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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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Still open, join us!
@oak7ree Still with us?
I'm thinking around 80. Too much? Too little?
Wait, this raises a different question. How much would Edith get from selling them?

Less from Dunmers but Nords actually buy from her.

A bit more than Sadri, ~45g/ring.

Grey Quarter: 40 gold

Nord shops: "Get that ashskin shit away from me."

Windhelm, Eastmarch, Skyrim

2000, Sun's Height 3, 4E 205

First to arrive were the witch hunters. Enforcers from Synod appeared even before some finished looting the redoubt. Some of these men and women were knights, protected by heavy armor and wielding sturdy melee weapons. Others in this group were battlemages, robe-clad figures with staffs slung across their backs. Their leader said they were looking for a Redguard sorcerer, a former member of Synod and now wanted fugitive. Some mercenaries knew they were talking about Jonimir, but none of them knew where Jonimir went. Sometime during his mission with the flankers, he had broke off with a small party and executed his own plan. Now, in the morning, no trace of Jonimir could be found. The Synod men trekked into the valley, they left hours later, disappointed and empty handed.

The second group was a massive convoy of Nordic soldiers. There must be dozens of vehicles and hundreds of troops. Leading them was general Manis, a pale looking man wearing what seemed to be Stormcloak officer armor, except that the hooded cloak was from troll rather than bear, and shabby leather replaced by gold-trimmed metal plates. He strolled through the mercenaries' camp like none of them existed. With a half dozen elite guards in tow, the general made a beeline towards Ashav. He stood without emotion when Ashav recounted his success. His only word was “good”, and beckoned his men to drop off a stash of coins before turning around.

“Hold on, where is the bonus?” Opening the container and doing a rough count, Ashav had to jog after the general to catch up.

“There is no bonus, your contract is over.” The general stated.

One of Manis' captain explained to Ashav that his contract was terminated. The whole campaign had encountered difficulties and their leader, the Dragonborn, decided to alter strategies. In short, Ashav's company was no longer needed. That wasn't too much of a bad thing, as they were severely understrength and ranks were near depleted. Almost everyone that survived the assault were wounded, wounds Ashav had few healers or medicine to treat. So he took the mercenaries along with the army's wagons, and hitched a ride to Rorikstead, where troops from all over Skyrim had been using as a field hospital. Some members asked to go to Markarth, but the soldiers said Markarth was temporarily off limit. While the merceanries fought Forsworns in their redoubt, other Forsworns managed to sneak into settlements outside of the city and massacred everyone there. Terrifying weapons never seen before were unleashed, some of them included arcane charges stolen from the shipments from Winterhold and predators implanted with briarhearts. The mining tunnel Edith cleared out last night was just one of many workshops across the Reach.

At least lord Borni was alive with them. He owned a mining operation beside Markarth and frequently came by for inspections. In a stroke of dumb luck pulled from disaster, he was spared early entrance to Sovrngarde. The Nord man was grateful for Edith and Sadri in particular, he gifted two exquiste silver rings to them before leaving for Falkreath.

It was the evening of the 28th, the houses of Rorikstead greeted the wagons. Strewn across the fields were tents, crates and injured people as far as the eye could see. There must be hundreds of wounded warriors, a testament to the price paid for war. The inn was already filled to the door, so Ashav and his men pitched their own tents in an unoccupied field. There, he encounter another Redguard from his past. Mehm, who was once Ashav's right hand man when they started, now leads his own company; the Vanguards. Like Ashav, Mehm had been contracted and un-contracted. The Vanguards are now headed to Riften, employed by the Black-Briars. When Ashav and Mehm went their own ways years ago, they did not depart on amiable terms. Time healed some wounds between the men, but their meeting was still tense. However, Farid quickly took a liking to Mehm, and he even received a dagger from their merry night of drinking.

Speaking of Farid, he was rather joyous throughout the trip. In the morning of the 29th, a courier dropped off a letter. Their employer, the private individual not affiliated with the high king's court, renewed their contract and sent the remaining mercenaries to Windhelm. Farid smiled knowing there was another fight, another bag of septims waiting for him somewhere. He spent much of his journey flirting with Roze, asking for her companionship at night and showing off his jokes, toned muscle and fluid swordplay whenever he had the chance.

Someone not as energetic during this time was Daelin. Sleep deprived and stressed to the limit, the Bosmer slept when he could. The bumpy horse-drawn carts was terrible on the bones, and not many could get sound shut-eyes while sitting on one. Suppose Daelin was just too tired to care. One job of his was over and another one was coming, he would take every opportunity to rest up in between. While he's not sleeping, Daelin chatted with his companions, mostly Utu-ja, who he had been imparting his skills and knowledge like a little brother.

Of the fifty-some recruits they took to battle, only half came back alive. Out of them, barely twenty were fit to continue fighting. With that said, not everyone that could would keep on fighting. Lucex was one of them questioning whether he made the right decision in the first place. Entire time he was on the road, he spent alone and avoiding everyone, notably Tennant. During his night at Rorikstead, a drunk soldier mistook Lucex for a maiden and forced himself on him. The situation ended with a fork stabbed in the soldier's knuckles. As the group hit Whiterun on the 1st of Sun's Height, Lucex Venatorii found himself walking beside Tennant Ibnazh.

