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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts


Freshly made in China.
OK, next college post's on Sunday. That post will wrap up the rescue and return to ship.

And consoles are getting mods.
heard Do’Karth not to tell her to worry

Who drugged the Fox while she's writing?


“You’re a sight for sore eyes, sister,” Sevine began affectionately, there weren’t many Nord women she knew, or liked for that matter, that she would call sister, but there was a strange fire in her heart when it came to Solveig.

Sibling z0ned.
I made post

The Courtesan went to rejoin other ships as the stranded duo was loaded and settled. Dumhuvud went to his usual perch, not bothered to scold the crew or the newcomers. Orakh, on the other hand, made small talks with Rhasha while the Khajiit tended his frostbite. It was mostly mutual distaste for the ice wraiths and worsening weather conditions. The storm outside, now undeniably a storm, was disruptive to a lot of people's moods. Wind was now howling faster than horses and the accompanying sleet could be as large as tomatoes; it was hard to see beyond several feet. The Courstesan stayed on course thanks to the other ships' lanterns and sailing with the wind. It took the around the same time coming back than going there in the fast place. There was nothing to do beside anchored, rocking and waiting for the college rescue to return.

"Thank you." R'ihanna gingerly sipped the potion and returned Rhasha's smile. Orakh also bowed his head in gratitude and excused himself to stow away his equipment. "Though I did not have the chance to pray at our lady's shrine, I did see her magnificent statue; it was truly awe-inspiring." Unwrapping her tattered cloak, the dark-furred Khajiit said.

"We are in your debt." Kattun added. "However," he rubbed his hands and drank the water the crew brought, "I heard something about the 'Kamal'. Now that I thought about it, it sounded familiar to something the Nerevarine wrote about his journey to Akavir."

"Have you encountered a Kamal? What are they?" The priest asked.

Shortly after Rhasha had chance to explain himself, Dumhuvud strolled out of his quarter and into the common area. He stopped in front of their table and snatched away R'ihanna's cup for himself. "Who did you stole this from, heh?" The Cat-Kicker leaned down and mocked. R'ihanna recoiled back in fear but Kattun stood up to Dumhuvud. "Sit down!" The priest attempted to push Dumhuvud away but only succeed in being shoved back into his seat. At that moment, a small book fell out of the priest robes.

"What is that?" Dumhuvud crooked an eyebrow.

"A Dunmeris dictionary." Kattun took the book away. "Not like it matters to people who can't read."

"Oh, I can read alright." Dumhuvud sneered and cracked his knuckles. "I've read all about your holy Oblivion types, and a lot of it ain't pretty. Try any of your voodoo crap and I'll have you overboard faster than you can scream." Walking away, Dumhuvud allowed himself a tiny smile at the newcomers' shock.

Handling Dax's bounty in Dawnstar was Jod, the housecarl to Jarl Skald. He handed a bag of gold to Dax while Skald complained about the EEC and an Imperial captain scamming desperate Argonians. Jod briefly asked if Dax was part of the group trying to break for Black Marsh and why such a journey was so precarious to lizard-folks. Skald didn't care, for all he knew, the outsiders were ruining his job of making Dawnstar great again. The refugees lived like rats, among tattered tents outside of a wall erected after the civil war. Some Argonians, such as the Pakseech was able to secure early boats or caravans out. The others were not so fortunate, and if these people didn't get to tear Windhelm apart, they certainly would like to do so to Dawnstar.

Ashav passed by the White Hall just as Dax and Jod came out. It was Ashav who first referred Dax to the bounty, and judging by the jingling pouch and absence of the bounty poster, it seemed like someone got a job well done. Ashav clasped the bounty hunter on the shoulder, congratulating him and offering a drink at the inn.

"So it's done." Ashav talked along their way. "The jarl said these lowlifes have been troubling his hold for weeks, and it was no small task destroying them for one man. You are someone who gets things done, and I could use someone like you in my company." The Redguard told Dax. "We are mercenaries, and most of us were sent to Winterhold. There isn't much to do right now, but after I get you a drink, why don't you sort out the business with the refugees and the con artist? The jarl also pays for that."
@Mortarion, shore.

@POOHEAD189, it's coming.

Edit: done. Dax can try to tackle the refugee scammer if you want something else to write about.
Shore update coming soon. College group, you are encouraged to set up redshirt mages for interaction.
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