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@CaptainManbeardOk. It's been a while since I read the introduction. I didn't have the IC year memorized. Also, I am going to change her size.
I like rps that are basically "crime" and Marvel fandom sets. It's goes back to when I was 15. I started roleplaying dice-based mafia roles and comic book settings games. I haven't changed much. To me, the crime rps I get into features all the realistic elements you need. And Marvel Universe (MU) is a century old multiverse with practically everything in it.

There's always going to be different rps you like, but as far as what I like is crime rps, and MU rps.
It's good advice and that woman does look kind of bad but all it does is say she's thin and has long legs.
My mom received her date to appear before an administrative judge in her disability case. She got into a bad wreck and has a lot of pain and is unable to work. Wish her and me well.

Alias: Black Widow
Age: 20
DOB: September 27, 2003
POB: Kozcheck, Russia
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 135 lbs
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Occupation: MMA Instructor

Special Talents & Skills
Mixed Martial Arts
Bilingual (Rusky, English)

Powers & Abilities
Enhanced strength, speed, stamina, agility, dexterity, senses
Control, absorption of metal (amounts to a small healing factor)

Natasha was born six pounds and six ounces. Her "old country" is Russia, where she spent her childhood. She was raised by her parents in a small town called Kozcheck, which was 10 miles outside of the big city Faulkner. She liked corn and okra, and ice cream. Her father owned a monopolized produce club. He supported his family full time, while Natasha's mother worked part time driving the county shuttle bus 20 hours a week. So, by ten years old the young lady had a taste for fresh produce like corn and okra and tomatos, and strawberry ice cream. She was an active child who would come to love acrobatic practice and archery.

One day while she walked to the hardware store to pick up peanuts she witnessed a robbery. A man dressed in unassuming clothes grabbed a man in a suit to try and take the man's money. The man in the suit latched onto the mugger and tossed him to the sidewalk. Next, he kicked him several times in a style she had seen in movies. Natasha run up to the man and asked him about his special kicks. He told the young lady that he knew karate. She went home and plead with her parents to allow her to practice karate. They agreed, but she was going to have to give up archery if she wanted to prove she was ready for it. She agreed.

Over the next six years, Natasha did well enough in school. She graduated from high school and wanted to attend college. At the time near her graduation several of her family members had moved to a place called New York City, which she was told about it being the hart of the eastern coast of the United States of America. She asked if she could go to post-secondary school there, and if she could continue her sports. Her father assured her everything would work out. So, she packed her belongings, which was some clothes and several differently colored belts awarded for excellence in karate meditation, sportsmanship, jiu jitsu comprehension, and exellent grappling use.

When she got to New York she immediately went to several colleges and spoke to counselors. She always had a lot of questions compared to other future students. Albeit, a lot of her questions were about her new home land. Three or four of the advisors were impressed by her electives. And, her extracurricular activities were superb. She was a shoe-in at one or two of the schools, but the one she wanted was NYU. And, out of the five she applied to New York University accepted her. She won a Meltzer scholarship to earn a science degree in Mathematics. She was elated, and started the next Fall.

While she was at NYU she lost her virginity, found a place in her heart for abused animals, and ended up liking American rock music and hip hop. Her first year was a little rocky, but she developed study strategies and pushed herself to the limit that even though her third semester was nicely handled, her father had to pay for the rest of her tuition because she lost her scholarship. It was because of being overworked, but it did pay off because her father admired her drive and spent a chunk of his spendings from the produce market he owned back in Russia. He even let her take time off from school to relax, which she did by practicing martial arts and reading old Greek tomes.
Is there a separate CS code for police or do we negate the criminal record part?
hmm... I thought Zeus was Hades brother, and that Poseidon was the son of Zeus. But before I go on, I want to know how this will be. It's SoL with weak gods is how I surmise it. If I ever had done SoL I would probably be able to understand it more, but I suppose it's like... idk!

What will this be like?
marky mark?

Yep I wanted it to be super strong looking like Poseidon, then he's got that hair like Zeus. Oh yeah
The worst advice is that, concerning roleplaying is that people look for excellent grammar like it's gold. When I was coming up we were high school kids fresh out of second period English class and we were an imaginative bunch. We had to focus our internet fuzzed minds on expertly using grammar to tell our roleplaying stories. Now, here in 2020 I know that grammar is a basic thing. It's two apples growing on a tree, and one falls down and then the tree picks it up, then the other one falls down and the tree has to pick the second one up. Basically, no matter how many times the apple falls, the tree will pick it up. Your grammar expertise will do the same. You're close to the big tree no matter what about the apple. Grammar Nazis suck! (And I might too because of this thread)
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