Time: Morning
Location: New Paeonia
Interactions: @Helo@FunnyGuyAdrian woke up early in the morning. His hair was a mess, and he was shirtless. While he laid on the couch, he held his head because of a headache. He looked at the blinds on the window and grumbled. It was light, his sleep cycle was zapped. He was going to spend hours upon hours meandering around the house. He started with a cup of coffee.
It took a special blend to get him where he needed to be. He flushed down some water in the coffee pot, then added the ground beans, placed the pot in the center of the coffee maker, and started it. It would be ten minutes. Next, he looked around and noticed several books stacked underneath the living room table. He walked to them and picked one up. It was an obscure book about poetry, but he was not interested at the moment. Before he returned to the coffee he picked up another book, something by Tom Clancy. He sat it down after reading a little and returned to the chopped up coca beans. He had eight cups at his disposal. But, he got a extra large cup so it was more like six. He poured some into his oversized cup. Then, he went to the refridgerator and got some milk, and also retrieved sugar from a cabinet. He added it all together and before he was finished his headache was going away. He went back to the coffee maker and assembled another cup. Then, he went back to the couch.
Adrian remembered Noah, who had been detached. He didn't want any beef, or coffee, or pot, or nothing. He wanted to know what happened to his "friend." So, he got his Samsung smart phone from his pant pocket and turned it on. He logged in. First, he checked his messages. He had a few, but not anything too impending. First of all, he selected Alexander's number and pulled up the tab where he sent and received texts and sent a text telling Alex he had no luck finding any witches. He added that Noah was on a venomous killing spree. That's all he would say. Before he exited his phone he went to text Noah, messaging him that he did not know what happened last night, and said watch your back to his young undead colleague.
His coffee was sitting on the living room table, and he swallowed some before he made the decision to not read, but to get high. He went into the kitchen blind spot, which was inside of the ventilation duct inside the kitchen. He removed the copper mantle, pulled out some marijuana, put back the duct, and went to his bedroom to get his ceramic pipe. He came back and took out a big piece of bud, broke it up into little pieces and loaded his pipe with expensive cannabis. He pulled out his lighter from his pocket and started his flipped sleep cycle.