Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts

Updated Keegans' opinions and removed waterwalking from his spell catalog.

IC post arriving later today tomorrow.

Edit: merged MIA and KIA characters into the main list. Also, all injured characters are presumed to have been treated adequately.
I don't know what's happening with our collab, so...

Wrap it up and post as it is.

From now till the end of the Winterhold mission, we're not going to start any more collabs. It'll be fast paced open responses, so tell me if you can't do that in the coming week. In which case, I'll just have your character sit this one out.
@Monochromatic Rainbow, You and @MacabreFox can add in the collab afterwards. IC post order doesn't have to follow a timeline.
Ok people, these collabs are taking long enough. You guys got till 2359 of the 25th (tomorrow) before I update IC.
Great post @Mortarion, it's well worth the wait.
People need oil changes

Schaft be like...

@Frizan You guys can always post everything so far, and continue later.

@Dervish@MiddleEarthRoze You guys done?
Two hundred and fifty years after the Drop, the west coast of America has become an eternal desert. Russia has become an undying tundra, stuck in a perpetual cycle of nuclear winter. Civilization is just beginning to find it's footing again, with nomadic populations finally beginning to settle down and settlements and cities sprouting up in their wake. Fallout remains an issue in some areas, such as New York which was the target of many nuclear attacks, however, for most areas it has been a non-issue. Some members of the new world try to make their way through life by fair trade, whilst some see fit to rob and steal. There is no real empire or country yet, however, the seeds have been planted, and inklings are beginning to grow.

I am your GM Inuyasha, and welcome to my roleplay lovechild, Dunes: Convoy! As you've already most likely inferred, this is a post apocalyptic roleplay which takes place one hundred and fifty years (exactly) after the Drop, which is when bombs were initially dropped, which plunged the world we know and love today into fatal chaos. This roleplay is certainly influenced by other post-apocalyptic titles such as Fallout and Mad Max, however, these are not the same universes, so don't get it twisted.

150 or 250?

<Snipped quote by Leidenschaft>

Well, that, and I guess we don't want to attract any Korean attraction.

No one escapes the Un.
Gonna start the briefing for Winterhold soon.

How are the collabs coming?

And @Mortarion, how is it on your end?
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