd Ok that sounds good. You know, don't feel pressured to join at the very beginning if you want to play but don't have the time. We'll be doing several liches/dungeons (hopefully), so if you're particularly busy right now you could always join later on!
@knighthawk@NinthDecay@Sigurd@Disciple Cain Hey there people. I don't know if you got the message, but the OOC is up. Here's the link roleplayerguild.com/topics/126960-empi.. If you're not interested any more, please don't just blank this out. Leave a message to say you won't be taking part, so I know if I should look for other people. Or, if you've seen it and you're working on your character (doubtful, but still a possibility), could you also drop by a message in the OOC to say that you're still interested!
With faded brown green scales, and clad in flexible leather armour and cloth, Kij strikes a formidable figure even standing only at 5'3. Name: Kij'hara
Race: Slith (Lizardperson)
Personality: Kij'hara is, suffice to say, more comfortable in the company of shadows and thieves than the more socially acceptable kinds, finding they often tend to talk less than others. She prefers the quiet people, the people who don't need to say much to convey what they want or need, and she will often lapse into a 'comfortable' silence that can be misconstrued – by the louder types – as uncomfortable, or even expectant. She is unusually lacking in her ability to judge what would be appropriate to say and what would not, resulting in her often saying the wrong thing to the wrong person and getting herself in trouble. However, over time she has learnt to know when to not say anything at all, so as to limit the amount of fights she finds herself in due to her lack of judgement. Staying silent also causes anger, she has found, but it is often less physical. She is distrusting and fearful of Orcs in particular, and views each and every one as lowly mercenary scum.
Background: Kij'hara was born on the far outskirts of a small village in the west of Ruritania. She grew up with five other siblings, but would spend more time exploring the forest than playing with her sisters and brothers, preferring to be alone. Her parents were hunters who supplied meat for the village, and – knowing the local forests – let their children roam freely once they were able to look after themselves. Kij learnt how to climb trees, forage, and handle a knife, all well before the age of ten. On her thirteenth birthday, when most of her other siblings had left home to become apprentices (or were too young to do so yet), she asked to be taught how to hunt, and, in time, continue the family business. Her parents were glad to take her on as an apprentice and over the course of two years she learnt the job; how to shoot a bow, and how to move quickly and quietly, unseen by deer or a boar. At the age of seventeen, secure in her apprenticeship and almost fully trained, she decided to make her first overnight trip on her own, hunting larger prey. She set out at dawn, and returned with the carcass of her fallen prey at dusk of the following day. Welcoming faces did not greet her when she returned home, as expected, but instead she watched from afar as the corpses of her parents were cremated in the fire that ate through their house. Bandits, primarily Orcish, had raided her house, murdered her parents, and burned what they could not steal. She did not wait for them to find her, and turned back into the forest. For the next few years she lived off the land and, although she departed the forests where she had been born after only a few months, did not go back to civilization unless the winter was particularly harsh and she was driven to buy food or clothing. However she began to grow tired of the constant restlessness of her life and sought to settle down, finally venturing into the city to find somewhere to live. She stayed for three months with her younger sister, but after many subtle hints (and being directly told to her face that she was no longer welcome to stay), she began to look for a job to earn money with. By a chance of fate, she heard the rumours regarding the Old Country, and – deciding that it was a sign that she was doing the wrong thing – set about finding more information...
Abilities: She is deft at using a knife and bow, and when she is unable to catch anything to eat herself can set traps that do the job for her. Although unused to climbing stone or buildings, she is nimble and can use her claws to find small pits and dents to hold on to, making her capable of climbing most structures, natural or unnatural. Her training and skill in hunting also result in her being light on her feet, able to blend in with the shadows and go undetected.
Equipment: A flatbow and a knife. Though used primarily for hunting, they are also suitable for combat. A water pouch and a basic medicine kit (which also contains rations of dried meat, etc). Leather armour, worn and patched but still usable.
@dereken Oooh no I'm such an idiot, I completely forgot an appearance category, I'm so sorry! You can just find a picture off of google images or something like that, no writing required. But otherwise, your character is accepted! Are mentions not working, or has everyone just blanked this?