“You can't avoid me forever, lass.” Tennant beckoned. Since his run-in with Smokey, the wrestler had made a miraculous recovery. In less than a week, potions and healing spells restored him from unconscious to walking. Though it didn't mean his injury was gone, quite frankly, his skull still felt funny, his steps occasionally fell uneven and headaches could strike out of nowhere.

“Lad.” Lucex corrected. He walked faster and kept his head down, hoping Tennant would find someone else to bother.

“Whatever, Imperials all look the same, and your names all sound the same.” Tennant grumbled, he matched Lucex's pace, which was not hard to do for a seven-feet tall man.

“Aren't you an Imperial?”

“Only by blood.” Tennant explained. “I was actually born here, in Skyrim. And I was raised by a Khajiit.”

“Anyways, the Khajiit, master Do'Zaddha, taught me to not fear mistakes. He said; 'learning from your failures is your greatest success.'”

“I don't know, I don't know if I should be doing this at all.” Lucex stopped and sighed. He had to tip his head up to see Tennant. He expected nothing but the brawn of a brute, but it was actually the opposite, there was much wisdom Lucex could find. “Shooting down a deer for meat is one thing, but shooting down men and monsters, when the survival of your friends hang on the line is just too much to bear.”

“Then maybe it's time to go back to what you do best.” Tennant answered. “On my way here, I saw a band of hunters founding some kind of guild, I bet you'll fit right in.”

And so, Lucex became aware he was just not cut out for mercenary work. On Tennant's advice, he sought out the hunters and joined their newly fledged guild. His guilt was also soothed somewhat by Tennant, though the horror in one mining tunnel would harass him for many nights to come. Still, Tennant himself felt better as well. Between Whiterun and Windhelm, he could be seen with a pep in his steps. His injury faded away with his foul mood, and all that was left was the infrequent buzz in his scalp. Eventually, he would join a fight pit when he reaches Windhelm.

Before the group left Whiterun, Madura managed to publish his report. He put in a good word about the mercenaries, and even acquired several spare copies of the latest Gazette for Ashav and co. “I witnessed unusual professionalism from these hired blades,” Madura briefed the editor, “I think I'll follow them, document their fight to the end. Azura knows it will be a fine story.”

The ancient stone bridge of Windhelm approached in the late afternoon of the 3rd. Ashav's employer arranged for meals and accomodation, which was revealed as an abandoned warehouse on the docks, several stacks of hay and four barrels of dried food. The room was frigid cold and the beef jerky tasted like dirt. Therefore, a couple of mercenaries decided to pay for room and board at the inn, with their fresh earned coins. Edith was one of them, though she didn't want to be perceived pompous sleeping in softer quarters than her subordinates, but sleeping in the cold played hell on her sore arm. She rented a room with two beds, and offered to share it with Sevine.

For Ashav, he had slept through worse. Nevertheless, he eventually stumbled into Candlehearth as well. Reason being that in his employer's infinite wisdom, he was offered fresh fighting bodies but no clue on how to contact them. All he knew was there await skilled individuals in Windhelm, all of whom his employer already payrolled. So the logical action was putting up posters, and wait inside the tavern as new recruits find him there sooner or later. In fact, he's been getting a few interests from the locals while he waited. Most of them boys and girls itching for glory. He would need much tougher folks, judging by his employer's seriousness.

When Magnus retired for the night, Masser and Secunda took their posts in the vistas of Oblivion. Except that Secunda was bright red, and the chilling colors of the aurora was a bloody red hue. It was peculiar, and many outside that evening stopped and stared into the sky. Outside the city walls, howls of wolves could be heard one after another.
Go ahead.

I'm actually halfway through, gotta dunk a cup of coffee and power through this.

Hey look, Gcold made his post.
@MiddleEarthRoze Good enough for me, you and Leo can both go post your chars.
What would be the process to becoming a city guard?

Find archer

Windhelm hosted the Stormcloak forces, but its own permanent forces are mostly the guards. In the next chapter, a militia organization called the White River Braves will be featured. These guys are active in Eastmarch and Whiterun, and do everything from coast guard duties to road patrols to shoveling snow.

When the Dragonborn took over, he was set on making the biggest army on Nirn. So yes, there was a degree of conscription. But like in medieval times and the world wars, it was selective. Plus, having the legendary Dovahkiin as your poster boy tend to generate a lot of volunteers.
Oh yeah, rip, I had a long period of inactivity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm not sure what happened though.

Just make sure it doesn't happen while you're here. Or, if you foresee upcoming absences, notify us first.

Her brother is tagging along as a minor character.

Start with one character. I don't want you to have a "minor character" as a 2-in-1 deal in order to sidestep the rule. Another problem is how obscure alfiqs are. These guys are rarely featured in games or books, so it's difficult to draw an boundaries on where alfiqs fit.

Remove the alfiqs from her party. Though you can still receive correspondences from him.

And if a khajiit steals something and nobody is around to see it, does anyone raise an alarm? I left that part kind of vague, I'll rewrite it. Mostly they're just things that are left unattended.

Fair enough. But the problem is finding stuff unattended. Unlike in video games, most people in a real world tend to keep their valuables close. Anyways, I'll see when you rewrote.

but it's Sylvanis who learnt restoration from Rhasha'Dar

My bad. Still no sun fire for you.

@Leos Klien You can write about her encounters in Windhelm before the company enters. I've been trying to get something out, but I'm really busy and tired. I want to say soon but deadlines might just turn into more empty promises.

Maybe a separate skill just for axe? What do you guys say?

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