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The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
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40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
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A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
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No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
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Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


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@gcold So I'd like to get a post up for Leif, but for the five that go onto the beach to fight the ice wraiths, who is on the list to go? I know Leif, Rhasha'Dar, and Sadri are possible candidates.

Basically, who stayed behind on the ship?

Yep, them three, Dumhuvud and Orakh.
<Snipped quote by MiddleEarthRoze>

@gcold I want to see this happen! Pweeaaase :3

Gimme your first baby and I will.

@MacabreFoxTbh I've seen that before but I lost the link once I got this new comp. Thank you!
So for my weaknesses, my main question would be, would I need a physical one? If so, I might need to brain storm a bit. I'll re-look over that link however :]

You know what, another physical flaw is not necessary. You can expand his fear of chains to something like fear of being captured/overpowered, which will be much more prevalent than chains. Also, lack of magic isn't a primary issue if the said character can do everything magic offers with mundane techniques; you may keep it though, as a secondary weakness.

One more thing to note is the Hist recalling all Argonians. This started around the 5th of Sun's Height, when Kamals sieged Windhelm. Black Marsh is also under threat, but it wasn't certain if it is the same enemy as Skyrim. The more connected an Argonian is to their homeland and traditions, the stronger pull they feel. The most devout essentially lost free will, while foreign assimilated Argonians can easily ignore it as a tiny nagging. @Mortarion handled this quite nicely, he should be able to give you pointers.
I doubt there's many pictures quite like what I described Do'Karth's appearance to look like, and his breed isn't in Skyrim, so you guys are stuck using your imaginations!

Let me take a stab.

Rounding out his cougar-like face is a neatly trimmed
Karthy Sheet

Look at this handsome son of a pussy.
@POOHEAD189, great stuff so far. Here's what you need to do.

-You're off to a good start with Dax's personality, I want you to expand it some more.

-Specify the type of two-handed weapon, and add how he reached adeptness with it.

-Dax's weaknesses are fairly negligible. You got to have something that actually gets in his way.

-Make sure you set the dividers properly. It's hr without space. I only spaced it because code hider doesn't work with hr. There are also other minor formatting errors; please smooth those out.

-Racial abilities are considered traits rather than spells; remove it from spells section.

-Gold coins are called Septims, Skyrim big cats are Sabrecats; make sure proper names are spelled correctly.

@Dervish and @Leidenschaft might give have suggestions as well, so keep an eye out for them. Other than that, I am looking at a solid character.

Lore: Open ground doesn't have snow, though small pockets of ice might exist. The only places where ice doesn't naturally are interiors (ex. College Midden).

I'll move Ariane, Keegan and Farid forward after a few more posts. You guys are free to control the seven NPC sailors.

Edit: 5 people/wraiths, not 6; miscounted earlier.
Meanwhile, on The Courtesan...

The Courtesan sailed nearly straight into screeching winds. The distant fire was to the east, and in that same direction, a hailstorm was beginning to assert itself. In the ten to fifteen minutes that The Courtesan took to close in, the hailstorm picked up intensity to the point where visibility dropped to mere meters. However, the flame not only lasted, but boosted in its presence with a nearby torch-holding figure. That was, until the rescue ship came closer. Where they could finally shout to the shore, the campfire went out.

“This is beyond ridiculous. You better turn this damn ship around, captain.” Dumhuvud went to where Atgeir stood and jabbed a finger into his chest. “Now!”

“Your lack of faith is seriously disturbing.” Orakh raced up from behind and dragged Dumhuvud away. “Are you going to let that person die?” The Orc referred to the torch, who stood firm despite harsh winds.

“Hello? Who's out there?” Without pausing, Orakh leaned over to shout at the shore. “We're here to help; can you guide us in?” His words apparently found results, though what came from land was immediately muffled by a powerful gust.

Briefly consulting with ship officers (and ignoring the Cat-Kicker), Orakh decided to inch forward and land using ramps from as far away as possible. The task was difficult without a doubt, but the experienced crew succeeded in avoiding hazards and navigating through hostile climate. Orakh attempted communicating again. This time, the torch went out as well. As the ramps were finally ready to extend, the only thing to do was go down it.