@Lucidnonsense Yes, that would be absolutely fine! We've already had a person (dereken) express interest in creating a necromancer character. Here's the link to where it was asked. Although there's not much more information added, a couple of other questions are answered there that you may find useful. roleplayerguild.com/topics/126700-empi.. And yeah, so long as there were some differences between the two necromancers power wise, it could work well (assuming dereken still wants to make a necromancer)!
Rumours have been stirring around the cities and towns; A mountain, risen from the grave of a fallen empire. Of a dread king and his soldiers - long since defeated – now once again clamouring for war. And of a once peaceful land now overtaken by treacherous swamps and the rotting undead...
Empire Of Bones
Hundreds of years past, a great empire, the Empire of Bones, went to war against the smaller kingdoms scattered around the continent. They were led by the Lich King, a mighty but tyrannical leader who ruled with force and cruelty alone. The war was ended when a small group of mercenaries, warriors and adventurers infiltrated the mountain fortress of the Empire and slew the Lich King and his advisers. Weakened and in a state of disarray, the Empire of Bones soon fell beneath the renewed force of the kingdoms. The mountain fell.
However a power far beyond anything conceivable to humans has summoned the mountain fort forth once more, and transformed the rolling hills and meadows of the Old Country into a twisted land of dark moors, shadowy forests and dangerous swamps. The neighbouring kingdoms, growing ever more concerned, have sent out a request asking for adventurers, mercenaries and fools willing to infiltrate the mountain. They've promised a handsome sum of gold to any who can return alive, though they don't expect they'll have to pay; None who have travelled to the mountain have returned. Yet.
Curse of The Lich Since the mountain rose from the ground, a curse has fallen on the Old Country that effects both the land, the animals and the people. The country has been transformed into a twisted place of thick shadows, twisted trees and dark swamps ready to devour any fool stupid enough to venture too far off the beaten path. However that isn't the only thing. All who die while in the Old Country, animals and humans both, are revived within 24 hours of the death to live a torturous second life. Although some maintain their humanity, the majority are driven insane with the experience of being wrenched back from peaceful death, and the constant cold and pain that comes with the second life. The Old Country is pocked with settlements of still sane undead that attempt to continue to live their lives, but outside those settlements the lost undead run free and feral, attacking any living travellers that they happen upon. Undead humans and animals continue to rot as a normal corpse (if a tad bit slower), and are eventually reduced to skeletons. In the Mountain, however, the curse is stronger. From the moment of revision until the death of the undead, a burning hate for all living consumes their mind and robs them of any hope of maintaining their humanity. They are compelled by an unnatural instinct to follow the leadership of the Liches, and will protect their masters and the mountain at any cost. Any undead who have died previously and then enter the Mountain, however, will not be converted over to the Empire of Bones, and will be attacked by the other undead (as they will be viewed as an outsider and an enemy). Undead can be killed, if the neck is fully broken and the head removed. They will also be 'killed' if they leave the Old Country, as the curse that sustains them and gives them life does not reach any further than the country.
Quick Geography of the Land The Old Country, though once a land of rolling hills and lush forests, has fallen under the curse of the Lich King and become a massive labyrinth of hostile landscape. It is dotted with undead settlements, each nestled in shadowy forests and murky bogs. The south of the Old Country is bordered by expansive stretches of shores and uncharted ocean. To the east lies the country of Bella, a flat land of fields, lakes and gently sloping ridges. It is a nation largely dominated by farmers, where workers of the field go to prosper and live well. The land gives way to golden shores and ocean on the southern border. Towards the north, the low lying hills from the Old Country gradually rise until they have twisted into mountains that cover almost the entirety of Polarus, the northernmost country in the continent. The mountains occasionally sink down far enough to form deep valleys, and dense forests sprout from the stony roots of the alps. Miners gather in small settlements to dig the precious ores and gemstones from the caves that burrow through the mountains, though some hunters try to make a living by killing and selling the giant deer and hares that inhabit the forests. Finally, to the west lies the country of Ruritania, home to many diverse landscapes and a wide variety of people and cultures. From dry, rocky moorland on the eastern border to taigas that spread from the north into the centre, many people have made their home in the patchwork country. Forest clad land to the south and west fades down into ocean on the southern and south-eastern side. (I recognise this has changed since the original RP, and may be a little confusing. If you want a map then I have a very rough one. But I'm hesitant to post it, because when I say rough I mean really, really rough. Differently coloured squares made in paint kind of rough.)
