Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts

But I was cheering for Kylo.

You mean Matt the radar tech.
I was thinking of making a post, but I figured Sadri wouldn't join Farid simply because he finds the job offer too dangerous given the context.

Anyone want to collab?

Go solo.
@gcold Unfortunately, I'm going to be booked solid tomorrow. I've been kept running non-stop lately. I was hoping that things would settle down and that I could be more active again but that isn't looking like a likely possibility.

I think that I will have to pull out. This is an awesome role play and I'm probably going to keep stalking it and reading everything as you guys create it but I can't see the time or energy in my future to contribute anything really worthwhile. I also can't see a notable future for Utu-ja, and that means that I can't do him justice either. I know there's something awesome that he can become. I just can't see it anymore. If someone else would like to take him on and develop him further, that would give me something extra to smile about. But, if not, then feel free to keep him around as a skilled NPC archer and swimmer or eliminate him as you may choose. His skills may prove more useful in a plot point than his scaly hide would as a coin purse though. ;)


Understood. It was great having you around. We'll make sure Utu-ja ends up in Sithis' the right hands.

Good luck with life and other RPs.

In the meantime, a coin purse is up for bids. Going once, going twice...
I'd be surprised if Piper doesn't show. She gets mentioned at least twice every time Friz posts.

@Haeo and @Peik. Since you guys got nothing planned, you might as well join up with Farid. Prison raid happens on Etherpad, tomorrow.
Btw, Chrononaut is no longer participating. Mr. Schafty No-PC will control Vurwe for the time being.

Edit: Time's up, Relmyna's going lock-up.
This is your last chance at Relmyna's fate.

Execution (2), imprison (6), send her out against Kamals (3).

The results are in: Relmyna will be imprisoned.
Trying to do illegal shit during a siege is bound to get your head lopped off, if you ask me.

I'm nicknaming Farid "Steve-o", and nothing anyone can say will change that.

Yeah dude, I rock.
Right now, Farid's proposition is about as alluring as a guy in a windowless white panel van hanging outside of a playground with offers of candy.

Hey now, at least Farid doesn't have any pedo 'stache.

Anyhow, Farid will set up shop on Etherpad.
Why don't you bring me back some llama fleece, or, llama cheese.

Even better, how about a post?

Who wants in on Farid's exciting adventure?
Yo @Mortarion, did you get trampled by a herd of llamas of something?

@Chrononaut, respond by 2359 PST or I'll force your character forward.
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