Orakh went first, stretching his arms out for balance as he hobbled across wooden boards. He had traded his breastplate for a thick shirt and vest. His prized Orcish axe hung from his hips, because Malacath knew what danger waited beyond the storm. Dumhuvud followed after, who also had the common sense of removing metal helmet and chest piece. Trius, however, was in no shape for action following a severe fish allergy attack.

“You need a fire; get off the beach!” One man's voice came from inland. The figure hesitantly drew forward, revealing priest robes and dark, elven outlines. Combined with the his accent, this person was a Dunmer.

“What? Why?” Orakh puzzled, his pondering lasted a grand total of one second.

“Orc, behind you!”

A slithering stream of ice darted out of nowhere, ramming straight into Orakh's backside and knocking him flat. Wind howl masked the sound to others, but Orakh could hear a rib or two cracking. If he had the cuirass, the impact wouldn't have done much. But with just shirt and vest, there was no telling how much internal damage was done. Still, an old Orc was still an Orc. His berserker fury ignited with the impact, dulling the pain in his midsection and granting him unseen speed to roll away from ice fangs. Orakh leaped to his feet, gloved hands reached for his axe. Too late, the ice wraith charged again.

It stopped. Dumhuvud had rushed in as fast as he could. Without time even for his own weapon, the Cat-Kicker simply resorted to a vice-grip on the creature's tail. This gave Orakh time to strike at the ice wraith's neck. His axehead smashed aside pieces of ice, yet the strike was hasty and improperly aligned; the wraith head did not fall off. The impact did, however, jolt open Dumhuvud's grip. Now free, the ice-serpent bit into Orakh. Who narrowly intercepted with his gauntlet-protected arm. Orakh's right arm wedged itself inside the jaw, wrist frozen against the palate. His axe was inside as well, buried blade-up. His left arm joined in, pressing the wraith's lower jaw downward in order to prevent an arm-breaking crunch. He held for a few seconds, and as he was losing the struggle, Dumhuvud took out his own axe and split their enemy in two.

“Malacath-” Orakh's attempt at swearing was cut short by the Dunmer priest.

“Watch out, from both sides!” Was the warning. “Quickly, fire, they fear it!”

Three ice wraiths crept in from one side, while another pair entered form the opposite. It was the same time when several others had disembarked or in the process to. Hail now roared at a furious intensity. Vision was limited to an arm's reach and little more. From what Orakh and Dumhuvud could see, the monsters did not attack right away, as if they were coordinating and taunting the same time.

“Form up a perimeter!” Dumhuvud ordered the mercenaries. He stood back to back with Orakh, both with an axe in hand. Well, Orakh actually held with his weak hand, as hardly any motion came from a strong hand frozen stiff. “And one of you wankers better bring me a torch!”

“Here we go.” Orakh warned. As the mercenaries took up position, the ice wraiths initiated their attack. Five wraiths, five people, no one would get hurt if everyone did their share.

“Lucky Ashav values your life so much.” Dumhuvud remarked. “I would've fed you to these things.”

It's an older meme, but it checks out.
@POOHEAD189 Reviewing, will get back to you ASAP.

Everyone else, update for stay onboard group tomorrow.
From the first dinghy, boats launched earlier could be observed entering the flooded cave. The Thane's men went in first, followed by two more of the EEC. Wind increased tempo rapidly, flinging about thin wooden crafts like leafs. Two boats went in without accident, and one of the EEC boat even returned to its mother ship. The second EEC boat, however, was barely afloat with five heavy individuals and a stack of containers. The leading man on that boat, a Breton decked out in red-stripped metal plates, shouted obscenity at his rowers. Without surprise, his weight and discouragements played against him and his crew. As a large gust blew, every boat at sea tumbled, but the EEC boat in question capsized. Five sailors casted into frigid waters and goods joining bottom feeding fishes.

