The words of the Illithid troubled Morro. She didn't like the thought of more of the monsters wandering around, especially if they found their way onto Three Nations territory. It would be impossible to wage a war on both the undead and Illithids at the same time, and disastrous if they decided to attack after the undead had been defeated. With those worrying thoughts tugging at her mind, she hardly noticed when the mage turned to address her. When the silence stretched out, the knight realised and pushed her plate towards him. "No, feel free to eat. After all, you'll need to keep your strength up." Satisfied that there was at least a semblance of peace in the tavern, she stood up and excused herself from the table. "Feel free to sit down and wait. I'll be right back." With a final glance back at the odd group, she made her way up the stairs and into her room.
The bedroom itself was empty. Empty of any armour, or of any weapons. None of her personal belongings were where she had left them, either. Morro swore and strode to the gap in the wall. The once settled dust and rubble had been disturbed, and sure enough there was a single footprint where there had not been before. When she leaned out of the window, she could see where the grass had been pushed aside as people passed through. The path lead up the hill and into the woods. She swore once more, and left the room for a final time.
She made her way back downstairs with a heavy heart. "I'm afraid to say the new recruits who were supposed to aid you have bailed on us. I'll have to go back to my base to gather more troops and equipment, but we don't have enough time for you to wait for me." Morro sighed, and cast a glare out of the window to the path. "You'll have to go on without me, and I'll find you when I return." Her eyes flickered between the three of them. The lizard could not lead, for she was a lizard. Nor could they have a monster watching over the group. But somebody had to watch over them, seeing as she wouldn't be around. With reluctance and a sigh, she turned to the necromancer. "Can I trust you to make sure that the others don't do anything stupid? I want them and you alive, if possible." The knight glanced outside again and guessed at the time before turning back to the mage. "I want you out of here by midday. The bartender should provide you with food and drink for the journey. Agreed?"