Avatar of RolePlayerGuilt


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6 yrs ago
The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesn’t leave a shadow on the page when photocopied
9 yrs ago
40000 Americans are injured by toilets each year
9 yrs ago
A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
9 yrs ago
No one knows who invented the fire hydrant because its patent was burned in a fire
9 yrs ago
Sea otters hold hands while sleeping so they don’t drift away from each other


Most Recent Posts

@Monochromatic Rainbow, glad you like it.

The brutality of WW1 actually led to the Geneva Protocol in 1929. By today's standards, every nation could have been prosecuted for the sheer amount of gas they sent out. It's similar to how flamethrowers in WW2 led to an eventual ban in 1980 (they were used in WW1 and up to Vietnam). Point is, a crime can only be properly defined when it's been committed for the first time, and the first world war definitely shaped how we look at modern war crimes.

The post war settlements didn't even include any proper prosecutions against wartime atrocities. As far as I know, international war tribunals did not exist (as we know it today) until the end of WW2. Large events like the killings in Belgium and the Armenian Massacre got some coverage, but lesser known events like the Baralong incidents basically got free pass.

With that said, I'm trying to focus this (fictional) story on memes intrigue, action and human drama; rather than anything too political. The choice of Central Powers simply depicts an underrepresented group, one that is not fundamentally different from anybody else.

@MacabreFox, I was taught that the world wars were basically one war with a twenty-year ceasefire.

There seems to be a bit of WW1 resurgence in popular media, with films like War Horse and the new Wonder Woman, and games like Verdun and Battlefield 1.

I've read bits of your one-on-one RP with Dervs. Great stuff, by the way. You are welcome to link people or events from there to here, or vice versa.
@Roosan, anything new?
Waiting one more day for @Hank, will update Bthamz tomorrow regardless.
Dax be like

@Hank, how's it going?
@MiddleEarthRoze, does your planet still need you?
I saw the interest check and I'm interested in jumping in to fill the gap, if you're still looking?

Still looking. Pop in a sheet whenever you're ready.

Set in June, 1918, Projection tells the story of four covert agents working for the Central Powers, the "other side" not often portrayed in popular media. A shipment of experimental gas is heading towards Italy, and the Austrian intelligence have tasked our characters to find and stop it. Expect a thriller set in the 1910's, one filled with action and intrigue.

This will be a four player game, taking no more than three months to finish. I am looking one more player who can provide a low-advanced/high-casual post each week. My goal is to run a simple plotline, with some room for character development, but trimming out unnecessary details. A more extensive sequel will be developed should we finish Projection.

@Frizan, you forgot to add medicine in apprentice skills.
@Frizan, easy there, sarge.

I went through Piper's sheet again, don't you think it's better to have both shield and smithing at adept? I feel like her smithing training is more or less on par with combat. Also, knowing some alchemy makes sense because of Piper hanging around Varulae.

This is just a suggestion, and I'll respect your choice in the end.
@POOHEAD189, no problem. Best of luck with other RPs and real life. I'll ring you when there's a spot down the road.

Edit: Fox and Peik, we need one more; go conscript a family member. In the mean time, I'm gonna fish for fresh meat in the interest check section.
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