Four subordinate rowers clung to various floating objects and were immediately picked up by the returning boat. The armored man, however, was carried off-axis by a wave and paddled desperately to keep his head above water. At this point, The Courtesan's first dinghy was far closer than everyone else.

“Help!” The drowning man screamed desperately. “I don't want to-” He nearly plunked down but a rising current carried him up, giving him the time to shed his helmet and gauntlets. “Don't let me die!” He cried out while wriggling out of his sabatons. Losing several pieces helped him float, though it was clearly a fast losing battle.

“Heavy armor in a tiny canoe, what could possibly go wrong?” Farid sneered. At his foremost position, the drowning figure came within twice of his arm reach. “Ariane, drag him back with your fancy magic?” He suggested, bringing others in his dinghy to attention.

“That's not how magic works.” Ariane shook her head, apparently not disturbed in the slightest.

“Right, ropes then?” Farid glanced back and forth. “The climb kit!” He noticed. “Solveig, get the ropes out and get the poor sod in.”

Quick thinking saved life in the end. Ariane threw a feather spell to lighten the drowning man. Even so, the dinghy could only drag, not carry the EEC employee forward. As undeserving as the fool was, getting him safely inside the cave made Farid feel better. “Feeling all cool now?” Farid gloated after dragging the EEC man with the help with two others. Despite his cutting words, Farid gave out his own jacket to staff off hypothermia.

"Th-thanks." The Breton man's teeth clattered involuntarily. "I, I feel lightheaded."

"Side effect of feather spells." Ariane told him.

Interior of the cave was a lagoon paired with an equal sized platform. There were no stairs, no rope cleats or anything safety related. It was mostly torches brought from boats that provided illumination. Seven sailors stood on a narrow land strip. The lagoon stretched just over a dinghy's length, matched by width barely capable of holding three rowboats side by side. On the ground of the platform was a handful of reflective dust. For some reason, the sailors held their weapons in alarm.

“Magic anomaly.” The sole person with magic knowledge in their group explained. “This one wasn't tough, but it stings like a giant hornet.”

By the time Keegan came in, the scant few dry land were most filled up by a dozen standing people, and one shivering Breton scrunched up half-alive. “He needs heat.” Ariane told the second dinghy. “Farid will light a fire once we clear the area, but warm food, drink or spells could do him good.”

“Does hot sauce count?” S'riracha presented a compact can of what could only be his favorite condiment. “I guess not.” He retracted it when some shot him looks reserved for risque children. “Take it easy, just trying to help.” He shrugged.

“Do'Karth? Almad?” Keegan remembered there were at least two person well-versed in healing. “Can you do anything?”

When it finally comes time to move on minutes later, the way forward would be up. There laid a vertical opening of three to four stories not far ahead. Three person could squeeze up, but the only form of ascension were unstable wood rungs nailed into icy walls. These rungs could have been an improvised ladder, but its present state was not functioning at all. In fact the rungs would serve as guides at best. The natural surface were slippery rocks combined with unmelted icicles; nothing but peril.

“Ashav said you're in charge now. What are you going to do?” Having assessed the situation, Farid approached Ariane.

“Levitation? I doubt anyone here knows it.” Ariane responded. “I'm not sure,” she admitted, “bouldering isn't really my specialty.”

“Don't worry, lass, we've got it covered.” A rugged Nord sailor joined in. As he was talking, the sound of bow drawing, arrow flying, ropes unfurling and metal clinging into stone could be heard. “We've got a grappling hook up there; you just need to tie yourself in and scramble up.”

“Looks solid.” The sailor gave the rope a good tug. Something shook above and chunks of ice came down. The way up felt anything but solid. “Anyone up for the first go?”

Farid shot his hand up faster than everyone else. He volunteered, but not for himself. “How about Sagax?” A smug grin plastered to the Redguard's face.
Taking another look at that roster, based on who's where I'm fairly certain at least one person's gonna get shoved overboard by their mates.

But who though. I wonder. Hmmmm.

Poor Climb Kit, Do'Karth's gonna be heartbroken.
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