Rules I apologise in advance, these may seem very obvious, but I'd rather cover everything now instead of having to deal with it later, you know? So, here we go. - No godmodding, controlling other peoples characters, doing the job of the GM for the dungeon, etc. You should know the drill, I think most RP's have these rules. Of course, if you want to know more, just let me know. -Try to keep it friendly, we're all here to have fun! - No arguing in the thread. If you have a problem with somebody, either ask the GM to help resolve it (If it concerns something to do with the RP), or take it to PMs. This doesn't include friendly little debates, which can go in the OOC, but if it's going to get nastier then, well, we don't want it souring the RP or the OOC, do we? - Follow the site rules as well as any rules in this list or regarding the setting. - If you see any faults or holes in the setting, let me know. Most of this was written late at night, so I'm pretty much taking it as inevitable that there will be errors (and probably lots of them)!
Finally, well done for making it this far. Ok, so now you've read all that, you should be fully equipped to fill out this form. Yay! Here goes.
Appearance: (You can just use a picture with little to no description. Or you can write a description, if you can't find a suitable picture or just feel like writing!)
Name: (Keep the name sounding like something from a sensible fantasy world, but otherwise, go wild (so long as we can remember or write it!)
Race: (Can be traditional fantasy races, (Elves, Orcs, etc) or maybe something a little different that you wanted to try out. However, if you're going to create your own new race, please include a brief description of that race and make sure it adheres to the setting.)
Personality: (This doesn't have to be too long, maybe a paragraph or so. Of course, this is mainly because character development and all that will be encouraged in the RP, so this is just a... beginning stepping stone, you could say.)
Background: (A quick personal history of your character. I say quick, but I actually mean quite a decent account of your characters life. It doesn't matter if your character is an epic, famous adventurer or a farmer who was born into a family business. We want to know, and it displays your knowledge of the world. Oh also, feel free to make your own heroes, lore, religions, etc. However, please restrict this to only necessary information (say, if you needed an ancient warrior for your characters childhood hero, etc.))
Abilities: (Basically what your character is good at. - At the beginning, keep your characters low powered, at most low-medium. We're looking for some (aka, quite a lot of) character development in terms of skills, talents and personality, we don't want adventurers who can just waltz into the first dungeon, smash up the skeletons and take on the Lich without taking so much as a scratch or a bruise.)
Equipment: (Four or five main items for your character. Weapons, items of personal importance, medicine, etc. No technology. That means no guns, gas/electricity lamps, prosthetic legs, etc. Yup, we'll stick to plain old torches and swords for now! However if you have an idea that you're not sure about, don't keep quiet, send me a message and maybe it'll be accepted!)
@Sigurd Haha yeah, I figured you and Disciple might not know about this. Thought I'd just give you a little reminder that this is still alive (and, touch wood, doing pretty well). Well, I'll be changing some of the information about the undead, but you had the Orc didn't you? So yeah, I think you'll pretty much be able to transfer your character over from the original!
@NinthDecay Yeah, okay! I was a little worried about things getting too mechanical/tech-y, but no, that sounds great! So just to get a sense, how powerful would it be? Using a scale of, 'kill an undead immediately' to 'kill a Lich immediately'.
@knighthawk No, I'm afraid you've messed up your opportunity to join.
Nah I'm kidding with you. Yeah, so long as you can create an acceptable character, you're fine to join!
@NinthDecay Well, I would like to keep this a more high fantasy-y, medieval sort of world, with little to no steampunk or up-to-date tech elements in it. This does mean nothing like guns, electricity, lights (torchlight is fine of course...), traditional cannons, etc, as I'd prefer characters to be not too... overpowered. However, it sounds like an interesting idea, and I'd definitely accept it if it was maybe tweaked a bit to fit in with the genre. You've already said that it will involve magic, maybe it could be a channelling type device for the magic, (something similar to a staff)? Of course that's just one idea, if you can think of another way to make it fit the criteria then that would be great! I'm really sorry.